2023 - 2024 Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI)
School: NORCROSS HIGH           Principal: Will Bishop
District Strategic Priorities/Goals
Action Steps (Implementation Design)
How will you measure growth? Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets)
Empathy 1.B - Staff and Student Well Being
Staff and student wellbeing is key to the growth and success of our students. Last historical ESS data revealed there is room for growth in students’ enjoyment of school and instructional growth for teachers. We know that attendance is critical to student success and we need to reduce the number of students who are chronically absent.
Implement SEL & PBIS lessons throughout the school year.
Effective communication with students and families who have attendance struggles.
Implement interventions for students who have attendance struggles.
Administrative team will ensure we are supporting staff through instructional conversations and staff development.
Student Wellbeing: Student Survey Percent of students responding positively to the following student wellbeing EES Student Survey Item: I enjoy coming to this school.
historical 21-22: 37% positive responses
baseline 22-23: 41% positive responses
target 23-24: 44% positive responses
Student Wellbeing: Chronic Absenteeism Percent of students chronically absent
historical 21-22: 26%
baseline 22-23: 29%
target 23-24: 24%
Staff Support: Staff Survey Percent of teachers responding positively to the following staff wellbeing EES Staff Survey Item: Support from my principal/supervisor leads to progress on instructional improvement (or professional growth).
MTSS will support our work in ensuring each and every student receives the support they need to be successful.
Increase the effectiveness of our MTSS team to better identify needs and coordinate intervention work across campus.
Increase the effectiveness of our flex/intervention periods to address gaps in learning.
Support students through lower class sizes by hiring additional teachers and additional provide intervention support by increasing staffing (counselors, MTSS, etc.).
Student Improvement: Percent Beginning of Milestones Percent of all Milestones tests in which students scored at Beginning level
American Literature
baseline 22-23: 34%
target 23-24: 29%
Alg I
baseline 22-23: 49%
target 23-24: 41%
baseline 22-23: 38%
target 23-24: 32%
US History
baseline 22-23: 41%
target 23-24: 34%
Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access
Expanding the IB Diploma Program will allow additional students access to take part in advanced coursework.
Continue to develop our PBIS team and begin implementation of PBIS.
Increase the usage of non exclusionary behavior interventions to support positive changes in student behavior when appropriate. This will result in a decrease in the usage of exclusionary behavior interventions and therefor increase the amount of time students are in class.
Introduce and familiarize ninth and tenth grade students about the IB Diploma Program through events, meetings, and effective communication of the benefits of the program.
Exclusionary Discipline: Amount of ISS and OSS assigned to students
baseline 22-23: 38.5% of discipline consequences include ISS
target 23-24: 35.0% of discipline consequences include ISS
baseline 22-23: 27.93% of discipline consequences include OSS
target 23-24: 25.14% of discipline consequences include OSS
Increase participation in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program
Students enrolled in IB Diploma Program coursework
historical: class of 2024 IB DP enrolled students - 125
baseline: class of 2025 IB DP enrolled students - 149
target: class of 2026 IB DP enrolled students - 160
Students enrollment who are candidates for the IB Diploma
historical: class of 2024 IB DP candidates - 27
baseline: class of 2025 IB DP candidates - 35
target: class of 2026 IB DP candidates - 39
Effectiveness 3.A - Results-Based Evaluation System
Students are most prepared for life after high school when they have a quality education that allows them the maximum choices in college, careers and other post-secondary choices. One measure of student learning is the GCPS Benchmark Assessments and implementing effective interventions to ensure students receive the support they need to be successful.
Implement formative assessments to monitor student learning (concept checks, tickets out the door, CFA’s, whiteboards, etc.).
Implement responsive teaching based on the formative assessment data.
Implement and utilize flex/intervention periods to address gaps in learning.
Implement Saturday Success sessions to address gaps in learning.
Improvement Progress: District Assessments Close the gap between NHS mean scores on fall semester interim district assessments and the GCPS mean score on the final district assessment for the school year.
Staff Support: Staff Survey Percent of teachers responding positively to the following staff EES Staff Survey Item: We monitor the effectiveness of instructional interventions.
baseline 22-23: 61% positive responses
target 22-23: 65% positive responses
Excellence 4.A - Preferred Education Destination
The goal for each student when they begin high school is to graduate. At NHS we continue to work to support students in their learning and recover credit if they are unsuccessful in their coursework.
Implement Credit Recovery throughout the school year.
Identify, register and support identified students in attending summer school (including transportation).
Relevance of Learning: Teachers intentionally make connections between student learning goals to the outside world.
4-year Graduation Rate Percent of 9th grade class that graduates in 4 years.
baseline 22-23: 80.0% (estimated)
target 23-24: 82.0%
Student Satisfaction: Student Survey Percent of students responding positively to the following student satisfaction EES Student Survey items:
Work I do in this school is useful and interesting to me
historical: 21-22: 36% positive responses
baseline 22-23: 45% positive responses
target 23-24: 51% positive responses
This school is doing a good job of preparing me to succeed in my life:
historical 21-22: 44% positive responses
baseline 22-23: 53% positive responses
target 23-24: 58% positive responses
Family Engagement/Building Parent Capacity -
We will build our parents' capacity to support their children's academic achievement by implementing the activities identified in The Plan/The Promise.
In support of reducing the chronic absentee rate at NHS and in an effort to build parent capacity, we will provide opportunities for parent participation through activities that support student learning and success including program decision making. Potential meetings include: Attendance Workshop, helping parents access student grades and attendance through the Parent Portal, Parent Center office hours to provide parents with individual attendance support, monitoring student progress.
Students identified as having needs that will be supported by MTSS will receive communication via email, phone, conferences, etc.to collaborate in supporting their student.
In support of decreasing the exclusionary consequences for students and in an effort tubulin parent capacity, we will partner and communicate with families via email, phone calls, conferences, etc. to collaborate and support students in their growth.
In support of increasing the graduation rate at NHS and in an effort to build parent capacity, we will provide opportunities for parent participation through activities that support student learning and success including program decision making. Potential meetings include: Title I Planning Meeting, helping parents access student grades and attendance through the Parent Portal, Parent Center office hours to provide parents with individual advisement meetings, monitoring student progress, rising 9th grade workshop, Supporting ELL's in the Classroom workshop, and Four Year Plan workshop. Additionally, training will be provided twice each semester to build the capacity of the staff.