2023 - 2024 Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI)
School: ALFORD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL           Principal: Sebastian R Davis
District Strategic Priorities/Goals
Action Steps (Implementation Design)
How will you measure growth? Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets)
Empathy 1.B - Staff and Student Well Being
Alford Elementary will create and maintain a school culture/climate in which students and staff feel a sense of belonging and inclusiveness concerning all school wide activities and processes.
Implement an SEL segment within the master school that will occur each day from 8:20 AM- 9:00 AM. Lessons/activities will be focused on the CASEL Framework (Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning).
Create and maintain a Wellness Room for staff in order for them to recharge and refocus so that they continue providing quality instruction and social supports for the students.
Develop and maintain an SEL Team to provide strategies/activities for the classroom instruction/environments. This team will also create activities to elevate staff voice.
Develop a PBIS Committee to implement celebratory activities for students and staff.
Restorative Practices will be implemented to improve and enhance classroom environments as well as enhance teacher-student relationships.
EES Survey
Students: Percent of students responding positively to the following student wellbeing EES Student Survey Items will increase by 3%.
I feel safe at this school. (Baseline- 50%; Target-53%)
I enjoy coming to this school. (Baseline- 42%; Target-42%)
I am hopeful about my future. (Baseline- 74%; Target- 77%)
Staff: Percent of staff responding positively to the following cultural proficiency EES Staff Survey items will increase by 3%.
When there is a problem in my school, we talk about how to solve it. (Baseline- 51%; Target-54%)
My principal/administrator cares about me as a person. (Baseline - 78%; Target-81%)
My principal facilitates systems/processes to support school improvement. (Baseline- 79%; Target- 82%)
Support from my principal/supervisor leads to progress on instructional improvement (or professional growth). (Baseline- 68%; Target - 71%)
Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports
We will implement and maintain instructional/social supports to maximize student achievement in the areas of Academic Press and Supportive Community.
We will provide rigorous learning opportunities for Tier 2 and 3 students through the implementation of high quality Tier 1 strategies and through the extended learning programs (before/after school/Saturday School).
We will provide ongoing strategies focusing on Character Development and Positive Behavior Intervention Supports to improve classroom structures/environments.
We will provide ongoing staff development focusing on small group instruction and differentiation to improve enhance classroom instruction.
The MTSS Lead will provide ongoing staff development on Tier 2 and Tier 3 strategies to improve teacher practice.
We will analyze and disaggregate data results from the academic and wellness screeners to establish teacher/student growth goals.
End of the Year iReady Diagnostic Screener Results will serve as a baseline measure. We will decrease by at least 5-7% in the following performance levels: Two Grade Levels Below and Three or More Grade Levels Below for both reading and math.
Target Data
Mid or Above Grade Level
Early on Grade Level
One Grade Level Below
Two Grade Levels Below
Three or More Grade Levels Below
Mid or Above Grade Level
Early on Grade Level
One Grade Level Below
Two Grade Levels Below
Three or More Grade Levels Below
Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access
We will develop academic and social support structures to enhance the number of underrepresented ethnic groups in gifted/accelerated courses. We will also decrease the number of all student groups that are overrepresented in the OSS data category for the school.
We will maintain a PBIS committee to provide school-wide staff development on quality and productive classroom/school community.
We will participate in ongoing staff development to enhance classroom instruction with an emphasis on acceleration and differentiation.
The MTSS Lead and MTSS committee will support grade levels with Tier 2 Kid Talks and deliver strategies to improve the performance of Tier 2 and Tier 3 students.
We will implement more student clubs to elevate student voice and engagement.
We will implement and maintain a school-wide mentoring program to support and improve the academic and social progression of the students.
Gifted & Talented Representation: The number of students enrolled in gifted/talented will increase by at least 5 students.
Student Group
Target Data
African American
14 students
19 students
20 students
25 students
13 students
18 students
2 students
7 students
Effectiveness 3.A - Results-Based Evaluation System
We will accelerate the annual growth of the students evidenced by their performance on the Georgia Milestones and the Milestones Benchmark.
Teachers will participate in ongoing staff development focusing on Tier 2 and Tier 3 strategies.
Quarterly data chats will be conducted with individual teachers and grade levels to analyze data and set goals for improved academic performance.
Extended Learning Programs will be offered both first and second semester to support and improve student achievement.
WOW Day sessions will be offered both first and second semester to analyze content standards, student data, and student work samples.
Learning Walks will be conducted frequently to assess small group strategies/instruction.
The results from the 2023-24 Milestones will be used as a baseline measure to assess student growth. We will see a 5% decline in the Beginning and Developing performance level ranges for both English/Language Arts and Math.
3rd - Beginning 64% Developing 21%
4th- Beginning 58% Developing 26%
5th- Beginning 55% Developing 26%
3rd- Beginning 50% Developing 32%
4th- Beginning 45% Developing 29%
5th- Beginning 61% Developing 26%
Excellence 4.C - World-Class Communication and Engagement
We will increase the percent of parents and guardians who have an active GCPS Parent Portal account (including both pre-existing accounts and new account sign-ups).
Make sure that the topic of family engagement and active portal accounts are running agenda items for all parent events (Open House, Curriculum Night, and Early Release Conferences).
Send regular (monthly) reminders about activating parent portal accounts via school flyers, marquee, and Parentsquare.
When conducting AKS home help sessions, English classes, parenting workshops, and parent planning meetings, encourage and remind parents to activate their portal accounts.
Principal/administrators will conduct monthly chats with parents (Coffee with Dr. Davis) and reference parent portal.
Teachers will engage parents weekly via Parent Square, emails, and/or phone calls and remind them about parent portal accounts.
Review monthly report via School Reports to consistently contact parents with an active account.
Provide monthly incentives to the class with highest number of active parent portal accounts.
Review the monthly report via School Reports each month.