How will you measure growth? Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets)
Empathy 1.B - Staff and Student Well Being
Graves ES will provide learning opportunities for students and staff to ensure students are mentally and emotionally healthy to learn by utilizing data to respond to specific student needs.
Staff Well-Being
1. Distribute a monthly SEL Calendar for the staff to view various self-care activities they participate in which will include the use of the Wellness Room.
2. Collaboratively work with the SEL and PBIS committees to ensure the delivery of the training supports one another rather than being discussed in isolation.
Student Well-Being
1. Explore more ways to share SEL ideas with the parents which will include the new SEL learning where information can be sent home in the parents’ home language.
2. Incorporate breathing exercises and a yoga segment during SEL on Wellness Wednesdays to teach the staff and students ways to partake of various brain break activities.
3. Chronic absenteeism will need to be addressed heavily, with parents, during the 2023-2024 school year (ex. holding SARC meetings with Social Worker, educating parents about the importance of attendance, and include a message about attendance at gatherings and school issued communication).
Staff Well-Being - ESS Survey
I receive training on instruction to support social emotional learning.
Baseline SY 22-23: 83%
Target Goal SY 23-24: 86%
Students are encouraged to self-reflect and track progress toward goals.
Baseline SY 21-22: 79%
Target Goal SY 22-23: 82%
Student Well-Being - ESS Survey
I enjoy coming to this school.
Baseline SY 22-23: 45%
Target Goal SY 23-24: 55%
I feel safe at school.
Baseline SY 22-23: 50%
Target Goal SY 23-24: 60%
Reduce student chronic absenteeism rate by 10%.
Baseline EOY SY 22-23: 82 students
Target SY 22-23: 74 students
Baseline SY 22-23 -using May 2022-2023 absence report:
1-5 days: 392 students (34%)
6-10 days: 354 students (30%)
11-15 days: 189 students (16%)
16 or more days: 236 students (20%)
Target SY 23-24 – Using May 2023-2024 absence reports reducing each group of days by 10%:
1-5 days: 352 students
6-10 days: 318 students
11-15 days: 160 students
16 or more days: 212 students
Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports
Graves ES will implement a comprehensive framework to maximize student achievement to address support for academic and non-academic student needs to remove barriers to success.
Hold monthly meetings which will consist of reviewing established student outcomes that will be communicated to the MTSS team and teachers within the timeframe given.
Establishing a clear plan to select interventions that will be most effective for each student/grade level to support K-5 progress monitoring.
Train staff on how to retrieve the intervention reports which will become a part of monthly data conversations to adjust student instruction participating in the intervention process.
Seek teachers at the start of the school year to support enrichment opportunities for students excelling academically.
Increase opportunities for small group, targeted instruction which supports the effective implementation of the MTSS process and/or provide additional interventions and supports to students.
Percentage of K-5 students participating in MTSS Screening (Academic i-Ready ELA):
Baseline EOY SY 22-23: 84%
Target SY 23-24: 95%
Percentage of K-5 students participating in MTSS Screening (Academic i-Ready Math):
Baseline EOY SY 22-23: 93%
Target SY 23-24: 95%
Percentage of students participating in MTSS Screening (Wellness) - Grade levels to be determined for Pre-Post data:
Baseline EOY SY 22-23: Inconclusive data
Target SY 23-24: 95%
PBIS Implementation Status
Baseline EOY SY 22-23: Emerging
Target SY 23-24: Operational
Percentage of students reading below grade level on the Georgia Milestones:
Grade 3: Baseline SY 21-22: 53%
Target Goal SY 22-23: 48%
Grade 3: EOY 22-23: 46.4%
Grade 4: Baseline SY 21-22: 52%
Target Goal SY 22-23: 47%
Grade 4: EOY 22-23: 35.1%
Grade 5: Baseline SY 21-22: 41%
Target Goal SY 22-23: 36%
Grade 5: EOY 22-23: 46.7%
Grade 3: Baseline SY 21-22: 59% - Scoring at the Beginning Level on the Georgia Milestones.
Target Goal SY 22-23: 54%
Grade 3: EOY 22-23: 55.4%
Grade 4: Baseline SY 21-22: 43% - Scoring at the Beginning Level on the Georgia Milestones:
Target Goal SY 22-23: 38%
Grade 4: EOY 22-23: 60.1%
Grade 5: Baseline SY 21-22: 39% - Scoring at the Beginning Level on the Georgia Milestones:
Target Goal SY 22-23: 34%
Grade 5: EOY 22-23: 50%
English Learner Exit Rate
Baseline SY 21-22: 29 students
Target Goal SY 22-23: 35 students
EOY SY 22-23: 39 students
Baseline SY 23-24: 45 students
Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access
Graves ES will expand opportunities to engage and access high-quality, rigorous, and culturally relevant curriculum, advanced coursework, and enrichment activities.
Increase EIP personnel for the upcoming school year with a goal of having three staffed support teachers (K/1, 2/3, and 4/5) for the 2023-2024 SY.
Hold a meeting with gifted endorsed teachers to discuss types of activities that can occur during acceleration/enrichment time for those students.
Seek information from the community about ways to expand Early Learning classes as the school collobarates with external stakeholders.
Increase participation for identification of Gifted and Talented students:
Baseline SY 2021-22: 4% - 38 students
Target Goal: SY 22-23: 5% - 46 students
EOY 2022-2023: 6%- 70 students - 31 students qualified to participate during the 2022-23 SY
Target Goal SY 23-24: 8% - 89 students
Decrease the number of students who receive ISS or OSS referrals:
Baseline SY 2021-22: 52 incidents
Target Goal: SY 22-23: 42 incidents
EOY 22-23: 53 incidents
Target Goal SY 23-24: 42 incidents
Group Information
Baseline SY 21-22: Hispanic – 26 students
Target Goal SY 2022-23: 21 students
EOY SY 2022-2023: 33 students
Target Goal SY 23-24: 21 students
Baseline SY 22-23: Black – 8 students
Target Goal SY 22-23: 6 students
EOY 22-23: 13 students
Target Goal SY 23-24: 6 students
Baseline SY 22-23: Special Ed – 8 students
Target Goal SY 22-23: 6 students
EOY 22-2023: 7 students
Target Goal SY 23-24: 6 students
Effectiveness 3.A - Results-Based Evaluation System
Graves ES will determine the standards for student success by redefining the inputs, behaviors, and outcomes by using the RBES system to support student growth and student improvement.
Progress monitoring will consist of all staff members rather than by the MTSS Coordinator to achieve a reasonable expectations.
Enrichment and remediation interventions and/or programs will need to be determined based on the initial screener data.
Alignment of professional learning with the LSPI goals will be utilized to track student progress.
Brainstorm ways to celebrate student growth with the staff.
Participate in meaningful Data Talks throughout the school year using reliable and resourceful dat to make instructional adjustments.
ESOL professional learning will include some of the lowest domains to provide training to the staff which will include the four KLUs (inform, explain, narrate, and argue).
i-Ready ELA EOY 22-23 Domains (Highest Progress)
Phonological Awareness, High Frequency Words, and Phonics
i-Ready ELA EOY 22-23 Domains (Lowest Progress)
Comprehension (Literature and Informational Text) and Vocabulary
Overall EOY 22-23 K-5 ELA current percentages and Targets for 23-24:
Baseline: K Mastery: 43% of students/Target 23-24: 46%
Baseline: 1st Mastery: 29% of students/Target 23-24: 34%
Baseline: 2nd Mastery: 29% of students/Target 23-24: 34%
Baseline: 3rd Mastery: 39% of students/Target 23-24: 42%
Baseline 4th Mastery: 21% of students/Target 23-24: 26%
Baseline 5th Mastery: 20% of students/Targets for 23-24: 30%
EOY 22-23 Baseline ELA K-5 Data and Targets for 23-24 - reduction of each level by 10%
Mid or Above Grade Level: 174 students/157 students
Early on Grade Level: 135 students/121 students
One Grade Level Below: 363 students/327 students
Two Grade Levels Below: 155 students/140 students
Three or more Grade Levels Below: 177 students/159 students
i-Ready Math EOY 22-23 Domains (Highest Progress)
Number and Operations and Algebra and Algebraic Thinking
i-Ready Math EOY 22-23 Domains (Lowest Progress)
Geometry and Measurement and Data
Overall K-5 EOY 22-23 Math current percentages and Targets for 23-24
Baseline K Mastery: 37% of students/42%
Baseline 1st Mastery: 38% of students/43%
Baseline 2nd Mastery: 30% of students/38%
Baseline 3rd Mastery: 34% of students/40%
Baseline 4th Mastery: 28% of students/33%
Baseline 5th Mastery: 26% of students/32%
EOY 22-23 Baseline K-5 Math Data and Targets for 23-24 - reduction of each level by 10%
Mid or Above Grade Level: 165 students/148 students
Early on Grade Level: 149 students/134 students
One Grade Level Below: 415 students/373 students
Two Grade Levels Below: 124 students/112 students
Three or more Grade Levels Below: 127 students/114 students
ESS Staff Survey
Our staff believes that all students can meet state standards (ESS Staff Survey):
Baseline SY 2021-22: 56%
Target Goal SY 22-23: 59%
EOY 2022-23 data: 69%
Target Goal SY 23-24: 72%
My colleagues welcome new ideas and change (ESS Staff Survey):
Baseline SY 2021-22: 27%
Target Goal SY 22-23: 30%
EOY 2022-23 data: 71%
Target Goal SY 23-24: 74%
Excellence 4.C - World-Class Communication and Engagement
Graves ES will prioritize increasing communication skills and community engagement, for all stakeholders, to ensure equitable access to the services provided at the local school and at the district level.
Change the structure of Back to School Night (ex. Curriculum Night) to include more informative academic and non-academic interactive sessions provided separately in English and in Spanish.
Continue with scheduling parent Town Hall meetings via ZOOM three times a year.
Send out parent newsletters three times a year.
Discuss ways parents can use Mustang bucks with the PBIS Team.
Increase participation of the Local School Council which will include a message to parents prior to Back to School Night in August to recruit committed members.
Prepare action items for students for the Student Advisory Council to gather student feedback on various topics impacting student actions and/or student performance at Graves Elementary.
ESS Parent Survey
Increase number of families participating in the ESS survey:
Baseline SY 2021-22: 80 families
Target Goal SY 2022-23: 100 families
EOY 2022-23 data: 83 families
Target Goal SY 23-24: 100 families
Student placement in advanced classes is not influenced by race, gender, or socioeconomic levels (ESS survey):
Baseline SY 2021-22: 73%
Target Goal SY 2022-23: 76%
EOY 2022-23 data: 75%
Target Goal SY 23-24: 78%
Family Engagement/Building Parent Capacity -
We will build our parents' capacity to support their children's academic achievement by implementing the activities identified in The Plan/The Promise.
1. Strategically plan school events and learning sessions by offering ways parents will be able to work with their students at home.
2. Use bilingual speakers to facilitate Spanish meetings and English speakers for English meetings to ensure parents feel comfortable as they listen and learn.
3. Offer relevant and timely Family Engagement professional learning sessions for parents to support the students' academic needs to include workshops for ELA, Math, Study Skiils, Social Emotional Learning, and Attendance.
4. Increase parent-teacher communication by teachers offering a bi-weekly newsletter about the happenings and learning taking place in their classrooms.
ESS Parent Survey
I am encouraged to collaborate with my student's teachers about my student's learning.
Baseline SY 22-23: 86%
Target SY 23-24: 87%
Parent organizations at this school actively encourages all families to participate.
Baseline SY 22-23: 84%
Target SY 23-24: 85%
This school tells me how I can help my student with homework.
Baseline SY 22-23: 85%
Target SY 23-24: 86%
My student is challenged with a rigorous course of study at this school.