How will you measure growth? Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets)
Empathy 1.B - Staff and Student Well Being
Coleman Middle School’s vision and mission is supported by two major pillars: Teaching and learning of the academic and knowledge standards (AKS) through the integration of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) and maintaining a positive culture and climate. Practicing empathy by focusing on student and staff wellbeing is essential to fostering positive relationships through the development of a culture where students and staff feel a sense of care, belonging, and safety.
Daily Morning Meetings hosting morning checks by teachers and community circles developed for and led by students.
Weekly advisement lessons developed by the Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Committee based on behavior and student survey data.
Student-driven and interest-based clubs, athletics, and extracurricular opportunities, such as student performances and school events.
Student Acknowledgement System through the Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Committee including weekly (Golden Ticket), monthly (Paw Points to redeem in the PBIS Coleman Store, and Student Leader of the Month celebrations), and quarterly (Walk & Talk).
Ongoing two-way communication with students through the Coleman Student Council and PBIS Student Club.
Weekly access to wellness resources for educators posted on the Coleman Communique Wellness Section (Staff Newsletter).
Monthly Staff Appreciation Celebrations and administrator-led Duty Free Lunch for teachers.
Staff Acknowledgement System through the PBIS Committee to earn and redeem Staff Paw Points including Daily Announcement Recognition, Care Snacks, Jean Passes, Thank-You Notes, and Gift of Time.
Ongoing two-way communication with staff through monthly meetings with the Shared Leadership Team (SLT), the PBIS Committee, Heart to Heart with the Principal (H2H with Dr. H), Intervention Teams (Second Semester), and Coleman Communique Feedback Links (staff newsletter).
Development of a culture of belonging by engaging in year-two of the faculty monthly book reading & reflection of "Belonging Through a Culture of Dignity", by Floyd Cobb and John Krownapple.
Collaboration and Communication Survey Questions for Staff (Baseline 70%/ Target 71%)
Effective Leadership Survey Questions for Staff (Baseline 74%/ Target 75%)
Relationships Survey Questions for Students (Baseline 70%/ Target 71%)
Belonging and Engagement Survey Questions for Students (Baseline 67%/ Target 68%)
Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports
Coleman Middle School’s vision and mission is supported by two major pillars: Teaching and learning of the academic and knowledge standards (AKS) through the integration of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) and maintaining a positive culture and climate. In accordance with GCPS Board Policy BAAE - Educational Equity charge, Coleman Middle School will address and reduce inequities by focusing on developing comprehensive structures and processes to remove barriers and provide targeted support, therefore increasing opportunities for success to every student and staff member.
Ongoing implementation and monitoring of Coleman Instructional Framework (See Goal 3A: Results-Based Evaluation System for details) (All students-Tier I).
Continuous improvement of instruction through ongoing school-wide peer observations, formal and informal walkthrough feedback, and administrative ROARs (Rounds of Observations, Assessment, and Reflection).
Coleman New Teacher Academy including mentoring and ongoing professional learning (All students-Tier I).
Fall and Winter Reading and Mathematics iReady screening for all students (All students-Tier I).
Weekly Response to Intervention, RTIteam meetings, for identification of academic needs and interventions, as well as monitoring (All students-Tier I).
Daily "Challenging All To Succeed”, CATS time, for Math and Reading interventions (Some students- Tier II) and extensions
Ongoing Parent Liaison communication and collaboration with parents for student support (Some students Tier II).
Daily Reading and Mathematics intensive academic support through CATS time and Connection Pull Out time (A few students- Tier III).
Ongoing Math & Reading Intervention Teacher communication and collaboration with parents for student support (A few students- Tier III).
Comprehensive counseling program including, self-reported and confidential electronic link for access to counselor, counselor advisement lessons counselor, check-ins, mediations, lunch-bunch, and mentoring program (All, some, or a few students- Tier I, II, and III- depending on student need).
Becoming a fully operational Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) school as certified by the GA Department of Education (See Goal 1B: Staff and Student Wellbeing and Goal 3A: Results-Based Evaluation System for details) (All students-Tier I).
Student completion of academic and behavior goal tracking, setting, and reflection every 6 weeks (All students-Tier I).
Ongoing teacher, parent Liaison, counselor, and social worker communication and collaboration with parents for attendance monitoring and support (Some students-Tier II & A few students- Tier III, depending on student need).
Consistent behavior management practices though the use of the Coleman Behavior Management Toolkit including flowchart, intervention resources for teachers, 9-step process, and the student behavior log (All, some, or a few students- Tier I, II, and III- depending on student need).
Ongoing inclusion Social Emotional Learning best practices within classroom instruction and behavior management during professional developments.
Restorative Practice training for all members of the PBIS Committee and administrative team and redelivery to the faculty.
iReady Math Scoring 3 or more grades below (Baseline: 19%/ Target: 18%)
iReady Reading Scoring 3 or more grades below (Baseline: 20%/ Target 19%)
Students with discipline referrals (Baseline 21%/ Target: 18%)
Students with less than 10 unexcused and excuses absences (Baseline: 67%/ Target: 70%)
Coleman Middle School’s vision and mission is supported by two major pillars: Teaching and learning of the academic and knowledge standards (AKS) through the integration of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) and maintaining a positive culture and climate. Through our 2023-2024 Theme: We Belong, The Coleman Experience, we will be purposeful and intentional at creating opportunities and access to our student-centered STEAM, PBL, and Arts Integration programs for every student, therefore increasing student engagement and exposure to high standards of expectations and learning.
Ongoing implementation of Georgia Department of Education 2022 re-certification recommendations to strengthen STEAM program for all students, including: Project Based Learning implementation (PBL), Arts and Computer Science Integration, as well as student participation in Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSO).
PBL professional development for all faculty.
Quarterly units of PBL per grade level developed collaboratively by teachers and supported by STEAM Coordinator and administrative team.
Monitoring of student articulation of the core subject integration of the Academic Knowledge and Skills (AKS) under a PBL driving question.
Monitoring of student access and practice of the Future Skills: Critical Thinking, Creativity, Collaboration, and Communication.
Monitoring of student intentional and purposeful use of their STEAM Journal.
Increase student voice and choice through PBL Student Panels and ongoing teacher facilitation and feedback.
Monitoring of fidelity through the use of PBL rubrics in each unit of PBL.
Arts Integration in every subject and PBL per unit to enhance learning through collaborative planning and partnership with ArtsNow.
Connection Suggestion Form that allows students to select at least one Connection for the school year, year-long Connection class offerings, and priority to continue the following year.
PBL participation (Baseline 100%/ Target: 100%)
High standards and expectations student survey questions (Baseline: 83%/ Target: 84%)
High standards and expectations parent survey questions (Baseline: 86%/ Target: 87%)
Effectiveness 3.A - Results-Based Evaluation System
Coleman Middle School’s vision and mission is supported by two major pillars: Teaching and learning of the academic and knowledge standards (AKS) through the integration of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) and maintaining a positive culture and climate. Focusing on the identification, development, and consistent implementation of expectations, data-driven decision making, and outcomes collaboratively as it relates to student academics and classroom environment will lead to school improvement and student growth and success, while meeting the diverse needs of our learners.
Daily application of Coleman MS' instructional framework including teaching the Academic Knowledge and Skills (AKS), use of Quality-Plus Teaching Strategies (QPTS) and collaboratively developing formative and summative assessments.
Daily teacher-led Small Group Instruction for remediation and extension.
Use of best practices during weekly collaborative planning, as outlined on the Curriculum Learning Team self-assessment rubric.
Consistent teaching and rehearsing of Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) school-wide and classroom behavior matrix
Ongoing participation in weekly, monthly, and quarterly student acknowledgement system (see Goal 1B: Staff and Student Wellbeing for details).
Daily and weekly implementation of morning meetings with morning checks, community circles, CATS time, and advisement lessons.
Collaboration with instructional team, counselor, and administrator in monitoring of student progress through RTI.
Use of MTSS Air Rubric to assess implementation.
Student support for completion of academic and behavior goal tracking, setting, and reflection every 6 weeks.
Consistent use of the Coleman Behavior Management Toolkit, including flowchart, interventions resources for teachers, 9-step process, and student behavior log in collaboration with teachers, counselor, and administrators.
Professional learning goals for teachers will include:
Monthly school-wide professional development through the book study of "The New Classroom Instruction That Works" by Brian Goodwin and Kristin Rouleau followed by peer observations.
Monthly school-wide vertical professional development on the new Math AKS, Effective Integration of English Language Arts and Social Studies in Humanities, and Writing in Science and Connections.
12. Professional learning goal for support staff member will align to an academic and a community support goal.
Semester 1 district assessments % meet and exceed standards:
All grades English Language (No baseline available)
All grades Mathematics (No baseline available)
Georgia Milestone Assessments % proficient and distinguished:
Excellence 4.B - Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness
Coleman Middle School’s vision and mission is supported by two major pillars: Teaching and learning of the academic and knowledge standards (AKS) through the integration of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) and maintaining a positive culture and climate. We will continue to provide a world-class education by exposing every student to postsecondary and workforce skills through the Coleman Experience. The Coleman Experience, supported by our STEAM program, allows students to learn and practice the Academic Knowledge and Skills in the context of the Future Skills of Collaboration, Communication, Critical Thinking and Creativity through Project Based Learning, Community Showcases, and Career and Community Partnerships. This results in the expansion of our students’ learning experience beyond the classroom, allowing them to explore their own interests, careers pathways, and real-world integration of the academic knowledge and skills.
Quarterly exposure to at least one career speakers in alignment with the Project Based Learning (PBL) driving question.
Quarterly PBL student panels where students are invited to the PBL collaborative planning to share feedback on the unit PBL.
PBL work days throughout the quarter for students to practice the future skills of Critical Thinking, Creativity, Collaboration, and Communication and competencies outlined on GCPS' Portrait of a Graduate with their PBL partners.
In-house and external field trips aligned to the Academic Knowledge and Skills and PBL driving questions.
Quarterly Project Based Learning showcases including parents and the community at large.
Strengthening community and business partnerships directly impacting our classroom instruction and exposing students to STEAM careers.
Computer Science class offering to 8th graders and opportunity to participate in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade Robotics Team Competition.
Science Fair access to all students as part of their Science curriculum in each grade level.
8th Grade PSAT Preparedness for High School and postsecondary indicator (Met Expectations in Math and Reading Baseline: 40%/ Target 41%)
High standards and expectations student survey questions (Baseline: 83%/ Target: 82%)
High standards and expectations parent survey questions (Baseline: 86%/ Target: 87%)
High standards and expectations student survey questions (Baseline: 83%/ Target: 82%)
High standards and expectations parent survey questions (Baseline: 86%/ Target: 87%)
Four community showcases hosted in the school year (Baseline: 4/ Target: 4)
Family Engagement/Building Parent Capacity -
We will build our parents' capacity to support their children's academic achievement by implementing the activities identified in The Plan/The Promise.
Parent Liaison will host 2 workshops for parents in a year.
Parent Liaison will meet with new families during registration and host a new student orientation, once a month.
Parent Liaison will support the MTSS academic program by calling parents of students placed in Tier 2 and 3 Math and reading interventions with progress updates
Parent Liaison will collaborate with Multilingual Program Lead Teacher to provide orientation and support to parents.
Parent Liaison will collaborate with the Counseling Program by contacting parents of students with 2 absences/week.