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Accountability and flexibility are hallmarks of Gwinnett County Public Schools' success. Key to that success is ensuring that each school community understands the progress being made by its schools, as well as what plans will drive improvement. Each school creates a collaborative Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI) to increase student achievement results, with targeted goals based on the four strategic priorities within the district’s Blueprint for the Future: Empathy, Equity, Effectiveness, and Excellence. All schools across the district will focus on goals 2A- Multi-tiered Systems of Support and 2B- Opportunity and Access. Additionally, schools are required to select one goal from each of the other strategic priorities. LSPI goals are dynamic, like our schools, and are updated to reflect changes that occur in schools. Multiple data points are used to determine areas needing improvement and to identify specific, measurable, annual objectives. Schools then determine how to use research-based strategies to achieve these goals, using flexibility as needed. The LSPI development process involves teachers, parents, students, and community members, so the entire school community has the opportunity to be involved in conversations about school improvement.


2023 - 2024 Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI)

School: HARRIS ELEMENTARY           Principal: Erin Hahn

District Strategic Priorities/Goals Rationale Action Steps
(Implementation Design)
How will you measure growth?
Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets)
Empathy 1.B - Staff and Student Well Being

There is a need to promote student and staff wellbeing through prioritizing self-care, physical and mental health, and social emotional learning. 


  1. Provide all staff with professional learning on Restorative practices.
  2. Incorporate SEL practices (Welcoming Rituals, Engaging Activities, and Optimistic Closings) in staff meetings and classrooms.
  3. Offer parent workshops on SEL practices at home.
  4. Utilize CharacterStrong resources for SEL instruction (morning announcements, monthly parent newsletters, daily lessons for teachers).
  5. Implement PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports) to recognize and reward students. 

EES Survey - Student

     I enjoy coming to school. 94% Almost Always and/or Sometimes True (TARGET: 96%)

     Most students are respectful of others at this school. 84% Almost Always and/or Sometimes True (TARGET: 88%)

100% of certified staff (teachers and paraprofessionals) will participate in Restorative Practices Training.

Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports

By addressing the needs of the whole child, each and every student will have the opportunity to reach success. 


  1. Utilize intervention time (Wildcat Time) daily to remediate and enrich instruction for students based on identified needs.
  2. Implement PBIS in common areas and classrooms.
  3. Create an MTSS Working Team.
  4. Meet monthly with teachers for Tier I Kid Talks/MTSS meetings.
  5. Provide clarity and training around MTSS process to staff.
  6. Utilize the MTSS Air Rubric to identify areas of strength and areas for growth.

Milestones ELA 

Increase % Proficient and Distinguished at each grade level

3rd - 43% (TARGET: 46%)

4th - 50% (TARGET: 53%)

5th - 49% (TARGET: 52%)

Student Groups:

ML - 38% Proficient/Distinguished (3rd, 4th, and 5th) (TARGET: 41%)

Free Meals - 39% Proficient/Distinguished (3rd, 4th, and 5th) (TARGET: 42%)

SWD - 30% Proficient/Distinguished (3rd, 4th, and 5th) (TARGET: 33%)

Black - 45% Proficient/Distinguished (3rd, 4th, and 5th) (TARGET: 48%)

Hispanic - 34% Proficient/Distinguished (3rd, 4th, and 5th) (TARGET: 37%)


Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access

Expanding opportunities for students to engage in high-quality and challenging course work and enrichment opportunities. 


  1. Provide additional resources to teachers for ways to provide enrichment activities in the general education classroom
  2. Utilize Wildcat time to provide extension activities to students
  3. Offer Extended Learning Programs to support students who are struggling
  4. Build parent capacity by sharing resources so they can extend learning at home
  5. Extend the Robotics program to the lower grades

EES - Student Survey 

     All Students have access to rigorous courses and supports. 84% Almost Always and/or Sometimes True (TARGET: 87%)

EES - Parent Survey

     My student is challenged with a rigorous course of study at this school. 78% Almost Always and or Often True (TARGET: 81%)

100% of students will be universally screened through the iReady screener. 

Effectiveness 3.A - Results-Based Evaluation System

Redesigning RBES will allow teachers to have a more meaningful connection to their goals, focusing on student achievement and professional learning.

  1. Develop grade level/team goals aligned to the Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI) to create focus and unity around growth for each and every student

  2. Follow the Continuous Quality Improvement Cycle (Plan-Do-Check-Act) during collaborative planning 

  3. Utilize protocols (data dig, success analysis, tuning) to facilitate professional conversations and discussions around instruction and data

     4. Implement interventions during Wildcat Time to provide remediation and enrichment

     5. Utilize the Collaborative Learning Teams (CLT) rubric to identify strengths and areas for growth for grade level collaboration

EES - Staff Survey 

     We reflect upon instructional practice to inform our conversations about improvement. 61% Almost Always True (TARGET: 65%)

     We monitor the effectiveness of instructional interventions. 61% Almost Always True (TARGET: 65%)

Increase student performance on the District Assessments in all grades from Winter 2023 to Spring 2024.

Teams will show growth (5-10 points) on the CLT rubric. Baseline data is unique to each team. 

Excellence 4.A - Preferred Education Destination

Students will benefit when we create a culture that is student-centered and committed to the success of each and every student. We want to promote a well-rounded education that includes a wide variety of academic, arts, and athletic programs. Valuing employees by by elevating their voices in decision-making, recognizing their work, celebrating their success, prioritizing work-life balance will help attract and retain staff. 

  1. Implement a Student Council.
  2. Offer Computer Science and Health for all students 
  3. Provide specific opportunities to all staff to provide input in school decisions
  4. Celebrate staff and students through planned recognitions 
  5. Communicate learning and extracurricular opportunities with families. 
  6. Build parent capacity through parent workshops and English classes. 
  7. Keep parents updated on school and community events through the use of ParentSquare

Student Achievement:

% Proficient and Distinguished on the Georgia Milestones:

3rd grade Reading: 43% (TARGET: 46%)

3rd grade Math: 51% (TARGET: 54%)

4th grade Reading: 50% (TARGET: 53%)

4th grade Math: 62% (TARGET: 65%)

5th grade Reading: 49% (TARGET: 52%)

5th grade Math: 42% (TARGET: 45%)

EES - Staff Survey

     Students believe the adults in this school genuinely care about them. 74% Almost Always True (TARGET: 80%)

EES - Student Survey

     Student success is celebrated in this school. 88% Almost Always True (TARGET: 91%)