2023 - 2024 Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI)
School: DISCOVERY HIGH           Principal: Marci Sledge
District Strategic Priorities/Goals
Action Steps (Implementation Design)
How will you measure growth? Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets)
Empathy 1.B - Staff and Student Well Being
Discovery High School is focused on promoting student and staff wellbeing, belonging, and engagement through positive relationships and a supportive learning environment, which aligns to Goal 1B in the Blueprint for the Future.
Staffing will include additional support staff to meet the needs of students and staff
Community social worker and school social worker on site
Additional counselor hired to lower case loads for counselors
Counselors relocated throughout the building for easier access and higher visibility for students and staff.
APEX counselor on site for student support.
Student Well-Being and Student Voice
Monthly student/principal chats scheduled to share ideas, concerns, and build relationships.
Monthly GSLT (Gwinnett Student Leadership Team)/principal meetings to discuss school and student-lead initiatives.
Continuation of the Chick-Fil-A Leadership Academy
Play-to-Learn incorporated into the school day to support SEL competencies (relationship skills, self-awareness, self-management).
Student-led new-student orientation monthly
SEL calendar created by PBIS, Advisement, and SEL teams to incorporate community building and SEL competencies in classrooms multiple times each week.
SEL openers will be incorporated at least once per week during classes.
Anonymous process for students to voice concerns will be available for students.
Student/Adult Connection
"Challenge Day" scheduled in January (2 days) to promote authentic adult/student relationships beginning with a core group of 200 students and 30 staff members.
Professional Learning Provided on SEL strategies and competencies for staff to support students.
Staff Well-Being and Staff Voice
Monthly staff/principal chats scheduled to share ideas, concerns, and building relationships.
Staff wellness room provided for staff.
Wellness activities planned for staff including; Moving Mondays and Yoga Wednesdays.
Schedule regular celebrations for staff
Back to School Celebration
Staff birthday acknowledgements
Create a QR code for teachers to provide input into how they like to be recognized.
Monthly student nominations for teacher praise.
Q: Students are involved in solving problems in this school.
2021-22 Baseline
2023-24 Goal
Q: I feel proud of my school.
2021-22 Baseline
2023-24 Goal
Q: Student success is celebrated.
2021-22 Baseline
2023-24 Goal
Q: In this school, there is at least one adult who knows and cares about me.
2023-24 Goal
Q: My principal/administrator cares about me as a person.
2021-22 Baseline
2023-24 Goal
Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports
Discovery High School will begin expand its comprehensive framework to operationalize a multi-tiered system of supports to address academic and non-academic student needs and remove barriers to success.
Academic Press
Monthly MTSS committee meetings will be held to discuss interventions, review data, and adjust plans as needed.
MTSS coordinator hired to support teachers, identify students needing intervention, and monitor progress.
Universal screening will be administered in fall and data analyzed by the MTSS team to identify tier 2 students.
Identified 9th grade students will be scheduled into the 9th "ACES" program to provide increased academic support and extended class times in Algebra I and 9th grade language arts. Each class will have at least two teachers.
Tier 2 students will be supported by 9th and 10th grade LA teachers during the 5th period Titan Time intervention block.
Tier 3 Interventions will be provided 3 weeks each month during Flex 9 and four additional times each week during the intervention block beginning in January.
Flex 9 support and enrichment opportunities will be increased to 3 times monthly.
Credit recovery will be offered during flex 9 in fall and spring semesters
Math Strategies and REP courses will be schedule based on student need.
Collaborative Learning Team (CLT) work will have increase focus on small group Tier 1+ instruction.
Bite-sized learning around small group instruction and effective learning targets
Data talks timing will be adjusted to focus on formative assessment data.
Summative data will be used to form Flex 9 reteaching and reassessment groups
Small group focus will be included on the eClass lesson plan template.
Monthly CLT's will be scheduled for "Looking at student Work" sessions.
Teacher peer observations aligned to professional development focused scheduled regularly.
Supportive Community
Continued school-wide implementation of PBIS
SEL professional development will be provided for instructional and support staff and imbedded within other professional development for staff.
Local School social worker will hold re-entry conferences will be held for students received 3 or more days of Out of School Suspension.
Regular delivery of lessons and activities addressing the SEL competencies will be incorporated as outlined on the SEL calendar.
Reduction of students performing in the beginning level of milestones assessments.
EOC Course
2023 % Beginning
Goal 2024 Beginning
American Literature
Algebra 1
US History
Reduce the number of exclusionary consequences to ensure students have access to high quality, direct instruction from certified teachers to the highest extent possible.
2023-24 Target
Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access
Discovery High School will expand student opportunities to engage in and access high-quality, rigorous, and culturally relevant curriculum, advance coursework (e.g. Advanced Placement and dual enrollment) and enrichment activities (e.g. the arts, gifted, CTE pathways).
A combined approach to Post-Secondary Opportunities will be used when communicating with parents and students to find each students best fit for Advanced Placement (AP), Dual Enrollment (DE) and other opportunities.
Parent nights will be branded as "post-secondary" options, and will include AP, Dual Enrollment, and apprenticeship information.
Advanced Placement (AP) Opportunity and Access
Advanced Placement Potential letters will be translated and mailed home to communicate opportunities to students and families.
AP teachers will visit individual classrooms to communicate AP course opportunities directly to students.
AP test prep sessions will be held for Econ/Gov in the spring.
Specific 10th grade Advanced Algebra 2 students were identified an "cohorted" to prepare them for an AP math track.
A mock-exam committee will plan a weekend mock exam for students.
AP teachers will be retrained periodically through summer institutes in order to stay up-to-date on content and strategies to support students
Dual Enrollment (DE)
Opportunities to offer Dual Enrollment courses on campus will be explored to remove barriers to transportation for students.
Increased communication with parents of DE students regarding requirements, expectations, and impact of DE coursework and to remind parents to check on student progress regularly.
Teachers will be provided professional learning opportunities to support their ability to connect core concepts with CTAE career opportunities for students.
Computer science and science teachers will collaborate on lessons that integrate coding into science concepts.
Discipline Disproportionality and Attendance
Continued implementation of a school-wide PBIS program.
Increase praise and celebration for desired behaviors (including attendance) and communicate incentives in advance.
A consistent Attendance Awareness Campaign will be planned and implemented
Perfect Attendance will be recognized monthly and incorporated into PBIS
AWOL protocols and interventions will be implemented consistently prior to issuing exclusionary consequences.
Academy AP's will determine a clear plan for documenting major vs. minor consequences.
Academic and behavior data will be consistently shared during academy meetings.
Re-entry conferences with the School Social Worker will be implemented for students returning to school for infractions resulting in 3 days Out of School or returning from an alternative setting.
An opportunity for "early return to class" will be in place for students assigned to ISS.
Students in the the EBD program will be assigned to Affective skills first or second period each day to acclimate for the school day the affective skills.
The EBD teacher and para will push-in to the classrooms of their students throughout the day and re-regulate students as needed to help decrease the need for exclusionary consequences.
Advanced Coursework Completion, Historically Underserved Groups
Percent of 12th graders in historically underserved groups completing AP course and exam, or dual enrollment course during their high school career.
2023-24 Goal
120/614 = 16%
Effectiveness 3.A - Results-Based Evaluation System
Discover High School will focus on high-quality Tier 1 instruction fo all students while working to eliminate variance among classrooms to support all students in learning at high levels.
Collaborative Learning Team (CLT) work will be re-normed and have increase focus on small group Tier 1+ instruction.
CLT leads will map out CLT sessions for each unit to ensure the CLT work cycle is planned for.
Classrooms will be arranged to accommodate regular small group instruction.
Bite-sized learning around small group instruction and effective learning targets will be provided.
Peer classroom observations will be incorporated in the the professional development plan
Data talk protocol process and timing will be adjusted to focus on formative assessment data.
Summative data will be used to form Flex 9 reteaching and reassessment groups
Small group focus will be included on the eClass lesson plan template.
Monthly CLT's will be scheduled for "Looking at student Work" sessions.
Release time will be provided as needed to CLTs to plan for effective instruction.
New Teachers will be supported through a variety of systems
Instructional coaching cycles will be completed with new and struggling teachers to support effectiveness and encourage self-reflection
New teacher induction meetings will focus on instructional strategies and pedagogy
New teachers will be provided effective mentors.
In addition to GCPS professional development, Discovery teachers will be provided a variety of professional development opportunities focused on supporting school-wide and district instructional initiatives.
Percentage of students scoring in the proficient (P) and distinguished (D) categories on EOC assessments.
EOC Course
2023 % P/D
Goal 2024 P/D
American Literature
Algebra 1
US History
Excellence 4.B - Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness
Discovery High School Will prepare each and every student for Post- secondary and workforce readiness so that they have multiple pathways to success based on their demonstrated knowledge, skills, abilities, and interests.
Career Academy Model Implementation
9th grade Implementation
students and teachers will be scheduled into teams of core teachers to provide additional support and community.
9th grade students will be exposed to all career pathways offered at Discovery High School through a comprehensive plan including 9th grade Career Connections.
10th-12th implementation
students will be scheduled into one of the four career academies offered at Discovery
Emphasis on pathway completion will be promoted through academy meetings for teachers and through a variety of means including displays, announcements, advisements, and assemblies for students.
College and career fairs, apprenticeship fairs, and FAFSA workshops will be conducted on-site.
Professional development "cohorts" will be formed between core and CTE teachers to enhance teachers' abilities to teach through each academy's lens.
Community connections, including partnerships with Impact 46 and City of Lawrenceville, will be formed and maintained to increase exposure for students to work-place opportunities.
In-house Work-Based-Learning opportunities including Creative Media Team and CSEC/Graphic Design to support school-based enterprises will be available to students.
A purposeful process for incorporating the "Portrait of a graduate" will be created by academy quads and co-authored by students for grades 9-12.
Increase the percentage of 12th graders completing a CTAE Pathway.
Goal: 2023-24
All Academies
Increase for students on track for graduation based on core courses required for graduation from August to May
Students on Track (Cohorts 2023 - 2026)
Goal: Students on Track (Cohorts 2024 - 2027)
*Based on GCPS cohort analyzer data
Increase the 4-year cohort graduation rate each year.
2022-23 Four-Year Graduation Rate
Goal: 2023-24 Four-Year Graduation Rate
Family Engagement/Building Parent Capacity -
We will build our parents' capacity to support their children's academic achievement by implementing the activities identified in The Plan/The Promise.
Parents will be given the opportunity for input, feedback, and support as a part of every family engagement session.
The Title I planning meeting will solicit feedback and input on parent engagement opportunities and funding toward student resources.
A Fall and Spring parent conference night will be held to allow teachers and parents to discuss student success and progress.
Monthly parent tips in the newsletter will focus on supporting students academically as well as how parents can connect with the school.
School-wide tutoring opportunities will be communicated to parents.
The Parent Outreach Liaison will host a Parent Center Orientation.
The Parent Outreach Liaison supports parents in making sure they have access to the parent portal and other resources to communicate with teachers.
The Parent Outreach Liaison will create a calendar of parent support opportunities and publish the events through Parent Square, the website, and in the parent center.
Every family engagement opportunity will be shared via direct mail.
Growth on the following questions on the Parent EES Survey.
1. I feel welcome at this school.
Baseline 78%
Goal: 83%
2. Parents and families have input into the plans for improving this school.
Baseline 65%
Goal: 70%
3.This school tells me how I can help my student with homework.