2023 - 2024 Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI)
School: GRAYSON ELEMENTARY           Principal: Chris Brown
District Strategic Priorities/Goals
Action Steps (Implementation Design)
How will you measure growth? Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets)
Empathy 1.A - Cultural Competence
We believe EACH & EVERY student has and brings value to our school. We realize the importance of getting to EACH & EVERY student and their unique gifts, talents, and needs so that we can better serve them.
Leverage our Annual International Night event to connect and engage our students, parents, staff and community.
Continue to build our school's Cultural Awareness Team by planning activities to recognize and celebrate the contributions of people groups and cultures throughout the school year.
Continue to raise the awareness of our faculty and staff's different cultural events, religious holidays, observations, and celebrations that may impact our students and families.
EES Student Survey Data
I am comfortable interacting with people from a different racial or ethnic background.
2023 Baseline: 64%
2024 Goal: 80%
I can communicate effectively to a variety of people/audiences.
2023 Baseline: 58%
2024 Goal: 75%
All students have access to rigorous courses and supports.
2023 Baseline: 32%
2024 Goal: 65%
Most students are respectful to others at this school.
2023 Baseline: 24%
2024 Goal: 60%
Empathy 1.B - Staff and Student Well Being
In order for students and staff members to be fully engaged in the school community, they need to feel a sense of belonging. Therefore, Grayson Elementary School will implement strategies and interventions to focus on improving social emotional wellbeing for staff and students.
Teachers' emotions and stress levels have been found to influence those of students and other teachers. A wellness room will be created, with financial support from the community. This will offer teachers an opportunity to recharge and decompress throughout the school day to support their physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing. A wellness room for teachers will help to improve staff morale and student achievement.
Through Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS), we recognize staff and students who display positive character traits. Staff will be recognized monthly with a gift and picture to be displayed in the main hallway. Students receive recognition in a variety of ways, including a certificate, breakfast, a book, a choice from the prize box. A picture also will be displayed in the main hallway. Students and staff will also be supported through behavior interventions when needed. This support will be provided through the behavior support team.
Student social emotional wellbeing will be addressed at Grayson Elementary by implementing the following: classroom guidance, small group counseling, individual counseling, and a student mentor program. In addition, social emotional instruction, tied to PBIS strategies will be taught and displayed daily throughout the school.
A Behavioral Support Specialist will also support students through Restorative Practices (RP). Restorative Practices is a term used to describe behaviors, interactions, and approaches which help build and maintain positive, healthy relationships, resolve difficulties and repair harm when there is conflict. Staff will receive training focused on interventions as alternatives to consequences.
Implementation of Parent Square communication to increase the home school connection.
EES Surveys taken by students, staff and parents.
I enjoy coming to this school.
2023 Baseline: 43%
2024 Goal: 65%
2024 EOY:
I feel safe at this school.
2023 Baseline: 56%
2024 Goal: 65%
2024 EOY:
I received training on instruction to support social emotional learning.
2023 Baseline: 78%
2024 Goal: 100%
2024 EOY
I incorporate social emotional learning into my instruction into my daily instructional delivery.
2023 Baseline: 95%
2024 Goal: 100%
2024 EOY
Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports
As a response to the academic and non-academic needs of each student, Grayson Elementary School will continue to support students' learning and behavior through a Multi-tiered System of Supports (MTSS). MTSS is a “tiered system of support that integrates assessment and intervention within a schoolwide, multi-level prevention system to maximize student achievement and reduce behavioral problems. MTSS promotes systems alignment to increase efficiency and effectiveness of resources" (Adopted from National Center on Response to Intervention, 2010).
MTSS provides a data-driven prevention-based framework for improving learning outcomes for every student through a layered continuum of evidence based practices and systems. Grayson Elementary will implement the following practices to address the academic needs of the students. The practices include continued implementation of a school-based, problem-solving team (MTSS/RTI Team), Response to Intervention (RTI) process, Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) practices, Early Intervention Program (EIP), Gifted and Talented Program, English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Program, after-school tutoring, Saturday Intervention Program, and differentiated, small group instruction.
To address the non-academic needs of the students, school staff will provide the following: daily Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Mentors, individual counseling, small-group counseling, classroom guidance, PBIS student recognition and rewards, and modeling and teaching of school-wide behavior goals and expectations.
iReady Universal Screener Baseline Data Grades K-5 (Percent Above, On or Below Grade Level)
All students deserve equal access to a rigorous and relevant curriculum. Grayson Elementary will increase Kindergarten Readiness by implementing the Play 2 Learn Program, increase the number of students in the Gifted and Talented Program in historically underrepresented sub-groups, and increase the number of students attending Summer Enrichment and Acceleration (SEA).
Gwinnett County Public Schools recognized a need for school readiness and therefore provided opportunities to support and develop a local school Play 2 Learn program. This program, for children ages birth - five years old, accompanied by their parents or caregivers, encourages learning through play. Instructional and age appropriate materials are used throughout this weekly program.
The Gifted and Talented Program provides learning experiences that develop the use of thinking strategies and processes. Grayson Elementary will increase the number of students in the Gifted and Talented Program by providing staff development for teachers on characteristics of giftedness for underrepresented subgroups.
SEA is a free summer program that offers enrichment and acceleration opportunities as well as support for students who did not meet promotion requirements. Grayson Elementary will select students who will benefit the most from this summer learning opportunity. More students in underrepresented groups will be encouraged to attend this program. In addition, we will increase the number of SEA instructors allowing us to increase student enrollment. A Parent SEA informational meeting will be held to inform parents of the various supports and activities offered.
iReady Universal Screener
The iReady Universal Screener Data will be used to identify students for our Gifted Program, Early Intervention Support, MTSS Reviews, and ESL Services.
SEA Enrollment
2022 Rising Kindergarten Academy Enrollment- 19 students
2023 Rising Kindergarten Academy Enrollment - 45 students
2024 Rising Kindergarten Academy Goal- 60
Play2Learn Enrollment
Target Enrollment in Play 2 Learn: 26 students
Baseline: 22
Current Enrollment: 27
Effectiveness 3.A - Results-Based Evaluation System
In order for students to succeed, the whole child must be supported and their needs must be addressed. Grayson Elementary will respond to the diverse needs of our community to continue to be world class.
There are many opportunities for Grayson Elementary to support student growth this year. Throughout the year, the students will participate in core curriculum as well as additional interventions including Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) practices.
Teachers and support staff will monitor students’ achievement by analyzing data throughout the school year. Some assessments that will be administered include individualized iREADY testing, classroom assessments, and individualized progress monitoring. Through these assessments, teachers will be able to utilize the data to identify areas of acceleration for each student. Individualized data will help to support the growth of the whole child.
Excellence 4.B - Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness
Studies show that students must be on or above grade level in reading and math to be successful in postsecondary and the workforce. Keeping this in mind, Grayson Elementary will offer a variety of opportunities and experiences for students to have multiple pathways to demonstrate and develop their knowledge, skills, abilities, and interests. This will ensure that students are motivated and encouraged to create their own plan for their future which may include higher education and/or career readiness.
To build a strong foundation and understanding of college and career opportunities for the future, Grayson Elementary will focus on exposing students to experiences that will grow their knowledge of possible future education and workforce endeavors. Some of these experiences include teaching social skills, conflict resolution, self-advocacy, and building self-confidence in students.
Students will also learn about the importance of community partnerships, participate in career days, and engage in lessons exposing them to higher education opportunities such as college or trade school options.
In addition, students will have opportunities to learn from guest speakers from a variety of community businesses and participate in educational field trip experiences.
Reengage staff with the portrait of a Graduate through more exposure and professional development.
Classroom teachers will provide students with an increase in time to collaborate during learning blocks.
Teachers will continue to post learning targets and overtly connect the student learning to different career clusters.
EES Survey Data
Work I do in this school is useful and interesting to me.
2023 Baseline: 44%
2024 Goal: 65%
2024 EOY:
What we do in school will help me succeed in life.
2023 Baseline: 72%
2024 Goal: 85%
2024 EOY:
My teacher helps me learn by challenging me with interesting activities in class.
2023 Baseline: 46%
2024 Goal: 65%
2024 EOY:
District Assessment Data
To be added after DA administration
Family Engagement/Building Parent Capacity -
In order to build our parents' capacity to support their children's academic achievement we will be implementing monthly family engagement workshops and activities with the support of the Parent Liaison.
1. Build staff and parent capacity to support learning at home.
2. Foster two-way communication between the school and family using ParentSquare
3. Empower family voice and participation via monthly parent meetings and activities.
EES Family Survey Data
2023 Baseline: 99 Responses
2024 Goal: 200 Responses
2024 EOY:
I am encouraged to collaborate with my student's teachers about my student's learning
2023 Baseline: 83%
2024 Goal: 86%
2024 EOY:
I am given opportunities to discuss my student's progress at school
2023 Baseline: 88%
2024 Goal: 91%
2024 EOY:
Parents/families have input into plans for improving this school
2023 Baseline: 81%
2024 Goal: 84%
2024 EOY:
The school tells me how I can help my student with homework