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Accountability and flexibility are hallmarks of Gwinnett County Public Schools' success. Key to that success is ensuring that each school community understands the progress being made by its schools, as well as what plans will drive improvement. Each school creates a collaborative Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI) to increase student achievement results, with targeted goals based on the four strategic priorities within the district’s Blueprint for the Future: Empathy, Equity, Effectiveness, and Excellence. All schools across the district will focus on goals 2A- Multi-tiered Systems of Support and 2B- Opportunity and Access. Additionally, schools are required to select one goal from each of the other strategic priorities. LSPI goals are dynamic, like our schools, and are updated to reflect changes that occur in schools. Multiple data points are used to determine areas needing improvement and to identify specific, measurable, annual objectives. Schools then determine how to use research-based strategies to achieve these goals, using flexibility as needed. The LSPI development process involves teachers, parents, students, and community members, so the entire school community has the opportunity to be involved in conversations about school improvement.


2023 - 2024 Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI)

School: DULUTH MIDDLE SCHOOL           Principal: Cindy Kinchen

District Strategic Priorities/Goals Rationale Action Steps
(Implementation Design)
How will you measure growth?
Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets)
Empathy 1.B - Staff and Student Well Being

The wellbeing of our students and staff has a direct impact on their success at school and at work.  Staff who are exhausted and overextended become frustrated and cynical, while students whose emotional needs are neglected can become disengaged and unmotivated.  Bringing out the best, most productive versions of our students and staff requires connection, celebration, and the permission to slow down and care for one another and ourselves. 

  1. Allow students on the PBIS committee to plan quarterly events and develop a varied and exciting menu of activities/items to buy with PawPoints.
  2. Use PawPoints to incentivize good attendance.
  3. Call students after any 2-day absence.
  4. Engage students on the Advisement/SEL committees and use Character Strong in Advisement and during regular instruction.
  5. Faculty fellowship to foster supportive relationships with coworkers.
  6. Adult SEL.
  7. Staff/student events and incentives sponsored by Admin and PTA.

Student Survey
Baseline:  22-23  46% responded positively to the question "I enjoy coming to this school."
Target:     23-24   55% will respond positively to the question "I enjoy coming to this school."

Chronic Absenteeism
Baseline:  22-23   11.3%
Target:     23-24    7%

Staff Survey
Baseline:  22-23  87% of responses were positive
Target:     23-24  90% of responses will be positive

PBIS Paw Points Usage
Target:  23-24    85% of staff regularly issuing PawPoints

Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports

There must be a standardized and organized process in place for teachers to identify student needs, deliver interventions, and track progress of said interventions, to ensure that each and every child receives the services needed to be successful. 

  1. Meet monthly with the MTSS team: Admin, Counselors, MTSS Coordinator
  2. Use monthly PBIS lessons and daily PBIS structure to teach and reinforce appropriate behaviors and increase use of restorative practices.
  3. Leverage small groups and Wildcat Pride to provide differentiated response to student performance.
  4. Leverage district assessment data, through data talks and data dive protocols, to gauge progress of our goal to reduce beginning percentages across student groups.
  5. Use PawPoints to incentivize persistence and effort in Wildcat Pride.
  6. ELL Think Tank to meet monthly to refine instructional practices for EL and develop supports for content area EL teachers.
  7. Monthly tracking of student grades to include student self-reflection and mini-conferences with teachers. 

Student Mastery/Grades
Target:  23-24  90% of students passing 5 out of 6 classes 1st semester and 2nd semester

EES Survey
Target:  23-24  50% of students will respond positively to the question "I get along with my classmates."

Universal Screener - iReady performance
Target: 23-24  40% of students in Tier 1 in Fall Administration, 50% of students in Tier 1 in Winter Administration

District Assessments
Target: 23-24 50% of our students will fall in the P/D range across subjects and grades

Target: For each subgroup, there will be an 8% increase in the number of students scoring P/D range.

Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access

Students are the most important members of the DMS community.  They must have access to opportunities and experiences that will provide them challenge, excitement, and create a sense of belonging.

  1. Create new clubs based on student request and connect to the high school.
  2. Educate ELs alongside their English-speaking peers.
  3. Establish a student leadership program.
  4. Establish a Student Advisory Council.
  5. Offer Junior Leadership Corps as a year-long Connections class.
  6. Offer Teaching as a Profession as a Carnegie Unit-earning year-long course.
  7. Create a drone team.
  8. Create two Robotics classes in Wildcat Pride.

Gifted and Talented Representation
Baseline: 22-23  14% 
Target:     23-24  16%

EL Progress Towards Language Proficiency
Baseline:  22-23  38% made positive progress on ACCESS
Target:   23-24    50% will make positive progress on ACCESS

Student Enrollment in Specialty Courses
Target:  23-24   50 students enrolled in Teaching as a Profession and JLC

Student Enrollment in Robotics
Target:  90 students enrolled in Robotics

Student Enrollment in Student Leadership Program
Target:  23-24 30 students participating in student leadership

Student Enrollment Principal's Advisory Council
Target:  23-24  48 students on Principal's Advisory Council (1 per HR)

Student Survey
Target: 23-24 90% of students will respond that they participate in activities at school from a "few times a year" to a "few times a week."

Effectiveness 3.B - Talent Management

Ensuring good student outcomes begins with hiring, supporting, and retaining vibrant and engaged staff who lay down roots and invest in DMS for years.

  1. Engage the C&I Office in monthly meetings with our Instructional Leadership Team with the goal of increasing CLT productivity.
  2. Establish an Instructional Leadership Team Academy to include the Admin team and 4 veteran teacher leaders and led by the Staff Development Office with the objective of building teacher leader capacity.
  3. Provide teachers appropriate physical space and furniture to conduct small groups.
  4. Schedule regular peer observations, allowing teachers to visit colleagues in their own grade levels, and providing time for discussion/feedback.
  5. Train teachers on the use of instructional technology for purposes of remediation and enrichment.

Staff Survey
Baseline:  22-23 80% of teachers responded positively to the question "Peer observation/coaching is a tool we use to improve instruction."
Target:  23-24  90% of teachers will respond positively to the question "Peer observation/coaching is a tool we use to improve instruction."

Staff Survey
Baseline:  22-23 92% of teachers responded positively to the question "Our teachers engage in PD to learn new skills and strategies."
Target:  23-24   95% of teachers will respond positively to the question "Our teachers engage in the PD to learn new skills and strategies."

Staff Survey
Baseline:  22-23  84% of teachers responded positively to the question "Our teachers engage in classroom based PD activities."
Target:  23-24   90% of teachers will respond positively to the question "Our teachers engage in classroom based PD activities."

Peer Observations:
Baseline:  22-23 267 peer observations conducted
Target: 23-24  330 peer observations conducted

CLT Self-Assessment
Target:  23-24  Each team rates themselves a 75 or higher on the CLT self-assessment

Excellence 4.A - Preferred Education Destination

Schools belong to the community and should be places where students not only come to be educated but also connected to something bigger than themselves.  This community feel should extend to the families and business partners who support the school's mission.  DMS should be where parents want to send their kids and where committed and engaged staff want to work. 

  1. Offer free English classes to our parents as well as our "new to the country" students after school and in the evenings.
  2. Develop a comprehensive intake process for any family new to the state/country to include orientation sessions for both students and families.
  3. Leverage community partners to provide supervision and mentorship at weekend "open school" activities.
  4. Offer a Play 2 Learn Early Learning program at DMS to take place 1x week. 
  5. Hold regular "Coffee Talks" with the principal on weekends/evenings, and to include topics specific to different stakeholder groups. (i.e. "Charlas" for our Hispanic families.)

Student Survey
Baseline:  22-23  48% of student responded positively to the question "My child is challenged."
Target:  23-24  55% of students will respond positively to the question "Work I do at this school is useful and interesting."

Family Participation in the Family Survey
Baseline:  22-23  148 families participated
Target:  23-24  600 families will participate

Family Survey
Baseline:  22-23 87% of families responded positively to the question "The school is doing  a good job of preparing my student for a successful future."
Target:  23-24  90% of families will respond positively to the question "The school is doing a good job of preparing my student for a successful future."

Family Engagement/Building Parent Capacity -

We will build our parents' capacity to support their children's academic achievement by implementing the activities identified in The Plan/The Promise.

  1. Parent Engagement Center will host regular parent meetings, food drives, cultural events, festivals, and curriculum nights throughout the year.
  2. Use Parent Square to communicate frequently with families in the language spoken at their home.
  3. Offer free English classes to our families.
  4. Parent Engagement Center will welcome new families with a comprehensive and detailed orientation to include available community resources, wraparound services, and academic resources to support their students. 

Family Survey
Baseline: 22-23  84% of parents responded positively to the question "I am given opportunities to discuss my student's progress at school."
Target:  23-24  90% of parents will respond positively to the question "I am given opportunities to discuss my student's progress at school."

Attendance at Title I Events
Target:  23-24  25% of families will attend at least 1 Title I event 

Family Survey
Baseline: 22-23 93% of parents responded positively to the question "The school has a welcoming environment."
Target:  23-24  100% of parents will respond positively to the question "The school has a welcoming environment."