2023 - 2024 Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI)
School: JORDAN MIDDLE           Principal: Melissa Miller
District Strategic Priorities/Goals
Action Steps (Implementation Design)
How will you measure growth? Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets)
Empathy 1.B - Staff and Student Well Being
Jordan Middle is committed to promoting student and staff wellbeing through prioritizing self-care, physical and mental health, and social emotional learning.
Wellness opportunities will be created where teachers can find time and ways to relax and unwind using a Self-Care Journal and a Wellness Room.
Numerous opportunities for appreciation of Teachers will be provided on a monthly basis.
SEL lessons will be taught to ensure students have the social and emotional support they need. The lessons will increase self-awareness, self-control, and interpersonal skills.
Weekly Advisement lessons will be provided for students that discuss social and emotional issues.
Weekly recognition and appreciation of students for grades and behavior will be provided: Student of the Week, grade level appreciations, and PBIS turn-ins.
Students who have chronic absenteeism will be monitored by counselors and rewarded for consistent attendance.
EES Survey:
Most students are respectful of others at this school.
Baseline: 28% Target: 30%
I enjoy coming to this school.
Baseline: 36% Target: 38%
Student success is celebrated in this school.
Baseline: 61% Target: 63%
I receive training on instruction to support social emotional learning.
Baseline: 66% Target: 68%
Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports
To ensure we are leading with excellence and considering each and every student, Jordan Middle will implement a comprehensive framework to fully operationalize a multi-tiered system of supports to address academic and non-academic student needs and remove barriers to success.
Provide MTSS data meetings to support all student needs.
Create and formalize an RTI process to include Progress Monitoring and improve the fidelity of implementation through universal screener and high quality instruction.
Create PBIS programs that include academic and non-academic incentives for students and teachers.
Counselors provide attendance support where students struggle.
Counselors create safety plans to ensure teachers are aware of student needs
Provide monthly Kid Talks to ensure student academic needs are met for each and every child.
Add a MTSS support teacher and 2 remediation teachers to Connections to support the bottom 10% of students; one LA and one MA teacher.
Castle Time to include small group intervention support.
Hire a PIC who can work closely with parents, students, and community. A person who understands teaching and learning at a higher level, and can build relationships with the parents and community to encourage a strong “school to home” relationship.
Counselors provide individual academic planning for students failing one or more core classes in the form of the Black Knight Battle Plan Academic Conferences.
MTSS support - Conduct ELTs to support student growth to expected levels of proficiency
Increase the % of Students scoring in the Proficient/Distinguished Level on Milestones: English Language Arts
6th grade:
Baseline: 40%
Target: 50%
7th grade:
Baseline: 32%
Target: 40%
8th grade:
Baseline: 35%
Target: 40%
Increase % of Students scoring in the Proficient/Distinguished Level on Milestones: Mathematics
6th grade:
Baseline: 25%
Target: 40%
7th grade:
Baseline: 31%
Target: 40%
8th grade Math:
Baseline: 27%
Target: 40%
Algebra I:
Baseline: 58%
Target: 65%
iReady Data
Reading 6th
33% 30% Baseline/Target -3+grades below
24% 28% Baseline/Target - On grade level
Reading 7th
43% 40% Baseline/Target-3+ grades below
27% 30% Baseline/Target- On grade level
Reading 8th
47% 44% Baseline/Target-3+ grades below
28% 32% Baseline/Target -On grade level
Math 6th
28% 25% Baseline/Target-3+ grades below
21% 25% Baseline/Target-On grade level
Math 7th
38% 35% Baseline/Target-3+ grades below
15% 20% Baseline/Target -On grade level
Math 8th
46% 40% Baseline/Target-3+ grades below
16% 20% Baseline/Target-On grade level
Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access
As a school, we will work to ensure each and every student has
the opportunities to engage in and access high-quality, rigorous, and culturally relevant curriculum, advanced coursework and enrichment activities (e.g., the arts, gifted, STEM).
Provide high quality curriculum using culturally relevant resources from the county.
Provide collaborative spaces and professional development so teachers can create engaging instruction
Hire experienced teachers to support new teacher instructional processes.
Ensure quality instruction through collaborative curriculum planning that is aligned to AKS/ALDS at the distinguished level.
Provide planning time that is structured and lessons are aligned with specific and timely feedback from administrators.
Continued focus on small group instruction.
Weekly walkthroughs by administrators
1:1 devices provided to students.
Implementation of Jordan Instructional Framework
Increase number of Gifted and, ESOL teachers.
Access to instructional materials that allow students to be successful in all subject areas
Percentage of gifted student identified at this school.
Baseline: 7% Target 10%
EES Survey
My professional learning work results in improved student learning.
Baseline: 83% Target: 85%
This school has a data driven improvement plan with measurable goals.
Baseline: 89% Target: 91%
We are provided training to meet the needs of a diverse student population in our school.
Baseline: 78% Target 80%
Effectiveness 3.B - Talent Management
At Jordan Middle School, we will lead with excellence by transforming human resources function into a strategic talent management organization that supports educators and staff to achieve district goals.
Mentor/Mentee program for new teachers.
In house and district professional development
Continue to hire staff that is diverse and reflects the student body.
Continue relationship with GGC and keep the student teacher opportunities open.
New Teacher Academy
GGC association with pipeline opportunities.
Diversified staff through hiring
Support from my principal/administrators leads to progress on instructional improvement.
Baseline: 75% Target: 77%
Excellence 4.A - Preferred Education Destination
At Jordan Middle School, we will be the first choice of students and families for excellent schools and the employer of choice for educators and staff to fulfill their careers.
Offer National Junior Honor Society and Junior Beta Club for students who perform at high levels.
Provide Knights Connect where we ensure all students have a relationship with a caring adult in the building.
Building relationships with businesses and the faith-based community to ensure our relationship is one that has a strong connection between the school and home.
Improve student choice and variety of connections classes and extracurricular involvement throughout the year.
Work on creating a PTA or PTO for our school to engage the community with the school.
Build the capacity of parents to support student growth
EES Survey
I feel proud of my school.
Baseline: 48% Target: 50%
There is at least one adult in this building I can talk to if I have a problem.
Baseline: 72% Target: 74%
My student enjoys going to school.
Baseline: 67% Target: 69%
I believe adults in this school care.
Baseline: 68% Target: 70%
My student is challenged with rigorous coursework.
Baseline: 67% Target: 69%
Family Engagement/Building Parent Capacity -
We will build our parents' capacity to support their children's academic achievement by implementing the activities identified in The Plan/The Promise.
Interactive workshops will take place where parents can learn about the content through a lesson, and then practice with other parents and/or their child.
Parents will learn specific knowledge and/or skills so they are equipped to help their child academically at home.
We will teach parents how technology can assist them and their child at home, and show them what resources they have available and how to access the resources.
Our teachers will also receive professional development regarding building parent capacity and effective communication, so through schedule parent-teacher conferences, the teachers can help parents understand how to help their child at home.
Interpretation will be provided for parents as needed. In addition, our PIC will assist parents with academic related needs.