2023 - 2024 Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI)
School: NORTH METRO ACAD OF PERFORM ART           Principal: Monique Lee
District Strategic Priorities/Goals
Action Steps (Implementation Design)
How will you measure growth? Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets)
Empathy 1.B - Staff and Student Well Being
NMAPA is committed to a positive school environment in which we support student and staff wellbeing. We believe in creating a positive learning environment for our students; where all students feel safe and that they belong, and can be fully engaged in the learning activities. We also believe that it is imperative to provide teachers and staff with the support to create a positive learning environment and ensure their well-being by prioritizing physical and mental health.
Provide Professional Learning Opportunities for teachers, counselors, and behavior interventionist to increase the fidelity of the implementation of morning meetings, SEL, PBIS, and Restorative Practices lessons and practices.
All faculty members will be trained on Tier 1 Restorative Practices to implement and better support student engagement and needs.
Continued incorporation of tier 1 and tier 2 supports of student support through PBIS and Restorative Practices.
Maintaining an added Wellness area and events for staff to provide collaboration, engagement, and wellness support throughout the school year.
Each classroom will identify and implement strategies and/or space to support student wellness and self-management.
Maintain and refine school clubs and extra curricular activities that create a sense of belonging & community building and engagement.
Continue publishing a weekly staff newsletter (NMAPA Playbook) providing just in-time updates, staff/student celebrations, and highlights of exemplary teaching & learning
Growth of Targets will be measured by the following:
Student responses on EES survey - 5% increase on scores as compared to last year 2022-2023
Staff responses on EES survey - 5% increase on scores as compared to last year 2022-2023
Georgia Wellness Survey - 5% increase on scores as compared to last year 2022-2023
The increase of student participation in monthly celebrations and PBIS acknowledgement system
The effectiveness of morning meetings, SEL lessons, and PBIS lessons
Feedback from quarterly staff surveys, CLT team time, and staff collaboration time
Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports
NMAPA believes that it is essential to support all students. NMAPA will correctly identify students' needs and provide them with the necessary skills that they are successful in their academic and non-academic classes by removing all barriers to success. NMAPA believes in providing teachers with the time to participate in professional learning opportunities to support the implementation of tiered supports.
Functioning MTSS team to lead professional learning and support for teachers
Functioning MTSS team to examine data and facilitate effective implementation of MTSS
Administration will facilitate collaborative planning for teachers to work with district specialists and coaches
Teachers will utilize CFA data to inform instructional decisions and practices
Administer screener to identify individual level of student needs
Counseling will lead, collaborate, and plan support meetings to address student concerns or needs related to attendance, homelessness, grief, anger management, etc., with support staff such as local school staff, Social Worker, School Psychologist, and other itinerant staff.
Behavior Support & Interventions Teacher and Counselor will help support teachers and students with PBIS/SEL support, strategies, & interventions to support students at identified Tier Level
Administration and MTSS Lead will facilitate Kid talks to determine students who are in need of increased tiered support
Teachers will identify and monitor students tier level (1-3) needs & support through Data tracking sheet and Data wall.
Teachers will use i-Ready, Amplify, IXL, and resources to provide support for students during small groups and SOAR intervention time.
Extended Learning time will be provided through intervention time during the daily schedule and afterschool extended learning program days.
The school will utilize district support from the departments of Student Services to train and support local staff and students.
Target Growth will be measured by the following:
Student responses on EES survey - 5% increase on scores as compared to last year 2022-2023
Staff responses on EES survey - 5% increase on scores as compared to last year 2022-2023
Georgia Wellness Survey - 5% increase on scores as compared to last year 2022-2023
Student end of semester grades - 70% of students or more will score 70 or better on end of semester grades
Student behavior data - 5% decrease in discipline incidents (Majors & Minors) as compared to last year 2022-2023
i-Ready and Milestones growth data
Every student will show gains across the school year based on the i-Ready screener (BOY, MOY, & EOY)
Milestones data will increase at least 5% in Proficient & Distinguished on ELA and Math scores, Grades 3-5
Baseline: ELA & Math 2022-2023 Scores
Grade ELA Score # of Students 3 18.2% 44 4 16.1% 31 5 25% 32
Grade Math Score # of Students 3 25% 44 4 38.7% 31 5 18.8% 32
Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access
NMAPA believes all students should have access to high-quality, rigorous, and culturally relevant curriculum that includes culturally relevant immersion activities.
Implement GCPS and school-wide instructional frameworks and GTES classroom look-fors.
Administer I-ready assessment to identify and provide more access for Gifted education for all students grades 1-5.
Build teacher capacity through CLT planning and professional learning in the 4 core areas: ELA, Math, Science, and Social Studies
All students will visit the Media Center weekly to checkout at least 1 or more book(s) to read and focus on literacy skills
Teachers will plan for the appropriate AKS instruction by creating lesson plans using Planbook program.
Teachers will use i-Ready, Amplify, IXL, and resources to provide support for students during small groups and SOAR intervention time.
Encourage teachers to obtain multiple endorsements and certifications to build capacity
Teachers will collaborate with Specials teachers to integrate arts and culture into the curriculum when relevant.
Facilitate family engagement through Parent Center, with engagement activities that directly support student achievement in Literacy, Math, Science, Social Studies; arts and culture integration activities to increase family engagement will also be held.
Target Growth will be measured by the following:
Student responses on EES survey - 5% increase on scores as compared to last year 2022-2023
Student end of semester grades - 70% of students or more will score 70 or better on end of semester grades
Student behavior data - 5% decrease in discipline incidents (Majors & Minors) as compared to last year 2022-2023
i-Ready and Milestones growth data
Every student will show gains across the school year based on the i-Ready screener (BOY, MOY, & EOY)
Milestones data will increase at least 5% in Proficient & Distinguished on ELA and Math scores, Grades 3-5
Baseline: ELA & Math 2022-2023 Scores
Grade ELA Score # of Students 3 18.2% 44 4 16.1% 31 5 25% 32
Grade Math Score # of Students 3 25% 44 4 38.7% 31 5 18.8% 32
Effectiveness 3.A - Results-Based Evaluation System
NMAPA believes in having high standards and expectations for all students and staff to ensure student success. Research shows that high expectations drive student and staff success.
Have high expectations and accountability in the area of professionalism for all staff (e.g., appearance, punctuality and attendance).
Provide staff with ongoing professional growth activities based on identified areas for improvement (e.g., mentoring, peer coaching, course work, conferences) that they incorporate into their classroom.
Create and implement New Teacher Orientation/Mentoring Program for staff new to NMAPA.
Provide teachers with feedback often through classroom visits such as: Learning Walks, Informal walkthrough visits, SHINE Walks, and GTES briefs/formal observations evaluations.
Ensure high level of communication through providing staff with weekly Newsletter, NMAPA Playbook.
Continue providing teachers with weekly CLT meetings to discuss student & adult progress.
Encourage teachers to obtain multiple endorsements, certifications, and program participation to build skills (i.e.., ESOL, Gifted, Teachers As Learners, ALP, etc.).
Utilize Common Formative Assessments per grade level to inform instructional decisions and monitor student progress.
Utilize Data tracking and data wall and provide Kid talks process to discuss student data to support needs and monitor progress.
The school will utilize district support from the departments of Curriculum & Instruction and Assessment to train and support teaching and administrative staff.
Growth will be measured by the following measurements:
Growth of Targets will be measured by the following:
EES & Wellness Survey Data:
Student responses on EES survey - 5% increase on scores as compared to last year 2022-2023
Staff responses on EES survey - 5% increase on scores as compared to last year 2022-2023
Georgia Wellness Survey - 5% increase on scores as compared to last year 2022-2023
Family responses on EES survey - 5% increase on scores as compared to last year 2022-2023
Target Growth for impact on Student Achievement will be measured by the following:
Student responses on EES survey - 5% increase on scores as compared to last year 2022-2023
Student end of semester grades - 70% of students or more will score 70 or better on end of semester grades
Student behavior data - 5% decrease in discipline incidents (Majors & Minors) as compared to last year 2022-2023
i-Ready and Milestones growth data
Every student will show gains across the school year based on the i-Ready screener (BOY, MOY, & EOY)
Milestones data will increase at least 5% in Proficient & Distinguished on ELA and Math scores, Grades 3-5
Baseline: ELA & Math 2022-2023 Scores
Grade ELA Score # of Students 3 18.2% 44 4 16.1% 31 5 25% 32
Grade Math Score # of Students 3 25% 44 4 38.7% 31 5 18.8% 32
Excellence 4.A - Preferred Education Destination
NMAPA is an elementary theme school {Performing Arts and the Arts being integrated into the school experience is a focus}. NMAPA is seeking to be the premier educational destination for all elementary students with this interest. In addition, NMAPA is also seeking to be the employer of choice for educators and staff to fulfill their careers.
Students participate in active discovery of all areas of fine arts, Drama, Music, Art, and Dance. In addition, students will use knowledge from the disciplines to implement learning of their AKS.
Provide students opportunities to have Immersion Field Trips in the fine arts as well as educational field trips to expose them to multiple career and post college activities.
Ensure high level of communication through providing staff with weekly Newsletter.
Ensure high level of communication to engage families through monthly Newsletter, Family Connection.
Utilize ParentSquare to communicate and engage families.
Continue sharing student success via multiple Social Media Platforms
Create and implement New Teacher Orientation/Mentoring Program for staff new to NMAPA.
Increase the number of Staff Recognitions & Celebrations throughout the school year and provide opportunities for parents to provide staff appreciation.
Provide PBIS celebrations weekly, monthly, quarterly for students to acknowledge academic and positive behavior successes.
Growth Targets will be measured by the following:
EES & Wellness Survey Data:
Student responses on EES survey - 5% increase on scores as compared to last year 2022-2023
Staff responses on EES survey - 5% increase on scores as compared to last year 2022-2023
Georgia Wellness Survey - 5% increase on scores as compared to last year 2022-2023
Family responses on EES survey - 5% increase on scores as compared to last year 2022-2023
Family Engagement/Building Parent Capacity -
We will build our parents' capacity to support their children's academic achievement by implementing the activities identified in The Plan/The Promise.
Facilitate family engagement through Parent Center and Parent Outreach Liaison, with engagement activities that directly support student achievement in Literacy, Math, Science, and Social Studies.
Provide families with learning opportunities, resources and materials through the Parent Center.
Maintain and refine school clubs and extra curricular activities that create a sense of belonging & community building and engagement.
Continue communication through publishing parent/family newsletter, Family Connection providing just in-time updates, school and student celebrations, and highlights of student performance, achievement, and community support.
Utilize ParentSquare to communicate and engage families with timely information.
Growth will be measured by the following:
EES & Wellness Survey Data:
Student responses on EES survey - 5% increase on scores as compared to last year 2022-2023
Georgia Wellness Survey - 5% increase on scores as compared to last year 2022-2023
Family responses on EES survey - 5% increase on scores as compared to last year 2022-2023