District Strategic Priorities/Goals | Rationale | Action Steps (Implementation Design) |
How will you measure growth? Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets) |
Empathy 1.B - Staff and Student Well Being |
Staff Well-Being
Student Well-Being
The vestibule with enhanced camera monitoring provide a safe teaching and learning environment for students and staff.
Student Wellbeing Educational Effectiveness Survey (EES Survey) - Student Increase the % of students indicating positive responses on the Supportive Learning Environment questions of the Educational Effectiveness Survey
Staff Support
Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports | Lawrenceville Elementary will Implement a comprehensive multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) to address academic and non-academic student needs and remove barriers to success. Through MTSS, we will implement processes and procedures to identify student needs in order to develop plans to meet the needs of students resulting in an increase in the number of students performing at the proficient and distinguished levels. |
1. MTSS structures will remain in place led by teachers and supported by instructional support staff :
2. LES commits to analyzing and celebrating student academic growth. 3. Administrators will conduct individual and group learning walks with specific observation learning targets to support instructional practice. 4. Instructional coaches will observe in classroom weekly to support implementation of CLT learning. 5. LES teachers will use assessment tools to derive timely diagnostic data (iReady, Amplify, DA's, etc). 6. The LES staff will provide Intervention/Extension during our CQI block (Knight Time) for 30 minutes per day. 7. The instructional coaches will continue to build teacher capacity and leadership during CLT to include more time collaborating; gathering/interpreting data; sharing/modeling instructional practices. 8. Teachers will continue the EL Education curriculum which engages students in reading, thinking, talking, and writing about engaging grade level texts on meaningful/culturally responsive topics. 9. LES will encourage teachers to participate in district professional development. 10. Students in grades 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade will be invited to attend extended learning opportunities at the GGC campus - 21st CCLC Grizzly Academy: Dreamers program. 11. Students will participate in the ELT program according to their needs. 12. LES staff will invite families to participate in school events and workshops in order to increase family engagement and build parents’ capacity to support their students' academic achievement.
Student Group Achievement We will increase the percentage of students achieving at the proficient and distinguished levels on the LA and Math Milestones SY 2023 KPI Baseline
LES will increase the percentage of teachers completing instructional and classroom management coaching cycles. Goal: 100% of teachers who are switching careers will participate in instructional and/or classroom management coaching cycles. Student Behavior LES will decrease the percentage of students serving in ISS and OSS. 2022-2023 Percentage of students with disciplinary incidents - 3.7% (29 students) Goal - 2%
Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access |
1. LES will improve kindergarten readiness through expanding access to purposeful playing experiences by adding Joyful Learning to Pre-K classes. 2. LES will increase opportunity to learn through consistently implementing a high-quality curriculum that reflects grade level expectations, focusing on early literacy and the science of reading by continuing EL Education. 3. LES will increase opportunities for students to demonstrate eligibility for gifted/talented program.
LES will increase the percentage of students scoring 70% or above in the KREP assessment SY 2023 KPI Baseline - 48% Goal - 70% LES will increase the percentage of students achieving proficient and distinguished on the Language Arts and Math Milestones in federal accountability student groups. SY 2023 KPI Baseline - LA KPI Baseline - MA Black - 21% Black - 17% Hispanic - 19% Hispanic - 21% Multiracial - 21% Multiracial - 29% EL - 10% EL - 18% Free Meals - 20% Free Meals - 19% Special Ed - 2% Special Ed - 2%
LES will increase the percentage of students in the Gifted & Talented program SY 2023 KPI Baseline - 6% Goal - 10%
Reading - LES will increase the number of students performing in the Tier 1 (on or above grade level) category as measured by the iReady screener to include all students who are currently performing one grade level below. SY 2023-2024 BOY - iReady Screener Data
Mathematics - LES will increase the number of students performing in the Tier 1 (on or above grade level) category as measured by the iReady screener to include all students who are currently performing one grade level below.
Effectiveness 3.A - Results-Based Evaluation System | Lawrenceville Elementary staff will use the Results-Based Evaluation System (RBES) to define inputs, behaviors, and outcomes of our students to determine successes of academic press and supportive community implementations.
1 - LES staff will revise and implement updated classroom practices for progress monitoring, with proactive opportunities to course-correct to provide additional resources and support as needed within the academic year.
2 - LES will commit to celebrating student academic growth. 3 - LES will record behaviors and monitor academic press data to make necessary changes to how we support students.
Reading - LES will increase the number of students performing in the Tier 1 (on or above grade level) category as measured by the iReady screener to include all students who are currently performing one grade level below. SY 2023-2024 BOY - iReady Screener Data
Mathematics - LES will increase the number of students performing in the Tier 1 (on or above grade level) category as measured by the iReady screener to include all students who are currently performing one grade level below.
Student Group Achievement We will increase the percentage of students achieving at the proficient and distinguished levels on the LA and Math District Assessments. SY2023
We will increase the percentage of students achieving at the proficient and distinguished levels on the LA and Math Milestones SY 2023 KPI Baseline
Excellence 4.C - World-Class Communication and Engagement | Lawrenceville Elementary will improve two-way communication, engagement, and outreach to reach the target audiences of families, students, teachers and the community.
Families 1. Grade levels will develop a plan for communication with families.
2. Posting will be made weekly to the LES social media sites to encourage more social media followers. 3. Monthly parent newsletters will be sent by the principal to provide timely updates. 4. The LES staff will provide communication in English and Spanish. 5. Teachers will have access to the language bank for other languages. 6. LES staff will use translation equipment for family workshops and events.
Staff 1. Weekly newsletter will be sent to staff (Knight News). 2. Principal comment box is available to staff. 3. Committee meetings will take place monthly. 4. Staff meetings will take place monthly (as needed) to provide necessary information to staff. 5 - Staff will encourage more social media participation and visits to the LES website.
6. The addition of GroupMe is provided for staff to communicate. Students 1. Teachers will meet with students to develop goals for their academic success. 2. Teachers will provide feedback to students on the academic and non-academic performance. 3. Students will have leadership and involvement opportunities through clubs, media ambassadors, and safety patrol. 4. Students are provided opportunities to connect with high school students through the Peer Leader group from Central Gwinnett High School.
LES will increase the percentage of positive Responses in the Student Educational Effectiveness Survey Belonging & Engagement Characteristic SY 2023 KPI Baseline -55% Goal - 70% LES will maintain the percentage of positive Responses in the Staff Educational Effectiveness Survey. SY 2023 KPI Baseline 85% Goal 90% LES will maintain the percentage of positive responses on all characteristics of the Educational Effectiveness Educational Survey Results. SY 2023 KPI Baseline 85-90% Goal 90% LES will increase the the Number of Responses in the Family Educational Effectiveness Survey Results. SY 2023 KPI Baseline - 100 Goal - 125 Social Media Analytics SY 2023 LES will increase the number of Followers, Likes, and/or Posts on Social Media platforms. Facebook Followers - 363; Goal - 400 Facebook Likes - 282; Goal - 300 Instagram Followers - 256; Goal - 300 Instagram Posts - 371; Goal - 450