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Accountability and flexibility are hallmarks of Gwinnett County Public Schools' success. Key to that success is ensuring that each school community understands the progress being made by its schools, as well as what plans will drive improvement. Each school creates a collaborative Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI) to increase student achievement results, with targeted goals based on the four strategic priorities within the district’s Blueprint for the Future: Empathy, Equity, Effectiveness, and Excellence. All schools across the district will focus on goals 2A- Multi-tiered Systems of Support and 2B- Opportunity and Access. Additionally, schools are required to select one goal from each of the other strategic priorities. LSPI goals are dynamic, like our schools, and are updated to reflect changes that occur in schools. Multiple data points are used to determine areas needing improvement and to identify specific, measurable, annual objectives. Schools then determine how to use research-based strategies to achieve these goals, using flexibility as needed. The LSPI development process involves teachers, parents, students, and community members, so the entire school community has the opportunity to be involved in conversations about school improvement.


2023 - 2024 Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI)

School: SWEETWATER MIDDLE           Principal: Chekquita Johnson

District Strategic Priorities/Goals Rationale Action Steps
(Implementation Design)
How will you measure growth?
Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets)
Empathy 1.B - Staff and Student Well Being

Based on student and staff surveys, Sweetwater desires a supportive and safe environment for all staff and students.  Our focus is to create a rich culture of belonging, voice equity, and embracing diverse cultures. 

Student Well-Being

  1. Students will engage in SEL lessons to promote self-awareness, peer-interactions, problem-solving, building positive relationships, and conflict resolution. 
  2. Sweetwater Student Advisory Committee with homeroom representatives will meet with the principal twice a semester to provide input and voice from the student perspective.  Also give feedback about making the school a supportive, safe, and academically focused school that all students will be proud to attend.
  3. Advisement team will train staff and create weekly lessons to address the needs of students based on feedback and survey data
  4. To motivate and engage students, the last Friday of the month is Patriots Exchange.  This will allow opportunities for students to build community, team, and collaboration with peers and teachers throughout grade levels. 

Staff Well- Being

  1. Wellness room to support teachers with daily escapes for relaxation and meditation.
  2. Teachers will receive restorative training from the county and local school representatives.
  3. Incentivize, award, recognize staff with spirit days, Monday morning check-ins, personal notes, and jean passes. 
  4. Sweetwater Advisory Committee will work with the principal on school-wide initiatives, promote buy-in, and create new opportunities to support teachers. 


  1. Increase the percent of students responding positively to the following students satisfaction on EES Survey items(weighted average):
      •  I enjoy coming to school. 

                   Baseline:  43% 

                   2024 Target:  48%

      • Most students are respectful of other at this school. 

                  Baseline:  32%   

                  2024 Target:  40%

Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports

Based on our benchmark data and needs assessment, Sweetwater will implement an instructional framework to increase our MTSS efforts to meet the needs of students academically and socially across all classrooms. 

  1. Patriots Time/ELT - dedicated 30 minutes of additional intervention support across all academics to include LLI/Wilson Reading Programs.
  2. Kid Talks- bi-weekly meetings with administrators, MTSS Team, and Teachers to identify and monitor targeted interventions and supports for students.
  3. Small group instruction - individualized instruction and support to help students obtain AKS Mastery.
  4. Goal setting for academic, behavior, and emotional success, differentiated across grades 6-8.
  5. Counselor small groups to support and monitor students based on data from the EES and Wellness Screener.
  6. Weekly CLT Meetings to allow teachers an opportunity to collaborate, monitor AKS  alignment, review student work, and share quality-plus strategies.
  7. Quarterly data talks with teachers to review district, screeners, and other benchmarks.  
  8. Teacher planning days to collaborate, create small group lessons, and develop high quality local school assessments. 
  9. Individualized instruction with after-school tutoring and Read 180. 

1.   On the GA Milestones Spring Administration, decrease the percentage of student scoring in the beginning level in Language Arts, Math, 8th Social Studies and Science.

Content Areas Baseline 2023 Targets for 2024
6 ELA 39% 35%
7 ELA 37% 33%
8 ELA 27% 23%
6 MA 36% 32%
7 MA 33% 29%
8 MA 24% 20%
8 SS 29% 25%
8 SC 51% 45%

2.   Decrease the number of students scoring Level 1 on the I-Ready Screener in Language Arts and Math from Fall to Winter Administration.

Content Areas 2023 Fall Results 2024 Winter Results
6th ELA

Tier 1= 26%

Tier 2 = 22%

Tier 3 = 53%

7th ELA Tier 1= 25%

Tier 2 = 16%

Tier 3 = 59%

8th ELA Tier 1= 27%

Tier 2 = 16%

Tier 3 = 57%

6th MA Tier 1= 20%

Tier 2 = 34%

Tier 3 = 46%

7th MA Tier 1= 16%

Tier 2 = 27%

Tier 3 = 57%

8th MA Tier 1= 14%

Tier 2 = 23%

Tier 3 = 63%

Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access

To expand student exposure, engagement, and cultural relevance with varied, high quality, high impact rigorous learning opportunities. 

  1. STEAM- improve the implementation of STEAM practices to earn accreditation, project-based learning, and increase parent engagement.
  2. DLI - maintain student enrollment in our DLI program for all 3 years and increase parent engagement.
  3. GEAR Up- ensure that students are on track to meet credit requirements to enter HS as a 10th grader and increase parent engagement.
  4. Provide an opportunity for credit recovery through Academic Assistance Program(AAP).
  5. Increase the number of students who are tested and identified for Gifted.
  6. Leverage PBIS to implement a progressive discipline model to include mentoring, interventions, support groups, modeling, reflections, MIR processes, Counselor support and parent workshops. 
  7. Increase the number of ESOL Certified Teachers.
  8. Staff Development for ESOL and SPED Teachers on interventions and strategies to support students within the classrooms. 

1.  Increase percent of students responding positively to the following student satisfaction EES Student Survey items(weighted average):

  •  What we do in school will help me succeed in life. 

         Baseline:  63%   

        2024 Target:  69.7%

  •  This school is doing a good job of preparing me to succeed in my life. 

         Baseline:  60%   

        2024 Target:  66.7%

  •   My teacher(s) help me learn by challenging me with interesting activities in class. 

        Baseline:  62%     

       2024 Target:  65.8%

2.  Increase percent of families responding positively to the following family satisfaction EES Family Survey items(weighted average): 

  •   My student is challenged with rigorous course of study at this school.   

        Baseline:  63%     

       2024 Target:  74.26%

3.  Increase the number of students in Gifted/Talented Program. 

       Baseline: 122       

       2024 Target:  132

4.  Increase the number of ESOL Endorsed Teachers. 

      Baseline:  25     

      2024 Target: 35

Effectiveness 3.A - Results-Based Evaluation System

Sweetwater will readdress the need for actively monitoring data sets, behaviors, and standards for measuring teacher effectiveness toward student growth and school-wide improvements. 

  1. Professional Development to align with our LSPI Goals
  2. Peer Observations and Coaching Cycles with Admin or district support personnel
  3. Direct response to tiered interventions as outlined in the Multi-Tiered System of Supports.
  4. Data Talks- opportunities for CLT Teams to review i-Ready, District Assessments, Local School Assessments, and Milestones Benchmark to identify students with low performing academic needs and monitor targeted goals.  
  5. Collaborative Learning Teams(CLTs) - planning among academic teams to align instructional and student practices with AKS to promote mastery at the proficient and distinguished levels. 
  6. PBIS - ongoing training and support to staff to prevent student behaviors that may interfere with academic success and achievement. 

Professional Growth

  1.  Number of teachers participating in coaching cycles and peer-observations:   

          1st Semester:                               

          2nd Semester:

  1.  Number of teachers participating in Professional learning opportunities offered at the local school. 

          1st Semester:                

          2nd Semester:

Student Growth

  1. Increase the number of students scoring Proficient and Distinguish on the GMAS Spring Administration.  
Content Areas 2023 Baseline Targets for 2024
6th ELA 32% 36%
7th ELA 34% 38%
8th ELA 36% 40%
6th MA 26% 30%
7th MA 28% 32%
8th MA 40% 44%
8th SS 23% 30%
8th Science 4% 15%

2.  Increase the number of students scoring Proficient and Distinguished on the District Assessments for all content areas 1st and 2nd Semester. 

Content Areas

Prior Year 1st Sem.

Mastery Level

Current Year         1st Sem. Target Prior Year 2nd Sem. Current Year         2nd Sem. Target
6th ELA 13 168 12  
6th  MA 99 140 59  
6th SC 130 150 106  
6th SS 53 73 94  
7th ELA 37 184 44  
7th  MA 19 155 13  
7th SC 105 125 123  
7th SS 150 165 129  
8th ELA 82 205 31  
8th  MA 12 120 14  
8th Enhanced MA 33 55 13  
8th SS 62 154 47  
8th SC 53 77 24  
9th Lit        
Excellence 4.C - World-Class Communication and Engagement

Sweetwater desires to become a world-class school that teachers, staff, students, parents, and community provide a framework of skills, characteristics, and academic knowledge to flourish in today's society. 

  1.  Increase the number and variety of Parent Workshops offered throughout the year. 
  2.  Cultural and Community Outreach opportunities to increase parent engagement.
  3.  English and Civic classes for parents and students to attend.
  4.  Effective communication with parents as it relates to school-wide events, academics, progress reports, restorative interventions, behaviors, and  monthly Newsletters in varied languages. 
  5.  Offer more opportunities for students to participate in clubs and leadership roles before, during, and after-school. 
  6.  Counselors create more opportunities to expose students and parents to College and Career activities for Middle School. 
  7.  Technology Integration to enhance student learning and support parents with additional resources.  

Increase percent of students responding positively to the following student satisfaction EES Student Survey items(weighted average);

  1.  I feel proud of my school. 

          Baseline:  51%   

         2024 Target:  63.1% 

Increase percent of families responding positively to the following family satisfaction EES Family Survey items(weighted average);  

   2.  This school communicates with me about my student's progress.  

        Baseline:  74%   

       2024 Target:  80.2% 

  3.  Teachers in this school are dedicated to helping all students succeed.  x

       Baseline:  83%   

       2024 Target:  88.3% 

 4.  I believe the adults in this school care about my students.  

      Baseline:  78%   

      2024 Target:  83%