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Accountability and flexibility are hallmarks of Gwinnett County Public Schools' success. Key to that success is ensuring that each school community understands the progress being made by its schools, as well as what plans will drive improvement. Each school creates a collaborative Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI) to increase student achievement results, with targeted goals based on the four strategic priorities within the district’s Blueprint for the Future: Empathy, Equity, Effectiveness, and Excellence. All schools across the district will focus on goals 2A- Multi-tiered Systems of Support and 2B- Opportunity and Access. Additionally, schools are required to select one goal from each of the other strategic priorities. LSPI goals are dynamic, like our schools, and are updated to reflect changes that occur in schools. Multiple data points are used to determine areas needing improvement and to identify specific, measurable, annual objectives. Schools then determine how to use research-based strategies to achieve these goals, using flexibility as needed. The LSPI development process involves teachers, parents, students, and community members, so the entire school community has the opportunity to be involved in conversations about school improvement.


2023 - 2024 Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI)

School: TWIN RIVERS MIDDLE           Principal: Betsy Kelly

District Strategic Priorities/Goals Rationale Action Steps
(Implementation Design)
How will you measure growth?
Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets)
Empathy 1.B - Staff and Student Well Being

We believe focusing on student wellness will improve belonging and lead to student success.

We believe staff who feel heard, appreciated, and equipped to do their job are more likely to exceed expectations and return the following year.

  1. We will continue our efforts to build an intentional, well-established, exemplary social and emotional learning (SEL) program through building the capacity of our SEL team and using a train the trainer model to provide professional development.
  2. We will add an additional 30-minute block of time into the schedule weekly to focus specifically on Goal Setting, PBIS, SEL, and the Portrait of a Graduate Competencies (Resourcefulness, Collaborative Leadership, Adaptability, Communication, Critical Thinking, Empathy).
  3. We will increase opportunities for students to connect to their school  by providing time during the school day for students to participate in Student Interest Groups. In these groups students will also have opportunities to practice the SEL skills they learn in Advisement.
  4. We build upon existing programs such as Peer Leading, and Student Ambassadors to elevate student voice and add a Principal's Student Advisory Council.
  5. We will host an International Night to highlight the many countries and cultures represented by our students and their families.
  6. We will utilize a shared leadership approach to decision making by continuing to embrace teacher voice through Principal’s Advisory Council, Curriculum Council, and requesting feedback through staff surveys.
  7. We will demonstrate staff appreciation through personal notes, recognitions, and celebrations.
  8. We will create opportunities for the staff to get to know each other, make connections, and create a sense of belonging.

Data from EES survey administered during the spring of 2023.

Student Responses

Student Wellbeing

Baseline 62%     Target 66%

Sense of Belonging

Baseline 75%     Target 78%

Cultural Proficiency

Baseline 74%     Target 77%

Belonging and Engagement % Positive Responses

Baseline 62%     Target 66%

Staff Responses

Staff Support

Baseline 84%     Target 86%




Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports

We believe implementing a Multi-tiered System of Supports, including a PBIS program, will identify and address the academic and non-academic needs of students thereby removing barriers to success and resulting in improved student achievement.

  1. We will train teachers to create a classroom matrix of expectations with their students and use the matrix to explicitly teach classroom expectations.
  2. We will acknowledge students meeting an exceeding expectations through Bear Excellence.
  3. We will consistently issue behavior points in Synergy for students meeting and exceeding expectations. Students can redeem these points in our virtual school store and to attend schoolwide celebrations.
  4. We will strategically use staff resources resources to provide intervention and support for students for identified students.
  5. The MTSS team will meet regularly to ensure structures, processes, and practices are in place to address social and academic needs of students in real time.
  6. The RTI team will meet monthly to discuss progress monitoring and effectiveness of interventions.

Status of PBIS program

Baseline: Installing     Target: Emerging

% of Milestone Tests in Beginning Category


Language Arts


Baseline: 14%       Target: 12%




Baseline: 8%         Target: 6%




Baseline: 23%        Target: 20%


Social Studies


Baseline: 11%        Target: 9%


Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access

We believe all students should engage in and have access to high-quality rigorous and culturally relevant curriculum.

  1. We will establish a restorative practices team to redeliver professional development.
  2. On September 19th, at either 8:00 am or  5:30 pm, parents can attend a presentation at Twin Rivers on Social Media, Drugs, Alcohol, and Dangerous Trends provided by the Office of Student Discipline.
  3. We will employ the use of behavior coaches, professional development and staff resources such as counselors, to address the needs of all student groups.
  4. We will include interventions as a response to classroom managed behaviors and administrator managed behaviors to address root causes.
  5. We will use IREADY as an additional method to increase access by identifying more students as gifted and talented who have not been historically identified
  6. We will increase the number of Gifted, EL, and Instructional Coaching endorsed teachers.
  7. The PBIS team will meet monthly to analyze discipline data and determine next steps in response to the data.
  8. We will host Cafe con Consejeras (Coffee with Counselors) each month to communicate and engage with our Hispanic families in Spanish.
  9. We will streamline two-way communication with families through the use of ParentSquare allowing families access to communications in their primary language, when possible.
  10. We will increase our social media followers by making these accounts a valuable additional method of communication to promote events, communicate updates and share news with the TRMS community.

Reduce the Percent of Students with ISS Incidents

Baseline: 13.6% (ISS)  Target:  9% (ISS)

Reduce the Percent of Students with OSS Incidents

Baseline 7.3% (OSS) Target:  5% (OSS)

Increase % of Students Identified as Gifted


Baseline:  21%     Target:  23%

Increase number of social media followers

Baseline: 775     Target: 1500

Effectiveness 3.A - Results-Based Evaluation System

At Twin Rivers, our goal is to develop high achieving students through intentional and innovative planning, instruction, and assessment for literacy, numeracy, and critical thinking in order to become consistent in our practices and to ensure high quality instruction occurs in every classroom, every day.

  1. We will reduce the variability of the quality of instruction in all classrooms through the following:
    1. Curriculum Council book study on The New Classroom Instruction that Works.

    2. Weekly curriculum team meetings where the “20 Mile March Instructional Framework,” instructional calendars, Quality-Plus Teaching Strategies, formative assessment, responsive instruction, and data guide the teams’ discussions and decision making

    3. Use of the Common Assessment spreadsheet to track mastery of the standards for all student groups

    4. Teacher observations where the leadership team looks for consistency among curriculum teams and provides meaningful feedback

    5. Professional development on differentiated instruction in response to formative data that meets the needs of each and every student

    6.      Peer observations to highlight the use of effective strategies

Increase CCRPI Progress Score

Baseline: 86.5     Target: 90


Increase % of students scoring in the Proficient and Distinguished categories on Milestones


Baseline: 61.4%                    Target: 66%


Data from student EES survey administered during the spring of 2023


Frequent Monitoring of Teaching and Learning % Positive Response


Baseline 62%     Target 66%


Data from staff EES survey administered during the spring of 2023


Frequent Monitoring of Teaching and Learning % Positive Response


Baseline 83%     Target 85%


Focused Professional Development % Positive Responses 

Baseline 66%     Target 70%




Excellence 4.B - Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness

At Twin Rivers we strive to prepare students for a global society by providing them with innovative learning experiences where they think critically, collaborate and communicate effectively resulting in high student achievement.


  1. We will host a Career Day to expose students to a wide variety of careers and the education needed to pursue those careers.
  2. Counselors will teach career lessons through Naviance.
  3. We will add an additional 30-minute block of time into the schedule weekly to focus specifically on Goal Setting, PBIS, SEL, and the Portrait of a Graduate Competencies
  4. We will increase opportunities for students to connect to their school by providing time during the school day for students to participate in Student Interest Groups. In these groups, students will have opportunities to develop the six Portrait of a Graduate Competencies.
  5. We will offer connections classes that prepare students for CTE pathways (Examining Teaching as a Profession, Food Nutrition and Wellness, Computer Science, Business and Marketing)
  6. We will host a STEM night to promote participation in the Science, Engineering + Innovation Fair.
  7. We will start a Robotics club to increase interest in computer science.

Data on student EES survey administered spring of 2023

Student Satisfaction - Student Survey

Baseline 53%     Goal 58%

Number of Student Interest Groups offered During the School Day

Baseline 0          Goal: 20 per grade level

Number of Career Day Speakers

Baseline 0          Goal: 10 speakers