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Accountability and flexibility are hallmarks of Gwinnett County Public Schools' success. Key to that success is ensuring that each school community understands the progress being made by its schools, as well as what plans will drive improvement. Each school creates a collaborative Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI) to increase student achievement results, with targeted goals based on the four strategic priorities within the district’s Blueprint for the Future: Empathy, Equity, Effectiveness, and Excellence. All schools across the district will focus on goals 2A- Multi-tiered Systems of Support and 2B- Opportunity and Access. Additionally, schools are required to select one goal from each of the other strategic priorities. LSPI goals are dynamic, like our schools, and are updated to reflect changes that occur in schools. Multiple data points are used to determine areas needing improvement and to identify specific, measurable, annual objectives. Schools then determine how to use research-based strategies to achieve these goals, using flexibility as needed. The LSPI development process involves teachers, parents, students, and community members, so the entire school community has the opportunity to be involved in conversations about school improvement.


2023 - 2024 Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI)

School: ANNISTOWN ELEMENTARY           Principal: Gwenda Nimmo-Smith

District Strategic Priorities/Goals Rationale Action Steps
(Implementation Design)
How will you measure growth?
Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets)
Empathy 1.B - Staff and Student Well Being

As Annistown Elementary School becomes more multicultural and multilingual with students and staff from diverse backgrounds, it will be important to create a safe school culture focused on the well-being of ALL students and staff.


1.     Snack and Chat with Ms. Smith providing opportunities for staff to have open forums focused on topics related to areas of opportunity from the EES survey.

2.     Continue to implement Principal Advisory Council sessions with students in grades K-5.

3.     P.R.I.D.E. Time providing opportunities for SEL-focused instruction and activities.

4.     Counselor/SEL Team will participate in district training and provide professional learning opportunities for staff.

5.     Plan monthly wellness activities for staff.

6.     Continue to celebrate staff and students through recognition activities (Student - General of the Month/Staff - 5 Star General of the Month, Bridge Builder Award, New General of the Month and Generals PRIDE award).

7.     Build parent capacity on Social Emotional Learning (SEL) strategies to use at home. 

8.     Implement school counseling and attendance programs to support students with chronic absenteeism.

9. Students in the at-risk category will be paired with a staff mentor.



Growth Measure KPI


KPI Baseline


KPI Target

Student Wellbeing - Increase the % of students indicating positive responses on the Educational Effectiveness Survey in the following characteristics:

Responsible Decision Making

Monitoring of Teaching and Learning

Supportive Learning Environment











Staff Support - Increase the % of staff indicating positive responses on the Educational Effectiveness Survey in the following characteristics:

Collaboration and Communication

Readiness to Benefit

Focused Professional Learning











Decrease the # of students with 10 or more absences



Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports

Annistown  Elementary will Implement a comprehensive multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) to address academic and non-academic student needs. Through MTSS, we will implement processes and procedures to monitor the effectiveness of teaching practice in order to develop plans to meet the needs of students resulting in a decrease in the number of students performing at the lowest performance level.

1.       Administer iReady, a universal screener to identify each student's academic needs.

2.       Provide Opportunities for intervention and enrichment through Generals Target Time focused on reading (45-minute CQI block).

3.       Use of research-based reading resources for an increase in students reading on grade level.

4.       Provide professional learning on the use of reading and math intervention resources.

5.       Provide Extended Learning Opportunities to support students with academic and non-academic learning opportunities. 

6.       Utilize IFT meetings for frequent data reviews.

7.       The MTSS team will use data from the iReady/DIBELS/SEL screener to create action steps and provide specific interventions for tier II and tier III students while using the MTSS Air Rubric to monitor progress toward effective school-wide implementation.

8.       Implement PBIS with fidelity to decrease the number of ODRs, days in ISS, and days of OSS.

9.       Partner with the Office of Behavioral Support to provide coaching and a series of professional learning opportunities on effective tier I classroom management and organization.

10.   Continue to build teacher capacity and leadership during IFT meetings and leadership team meetings.

11.   Utilize the EL Education curriculum which engages students in reading, thinking, speaking, and writing about engaging grade-level texts on meaningful and culturally responsive topics.

12.   Encourage teachers to participate in district professional development.

13.   Provide resources and materials for intervention and small groups.

14.   Establish a PBIS Tier II team and attend Tier II training.

15.   Provide math interventions during the math block.

16. Increase opportunities for small group, targeted instruction that supports the effective implementation of the MTSS process and/or provide additional interventions and support to students.

17. Provide WOW Days (release days) for new teachers providing just-in-time professional learning opportunities to build their instructional capacity.


Growth Measure KPI


KPI Baseline


KPI Target

PBIS School Status



Decrease the total State Reportable ODR’s

Decrease the number of ISS Days

Decrease the number of OSS Days







Decrease the percentage of students reading below grade level on GMAS in grades 3 - 5



Increase the percentage of students at proficient and distinguished levels on GMAS in grades 3 – 5.











Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access

Annistown Elementary School will ensure our students have access to and opportunities to engage in high-quality, rigorous, and culturally relevant curriculum and instruction expanding beyond K - 5 to include early learning access to all families in the community.

  1. Increase communication and opportunities for Kindergarten and Play2Learn registration to all stakeholders.
  2. Complete KREP assessment with all kindergarten students within the first 15 days of their school experience.
  3. Partner with local daycare/preschool facilities to share information about registration, enrollment requirements, and SEA programs for rising kindergarten students.
  4. Offer field trips for local daycares/preschools to come to our school and learn more about the school experience.
  5. Provide summer mailing to rising kindergarten students.
  6. Increase opportunities and pathways for all students to demonstrate eligibility for gifted/talented programming - train staff on multiple ways to identify GT students.
  7. Utilize gifted certified teachers to support with testing of potential Gifted and Talented students.
  8. Utilize gifted certified support teachers to provide enrichment opportunities for Gifted and Talented students.
  9. Provide Extended Learning and Enrichment opportunities for students through podcasts and project-based learning.
  10. Provide enrichment opportunities through extracurricular activities before and after school.
  11. Improve kindergarten readiness through our local school's Play2Learn program.
  12. Expand access to purposeful play experiences through Joyful Learning.
  13. Provide content-related activities that will enrich student learning through in-school field trips and speakers.
  14. ITI coach will collaborate with staff to explore the use of innovative technology... collaborative workstations, Chromebooks, and iPads.
  15. Increase the amount of culturally relevant titles in the media center.
Growth Measure KPI 2023 KPI Baseline 2024 KPI Target
Increase the percentage of kindergarten students scoring 70% or above in the KREP Assessment 50% 55%
Increase the number of rising kindergarten students enrolled prior to the start of Rising Kindergarten Academy. 50% 55%
Increase the number of students enrolled in the Rising Kindergarten  Academy. 37 42
Increase the percentage of students in the gifted and talented Program. 7% 10%
Effectiveness 3.A - Results-Based Evaluation System

Annistown Elementary staff will use the Results-Based Evaluation System (RBES) to define inputs, behaviors, and outcomes of our students to determine the success of academic press and supportive community implementations.


1.       Commit to analyzing and celebrating student academic growth.

2.        Provide opportunities for Learning Walks and Peer Coaching.

3.       Build parent capacity by providing information and communication about ELA and Math curriculum each semester and encourage families to utilize the family engagement center for resources and materials that will support learning at home.

4.        Innovative Technology Instructional Coach will collaborate with staff to explore and share ideas around the use of innovative technology to enhance instruction.

5.       Continue to link the teacher Results-Based Evaluation System with the Local School Plan for Improvement 

6.       Weekly walk-throughs by Building Leadership Team focused on specific content areas and components of the school–wide instructional framework while providing feedback for improved instruction and student achievement..

7.       Continue to implement Instructional Focus Team meetings utilizing the best practices of professional learning communities to deepen their understanding of the AKS for literacy and math, share best instructional practices for implementation of EL Literacy Program, small group instruction, and analyze student assessment data and work samples to inform instruction.

8.       Provide professional learning opportunities focused on support for MLL students.

9. Analyze data in iReady with teachers to determine areas of growth for each student .

10. Analyze iReady data to identify current needs and set goals for student growth and improvement.

11. Analyze GMAS data to determine needs and provide professional learning opportunities for teachers to support interventions and instruction to decrease students' scoring at the beginning level on Reading and Math GMAS.

Growth Measure KPI


KPI Baseline


KPI Target


KREP score above 70%

·       iReady Reading On or Above Grade Level

·       iReady Math On or Above Grade Level









First Grade

·       iReady Reading On or Above Grade Level

·       iReady Math On or Above Grade Level







Second Grade

·       iReady Reading On or Above Grade Level

·       iReady Math On or Above Grade Level







Third Grade

·       iReady Reading On or Above Grade Level

·       iReady Math On or Above Grade Level

      Decrease % at the below grade  level in Reading on GMAS

       Decrease the % at the beginning level in Math on GMAS















Fourth Grade

·       iReady Reading On or Above Grade Level

·       iReady Math On or Above Grade Level

       Decrease the % below grade level in Reading on GMAS

      Decrease the % at the beginning level on GMAS.















Fifth Grade

·       iReady Reading On or Above Grade Level

·       iReady Math On or Above Grade Level

      Decrease the % below grade level in Reading on GMAS

      Decrease the % at the beginning level in Math on GMAS















Excellence 4.C - World-Class Communication and Engagement

As our community has become more diverse, we must communicate in a way that reaches all parents. Enhancing our communication to meet the needs of our diverse student population will help families stay informed of school information as well as student progress.
Annistown Elementary will:
Improve two-way communication, engagement, and outreach to reach the target audiences of families, students, teachers and the community.

  1.  Create mobile technology stations to encourage parent access and completion of parent surveys, F/R lunch forms, and mypaymentsplus. 

  2. Call and assist families with connecting to mypaymentsplus and Parent Portal via phone calls and assisting the parent at the school.

  3. Contact families that have not signed up for Fall and Spring parent conferences to invite them in for conferences.

  4. Teachers and staff will log all parent communication in the Synergy parent contact log.
  1.  Monthly parent newsletter able to be translated into multiple languages - Generals eNews

  2.  Provide communication in English and Spanish.

  3.  Ensure teachers have access to the language bank.

  4.  Use translation equipment for parent workshops and events.

  5. Weekly communication with staff through the newsletter   - Monday Memo.

  6. Organize the School Leadership Committee to increase teacher leadership and teacher-led initiatives.

  7. Organize two-way communication opportunities for stakeholders.
  8. Update parent center resources and environment.
  9. Communicate information and curriculum through newsletters from each grade level to students and families.
  10. Implement the use of Parent Square for effective school to home communication.
  11. Provide Coffee and Conversations with Ms. Nimmo-Smith for parents and the community 3 times per school year.
  12. Provide Chat and Chew with Ms. Nimmo - Smith,  one-on-one conversations with staff, three times per school year.

Growth Measure KPI


KPI Baseline


KPI Target

Family Survey

Increase the % of families indicating positive responses on the Educational Effectiveness Survey in the following characteristics:

Collaboration and Communication

Parent and Community Involvement

Clear and Shared Focus















Increase the number of respondents in the Family Educational Effectiveness Survey

99 Participants

120 Participants

Increase the percentage of positive responses in the Staff Educational Effectiveness Survey in the Collaboration and Communication characteristic.



Family Engagement/Building Parent Capacity -

We will build our parents' capacity to support their children's academic achievement by implementing the activities identified in The Plan/The Promise.

  1. Continue to build parent capacity through family engagement nights.
  2. Support parents in using Parent Square for communication purposes.
  3. Provide English classes to our Spanish-speaking parents.
  4. Provide Spanish classes for DLI parents to support their students at home.
  5. Use translation devices to support parents during conferences and family engagement nights.
  6. Update the Parent center with resources and equipment to support parents.
  7. Provide learning opportunities for parents through our parent center.
  8. Provide opportunities for parents to learn alongside their child during Bring Your Parent to School Days.
  9. Provide opportunities to build relationships through Lunch on the Lawn activities.
  10. Advertise and offer translation services for parents so they may fully participate in school events, meetings, and activities.
  11. Provide AKS at Home workshops to support parents with curriculum and strategies to support students at home.

Growth Measure KPI


KPI Baseline


KPI Target

Family Survey

Increase the % of families indicating positive responses on the Educational Effectiveness Survey in the following characteristics:

Collaboration and Communication

Parent and Community Involvement

Clear and Shared Focus















Increase the number of respondents in the Family Educational Effectiveness Survey

99 Participants

120 Participants

Increase the percentage of positive responses in the Staff Educational Effectiveness Survey in the Collaboration and Communication characteristic.

