2023 - 2024 Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI)
School: STARLING ELEMENTARY           Principal: Crystal T Cooper
District Strategic Priorities/Goals
Action Steps (Implementation Design)
How will you measure growth? Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets)
Empathy 1.A - Cultural Competence
Starling Elementary will create systems, structures, and processes that institutionalize and operationalize the GCPS definition of cultural competence: Recognizing, valuing, and leveraging differences in order to interact effectively and better serve our students, staff, and community. We will incorporate cultural competence and strategies for inclusivity into professional learning for all Starling Elementary personnel. We will build a culture that is built on improving the climate of the Starling and Grayson community through a shared vision, purpose and mission focused on equitable teaching practices and exposure to methods that will unify and build positive outcomes. Starling Elementary will integrate culturally responsive teaching practices in the Q-Plus teaching strategies and Gwinnett Teacher Evaluation System.
Share with leadership teams to gain stakeholder input with the following teams/opportunities: ILT- Instructional Leadership Team Local School council Analyze EES data and review EES and report out to staff Complete cultural competence cards with staff Staff/Student recognition throughout the year (posted) and at Faculty Meetings Professional learning throughout the year PBIS and SEL training Cultural Competence training Morning meetings training Counseling support International Day (November) Flag representation in school Increase visibility in the school (pictures) Student council conversations Kindness Club Starling Newsletter connectedness Continuous Morning Meetings to promote belonging, significance and fun
100 % of staff, students, and/or families responding favorably to following items on the Educational Effectiveness Survey
We hold one another accountable for behavior that is culturally sensitive.
This school respects the different cultures represented in our community.
My student learns about the cultures of our community in their school.
Adults in this school value and respect my racial/cultural identity.
We are provided training to meet the needs of a diverse student population in our school.
Staff at this school value and respect all students.
I am comfortable interacting with people from a different racial or ethnic background.
This school respects student differences
Empathy 1.B - Staff and Student Well Being
Starling Elementary will continue efforts to build an intentional, well-established, exemplary social and emotional learning (SEL) program
that strategically provides cross-divisional support coupled with robust professional learning and resources for staff, students, and families. We will develop additional resources through the human resources department and the SEL office to provide mental health supports for staff, e.g. employee assistance programs, wellness coaching, stress management, etc. Starling Elementary will provide additional opportunities to elevate student voice,
ownership, and agency in the design of their school experience and be responsive to their requests.
Rams and Relaxation Room
Administrator Empathy discussions at Admin meetings (Mondays)
Kindness Club
Staff/Student recognition
Recognition bulletin boards
Positive calls home
Morning announcements
Rams of the Month
Birthday recognition
Listen & Learn Tours with staff
Starling newsletter
Monthly morale boosters
Mindfulness Mondays
Preplanning Rotations and professional learning
Cultural Competence
Morning meetings
Student Well-Being: All students will show a 5% improvement rate in their perspective of the following specific questions on the Educational Effectiveness Survey (EES):
In my school, I feel that I belong to a group of friends. (75%)
There’s at least one adult in this school I can talk to if I have a problem. (87%)
I am hopeful about my future. (92%)
I can calm myself down when I am excited or upset. (60%)
Setbacks don’t discourage me. (50%)
I feel safe at this school. (60%)
I enjoy coming to this school. (50%)
Teacher Support:_All teachers will show a 5% improvement rate in their perspective of the following specific questions on the Educational Effectiveness
My principal/administrator cares about me as a person. (64%)
Our staff can count on one another for help when needed. (62%)
We celebrated progress toward improvement plan goals. (54%)
SEL Classroom Integration: _All teachers will show various improvements on each question based on the specific percentage goals below on the Educational Effectiveness Survey (EES).
I receive training on instruction to support social
emotional learning. (90%)
I incorporate social emotional instruction into my daily instructional delivery.(75%)
The development of students’ social emotional learning enhances the learning environment in our classrooms. (75%)
Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports
Equity Goal 2.A – Multi-tiered system of supports
Implement a comprehensive framework to fully operationalize a multi-tiered system of supports to address academic and non-academic student needs and remove barriers to success.
Starling Elementary will implement a comprehensive framework to fully operationalize a multi-tiered system of supports to address academic and non-academic student needs and remove barriers to success.
MTSS Implementation Team regularly scheduled meetings on Tuesday morning.
MTSS Team professional learning on interventions (Fundations, Dibels 8, mCLASS, Wilson, Orton-Gillingham, LLI, Spire)
MTSS Team professional learning on and implementation of MTSS processes (i.e. data conversations, Student Support Team meetings, Kid Talks, Amplify)
Kid talks/ Tier 1+ and 2 meetings
CQI (RAMS Time) expectations implemented and followed
CLT expectations implemented and followed
Use of resource expectations implemented and followed
School-wide expectations (RAMS) posted throughout the building and classrooms to reinforce positive behavioral expectations
PBIS lessons and RAMS expectations are posted in every classroom and throughout the building
Use Golden Tickets as a reward when students are showing RAMS Can Behavior-- PBIS expectations
PBIS Coach will participate in district training
Monthly PBIS meetings with committee members
PBIS Student Celebrations Every 9 weeks
Attendance incentives for students who meet the goals for perfect attendance
Leverage instructional settings (Gifted, MLL, EIP) to ensure that interventions are being implemented with fidelity
Formative assessments should be implemented and reviewed for next steps
iReady testing review and intervention support and decision making
SPED/EIP/Gifted, MLL/F & R student data will be disaggregated and reviewed for support and progress
Sharing college and career access to each and every student
Social worker and Counseling support
100% of K–5 students are universally screened in Math and ELA.
100% of 3rd-5th grade students are universally screened for wellbeing.
100% of teachers and staff will implement PBIS.
20% of students with IEPs scoring proficient/distinguished on Milestones.
____ of students who are EIP scoring proficient/distinguished on Milestones
27% of MLL students who meet requirements to exit required ESOL.
There were 116 referrals in the 2022-2023 school year
The goal for the 2023-2024 school year is to decrease our referrals by 10%
Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access
Equity Goal 2.B – Opportunity and access
Expand student opportunities to engage in and have access to high quality, rigorous, and culturally relevant curriculum, advanced coursework (e.g. Advanced Placement and dual enrollment), and enrichment activities (e.g. the arts, gifted, STEM, career technical education).
Starling Elementary will expand student opportunities to engage in and access high-quality, rigorous, and culturally relevant curriculum, advanced coursework (e.g., Advanced Placement and dual enrollment), and enrichment activities (e.g., the arts, gifted, STEM, career technical education).
By the end middle of the year (MOY- January 2024, the percent of students reading on/above grade level will increase by 15% as measured by the iREADY (MOY) Benchmark assessment (Universal Screener)
Attend Collaborative Learning Teams meetings to ensure equity amongst grade level in all content areas.
BLN-Cluster Vertical Team
Literacy Leadership Team
Math Professional Learning
Social Studies and Science Professional Learning
District resources and school Professional Development will be used to create consistency of practice among teachers within each grade.
Instructional Coaching Cycles
Admire and Acquire & Feedback
School Improvement Team
Gifted referral and identification process
Gifted Students
Starling will continue to serve students in the pull out model who have been identified for the Gifted program in grades 1st - 5th
Teacher Certification
Starling will continue working towards increasing the % of teachers who are gifted certified to ensure that all students who are gifted are taught by a gifted teacher on each grade level. This will provide teachers with strategies to accelerate and enrich learning for all students.
Play 2 Learn-will add the Play2Learn program for children birth-to-5 for 90 minutes each week to build foundational school skills.
PBIS/SEL Coach to support all PBIS efforts
National Junior Beta Club for grades 4 & 5
Review Fall alerts for SST meetings
Focus on Tier 1 instruction
Mentor/Mentee program (novice teachers 1-3 years will be provided a mentor)
Coaching cycles with new teachers (all and new to district)
Frequent classroom walks to ensure high quality instruction and evidence-based best practices. Feedback will be provided through formative/informal observation tools.
Paired instructional walks using the new learning walk tool
Conduct teacher walks, to help foster data-driven conversations in collaboration meetings.
CQI - RAMS Time iReady, Amplify
Implement data notebooks
Align CLT to Professional learning to discuss formative assessments in all content areas
Data reviews 45/60/90/135
Peer observations and walkthroughs with schedules and feedback forms
Collaborative learning teams with Plan, Do, Check and Act cycle
Teachers attending district supported professional learning opportunities
Tutoring for low performing students
HS tutoring for kindergarten students
75% of students meeting readiness criteria as measured by KREP assessment. (Update)
13% Gifted BASELINE
16% Gifted GOAL
45% of students scoring proficient/distinguished on 3rd grade ELA Milestones.
Goal: 23-24
52 % goal
43% of students scoring proficient/distinguished on 4th grade ELA Milestones.
Goal: 23-24 50% goal
60% of students scoring proficient/distinguished on 5th grade ELA Milestones.
Goal: 23-24 67% goal
59% of students scoring proficient/distinguished on 3rd grade MA Milestones
Goal: 23-24 66% goal
56% of students scoring proficient/distinguished on 4th grade MA Milestones
Goal: 23-24 63% goal
50% of students scoring proficient/distinguished on 5th grade MA Milestones
Goal 23-24 57%
5th Grade
58% of students scoring proficient/distinguished on 5th grade SC Milestones
Goal: 23-24 65%
Reading On/Above Grade Level
39% (351 students)
65% (+26%)
35% (411 students)
70% (+35%)
All students will show a 5% improvement rate in their perspective of the following specific questions on the Educational Effectiveness Survey (EES): UPDATE
All students are held to the same behavior rules and expectations.(70%)
Work I do in this school is useful and interesting to me. (52%)
In class we often work with other students to solve a problem/do a task. (37%)
My teachers expect all students to succeed, no matter who they are. (97%)
All students have access to rigorous courses and supports. (47%)
Student placement in advanced classes is not influenced by race, gender, or socioeconomic levels.(89%)
My teachers help me learn by challenging me with interesting activities in class. (64%)
I often see the principal or administrators around the school talking with students (42%)
Effectiveness 3.A - Results-Based Evaluation System
Starling Elementary will continue to redefine the inputs, behaviors, and outcomes that determine the standards for student success as measured by the Results-Based Evaluation System (RBES) to support school improvement and student growth
Starling Elementary will implement consistent instructional walkthroughs with the administrative and support team. This strategy will assist with leadership next steps and support.
Starling Elementary staff members will participate in weekly collaborative learning opportunities where participants will analyze data, work samples,and other planning elements.
Tiered support will be provided for each and every student, through remediation and enrichment opportunities, based on progression with the AKS.
CQI - iReady, Amplify
Aligned CLT’s
Classroom Visits/Debriefs
Formative Assessments
Coaching Cycles
Amplify & iReady Reports
SEI Data
PDCA’s (culture of collaboration)
EES Screener
Paired walkthroughs
Admin present for CLT planning
100 % Percent of students will show a 5-10% improvement on iReady screeners from the beginning of the year to the middle. .
All staff will show a a 5% improvement rate in their perspective of the following specific questions on the Educational Effectiveness Survey (EES):
(1) There is a consistent vision of school improvement throughout this district (56%)
(2) Support from my principal/supervisor leads to progress on instructional improvement (or professional growth) (53%)
(3) Peer observation/coaching and feedback is a tool we use to improve instruction (57%)
Excellence 4.B - Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness
Excellence 4B:
Starling Elementary School is committed to preparing each and every student for post-secondary and workforce readiness. We have consistently provided collaborative learning opportunities. Teachers participated in Science of Reading professional development. Students have participated in Socrative discussions and various college and career activities including, but not limited to STEM night. Our Reader’s Rally team consistently meets to read, discuss, and to prepare for the county competition.
Starling offers a number of various clubs for grades k-5 and also Peer Leader opportunities for students in 4th and 5th. Teachers are implementing both tier I instruction and SEL lessons with fidelity. Both students and families are able to participate in active PTA sponsored events.
Counselors will collaborate to create college and career discussions and opportunities
A Career Fair will occur in May
College Day is every Monday at Starling where t-shirts are worn and students and staff are encouraged to engage
Students are engaged in conversations and dialogue related to their future on a frequent basis through their learning
Staff will consistently find ways to incorporate discussions about STEM and other career choices in all areas to engage them in future roles
5th grade attending various field trips to increase exposure to the outside world
All student leaders in grades 4 and 5 will attend the Grayson Student Leadership Conference to gain additional leadership skills
We will track participation at our events
We will review academic data to review collaboration