2023 - 2024 Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI)
School: MASON ELEMENTARY           Principal: David Jones
District Strategic Priorities/Goals
Action Steps (Implementation Design)
How will you measure growth? Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets)
Empathy 1.B - Staff and Student Well Being
For each child to achieve at her or his highest potential students, their families, and staff must be embraced, valued equally, and served with equity—regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, gender, socio economic circumstance, or disability.
Implement Pride Time SEL Lessons School Wide
Provide Professional Development for Teachers SEL Lessons
School’s SEL Team participate Cluster SEL Vertical Team
Culturally Responsive Teaching Team to promote a sense of belonging among students and staff
Mason Elementary will show an improvement in the Student ESS Survey on the question “I enjoy coming to this school” from 49% to 54% (2024).
Mason Elementary School will show an improvement in the Parent ESS Survey on the question “The district places emphasis on social emotional learning in addition to core academic learning” from 85% to 88% (2024).
Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports
To reach and teach each and every child, a well-defined and executed multi-tiered system of support (MTSS) must be in place focused on the whole child (academically and non-academically).
Training for all MTSS Team Members on proper MTSS processes
Continued Training for all instructional staff for full implementation
Use of student screeners to identify student strengths and opportunities
Monthly MTSS Tier Two Meetings with data analysis facilitated by the MTSS Team
Implement instructional practices to address specific needs of each student
Leverage the use of the MTSS Fidelity Air Rubric to monitor implementation of MTSS.
Monitor and analyze student progress throughout the year with I Ready Screeners as well as District Assessments/Formative Assessments.
Mason Elementary will show an improvement in the Staff ESS Survey on the question, “Instruction is individualized to meet the needs of each student” from 75% to 85% (2024).
Percent of students achieving in the beginning level will decrease on the 2023 GMAS ELA.
2023 Baseline
2024 Target
All Students
English Learner
Free/Reduced Meals
Special Education
Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access
Each and every student will only meet her or his highest potential if provided equitable access to programs that ensure she or he has the knowledge and skills to succeed as contributing members of a global society, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnic background, English proficiency, faith, socioeconomic status, or disability.
Schoolwide implementation of the Science of Reading by analyzing the components of new pilot curriculum materials that meet the needs of each and every student.
Grades 3 through 5 will implement the district's new Math Curriculum.
Schoolwide implementation of STEM instructional practices that enable students to use Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics to solve real-world problems.
Monitor and analyze student progress throughout the year with I Ready Screeners as well as District Assessments/Formative Assessments.
Progress of effective team collaboration to be monitored through the Collaborative Teams Self-Assessment Rubric.
Percent of students achieving in the beginning level will decrease on the 2023 GMAS Math assessment as noted below.
2023 Baseline
2024 Goal
All Students
English Learner
Free/Reduced Meals
Special Education
Effectiveness 3.A - Results-Based Evaluation System
The use of a redesigned RBES which includes equal elements of academic growth and supportive community promotes continuous improvement through the identification of strengths and weaknesses and communicates the annual change in school performance in both academic growth and creating a supportive community.
Professional Learning for instructional staff that focuses on SEL for students and for adults
Redelivery of Restorative Practices protocols to all staff.
Professional Learning for each teacher that focuses on effective use of data from formative assessments to determine targeted interventions.
Monitor and analyze student progress throughout the year with I Ready Screeners as well as District Assessments/Formative Assessments.
Instructional Resource/MTSS teachers assigned to each grade level to increase focus on specific student progress.
Monthly Tier 2 Meetings implemented on each grade level.
In response to the ESS Student Survey question, “In this school there is more than one adult that knows and cares about me," there will be an increase in an affirmative response from 74% to 80%.
Percent of students achieving in the beginning level on the Georgia Milestones will decrease on the 2024 GMAS.
2023 Baseline
2024 Goal
All Students
English Learner
Free/Reduced Meals
Special Education
Excellence 4.A - Preferred Education Destination
To become a preferred education destination, Mason team members must anticipate the future skills needed for success at the next level and design innovative responses to prepare students for that future state, never stagnating.
We must value employees at all levels and in every facet of the organization as evidenced by elevating their voices in decision-making, recognizing their work, celebrating their success and prioritizing work-life balance.
Highlight and support other schools in the STEM certification process by holding two school visits during the school year to illustrate the STEM program at Mason.
Provide professional learning to both new and returning team members to refine and improve the quality of the STEM program at Mason.
Communicate Mason's STEM program to the community at large as a reason to send your children to Mason ES
Communicate Mason as an ASCA RAMP School for it's quality counseling program.
Mason Elementary School will maintain the family participation rate on the ESS survey at 139% of expected response.
Mason Elementary will show an improvement in the Family ESS Survey on the question “My student is challenged with a rigorous course of study at this school.” from 73% to 80% (2024).
Mason will provide two Open House STEM visit opportunities for community schools during the course of the year as required by the State of Georgia.