How will you measure growth? Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets)
Empathy 1.A - Cultural Competence
Craig Elementary School is committed to increasing the cultural competence of our community. We strive to increase the knowledge of individual staff members to improve instructional delivery, strengthen programs, and enhance engagement across the full spectrum of our diverse community.
Craig ELementary will continue to utilize the Cultural Responsiveness Team to support the learning and school experience of all students, staff, and community.
Craig Elementary will continue to build the literacy text to represent the diverse community of the school.
Craig Elementary School will host a Cultural Evening that celebrates and showcases our diverse community through Art, Music, Technology, and Literacy.
Craig Elementary School will implement classroom Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Lessons twice a week to grow our classroom community.
Craig Elementary will utilize the EES parent, staff, and student survey to determine growth.
Craig Elementary School will show an improvement in the Parent ESS Survey on the characteristic of “Supportive Learning Environment” from 88% (2023) to 89% (2024).
Craig Elementary School will show an improvement in the Student ESS Survey on the characteristic of “Supportive Learning Environment” from 49% (2023) to 52% (2024).
Craig Elementary School will show an improvement in the Staff ESS Survey on the characteristic of “Supportive Learning Environment” from 92% (2023) to 93% (2024).
Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports
Craig Elementary School is committed to implementing a comprehensive framework to fully operationalize a multi-tiered system of supports to address academic and non-academic student needs and remove barriers to success.
Craig Elementary School will continue to utilize Positive Behavior Intervention System (PBIS)to support the behavioral needs of the students.
Craig Elementary School will continue their Multi-Tiered Student Support (MTSS) by implementing a Universal Screener to address academic and social emotional growth of students.
Craig Elementary School will be implementing the Play to Learn program to support the development of early childhood growth in the Brookwood community.
Craig Elementary School is expanding Academic Knowledge & Skills (AKS)/Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) through Colt Time. Colt Time is an opportunity to extend and support the learning of students in the areas of math and reading.
Craig Elementary School will show an improvement on the Reading iREADY assessment by increasing from 44% (2023) to 70% (2024) in grades 1-5.
Craig Elementary School will show an improvement on the Math iREADY assessment by increasing from 29% (2023) to 70% (2024) in grades 1-5.
Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access
Craig Elementary School is committed to expanding student opportunities to engage in and have access to high quality, rigorous, culturally relevant curriculum, and advanced coursework. Craig Elementary School offers students opportunities to engage in Advanced courses, and enrichment activities such as the arts, gifted, STEAM, and Robotics.
Craig Elementary School will continue to implement a master schedule that is conducive to providing students a high quality, rigorous, culturally relevant curriculum, and advanced coursework.
Craig Elementary School is committed to implementing Restorative Practices to ensure students have the opportunity to feel valued and respected.
Craig Elementary School is committed to ensuring students have access to technology. Students in grades 2-5 will participate in the 1:1 technology transformation.
Craig Elementary School will show an improvement on the ELA Georgia Milestones Assessment (GMAS) by increasing from (enter baseline data) 69% (2023) to (set goal based on baseline data) 71% (2024) in the number students in grades 3-5.
Craig Elementary School will show an improvement on the MA Georgia Milestones Assessment (GMAS) by increasing from (enter baseline data) 68% (2023) to (set goal based on baseline data) 70% (2024) in the number students in grades 3-5.
Effectiveness 3.B - Talent Management
Craig Elementary School is committed to hiring and supporting the top talent in order to achieve high academic and community press.
Craig Elementary School will continue to utilize Grade Chairs, Teacher Leaders, Facilitators, and Instructional Coaches to develop leadership capacity and support the Vision and Mission of Gwinnett County Schools.
Craig Elementary will continue to utilize Instructional Planning and Common Learning to develop and collaborative effective instruction for all students.
Craig Elementary School will expand the opportunity for staff to participate in Peer Observations.
Craig Elementary School will commit to providing all teachers with the opportunity to participate in the Coaching Cycle.
Craig Elementary School will commit to identifying and recruiting the best teacher talent.
Craig Elementary School will show an improvement in the Staff ESS Survey on the characteristic “Focused Professional Development” from 72% (2023) to 75% (2024).
Craig Elementary School will show an improvement in the Staff ESS Survey on the characteristic “Collaboration and Communication” from 77% (2023) to 79% (2024).
Excellence 4.A - Preferred Education Destination
Craig Elementary School is committed to being the first choice of students and families for excellent schools and the employer of choice for educators and staff to fulfill their careers.
Craig Elementary School is committed to enhancing Student Council, School Council, School Improvement Team, and Parent Teacher Association (PTA) by providing opportunities for all stakeholders to be active in the school improvement process.
Craig Elementary School will continue to utilize its instructional framework, instructional planning, and variety of communication platforms to ensure high academic success for all students.
Craig Elementary School is committed to our families and their needs by implementing Town Hall Meetings for parents to connect with the school and build a stronger understanding of the schooling process.
Craig Elementary School is committed to our families by promoting family engagement and building parent capacity by offering Parent Workshops. We will offer 3 Parent Workshops this year - 1- Supporting and Promoting Parent/School Communication Through the Use of Parent Portal and Parent Square, 2- Supporting Home Learning (homework, projects, and research) with Media Resources from School and from the Public Library, 3- Awareness of Developmental Stages and Ways to Support Preschool Learning (in conjunction with Play2Learn program)
Craig Elementary School will show an improvement in the Parent ESS Survey on the characteristic of “High Standards and Expectations” from 82% (2023) to 84% (2024).
Craig Elementary School will show an improvement in the Student ESS Survey on the characteristic of “High Standards and Expectations” from 69% (2023) to 72% (2024).
Craig Elementary School will show an improvement in the Staff ESS Survey on the characteristic of “High Standards and Expectations” from 86% (2023) to 88% (2024).