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Accountability and flexibility are hallmarks of Gwinnett County Public Schools' success. Key to that success is ensuring that each school community understands the progress being made by its schools, as well as what plans will drive improvement. Each school creates a collaborative Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI) to increase student achievement results, with targeted goals based on the four strategic priorities within the district’s Blueprint for the Future: Empathy, Equity, Effectiveness, and Excellence. All schools across the district will focus on goals 2A- Multi-tiered Systems of Support and 2B- Opportunity and Access. Additionally, schools are required to select one goal from each of the other strategic priorities. LSPI goals are dynamic, like our schools, and are updated to reflect changes that occur in schools. Multiple data points are used to determine areas needing improvement and to identify specific, measurable, annual objectives. Schools then determine how to use research-based strategies to achieve these goals, using flexibility as needed. The LSPI development process involves teachers, parents, students, and community members, so the entire school community has the opportunity to be involved in conversations about school improvement.


2023 - 2024 Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI)

School: SHILOH MIDDLE           Principal: Chris Bess

District Strategic Priorities/Goals Rationale Action Steps
(Implementation Design)
How will you measure growth?
Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets)
Empathy 1.B - Staff and Student Well Being

Continue efforts to build an intentional, well-established exemplary social and emotional learning (SEL) program that strategically provides cross-divisional support coupled with robust professional learning and resources for staff, students, and families. 



  1. Professional learning throughout the school year with SEL focus.
  2. Train all faculty/staff on restorative practices. 
  3. Students returning from GIVE and OSS will receive targeted intervention for restorative re-entry through counseling department.  
  4. Voice Equity for all admin for morning announcements.
  5. Family/Community Engagement Title I trainings & parent forums to discuss social emotional learning. 
  6. Working collaboratively with Office of Behavior Support & Interventions and Office of SEL including beginning of the year parent discipline forum.
  7. Advisement Program - targeted SEL lessons.
  8. Mentoring Groups: L.O.T.U.S (girls mentoring), Men of Shiloh, All-Pro Dads, JJSJF Foundation, Legacy Foundation After School mentoring program.
  9. Integrate Social Emotional Learning (SEL) signature practices within classroom instruction. 
  10. Continue implementation of local school PBIS including our PBIS team completing the GaDOE "Universal Classroom Systems" training required for all schools striving to become a "Distinguised" PBIS school.  
  11. EES survey administration and analysis.
  12. Reward and recognition opportunities that celebrate students each month.  January & May Awards Nights ceremonies. 
  13. Student Advisory Council & Principal Advisory Council monthly meetings 
  14. Extended Learning Time opportunities provided on October 21, November 11, March 16, and April 20 for Support Our Students (SOS) Saturday Remediation/Acceleration for all subjects
  15. Extended Learning Time opportunities provided on January 20, 27, February 3, 10, 24 for Academic Assistance Program Saturday Credit Recovery for ELA and Math. 


Student Wellbeing – Student Survey

  1. SMS SY 2022-23 Baseline: 58%
  2. SMS SY 2023-24 Target: 60%
  • Percent of students responding positively to the following student wellbeing EES Student Survey items (weighted average):
  • I feel safe at this school
  • I enjoy coming to this school
  • I am hopeful about my future
  • I can calm myself down when I am excited or upset
  • Setbacks don’t discourage me (MS/HS)

Staff Support – Staff Survey

  1. SMS SY 2022-23 Baseline: 56.6%
  2. SMS SY 2023-24 Target: 60%
  • Percent of staff responding positively to the following cultural proficiency EES Staff Survey items (weighted average):
  • When there is a problem in my school, we talk about how to solve it.
  • My principal/administrator cares about me as a person.
  • My principal facilitates systems/processes to support school improvement. 
  • Support from my principal/supervisor leads to progress on instructional improvement (or professional growth)


Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports

Provide high-quality Tier 1 instruction for all students that includes targeted small groups, grade-level curriculum, ongoing formative assessments, and progress monitoring.  

Reduce disruptions to learning resulting from exclusionary discipline actions (in-school suspension, out-of-school suspension, and alternative placements) by implementing evidence-based strategies (e.g. restorative practices and PBIS), and building the capacity to support and fully integrate non-academic Tier 1 structures and processes such as school-wide positive behavior support interventions and supports (PBIS), SEL curriculum/competencies, attendance & listening campaigns, school counseling programs, etc.

Shiloh Middle data indicates a need to decrease the percentage of students who are reading below grade level and scoring in the Beginning Level on the Milestones. A Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) helps educators to be thoughtful about using resources appropriately and impactfully and use data to continually monitor and improve the effectiveness of their actions. MTSS makes the district-wide system more effective and ensures we are supporting the needs of every student.



  1. Communication of Instructional Framework reinforced through weekly Collaborative Learning Team (CLT) meetings. 
  2. Common CLT meeting agenda template w/ norms. 
  3. School-wide meeting norms.
  4. Analyze and disaggregate data to determine the next steps for planning and instruction (utilize CLT self-assessment rubric); Weekly data protocol
    Atlas protocol and 5 Why’s?
  5. Monthly school-wide yearly professional development focus on Tier 1 instruction and differentiation.  
  6. Continue MTSS implementation (utilize MTSS Air Rubric). 
  7. Utilize peer observations, classroom walkthroughs and feedback (informal and formal) to enhance and monitor Tier 1 instruction. 
  8. Implement Project Based Learning and cross-curricular AKS between contents. 
  9. Implement Inquiry-Based Learning International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum. 
  10. LSPI Walkthroughs and learning walks, walks for Connections along with AP over content area. Core curriculum walkthroughs.  
  11. ITIC’s will help to record and archive exemplary lessons to be used in training for New Teacher Induction program.  
  12. Provide Extended Learning Opportunities to provide students academic and non-academic learning opportunities.
  13. Provide targeted instruction for Multilingual Learners (ML) students outside of English/Language Arts (ELA). 
  14. Provide Remedial Education Program (REP) along with opportunities for enrichment during Generals Time focusing on Math and ELA. 
  15. Provide tiered intervention supports for MTSS – addition of Connections teachers during Generals Time. 
  16. Utilize iReady Universal Screener to identify students with academic concerns and expedite the needed support.
  17. MTSS and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Team will analyze data from Wellness Screener and the resulting data will be used to determine improvement strategies. The MTSS team will use data from iReady/SEL screener to create action steps and provide specific interventions for tier II and tier III students.
  18. SEL, Counseling, and Admin Team trained in Restorative Practices.
  19. Redelivering Restorative Practices training to whole staff during pre-planning and reinforcing through weekly CLT meetings.
  20. New Teacher Orientation, mentoring, and ongoing professional learning to support effective classroom strategies each month.
  21. Working collaboratively with Office of Behavior Support & Interventions and Office of SEL including Beginning of the Year parent discipline forum.
  22. Navigate 360 lessons for all ISS students daily.  
  23. PBIS team will complete the new GaDOE "Universal Classroom Systems" training required for all schools striving to move to a "Distinguished" school PBIS designation.
  24. Use iReady screener to track progress of student reading/literacy during Generals Time daily school-wide. Monitored weekly by MTSS committee and assistant principals. 
  25. Provide tiered intervention supports for MTSS – addition of Connections teachers during Generals Time
  26. Academic Assistance Program (AAP) Saturday credit recovery (Tentative dates: January, 20, 27, February 3, 10, 24 of 2024) and Support Our Students (S.O.S) Saturdays. 
  27. New Teacher Induction Committee will collaborate with the GCPS Office of Staff Development to implement yearlong training program to support 2nd year teachers.  
  28. Increase opportunities for small group, targeted instruction which supports the effective implementation of the MTSS process and/or provide additional interventions and support to students.  
  • Measured growth for each student from initial iReady screener to mid-year iReady screener
  • Pre-test and Post-Test growth across all courses
  • Growth in GMAS scores from SY 2022-23 to SY 2023-24

GMAS Data - 2023 Data (All Students)
% Beginning - 41%
% Developing & Above - 59%
% Proficient & Distinguished - 26%

Discipline Proportionality - Number of all student groups overrepresented in ISS and OSS
SY 2022-23 SMS Baseline: 1
SY 2023-24 SMS Target: 1

MTSS Screening - Academic
SMS SY 2022-2023 Baseline: 95%
SMS SY 2023-2024 Target: 97.0%

Calculated as the number of K-10 students universally screened using Measures of Academic Progress (MAP), iReady, or Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) during any of the screening windows divided by the total number of Full Academic Year (FAY) students.

MTSS Screening - Wellbeing
SMS SY 2022-2023 Baseline: 95%
SMS SY 2023-2024 Target: 97%

Calculated as the number of students universally screened for wellbeing during any of the screening windows divided by the total number of FAY students.

Student Improvement - % Beginning on Milestones
SY 2022 SMS Baseline: 43.8%
SY 2023 SMS Target: 45.0%

 % of all Milestones tests in which students scored at Beginning level, lowest performance level


Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access

Shiloh Middle data indicates the need to expand student opportunities to engage in and access high-quality, rigorous, and culturally relevant curriculum, advanced coursework, and enrichment activities. We need to provide access to ensure that all students have the knowledge and skills to succeed as contributing members of a global society, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnic background, English proficiency, faith, socioeconomic status, or disability. Equity in education creates opportunity for underprivileged and underserved students so they are able to overcome disadvantages and find success. 

  1. Implement International Baccalaureate framework 
  2. Offer extended Learning Time & tutoring. 
  3. REP during Generals Time focusing on Math and ELA
  4. Tiered intervention supports for MTSS – addition of Connections teachers during Generals Time
  5. Increase the number of teachers with ESOL/Gifted Endorsement 
  6. Professional learning for teachers on identification of characteristics of gifted students 
  7. Professional learning for teachers for English Language strategies
  8. Training for and use of Wilson Reading, Interventions, Amplify, Achieve 3000, Read 180, and iReady 
  9. Provide Restorative Lessons and Navigate 360 Lessons during In School Suspension 
  10. Provide SEL lessons, classroom meetings, and counselor small groups to reduce referral behaviors

Increase Gifted Population: 
SY 2023 SMS Baseline: 10 %
SY 2024 SMS Target: 12%

Discipline Disproportionality - Number of All Student Groups Overrepresented in ISS and OSS
SY 2022 SMS Baseline: 1 
SY 2022 SMS Target: <1

Effectiveness 3.A - Results-Based Evaluation System

Shiloh Middle School values the input of their students and staff. We are also a school that values continuous improvement. Data indicates the need to focus on student perception of safety, proper staff training, and providing an environment where staff feel valued and heard. 


  1. Local School Improvement Committe will work to provide opportunities for increased staff input and addressing area of concern through quarterly meetings.
  2. Local School Council will meet quarterly with principal, teachers, parents, and admin team to discuss pertinent school issues and ongoing school progress. 
  3. Targeted use of montly grade level student meetings to reinforce school safety and concerns of students - Vision of Excellence. 
  4. Principal will provide opportunities for staff to communicate areas of concern through "Principal Chat & Chews", twice a month and open-door meeting policy with all faculty/staff. 
  5. Monthly grade level staff meetings to discuss areas of concern and provide feedback to admin team. 
  6. Principal School Advisory Council meetings monthly with students
  7. School Advisory Council meetings with selected students from advisement sections school-wide quarterly.  
  8. Monthly "Coffee with Chris" Saturdays open to all community shareholders to speak with the principal. 
  9. Monday & Tuesday collaborative learning team meetings which includes kid talks, data analysis, and review of student work.  
  10. Weekly meeting each Thursday between AP and content lead to discuss focus for weekly content team meetings.  
  11. 30 day Stay Interviews with all 1st year teachers
  12. 60 day Stay Interviews with all teachers 2nd year and beyond. 

Improvement - Staff Survey

  1. SY 2022 SMS Baseline: 45%%
  2. SY 2023 SMS Target: 50%

Percent of staff responding positively to the following school improvement EES Staff Survey items (Bottom 5): 

  1. Students believe this school is a safe place (40%);
  2. Staff at all levels are treated fairly here (45%)
  3. When there is a problem in my school, we talk about how to solve it (37%)
  4. There is a willingness to address conflict in this school (36%)
  5. I receive training on instruction to support social emotional learning. (41%)


Excellence 4.B - Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness

Cultivate school quality, climate, and culture that is student-centered and committed to the success of each and every child which includes anticipating the future skills needed for success after graduation and design innovative responses to prepare students for that future. 


  • Professional learning throughout the school year; monthly PD and also on each digital day
  • PBIS implementation 
  • EES survey administration and analysis
  • Reward and recognition opportunities that celebrate students - quarterly
  • Implement Student Advisory Council (one student from each advisement period) to meet monthly and discuss goal setting, and problem solving
  • Principal's Advisory Council (applications for students; meets monthly to discuss leadership training, goal setting, and problem solving
  • Promote STEM Endorsement for teachers 
  • Train teachers to serve as Project Based Learning (PBL) Facilitator
  • Professional visitors/guests speakers for PBL units
  • Promote CTAE Pathway completion - 3 years courses for students in Business Education and Computer Technology courses.  
  • Professionals Fair (April 2024)
  • Plan for Connections courses in the areas of: Dance and Music Technology for SY 2024-2025. 


  • Growth in PBIS points awarded to each grade level from SY 2022-2023 (monthly analysis)
  • Successful completion of yearly service project for Principal's Advisory Council and Student Advisory Council
  • Minimum of two teachers that complete Project Based Learning Facilitators training.
  • Minimum of two teachers that complete the STEM Endorsement
  • Host Professional's Day at least once in spring semester. 
Family Engagement/Building Parent Capacity -

We will build our parents' capacity to support their children's academic achievement by implementing the activities identified in The Plan/The Promise.  Improve the two-way communication, engagement, and outreach that connect the community, the schools, and the district office. 

  1. Parent Information Center solicits community partners. 
  2. Facilities calendar maintained by PIC, Title I AP, and Community School Director from High School. 
  3. ITIC/PIC maintained weekly parent newsletter sent each Friday at 4:30 PM. 
  4. ITIC/PIC maintained weekly staff/faculty newsletter (with grade level updates) sent each Friday at 4:30 PM. 
  5. ParentSquare Training for parents. 
  6. Quarterly Title I parent workshops focusing on Literacy, Arts, English Language Learners, and community building. 
  7. Increase communication through multiple outlets (website, school billboard, ParentSquare, emails from school, teacher emails, etc.)
  8. Provide key communication materials in Spanish and English. 
  9. Continue to encourage parents to enroll in text messaging with ParentSquare and increase followers on social media.
  10. Targeted membership drive for PTSA membership from parents and faculty/staff.   
  11. Shiloh Cluster Parent Discipline Forum in conjunction with the Office of Student Discipline (September 5)
  12. Curriculum Night (September 7)
  13. Themed Nights: ESOL, Hispanic Heritage, STEM & Literacy, Black History Month, International Night 
  14. We are participating in the Georgia Family-friendly Partnership School initiative for Title I schools (FFSP) for SY 2023-24, and 2024-25. For this process, we have committed to SMART goals focusing on improved efforts related to welcoming all families and the communities standard within Georgia's Systems of Continous Improvement.  

Family Survey Participation

  1. SY 2022-23 SMS Baseline: 118 responses
  2. SY 2023-24 SMS Target: 160 responses

Parent Portal Participation

  1. SY 2022-23 SMS Baseline: 70% 
  2. SY 2023-24 SMS Target: 75%