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Accountability and flexibility are hallmarks of Gwinnett County Public Schools' success. Key to that success is ensuring that each school community understands the progress being made by its schools, as well as what plans will drive improvement. Each school creates a collaborative Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI) to increase student achievement results, with targeted goals based on the four strategic priorities within the district’s Blueprint for the Future: Empathy, Equity, Effectiveness, and Excellence. All schools across the district will focus on goals 2A- Multi-tiered Systems of Support and 2B- Opportunity and Access. Additionally, schools are required to select one goal from each of the other strategic priorities. LSPI goals are dynamic, like our schools, and are updated to reflect changes that occur in schools. Multiple data points are used to determine areas needing improvement and to identify specific, measurable, annual objectives. Schools then determine how to use research-based strategies to achieve these goals, using flexibility as needed. The LSPI development process involves teachers, parents, students, and community members, so the entire school community has the opportunity to be involved in conversations about school improvement.


2023 - 2024 Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI)

School: ARCADO ELEMENTARY           Principal: Paula Thompson

District Strategic Priorities/Goals Rationale Action Steps
(Implementation Design)
How will you measure growth?
Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets)
Empathy 1.B - Staff and Student Well Being

Arcado ES works to ensure individualized, authentic instruction through the implementation of Social Emotional Learning and Restorative Practices, with an emphasis on student and staff well-being, self-care, physical and mental health, and social emotional learning.

  1. Acknowledge staff achievements through weekly newsletter.

  2. Continue to provide monthly wellness activities for teachers.

  3. Continue to celebrate teachers by engaging in monthly staff celebrations. 

  4. Provide new lessons for the SEL program taught through the Pawsitivity Academy.

  5. Continue to provide resources for teachers to conduct daily Class Meetings.

  6. Continue to provide guidance counselor lessons utilizing Nora Project,PBIS and District SEL.

  7. Provide training for new PBIS members and continue to implement PBIS awards for staff and students.

  8. Provide opportunities for teachers to learn and engage in experiences that support Arcado's diverse population.

Educational Effectiveness Survey (EES Survey) – Students

Increase the percentage of students and staff responding positively to the following Educator Effectiveness Survey items:

(1) I enjoy coming to this school

Baseline Spring 2023- 44% 

Target Spring 2024- 54%

Staff Support – Staff Survey

1) I incorporate SEL instruction into my daily instruction

Baseline Spring 2023 88%

Target Spring 024 95%



Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports

Arcado  ES will utilize a framework that supports the academic and non-academic needs of all students to allow access and opportunity for success.

    1. Continue to analyze Universal Screeners in LA and Math are administered three times per year.

    2. Continue to provide targeted interventions for Tier 1, II, & III developed by the MTSS Team based on screener data.

    3. Dedicated 45 minute intervention block built into each student's day.

    4. Increase the number of students participating in the Advanced Math Class for 5th graders. 

    5. Provide new training for the PBIS coach and teams to enhance their support in providing interventions, feedback, or conduct restorative small groups.

    6. Continue to implement Counselor Lessons based on Wellness Screeners.

    7. Continue to provide Intervention resources to teachers and training to support students in Tier 1 & Tier 2 Instruction.

    8. Continue to provide Webb Based subscriptions to support intervention and core content Instruction

    9. Continue to provide ML students with specific and targeted support through site-based license.

    10. Increase staffing for Gifted, ML and EIP instruction to support growth in these subgroups. 
    11. Increase math instructional support with additional staffing of a math coach.
    12. Increase opportunities for small group, targeted instruction which supports the effective implementation of the MTSS process and/or provide additional interventions and supports to students. 

PBIS Implementation Status

Spring 2023 – Emerging 

Target Spring 2024 - Operational 


Milestones increase in Proficient & Distinguished all students 

Spring 2023 Data 

GMAS Proficient & Distinguished














Target 2024 Data

GMAS Proficient & Distinguished








65%  60%





Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access

Arcado  ES will expand student opportunities to engage in and have access to high quality, rigorous, and culturally relevant curriculum and enrichment activities.

    1. Increase the number of families participating in Play 2 Learn program for families with children ages 0-5.

    2. Continue to offer an After School Program available to all families

    3. Provide take home materials for Instructional Math and STEM Fair

    4. Continue to host International Night

    5. Continue to work to remove language barriers for Arcado’s diverse community during Title 1- Instructional Nights.  Increase translator options for our diverse community.

    6. Establish a Parent Center 

    7. Continue Lego Robotics Team and add a lower grade to the program

    8. Provide Arcado Afters- (After School clubs offered to all students) Academic and non- academic to support Supportive Community and Academic Press

    9. Continue with Readers Rally program

    10. Continue to improve H.E.R.O.E. Night for Hispanic families

    11. Create Enrichment Space for students to explore, create and discover (Maker Space) 

    12.  Provide early learning opportunities for young children to prepare them for Kindergarten. (Kindergarten Kamp)

    13. Increase translator opportunities for our diverse populations
    14. Provide childcare when parents attend workshops.

Kindergarten Readiness Test 

Beginning of 23-24 School Data 46% 

Beginning of 24-25 School Data: TBD 

Iready Test Placement & Target Data

Grade   % Iready BOY EL Test Results % Iready EOY EL Test Results Targets
K 100 95
1 86 96
2 72 85
3 61 85
4 70 85
5 66 85


Grade  IReady Math BOY results IReady Math EOY target results 
k 100 95
1 73 83
2 76 86
3 71 85
4 76 86
5 80 90



Effectiveness 3.B - Talent Management

Arcado ES will work to implement a strategic talent management organization that supports educators and staff to achieve district goals. Arcado ES will utilize coaching support and mentors to identify talents and retain a highly trained faculty

  1. Increase teacher morale and  retention by providing:

    1. Continue implementing Paraprofessional of the Month and Perfect Attendance Para celebrations.

    2. Continue to showcase teacher work in the hallways, on the scrolling screen and weekly newsletters.

    3. Continue to increase teacher leadership opportunities 

    4. Continue to share communication regarding advanced opportunities. 

    5. Provide incentives for teachers to plan after work hours. 

    6. Continue to provide opportunities that allow teachers to observe other teachers through lab classes. 

    7. Continue to encourage teachers to participate in endorsements opportunities.

Staff Satisfaction Survey EES questions: 

1). The school communicates effectively with families of all cultures.

Spring 2023- 89%

Target 2024- 93% 

2). My Principal/Administrator cares about me as a person. 

Spring 2023 81% 

Target 2024 -90% 


Excellence 4.C - World-Class Communication and Engagement

 Arcado ES will develop and expand a comprehensive two- communication and family engagement  model that supports student learning and development.



  1. Increase opportunities to implement a variety of  opportunities for families to participate in workshops held at the school.

  2. Sustain Smore Newsletters and informational flyers in a variety of languages that  will be shared with stakeholders

  3. Increase participation in all Title 1- Parent events.

  4. Increase parent instructional Informational Nights

  5. Continue to increase PTA events and memberships. 

  6. Work to expand school council meetings and invite new community members to participate

  7. Increase teacher communication with parents 
  8. Increase two-way communication for staff and parents. 

EES Family Survey Participation

Number  of families participating in the annual EES Family Survey

Spring Data 2023 : 116 Respondent

Spring 2024 Data Target:  232 Respondents 

2023 ESS Questions:

Communication materials I receive from the school are in a language that I can understand. 

2023 98%

2024 Target 99%

The school communicates effectively with my family. 

2023 89%

2024 Target 95%

Family Engagement/Building Parent Capacity -

We will build our parents' capacity to support their children's academic achievement by implementing the activities identified in The Plan/The Promise.

  1. Continue to host the P2L program and work to increase family participation 
  2.  Improve the Parent Center with materials for parents to check out
  3. Provide Conversational English classes for parents 
  4. Extend the H.E,R.O.E. program
  5. Provide Early Learning Opportunities for families
  6. Provide parent Informational/Instructional Nights 
  7. Host Tea with Dr. T once a month 
  8. Build staff and parent capacity to support learning at home.
  9. Foster two-way communication between the school and family using ParentSquare and ClassDojo.
  10. Provide childcare for families at parent events.


Educational Effectiveness Survey (EES Survey) – Family (Sense of Belonging)

Actions of Leaders promote a shared commitment for equity.

Spring 2023  Results: 90% (55% Almost Always True: 35% Often True) 

Target Spring 2024: Increase Total to 95%