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Accountability and flexibility are hallmarks of Gwinnett County Public Schools' success. Key to that success is ensuring that each school community understands the progress being made by its schools, as well as what plans will drive improvement. Each school creates a collaborative Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI) to increase student achievement results, with targeted goals based on the four strategic priorities within the district’s Blueprint for the Future: Empathy, Equity, Effectiveness, and Excellence. All schools across the district will focus on goals 2A- Multi-tiered Systems of Support and 2B- Opportunity and Access. Additionally, schools are required to select one goal from each of the other strategic priorities. LSPI goals are dynamic, like our schools, and are updated to reflect changes that occur in schools. Multiple data points are used to determine areas needing improvement and to identify specific, measurable, annual objectives. Schools then determine how to use research-based strategies to achieve these goals, using flexibility as needed. The LSPI development process involves teachers, parents, students, and community members, so the entire school community has the opportunity to be involved in conversations about school improvement.


2023-2024 Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI)

School: Central Gwinnett           Principal: Shane Orr

District Strategic Priorities/Goals Rationale Action Steps
(Implementation Design)
How will you measure growth?
Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets)
Empathy 1.A - Cultural Competence

Central Gwinnett High School understands the value of voice and has community members feel a sense of belonging and interconnectedness. Central Gwinnett will implement culturally relevant restorative practices. Central Gwinnett will create systems, structures, and processes that institutionalize and operationalize the GCPS definition of cultural competence: Recognizing, valuing, and leveraging differences in order to interact effectively and better serve our students, staff, and community. 

Cultural Proficiency: Staff Student
Central Gwinnett High School will develop a pre-planning agenda that is intended to build the capacity for teachers to understand, know, and support the diverse student population's needs.

Central Gwinnett High School will have monthly SEL training provided by our SEL Coach. 1B

Central Gwinnett High School will create a wellness room for our faculty and staff. 1B

Central Gwinnett High School will implement the CGHS motto: Every Knight, Every Day, Whatever it Takes. It will be present in announcements, communications to students and parents, and on signage throughout the building. 1A & 1B

Central Gwinnett High School will bring guest speakers on campus who can speak to our diverse student population and provide actionable steps that teachers can take to build community in their classrooms.

Central Gwinnett High School will continue to celebrate our diverse population through various events such as International Knight, Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration, Black History Month, Asian American Pacific Islanders events, and various clubs.

Sense of Belonging/Relationship Skills: Student
Central Gwinnett High School will have advisement 5 days a week. SEL lessons are provided through advisement 2 days a week. SEL lessons are facilitated using the Character Strong curriculum.

Central Gwinnett High School will provide a club and sports fair to students and families during orientation to bring awareness of the various ways students can engage at CGHS.

Central Gwinnett High School will continue to utilize the clubs, sports, and art call boards that are positioned in high-traffic areas within the school. These call boards provide information on ways students can engage in extracurricular activities.

Central Gwinnett High School will continue its partnership with Velocity Now. Velocity Now facilitates Super Saturdays which engages students to create a sense of belonging and builds the capacity of their student leadership. 1B

Sense of Belonging: Family
Central Gwinnett High School will continue to send a digital newsletter once a week that provides resources and school updates.

Central Gwinnett High School will continue holding parent conference nights once a semester.

Central Gwinnett High School will continue its partnership with Lawrenceville First United Methodist Church as they facilitate Raising Highly Capable Kids a 13-week program (multiple cycles starting in January) that is a grant-funded program that provides parenting support that has a direct correlation to student achievement.

Central Gwinnett High School will continue encouraging parents to attend School Council which is hosted one quarter.

Central Gwinnett High School will utilize Parent Square to improve one-on-one communication with parents.


  SY2023 Baseline Target
Cultural Proficiency: Staff Student
Percent of staff responding positively to the following cultural proficiency EES Staff Survey item: We are provided training to meet the needs of a diverse student population in our school. 62% 65%
Sense of Belonging: Student
In my school, I feel that I belong to a group of friends.  55% 58%
My parents/family feel welcome to visit the school. 58% 61%
There’s at least one adult who knows and cares about me. 70% 73%
Sense of Belonging: Family
Responsiveness/Engagement to School score 3 4


Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports

Central Gwinnett will identify academic and non-academic strengths, needs, and interests of each and every student to ensure whole learner, whole child focus. Central Gwinnett will also build the capacity to support and fully integrate non-academic tier 1 structures and processes such as school-wide positive behavior interventions and supports (PBIS).

Central Gwinnett High School will hire an MTSS coordinator who will lead an MTSS team to analyze the MAP and Emotional Wellness screener data throughout the school year to provide targeted intervention for students in Tier 2. 

Central Gwinnett High School will implement targeted interventions by offering after-school tutoring through the SHIELD Program, as well as credit recovery opportunities through GOC, Georgia Virtual, and CGHS-developed credit recovery courses. 

Central Gwinnett High School will provide professional development throughout the school year for teachers who teach students who receive a combination of ELL and Special Ed Services throughout the day. 

Central Gwinett High School will implement a new ISS program that focuses on restorative practices, and all teachers will be provided training for Tier I restorative practices.

Central Gwinnett High School will continue to implement school-wide PBIS.

Central Gwinnett High School will provide SEL professional development every Thursday during Collaborative Learning Time.


MTSS Wellbeing Screener
SY2023 Baseline: 1720 students completed the screener

Student Improvement- Milestones


SY2023 Baseline 

Reading Below Grade Level on Milestones 31.7% 30%
PBIS Implementation Tier 1 Training Year Operational
English Learner Progress Towards Langauge Proficiency - CCRPI 68.31% 71%
EOC - Beginning Level of Mastery
Algebra I  40% 35%


28% 23%
American Lit. 30% 25%
US History 36% 31%


Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access

Central Gwinnett will expand student opportunities to engage in diverse academic offerings and increase opportunities and pathways for students to demonstrate eligibility for Advanced Placement Courses and gifted/talented programming.

Central Gwinnett High School will utilize the GCPS MAP assessments in Math and Language Arts For all 9th graders and 10th graders who are new to the school. This assessment will be used as a universal screener to automatically identify and refer any student scoring 90 or above for gifted testing.

Central Gwinnett High School will use Title I funds to pay for all 9th and 11th graders to take the PSAT. GCPS pays for all 10th graders to take the PSAT. Students who score in the 90th percentile or higher will be referred for gifted testing. 

Central Gwinnett High School will send AP Potential letters to students and families. College Board uses the PSAT score to predict student success rates in AP classes. The AP Potential letters communicate those classes to students and their families to help them with the course selection process in January. 

Central Gwinnett High School will host a Dual Enrollment and Advanced Placement Knight on December 5. The Parent Instructional Coordinator will secure translators for this event.

Central Gwinnett High School will continue expanding access to SOTA within the Central Gwinnett Cluster schools.

Central Gwinnett High School will continue to implement restorative practices with the intention of building community and decreasing the number of suspensions which will keep students in the classroom and guarantee high-quality instruction.

Central Gwinnett High School will continue to offer a variety of clubs that allow students to explore a multitude of careers and interests that they may not have access to as a result of their course load.

  SY2023 Baseline Target
Advanced Coursework Completion, Historically Underserved Groups
Number of students taking AP exams 247 260
Percent of AP students with scores 3+ 48.58% 51%
Gifted & Talented Representation 10.54% 11%


Effectiveness 3.A - Results-Based Evaluation System

Central Gwinnett High School will focus on high-quality Tier 1 instruction for all students while working to eliminate variance among classrooms to support all students in learning at high levels.

Central Gwinnett High School administrators will facilitate Instructional Leadership Team meetings that include all department chairs and course team leads.

Central Gwinnett High School will continue having Collaborative Learning Team meetings twice a week.

Central Gwinnett High School Collaborative Learning Teams will maintain meeting agendas that follow the collaborative learning team framework.

Central Gwinnett High School will continue to focus on small group instruction that targets each and every student’s learning needs.

Central Gwinnett High School Collaborative Learning Teams will focus on Tier I instruction and the Quality Plus Teaching Strategies “Questioning” and “Non-verbal Representation”.

Central Gwinnett High School Collaborative Learning Teams will utilize data talk protocols to analyze common formative assessment data and make adjustments to instruction prior to the unit test.

Central Gwinnett High School will provide professional development for teachers who support Special Education and ELL students.

Central Gwinnett High School will conduct Knightly Rounds that address a problem of practice and provide teachers with timely and actionable feedback to improve student outcomes.


CCRPI Progress: Milestones Growth - Central Gwinnett High School will improve the overall performance on the CCRPI Content Mastery component by accelerating annual growth/performance on the American Literature, Algebra I, Biology, and US History EOC scores.

  SY2023 Baseline Target
American Literature 58.09% 61%
Algebra I 52.49% 55%
Biology 71.92% 75%
US History 64.10% 67%
Excellence 4.B - Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness

Central Gwinnett will promote the value of multiple pathways to success and support students in identifying their strengths and interests to choose the best path for them.

Central Gwinnett High School will hold a College and Career Fair for all Juniors and Seniors on Nov 3, 2023.

Central Gwinnett High School will continue to host Workforce Wednesdays where industry professionals and military recruiters are stationed around the commons to answer questions from students.

Central Gwinnett High School counselors will facilitate college visits for juniors and seniors. 

Central Gwinnett High School will continue administering senior exit surveys.

Central Gwinnett High School will continue to schedule 10th - 12th-grade students into one of the three career academies (LEPS, STEMM, SOTA).

Central Gwinnett High School will continue to facilitate the 9th-grade career connections where industry professionals expose them to potential careers in preparation for choosing the academy they will choose for 10th - 12th grade.

Central Gwinnett High School will emphasize pathway completion through various means including counselor meetings and teacher discussions.

Central Gwinnett High School will continue to foster community connections, including partnerships with Impact 46 and the City of Lawrenceville to maintain and increase exposure to workplace and Summer of Impact internship opportunities.

Central Gwinnett High School will continue to promote Work-Based-Learning opportunities to seniors.

Central Gwinnett High School will continue to promote Maxwell and Grayson opportunities to juniors and seniors.

Central Gwinnett High School will continue to utilize the SOTA Conservatory program which promotes college and career readiness in the Arts. 

Central Gwinnett High School will incorporate the “Portrait of a graduate” during Advisement lessons.  

Central Gwinnett High School will hire a special education counselor who will work with students to map out a plan for post-secondary opportunities.

Central Gwinnett High School will implement a Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers club.


  SY2023 Baseline Target
Percent of 9th-grade students on track 100%  100%
Percent of 10th-grade students on track 77% 80%
Percent of 11th-grade students on track 63% 80%
Percent of 12th-grade students on track 60% 80%
Percent of students entering college 68% 71%
Percent of students entering the military 6% 7%
Percent of students entering the workforce 19% 20%
Students eligible for HOPE Scholarship 34% 36%


Family Engagement/Building Parent Capacity -

Central Gwinnett High School will build our parents' capacity to support their children's academic achievement by Every Knight, Every Day, Whatever it Takes which requires a partnership between the families, community, and school.

Central Gwinnett High School will continue communication with our parents through Knightly Notes, Parent Square, and our staff outreach. 

Central Gwinnett High School will offer support to parents through a 13-week program, Raising Highly Capable Kids in partnership with Georgia Center for Opportunity and Lawrenceville First United Methodist Church.

Central Gwinnett High School will host quarterly parent outreach events through our Super Saturday program offered through our Velocity Now mentoring program.

Central Gwinnett High School will facilitate Team SOTA which is a group of SOTA parents who coordinate successful and exciting events in partnership with students, faculty, and administration.



  SY2023 Baseline Target
EES Interactive Family Survey completion 7% 10%
Social Media Following - Instagram 533 560