How will you measure growth? Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets)
Empathy 1.A - Cultural Competence
Lilburn Middle School is a diverse school where stakeholders represent a variety of languages, cultures, and ethnicities. Staff require cultural competence to effectively interact with stakeholders. Lilburn staff will engage in professional learning that helps to improve their ability to navigate interactions with others and provide effective instruction.
Student Survey Response Action Steps
Participate in professional development session related to cultural "cornerstones" of our stakeholders/community.
Engage in a school community engagement event at least once per semester.
Analyze survey data related to culture to determine how we're doing.
Ensure that school resources (in each content area) effectively represent the students we serve.
Ensure that there is representation of our students (visually/aesthetically) throughout the building.
EES Student Survey Item:
"I am comfortable interacting with people of a different ethnic backgrounds."
Baseline: 86%
Target: 90%
Empathy 1.B - Staff and Student Well Being
We believe that the wellbeing of our students and staff have a direct correlation to student success. Providing an environment that is conducive to the social and emotional wellbeing of teachers, support staff, and students will result in increased student achievement.
Student and Staff Survey Action Steps
Use survey information to develop the Advisement program. Include activities that support students’ needs.
Invite students to participate on the SEL Leadership Team. Include student feedback on the quality of the Advisement lessons.
The LMS PBIS Team will plan engaging student activities to teach and/or reward student behavior.
Invite Student Council/Advisory Board Students to participate on the PBIS Leadership Team in order to obtain student input.
Review responses on the staff survey to provide feedback on school practices, engagement activities, and wellness.
Attendance Counselor will provide a school-wide attendance plan, provide parent communication (by mail, email, and telephone), monitor weekly and monthly attendance reports, and rewards for students who come to school regularly.
Provide quarterly opportunities for staff to engage in staff wellness activities.
Student Survey items (weighted average)
LMS will Increase the percent of students responding positively to the following student wellbeing EES
(1) I feel safe at this school
(2) I enjoy coming to this school
(3) I am hopeful about my future
(4) I can calm myself down when I am excited or upset
Staff Survey
Increase the percent of staff responding positively to the following staff support EES Staff Survey items (weighted average):
(1) When there is a problem in my school, we talk about how to solve it
(2) My principal/administrator cares about me as a person
(3) My principal facilitates systems/processes to support school improvement
4) Support from my principal/supervisor leads to progress on instructional
improvement (or professional growth)
Chronic Student Absenteeism
Decrease the percent of the identified students who are chronically absent during the 2023-24 SY (as identified by 15 or more days absent 2022-23 SY).
BASELINE: 168 targeted students
TARGET: 125 targeted students continued with chronic attendance issues (25% reduction)
Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports
At Lilburn Middle School, students have diverse learning needs which have contributed to student academic performance. Students can achieve at higher levels with a comprehensive system of safety nets to address academic and behavioral needs. The need for a responsive framework to fully operationalize a multi-tiered system of supports to address academic and non-academic student needs and remove barriers to success is a school-wide focus this school year.
MTSS Academic Action Steps
All staff teachers will be trained to deliver the iREADY screener and to review the data.
School-wide screener and make-up dates will be scheduled.
Use the academic screener data to determine what student supports each student needs and regularly review the academic interventions to make sure that they are effective.
MTSS Wellness Screener Action Steps
All staff teachers will be trained to deliver the Wellness screener and to review the data. .
School-wide screener and make-up dates will be scheduled.
Use the Wellness screener data to determine what student supports each student needs and regularly review the interventions to make sure that they are effective.
Multi-Tiered System of Supports
Ensure that LMS constructs and facilitates a consistently implemented Multi-Tiered System of Supports to address SEL and academic needs of all students.
ESOL Exit Action Steps
LMS will create a family friendly school environment by hosting quarterly parent/ family engagement activities, providing translation services during events, and raising awareness about ACCESS testing.
LMS will host an assembly with students to familiarize them with the ACCESS testing format and uses. LMS will provide assessment tips and strategies that students can use during ACCESS testing. LMS will provide rewards for students based on participation and progress on the ACCESS test.
Students will receive support through their Connections classes and their scheduled Language Development classes. Students will utilize the program Imagine Learning in both settings.
Students who are near proficiency will receive additional support to move their progress to proficiency and beyond. This support will take place during the Extended Learning Time.
Selected LMS teachers will participate in a district training to increase their knowledge and usage of the updated WIDA Speaking and Writing standards and rubric. (The WIDA Speaking and Writing Interpretive Rubrics are scales that help educators understand what students' speaking and writing sounds and looks like at various levels of English language proficiency).
LMS will increase the number of ESOL certified teachers by May 2024.
LMS will provide school-wide professional learning to focus on supporting English Learners each semester. LMS ESOL leaders will place resources for instructional use on the school eCLASS page.
LMS will ensure that Long Term English Learners (LTELs) are provided appropriate academic support and that students are reclassified when they are eligible.
PBIS Distinguished Action Steps
Continued actions that sustained the Operational status of PBIS.
Partner with the LMS Advisement team to teach core behavioral competencies.
Reinstate the Check-in/ Check-out program.
Continue the mentoring program for African American males(SEED).
Reinstate the mentoring program for Hispanic males (local school mentoring program).
All homeroom teachers will engage with students in classroom morning meetings (Champion Circles) each school day.
Counselors will continue to offer individual and small group counseling opportunities for students.
Restorative practices will become part of the disciplinary process.
Student surveys will be used to inform school leadership of student input and wellness.
Student incentives will be offered for positive student behavior and discipline data will be reviewed at each faculty meeting.
The PBIS coaches will complete all of the required components for Lilburn to maintain compliance with being a PBIS school.
MTSS Academic 95% of enrolled students will participate in universal screening for MA and ELA using the iREADY screener within the screening window.
MTSS Well Being 95% of enrolled students will participate in universal screening for wellbeing using the wellness screener within the screening window.
By May 2024, LMS will move from a 3 to a 5 on the MTSS AIR Rubric on Section 4: MTSS Multi-level Prevention System Fidelity Rubric and Section 5: MTSS School Infrastructure and Support Mechanisms
EL Exit Rate Increase the number of students who attain English proficiency based on the GADOE’s statewide standardized EL exit procedures. Results are expected by late Spring 2024.
BASELINE: 6% TARGET: 8% Measure: ACCESS 2.0
PBIS Distinguished Lilburn will maintain its status as an Operational PBIS school while progressing toward Distinguished status as measured by the completion of 4 new items within the Distinguished category on the rating scale.
BASELINE: Operational Status TARGET: Maintain Operational Status and Continue to Progress towards Distinguished Measure: PBIS Rating Rubric
Lilburn Students Will Demonstrate a Reduction in the Number of Discipline Referrals Earned This School Year:
BASELINE: 1373 Total 2022-2023
TARGET: 1029 by May 2023-24
Teachers will distribute Positive Referrals to students at a more frequent rate.
BASELINE: 300+ Positive Referrals were given out by teachers during the 2022-23 school year
TARGET: 200 per grade level (200- 6th, 200- 7th, and 200 8th)
Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access
To ensure equity and access, we will Increase opportunities and pathways for all students to access advanced placement courses and enrichment opportunities.
District designated scores for identification of Gifted & Talented students to be used.
Parent and teacher recommendations will be considered during the screening process.
The use of a portfolio system that allows students to demonstrate their abilities in other ways will be used.
Specific consideration of students in the EL program (portfolio, teacher observations) will be made.
Discipline Disproportionality Action Steps:
LMS leaders will host Title I funded parent workshops that address both supportive community and academic press.
LMS will offer teachers classroom management strategies to help in reducing disruptions to learning.
Workshops to provide additional resources to address student behaviors will be offered to all families.
Classroom management and school-wide behavior management plans will be progressive and restorative practices will be incorporated into behavior management plans.
Conduct Empathy Interviews with selected students (3+ major referrals 2021-22 SY or 2022-23 SY).
LMS will encourage all students to join a school club/activity. Extra curricular opportunities will be provided both outside of the school day and during school.
Principal to host monthly parent workshops (Informed with Irish) and Local School Council meetings with community stakeholders. Discipline to be addressed at these meetings.
Principal will present expectations to students regularly (via announcements, presentations, meetings, etc.). Grade level admin will consistently reinforce the expectations through multiple modes and consistent presence.
PBIS Program Implementation.
The Data Team and Behavior Team will examine ways to reduce discipline disruptions using positive incentives, proactive interventions, restorative practices, targeted lessons and videos.
The PBIS program coaches will work to implement all program assessments and adhere to the guidelines for implementing PBIS.
Gifted & Talented Representation & Participation Decrease the number of student racial/ethnic groups underrepresented in gifted & talented programs. BASELINE- 2 GOAL- 1
LMS Gifted program leaders will increase the Gifted Program participation rates. BASELINE: 2022 - 145 (8%) 2023 - 181 (10%)
TARGET: 11% by May 2024
2023 Ethnic Representation: The ethnic representation of gifted students will increase within each underrepresented student subgroup.
BASELINE: Asian(6%); Black(4%); Hispanic(43%). Note: 17/40 or 43% of the qualified students were Hispanic.
TARGET: Black(6%); Hispanic (45%).
Discipline Disproportionality Decrease the number of exclusionary incidents (ISS and OSS).
Effectiveness 3.A - Results-Based Evaluation System
At Lilburn Middle School, we strive to maintain high levels of performance, as is the legacy of GCPS, while serving the specific and unique needs of students at Lilburn MS. We are specifically focused on building collective efficacy within our school in order to create the expected impact so that our students may benefit from the targeted actions that we employ at our school. We strive to build effective practices that will sustain teacher retention, promote student academic and social emotional growth, and engage our families in lasting partnerships.
Academic Press Action Steps
LMS will regularly update and monitor the progress of the school’s Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI), including monitoring for gaps in implementation.
School leaders will utilize weekly Collaborative Learning Team meetings to plan for the implementation of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and instructional improvement.
LMS leaders and teachers will monitor instruction by completing paired and informal walkthroughs. Administrators will complete a minimum of 10 per week and teachers will complete one Mustang Round per month.
LMS Content Leaders will facilitate practices that support instructional alignment across classes.
LMS Leaders will promote efforts to continue to increase the collective efficacy amongst teachers.
LMS staff will oversee the Collaborative Learning Team process during each weekly instructional planning meeting. Teachers will plan for personalized student support during these meetings.
LMS staff will discuss student data following each assessment and will review student work regularly.
LMS students will engage in goal setting activities each month.
LMS leaders will communicate student and school performance data to stakeholders and solicit input for school improvement from teachers, students, parents, and community.
iReady Performance Goals
By May 2024, 55% of LMS students will attain Tier 1 performance in the areas of Reading Comprehension (Informational Text and Literature) and Vocabulary as measured by the iReady screener.
By May 2024, 50% of LMS students will attain Tier 1 performance in the areas of Algebra and Algebraic Thinking and 55% will attain Tier I performance in the area of Numbers and Operations as measured by the iReady screener.
LMS iReady data will reflect a reduction in the percentage of students performing at the Tier III level and an increase in the Tier II and Tier I performance levels in Reading/ELA and Math.
BASELINE: TBD Administration for this cohort is scheduled for August 2023
Sub Test
Tier I
Tier II
Tier III (At Risk)
19% (303)
15% (241
57% (1015)
14% (227)
29% (452)
57% (895)
TARGET (Spring 2024):
Sub Test
Tier I
Tier II
Tier III
Milestones Performance Goals
By Spring 2024, LMS students will demonstrate growth in the percentage of students performing at or above grade level on the Milestones Reading subtest as follows:
By Spring 2024, LMS students will demonstrate growth in the percentage of students performing at or above grade level on the Milestones Math subtest as follows:
Alg I
By Spring 2024, LMS students will demonstrate growth in the percentage of students performing at or above grade level on the HS Physical Science Milestones subtest as follows:
By Spring 2024, LMS students will demonstrate growth in the percentage of students performing at or above grade level on the 8th Grade Social Studies Milestones subtest as follows:
District Assessment Performance
Each semester, LMS students who participate in a Non-Milestones tested course will attain a positive diff score between Interim to Final by an average of 30 percentage points.
Social Studies
Excellence 4.A - Preferred Education Destination
At Lilburn Middle School, excellence is not optional. The students that we serve deserve a school community that is focused on excellence. This is the way that we believe we will accomplish the District’s Vision and Mission and become a World-Class school. This will contribute to the development of a World-Class district. Lilburn is situated within a dynamic community and we want community residents to see our school as the preferred destination for students. We want Lilburn to be a contributing asset to the Lilburn community by creating unique opportunities and excellent educational experiences for the students we serve.
Employee, Student, and Family Satisfaction Action Steps
Through establishing collective efficacy, leaders at Lilburn Middle School will cultivate a climate of high quality instruction, a positive culture, a student-centered focus, and a commitment to the success of each and every child.
Through monitoring instruction, LMS leaders and teacher-leaders will reduce variability in instructional practices that may occur across classes.
LMS leaders will ensure that students have access to the arts, athletics, extra curriculars, and Science Technology Engineering, and Math programs.
Develop standards for customer service support and communicate to clerical, admin, teachers, and support staff. Create a world-class customer service experience for our stakeholders (Disney experience); solicit regular feedback from stakeholders about the experience through surveys and Empathy interviews.
Conduct town hall discussion (empathy interviews) with parent group, and staff in the target group (0-5 years) to determine opportunities for improvement.
Communicate to internal and external stakeholders Lilburn’s goal to become a preferred destination.
Ensure that there is community and school partnership by establishing student leadership and community service opportunities.
Leverage GCPS public relations resources to tell a great story about LMS.
Provide incentives for staff and reward expected behaviors.
Recruit, train, and retain teachers through an inclusive and tiered hiring process, training procedure, and new teacher mentoring program.
Continue to ensure that there are teacher leader opportunities
Invite families to engage in activities related to academic press and supportive community (Hispanic heritage, LMS family soccer match, International Night).
Staff Retention
By May 2024, the percentage of staff retained at LMS will increase.
BASELINE: Retention Data: 84% retained (May 2023)
TARGET: 86% Retained
Staff Perception/Survey Goal
The percentage of staff who respond positively to the EES Staff Survey will increase as measured by survey item: "My principal/administrator cares about me as a staff."