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Accountability and flexibility are hallmarks of Gwinnett County Public Schools' success. Key to that success is ensuring that each school community understands the progress being made by its schools, as well as what plans will drive improvement. Each school creates a collaborative Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI) to increase student achievement results, with targeted goals based on the four strategic priorities within the district’s Blueprint for the Future: Empathy, Equity, Effectiveness, and Excellence. All schools across the district will focus on goals 2A- Multi-tiered Systems of Support and 2B- Opportunity and Access. Additionally, schools are required to select one goal from each of the other strategic priorities. LSPI goals are dynamic, like our schools, and are updated to reflect changes that occur in schools. Multiple data points are used to determine areas needing improvement and to identify specific, measurable, annual objectives. Schools then determine how to use research-based strategies to achieve these goals, using flexibility as needed. The LSPI development process involves teachers, parents, students, and community members, so the entire school community has the opportunity to be involved in conversations about school improvement.


2023 - 2024 Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI)

School: JACKSON ELEMENTARY           Principal: Kara Dutton

District Strategic Priorities/Goals Rationale Action Steps
(Implementation Design)
How will you measure growth?
Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets)
Empathy 1.B - Staff and Student Well Being

We believe that staff and student well being is essential in all educational settings. Creating a supportive community promotes a sense of belonging that allows students and staff to thrive. As we continue our efforts to build an intentional and exemplary Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) and Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) program, we are working to create a positive and nurturing environment that supports growth, learning, and success for all. 

  1. Utilize ESS data analysis with SEL & PBIS Team to plan appropriate interventions and supports
  2. Staff recognition program and adult self-care opportunities
  3. Continue to create spaces for student SEL, including the Amygdala Room, PRIDE Pad and Lions Den 
  4. Targeted SEL lessons using Purposeful People by Character Strong and PBIS Lessons during PRIDE Time
  5. Ongoing implementation of schoolwide PBIS program 
  6. Professional learning opportunities throughout the school year with a SEL focus
  7. Add club opportunities for students in grades 3-5 during the school day to existing club/extracurricular offerings
  8. Communicate SEL & PBIS to students through the morning announcements
  9. Communicate SEL & PBIS to parents through the weekly Principal's Message and family engagement nights to build parent capacity
  10. PBIS student recognition (PRIDE Student of the Month, Best on Bus, Class of the Week, Pizza with the Principals)

Jackson Elementary School will show an improvement in the Student ESS Survey on the question: "I enjoy coming to this school."

2023 Baseline: 46% Almost Always True

2024 Goal: 50% Almost Always True

Jackson Elementary School will show an improvement in the Student EES Survey on the question: "Most students are respectful of others at this school."

2023 Baseline: 22% Almost Always True

2024 Goal: 26% Almost Always True

Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports

Jackson Elementary School is committed to implementing a comprehensive framework to fully operationalize a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) to address academic and non-academic student needs and remove barriers to success. Collaboration and communication with colleagues during Collaborative Learning Teams (CLT) and Tier Talks is essential to ensure each and every student receives the supports they need to be successful academically and social-emotionally. 


  1. Expand Multi-Tiered Student Support (MTSS) by implementing a Universal Screener to address academic press and social-emotional growth of students
  2. Engage in monthly Tier 2 Talks with grade level teams and twice a month Tier 3 Meetings with the intervention team 
  3. Utilize the MTSS Fidelity of Implementation Rubric with MTSS Team to ensure essential components are in place for a successful implementation
  4. Expand PRIDE Time with interventions to support both academic press and supportive community
  5. Implement and structure Collaborative Learning Teams (CLT) and professional learning so all teachers continuously reflect and improve instructional practices, data-based decision making and delivery of intervention and supports through small group instruction 
  6. Utilize the Collaborative Learning Team Self-Assessment with grade level teams to provide specific supports based on the strengths and needs of each team
  7. Leverage district assessment data through data talks and data protocols to gauge the progress of our reducing beginning percentages across student groups
  8. Utilize Synergy for data collection and the implementation plan for student supports and interventions
  9. Implement PBIS and Restorative Practices to support positive behavior outcomes
  10. Increase opportunities for small group, targeted instruction which supports the effective implementation of the MTSS process and/or provide additional interventions and supports to students.


Jackson Elementary School will show an improvement in the Staff EES Survey on the question: “My principal facilitates systems/processes to support school improvement.”

Baseline 2023 - 64% Almost Always True

Goal 2024 - 70% Almost Always True

Jackson Elementary School will show an improvement in the Staff EES Survey on the question: "We reflect upon instructional practices to inform our conversations around improvement."

Baseline 2023 - 50% Almost Always True

Goal 2024 - 65% Almost Always True

Jackson Elementary School will decrease the percentage of students scoring at the Beginning Level on the ELA and MA GMAS.

Baseline 2023 

ELA Grade 3 - 26% Beginning Level

ELA Grade 4 - 23% Beginning Level

ELA Grade 5 - 22% Beginning Level

MA Grade 3 - 13% Beginning Level 

MA Grade 4 -18% Beginning Level

MA Grade 5 - 27% Beginning Level

Goal 2024:

ELA Grade 3 - 23% Beginning Level

ELA Grade 4 - 20% Beginning Level

ELA Grade 5 - 19% Beginning Level

MA Grade 3 - 10% Beginning Level 

MA Grade 4 -15% Beginning Level

MA Grade 5 - 24% Beginning Level


Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access

Jackson Elementary School is committed to expanding student opportunities to engage in and have access to high quality, rigorous, culturally relevant curriculum and advanced coursework. Jackson Elementary School offers students opportunities to engage in advanced courses and enrichment activities such as the arts, gifted, computer science, and STEM. We believe in supporting the whole child through their academic and social-emotional development, as well as helping students discover their passions, talents, and interests beyond the AKS. 

  1. Expand the opportunity to extend and support the learning of students in the area of math and reading starting with quality Tier 1 instruction that utilizes the Quality-Plus Teaching Strategies (QPTS)
  2. Implement Restorative Practices to ensure students have the opportunity to feel valued and respected
  3. Utilize PBIS school-wide and offer incentives to encourage positive behaviors towards meeting school-wide expectations
  4. Create opportunities for students to experience AKS through field trips, in school programs, immersive learning, and assemblies
  5. Expand classroom libraries with a variety of texts to help build background and prior knowledge
  6. Ensure students have access to a variety of technology

Jackson Elementary School will decrease the percentage of students scoring at the Beginning Level on the ELA and MA GMAS. 

Baseline 2023 

ELA Grade 3 - 26% Beginning Level

ELA Grade 4 - 23% Beginning Level

ELA Grade 5 - 22% Beginning Level

MA Grade 3 - 13% Beginning Level 

MA Grade 4 -18% Beginning Level

MA Grade 5 - 27% Beginning Level

Goal 2024:

ELA Grade 3 - 23% Beginning Level

ELA Grade 4 - 20% Beginning Level

ELA Grade 5 - 19% Beginning Level

MA Grade 3 - 10% Beginning Level 

MA Grade 4 -15% Beginning Level

MA Grade 5 - 24% Beginning Level


Jackson Elementary School will decrease discipline referrals based on PBIS data.

Baseline (2023): 24 Total State Reportable Office Discipline Referrals (ODRs)

Goal (2024): 20 Total State Reportable Office Discipline Referrals (ODRs)

Jackson Elementary School will increase our Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) - Tier 1 Score.

Baseline (2023): 96.67

Goal (2024): 97.50


Effectiveness 3.A - Results-Based Evaluation System

The use of a redesigned RBES which includes equal elements of academic growth and supportive community promotes continuous improvement through the identification of strengths and weaknesses and communicates the annual change in school performance in both academic growth and creating a supportive community.

  1. Offer professional learning for teachers that focuses on effective use of data to determine targeted interventions
  2. Build effective Collaborative Learning Teams (CLT) acknowledging the strengths and needs of each grade level team that meet two times a week focusing on curriculum, instruction and assessment, with an emphasis on quality Tier 1 instruction for all students and differentiated small group Tier 2 instruction 
  3. Utilize the Collaborative Learning Team Self-Assessment with grade level teams to provide specific supports based on the strengths and needs of each team
  4. Half-day planning time every nine weeks to provide grade levels the time to utilize data protocols to analyze district assessments to determine instructional moves
  5. Develop and strengthen our school wide MTSS team that includes representation from all instructional areas
  6. Communicate Jackson's instructional expectations to staff and provide feedback through instructional walks

Jackson Elementary School will decrease the percentage of students scoring at the Beginning Level on the ELA and MA GMAS.

Baseline 2023 

ELA Grade 3 - 26% Beginning Level

ELA Grade 4 - 23% Beginning Level

ELA Grade 5 - 22% Beginning Level

MA Grade 3 - 13% Beginning Level 

MA Grade 4 -18% Beginning Level

MA Grade 5 - 27% Beginning Level

Goal 2024:

ELA Grade 3 - 23% Beginning Level

ELA Grade 4 - 20% Beginning Level

ELA Grade 5 - 19% Beginning Level

MA Grade 3 - 10% Beginning Level 

MA Grade 4 -15% Beginning Level

MA Grade 5 - 24% Beginning Level

Excellence 4.A - Preferred Education Destination

Jackson Elementary School is committed to being the first choice of students and families for excellent schools and the employer of choice for educators and staff to fulfill their careers. We believe communication with parents and stakeholders is key to building positive relationships that benefit students and their academic and social-emotional growth. 

  1. Enhance opportunities for stakeholders to be active in the school improvement process through Student Council, School Council, and Parent Teacher Association (PTA) 
  2. Offer Play 2 Learn classes and Little Learners Academy to support the development of early childhood growth in the Peachtree Ridge community
  3. Increase the number of clubs and extracurricular activities offered to students
  4. Offer family engagement activities and parent workshops to build parent capacity
  5. Engage parents through social media initiatives
  6. Implement ParentSquare for schoolwide communication 
  7. Utilize the Family Engagement Center as a support for families, volunteers, business partners, and community stakeholders

Jackson Elementary School will increase its family participation rate on the ESS survey.

2023 Baseline: 50% of expected respondents

2024 Goal: 65% of expected respondents

Jackson Elementary School will show an improvement in the Family ESS Survey on the question: “This school communicates effectively with my family.”

2023 Baseline: 70% Almost Always True

2024 Goal: 75% Almost Always True

Jackson Elementary School will show an improvement in the Family ESS Survey on the question: “This school is doing a good job of preparing my student for a successful future.”

2023 Baseline: 62% Almost Always True

2024 Goal: 68% Almost Always True

Jackson Elementary School will show an improvement in the Student ESS Survey on the question: “This school is doing a good job of preparing me to succeed in my life.”

2023 Baseline: 64% Almost Always True

2024 Goal: 70% Almost Always True