2023 - 2024 Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI)
School: ANDERSON-LIVSEY ELEMENTARY           Principal: Dr. Charlotte Sadler, interim principal
District Strategic Priorities/Goals
Action Steps (Implementation Design)
How will you measure growth? Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets)
Empathy 1.B - Staff and Student Well Being
Our goal is to build an intentional, well-established, exemplary social and emotional learning (SEL) program that strategically provides cross-divisional support coupled with robust professional learning and resources for staff, students, and families.
ALES prioritizes our investments in student and staff well-being.
SEL professional learning integrated into our schedule for culture building
SEL strategies integrated into core instructional practices (Signature SEL Practices- warm welcome, engaging learning activities, optimistic closings)
Restorative Practices integrated into the ALES school PD plan for culture building and practiced for skill development and refinement.
Community Engagement focused on SEL Signature Practices
Streamlined work and roles between SEL, Restorative Practices, and PBIS
Ongoing professional development to staff on Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)
Plan monthly staff wellness activities
Implement more recognition activities for teachers including: Teacher of the Month, New Teacher of the Month, PBIS/SEL Teacher of the month, Classified Staff Member of the Month
Implement more two-way conversation opportunities for teachers/staff and principal to increase the flow of thoughts and ideas.
ESS Staff Questions - (1) When there is a problem in my school, we talk about how to solve it (2) My principal/administrator cares about me as a person (3) My principal facilitates systems/processes to support school improvement (4) Support from my principal/supervisor leads to progress on instructional improvement (or professional growth)
Please see attached chart for growth factors baseline and targets.
Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports
Anderson-Livsey Elementary School will Implement a comprehensive multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) to address academic and non-academic student needs. Through MTSS, we will implement processes and procedures to monitor the effectiveness of teaching practice in order to develop plans to meet the needs of students resulting in a decrease in the number of students performing at the lowest performance level.
Provide Opportunities for intervention and enrichment through Generals Target Time focused on reading (45-minute CQI block).
Use of research based reading resources for an increase in students reading on grade level.
Provide professional learning on the use of reading and math intervention resources.
Offer Extended Learning Opportunities to provide students with additional academic support.
Utilize IFT meetings for frequent data reviews.
The MTSS team will use data from iReady/DIBELS/SEL screener to create action steps and provide specific interventions for tier II and tier III students.
Implement PBIS with fidelity to decrease the number of ODRs, days in ISS, and days of OSS.
Partner with the Office of Behavioral Support to provide coaching and a series of professional learning opportunities on effective Tier I classroom management an organization.
Continue to build teacher capacity and leadership during IFT meetings and leadership team meetings.
Utilize EL Education curriculum which engages students in reading, thinking, speaking, and writing about engaging grade-level texts on meaningful and culturally responsive topics.
Encourage teachers to participate in district professional development.
Provide resources and materials for intervention and small groups.
Establish a PBIS Tier II team and attend Tier II training.
Provide math interventions during the math block.
Increase opportunities for small group, targeted instruction which supports the effective implementation of the MTSS process and/or provide additional interventions and supports to students.
Please see attached chart for growth factors baseline and targets.
Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access
At ALES, we want each and every student to meet his/her highest potential. However, there is a need to reduce disruptions to learning resulting from exclusionary discipline actions (in-school suspension, out-of-school suspension, and alternative placements) and create more opportunities and access to learning. We recognize the importance of incorporating culturally relevant curriculum within our academic program. We will implement a high-quality curriculum that reflects grade level expectations, focusing on early literacy and the science and love of reading. We will provide opportunities for all students we will provide extra-curricular activities for all grade levels (K-5). We will also provide equitable access to programs that ensure our students have the knowledge and skills to succeed as contributing members of a global society, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnic background, English proficiency, faith, socioeconomic status, or disability.
By implementing evidence-based strategies (e.g., restorative practices and PBIS), we will expand student opportunities to engage in and have access to high quality, rigorous, and culturally relevant curriculum, advanced coursework and enrichment activities.
Train and implement selected teachers on Restorative Practices (Restorative Practices teachers redelivery training to whole staff including classified staff and New/Returning Teachers)
Ongoing Professional Development to support effective classroom strategies
Collaborative Planning focus will be on rigorous implementation of curriculum
Data analysis on screener-interventions based on analysis
District Instructional Coaches will provide support to our teachers
Play2Learn (increase enrollment)
SEA program (increase support of enrollment)
B2 Anywhere Afterschool Program for students (offer for grades preK-5th)
Create clubs and opportunities for all students
Just in Time/Lunch and Learning opportunities for teachers to present strategies to parents
Offer a schedule where all parents can access parent events.
Please see attached chart for growth factors baseline and targets.
Effectiveness 3.A - Results-Based Evaluation System
It is important that we are continuously showing academic progress and reflecting on areas and strategies to help our students and teachers be successful. We will address gaps and misalignment with strategic goals and direction by following our ALES QPTS, MTSS and PBIS Instructional Framework.
Continue to link Results-Based Evaluation System with our ALES School Plan for Improvement
Weekly walk-throughs by Administration
Continue to implement collaborative practices utilizing the best practices of professional learning communities
Continue to implement collaborative planning sessions
Implementation of ALES Instructional Framework
Professional learning focused on the implementation of small groups will be provided for teacher
Administrative Team will continue to provide real-time feedback to teachers after every observation (meeting, journal, walk-through tool)
Provided modeling and feedback to select teachers for improved teacher practice
Weekly data digs facilitated by the math/literacy coach
Use and analyze common formative and summative assessments to reflect student’s current progress
Review assessment results during Data Day
Compute/predict % of students meeting the benchmark
Review effectiveness of interventions related to stated goals (meet on a cycle for Tier 2 and 3 Students) during RTI meetings.
Review and assess end of module assessments
Please see attached chart for growth factors baseline and targets.
Excellence 4.C - World-Class Communication and Engagement
As our community has become more diverse, we must Improve two-way communication, engagement, and outreach that connect the community, the schools, and the district office
We must also communicate in a way that reaches all parents. By enhancing our communication to meet the needs of our diverse student population, we will help families stay informed of school information, be engaged in school activities, and have an understanding of student progress
Communication/Flyers of school events in multiple languages
Parent newsletter and calendar translated in multiple languages
Continue using social media to connect and communicate with our stakeholders.
Monthly meetings/events with parents
Update website on a regular basis
Two-way communication opportunities for students, staff, and parents/community
Please see attached chart for growth factors baseline and targets.
Family Engagement/Building Parent Capacity -
We will build our parents' capacity to support their children's academic achievement by ensuring that we are creating a safe and respectful environment where families can learn from each other as individuals and in groups. We will assist our parents by providing training and opportunities for growth from community volunteers to share their education and career experiences with current families. Our goal is to ensure opportunities for continuous participation in events designed for families by families.
Offer day and evening activities for family engagement and interaction, including Math and Literacy Night
Hands-On Family Engagement Nights, including Math and Literacy Nights, Curriculum Night, Incoming Kindergarten Night (Carnival)
Pre-K Specific Family Engagement Activities
Collaboration with Head Start (increase enrollment in Pre-KK and K)
Provide Volunteering opportunities
Parent/Teacher Organizations
PK and Kinder Round-Up Activities
Class field trips and other activities that include family participation
Offer a flexible number of meetings, such as meetings in the morning or evening, (may provide childcare)
Home visits, as such services relate to parental involvement.
Provide parents of participating children:
Timely information about programs
a description and explanation of the curriculum in use at the school,
the forms of academic assessment used to measure student progress and growth,