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Accountability and flexibility are hallmarks of Gwinnett County Public Schools' success. Key to that success is ensuring that each school community understands the progress being made by its schools, as well as what plans will drive improvement. Each school creates a collaborative Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI) to increase student achievement results, with targeted goals based on the four strategic priorities within the district’s Blueprint for the Future: Empathy, Equity, Effectiveness, and Excellence. All schools across the district will focus on goals 2A- Multi-tiered Systems of Support and 2B- Opportunity and Access. Additionally, schools are required to select one goal from each of the other strategic priorities. LSPI goals are dynamic, like our schools, and are updated to reflect changes that occur in schools. Multiple data points are used to determine areas needing improvement and to identify specific, measurable, annual objectives. Schools then determine how to use research-based strategies to achieve these goals, using flexibility as needed. The LSPI development process involves teachers, parents, students, and community members, so the entire school community has the opportunity to be involved in conversations about school improvement.


2023 - 2024 Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI)

School: ARCHER HIGH           Principal: Conquisha Thompson

District Strategic Priorities/Goals Rationale Action Steps
(Implementation Design)
How will you measure growth?
Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets)
Empathy 1.B - Staff and Student Well Being

Archer High School will promote student and staff wellbeing through prioritizing self-care, physical and mental health, and social emotional learning.

  1. Students will complete SEL lessons twice a week in advisement. 
  2. Advisement lessons will include community circles to help students navigate the best way to resolve conflicts through scenarios.  
  3. Teacher, student, and staff member of the month process will be implemented and we will implement more student and staff celebrations. 
  4. Work closely with peer leaders and GSLT students so students exemplify their leadership to have more impact on Archer's school culture. 
  5. Meet with staff and student advisory groups to create opportunities to provide feedback for school improvement.

Educational Effectiveness Survey (EES): Student Survey

Percent of students responding positively to the EES Student Survey items:

I enjoy coming to this school.

SY2022 Baseline: 30%

SY2023 Actual: 32%

SY2024 Target: 34%

I feel proud of my school.

SY2022 Baseline: 36%

SY2023 Actual: 39%

SY2024 Target: 42%

Most students are respectful of others at this school.

SY2022 Baseline: 26%

SY2023 Actual: 31%

SY2024 Target: 33%

I can calm myself down when I am excited or upset.

SY2022 Baseline: 66%

SY2023 Actual: 68%

SY2024 Target: 70%

Family Survey

Percent of families responding positively to the EES Family Survey item:

My student enjoys going to school.

SY2022 Baseline: 52%

SY2023 Actual: 47%

SY2024 Target: 49%

Staff Support: Staff Survey

Percent of staff responding positively to the EES Staff Survey items: 

When there is a problem in my school, we talk about how to solve it.

SY2022 Baseline: 52%

SY2023 Actual: 56%

SY2024 Target: 58%

My principal facilitates systems/processes to support school improvement.

SY2022 Baseline: 78%

SY2023 Actual: 88%

SY2024 Target: 90% 


Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports

Archer High School will create a system of support to address academic and non-academic student needs and remove barriers to success.


  1. Reach the universal screening goal through monitoring the number of students being screened daily during the screening window and creating a process for absent students to complete the screening.
  2. Creation of PBIS Behavior Flowchart, point system, and reward system. Monthly meetings to review PBIS data and create a plan for continuous quality improvement.
  3. Increase the number of sheltered classes, REP classes, and advisement support based on screening data to support students with their academic needs. 

PBIS Implementation Status

SY2022 Baseline: Emerging

SY2023 Actual: Operational

MTSS Screening: Academic


SY2023 Baseline: 94%

SY2024 Target: 95%


SY2023 Baseline: 95%

SY2024 Target: 96%

MTSS Screening: Wellbeing

SY2023 Baseline: 96%

SY2024 Target: 97%

Student Improvement: Percent Beginning on Milestones

All student groups at the beginning level:  

SY2022 Baseline: 14%

SY2023 Actual: 12%

SY2024 Target: 10%

Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access

Archer High School will expand student opportunities to engage in and access high-quality, rigorous, and culturally relevant curriculum, advanced coursework, and enrichment activities. 


  1. Improve communication about Dual Enrollment, Advanced Placement course and clubs/activities to increase access opportunities. 
  2. Increase the number of non-exclusionary behavior interventions and create a matrix to support staff members when making behavioral decisions through our PBIS program. 
  3. Pair counselors and assistant principals with the same caseload of students and meet regularly to support students with academic and social emotional concerns.
  4. Analyze national, state, and local data to identify underserved student populations with Advanced Placement and Dual Enrollment potential and gifted/talented students.
  5. Develop interventions and enrichment activities to increase student achievement and engagement to meet the needs of all learners and exceptionalities.


Discipline Disproportionality Index: Student Groups Overrepresented in ISS or OSS 

A student group is overrepresented when the disproportionality index is greater than or equal to 1.2. 

Student Group SY2022 ISS SY2022 OSS SY2023 ISS SY2023 OSS SY2024 ISS Target SY2024 OSS Target
FRM Status 1.40 1.32 1.32 1.46 1.1 1.1
Black  1.17 1.31 1.29 1.22 1.1 1.1
Male 1.25 1.30 1.23 1.22 1.1 1.1


Student Survey

Percent of students responding positively to Educational Effectiveness Survey (EES) Student items:

All students have access to rigorous courses and supports.

SY2022 Baseline: 58%

SY2023 Actual: 60%

SY 2024 Target: 62%

My teacher helps me learn by challenging me with interesting activities in class.

SY2022 Baseline: 42%

SY2023 Actual: 45%

SY 2024 Target: 48%

My teachers expect all students to succeed no matter who they are.

SY2022 Baseline: 75%

SY2023 Actual: 77%

SY2024 Target: 80%

Effectiveness 3.A - Results-Based Evaluation System

Archer High School will use data to inform and measure student outcomes to improve and tailor instruction and support student growth.

    1. Build instructional leaders’ capacities to develop teacher effectiveness through professional development. 

    2. Level-setting through walkthroughs and debriefs (R.O.A.R. Walks)

    3. Creation of an instructional innovative team of teachers to partner with ITI Coaches to coach teachers on innovative technological instructional practices.

    4. AHS Leadership will create clear and actionable instructional expectations, and uniform instructional implementation across content.

    5. Establish common Collaborative Learning Team (CLT) practices for all core content areas.

Student improvement-% Proficient and Distinguished on Milestones

EOC Name SY2022 SY2023 SY2024 Target
Algebra I 55% 46% 50%
Biology 63% 57% 60%
American Literature 58% 49% 52%
U.S. History 60% 48% 51%

Educational Effectiveness Survey (EES): Student Survey

Percent of students responding positively to the EES Student Survey items:

Work I do in this school is useful and interesting to me.

SY2022 Baseline: 31%

SY2023 Actual: 38%

SY2024 Target: 40%

My teacher tells me the purpose for each lesson or activity. 

SY2022 Baseline: 41%

SY2023 Actual: 47%

SY2024 Target: 50%

Advanced Placement Pass Rate 

(The number of students taking the AP Exam scoring a 3 or higher on the exam.)

SY2022 Baseline: 82%

SY2023 Actual: 80%

SY2024 Target: 83%

Excellence 4.B - Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness

Archer High School will prepare each and every student for postsecondary and workforce readiness so that they have multiple pathways to success based on their demonstrated knowledge, skills, abilities, and interests.


  1. Weekly assistant principal and counselor meetings to review student data and plan interventions.
  2. Provide ongoing in-class academic interventions and counseling to reduce course failures.
  3. Career lessons that review academics and HOPE Scholarship requirements. 

Number of Students Eligible for HOPE Scholarship

SY2022 Baseline: 335

SY2023 Actual: 440

SY2024 Target: 500

Graduation Rate

SY2022 4-Year Graduation Rate: 88.6%

SY2022 5-Year Graduation Rate: 93.7%

SY2022 Overall graduation Rate: 90.3%

SY2023 4-Year Graduation Rate: Awaiting GaDOE Release

SY2023 5-Year Graduation Rate: Awaiting GaDOE Release

SY2023 Overall graduation Rate: Awaiting GaDOE Release

SY2024 Target: Target goal will be set once final graduation results are received.

9th grade students on track for graduation 

SY2023: 82%

SY2024 Target: 90%