District Strategic Priorities/Goals | Rationale | Action Steps (Implementation Design) |
How will you measure growth? Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets) |
Empathy 1.B - Staff and Student Well Being | Staff and student wellbeing Creekland staff believes in supporting the total middle school learner. We believe that building positive relationships with students will support their sense of belonging and wellness. Creekland staff believes in doing their best work to support the students we teach. We strive to be professional colleagues that build good working relationships.
The Empathy Strategic Planning Team will work as a cohesive unit to facilitate the activities and events that support the goals and action steps. This team will focus on aligning their work with the following sub-committees and events: {PBIS (Positive Behavioral Intervention System), SEL (Social Emotional Learning) Multi-Cultural team, Student Clubs, Eagles Nest, Advisement, Care & Wellness, MOYA (Month of the Young Adolescent), Relay for Life, Trunk or Treat, and Appreciation Days} The Action Steps are as outlined: 1. We will continue the work of PBIS, Eagle of the Week, Quarterly Socials, Multicultural team trivia and celebrations, as well as MOYA (Month of the Young Adolescent) . 2. We will provide students with recognition through positive notes, G-Cards, and tokens to be redeemed through our Soarbucks' cafe. 3. We will continue to use Restorative Practices and mediation to talk through conflicts. 4. We will include more SEL (Social Emotional Learning) lessons and modeling of the PBIS motto: Be Ready, Responsible, and Respectful to a peer-to-peer and staff interactions. 5. We will continue to support students in celebrating their unique identity through using the Express Yourself ID cards, which serves as the official school hall pass, and supports the staff with learning our students by name.
Baseline data will be generated from the following questions as connected to the Educator Effectiveness Survey (EES) Spring 2023 data. Students: 1.) I enjoy coming to this school. Baseline: 33% Target: 40% 2.) Students' success is celebrated in this school. Baseline: 52% Target: 55% 3.) Students feel safe at this school. Baseline: 44% Target: 50% Staff: 1.) My principal/administrator cares about me as a person. Baseline: 63% Target: 70% 2.) When there is a problem in my school, we talk about how to solve it. Baseline: 46% Target: 50% 3.) There is a willingness to address conflict in this school. Baseline: 43% Target: 50% |
Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports | Creekland Middle School will continue to engage with the MTSS (Multi-Tiered Support System). We will incorporate ways into the daily school operations to meet the Academic Press and Supportive Community components for School Improvement. |
The Equity Strategic Planning Team will work as a cohesive unit to facilitate the activities and events that support the goals and action steps. This team will focus on aligning their work with the following sub-committees and events: {Multi-Tiered Student Support, RTI & SST, Scheduling, Technology/Media} The Action Steps are as outlined: 1. We will continue to engage in Kid Talks and data analysis by the MTSS team. 2. The Student Support team will engage regularly in data talks for referred students. 3. We will administer the Universal Screener at minimum twice a year. 4. We will use data from the screener to support student qualifiers for Gifted and Remedial assistance.
Baseline and measurable data points will be generated from the MTSS Screener and the MTSS Student Wellbeing screener for participation. We will also utilize Milestones Assessment data to reduce the number of students in Beginning Learner level. % of Students Universally screened-Academic Baseline: 92% Target: 95% or better % of Students participating in the Universal Screening for Wellbeing Baseline: 91% Target: 91% or better Decreasing the number of Students in the Beginning Level category of Milestones Baseline: 18% Target: 15% or less Language Arts baseline: 23% Target: 20% Math baseline: 17% Target: 14% 8th Science baseline: 37% Target: 33% 8th Social Studies baseline: 17% Target: 14% 1.) Struggling students receive early intervention and remediation to acquire skills. Baseline: 69% Target: 71% |
Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access | Creekland Middle School is a very diverse school. It is important to ensure school practices are aligned to meet the academic and social/ emotional needs of all learners. |
The Equity Strategic Planning Team will work as a cohesive unit to facilitate the activities and events that support the goals and action steps. This team will focus on aligning their work with the following sub-committees and events: {Multi-Tiered Student Support, RTI & SST, Scheduling, Technology/Media} The Action Steps are as outlined: 1. Provide morning tutoring and Saturday school. 2. Navigate 360 3. Character Strong 4. Eagle Time Interventions |
Baseline and measurable data points will be generated from the Discipline and Gifted Reports. Reduce the Discipline Disproportionality Index for the "All Student group." Baseline: 12% (ISS) Target: 9% (ISS) Baseline 8.7% (OSS) Target: 5% (OSS) Increase % of Students Identified as Gifted Baseline: 20% Target: 23% |
Effectiveness 3.A - Results-Based Evaluation System | Creekland Middle School believes in our vision of Every Child, Every Class, and Every Day. Upon reviewing our Milestones historical data, we as a staff will use the data to identify areas of strength and growth instructionally. We will intentionally monitor our practice. |
The Effectiveness Strategic Planning Team will work as a cohesive unit to facilitate the activities and events that support the goals and action steps. This team will focus on aligning their work with the following sub-committees and events: {Instructional Framework, Safety & Security, New Teacher/Staff mentoring, & Professional Learning Communities (PLC), Data Team,} The Action Steps are as outlined:
Baseline and measurable data points will be generated from the CCRPI, Interims, 2023 Milestones results as well as the Instructional component of the Staff Effectiveness Survey. Teacher/Staff: 1.) Instruction is personalized to meet the needs of each student. Baseline: 53% Target: 56% Students: 1) My teachers tell me the purpose for each lesson activity (3 part lesson) Baseline: 49.8% Target 53% CCRPI progress: Baseline: 79.3 (SY 2019) Target: 81 Baseline: (SY 2023) Target: (not updated at this time) Participation rates on EES: Staff: baseline 70% Target: 75% or better Student: baseline 73% Target 76% Family: baseline 12% Target 15%
Excellence 4.A - Preferred Education Destination | Creekland Middle school strives to have our students perform well academically. |
The Excellence Strategic Planning Team will work as a cohesive unit to facilitate the activities and events that support the goals and action steps. This team will focus on aligning their work with the following sub-committees and events: {Parent University, PTA, School Council, All Pro Dads, Student Government, Student Ambassadors, Peer Leaders, Business Partners, Academic Awards recognitions/celebrations} The Action Steps are as outlined:
We will measure our progress by reviewing the percentage of students that we move into the proficient/distinguished ratings on the Georgia Milestones. Creekland Middle School students will demonstrate mastery in the 4-core content areas with students scoring in the proficient or distinguished levels on the Georgia Milestones assessments or District Assessments. The content area specific goals are:
Language Arts:
6th: 64% or better in proficient/distinguished
7th: 66% or better in proficient/distinguished
8th: 66% or better in proficient/distinguished
6th: 62% or better in proficient/distinguished (standard)
6th: Accelerated 100% proficient/distinguished
7th: 53% or better in proficient/distinguished (standard)
7th: Accelerated 100% proficient/distinguished
8th: 69% or better in proficient/distinguished (standard)
Enhanced Math: 95% or better in proficient/distinguished
6th: 55% or better in proficient/distinguished
7th: 65% or better in proficient/distinguished
8th: 55% or better in proficient/distinguished
Social Studies
6th: 60% or better in proficient/distinguished
7th: 60% or better in proficient/distinguished
8th: 60% or better in proficient/distinguished
Gifted (all grade levels and courses)
All gifted/blended course students are to be 100% proficient/distinguished (15% or less proficient) ( 85% or better distinguished).
Excellence 4.B - Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness | Creekland Middle School believes in preparing students for career choices and experiences by to support workplace readiness. We aim to meet this goal by providing our students through exposure to a variety of courses and varied curriculum. |
The Excellence Strategic Planning Team will work as a cohesive unit to facilitate the activities and events that support the goals and action steps. This team will focus on aligning their work with the following sub-committees and events: {Parent University, PTA, School Council, All Pro Dads, Student Government, Student Ambassadors, Peer Leaders, Business Partners, Academic Awards recognitions/celebrations} The Action Steps are as outlined: 1.) We will continue to offer Elective Courses to support the middle school learner. The courses are inclusive of the following: Computer Science, Journalism, Music Technology, Spanish (HS Credit), French (HS Credit), German (HS Credit), STEM, Intro to Engineering, Enhanced Math (HS Credit), Physical Science for all 8th grade students (HS Credit). 2.) Our students will continue to have student voice which will be lead through our Student Clubs, Student Government, Student Ambassadors, and Peer leaders.