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Accountability and flexibility are hallmarks of Gwinnett County Public Schools' success. Key to that success is ensuring that each school community understands the progress being made by its schools, as well as what plans will drive improvement. Each school creates a collaborative Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI) to increase student achievement results, with targeted goals based on the four strategic priorities within the district’s Blueprint for the Future: Empathy, Equity, Effectiveness, and Excellence. All schools across the district will focus on goals 2A- Multi-tiered Systems of Support and 2B- Opportunity and Access. Additionally, schools are required to select one goal from each of the other strategic priorities. LSPI goals are dynamic, like our schools, and are updated to reflect changes that occur in schools. Multiple data points are used to determine areas needing improvement and to identify specific, measurable, annual objectives. Schools then determine how to use research-based strategies to achieve these goals, using flexibility as needed. The LSPI development process involves teachers, parents, students, and community members, so the entire school community has the opportunity to be involved in conversations about school improvement.


2023 - 2024 Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI)

School: CREWS MIDDLE           Principal: Cindy Moffett

District Strategic Priorities/Goals Rationale Action Steps
(Implementation Design)
How will you measure growth?
Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets)
Empathy 1.B - Staff and Student Well Being

Crews Middle School is committed to creating a positive, engaging environment where our vision for Connected at Crews permeates throughout curricular and extra-curricular opportunities for staff and students.  Practicing empathy by focusing on student and staff wellbeing is essential to fostering positive relationships through the development of a culture where students and staff feel a sense of care, belonging, and safety. 


Student Well Being

  • Continue efforts to build an intentional, well-established, exemplary social and emotional learning (SEL) program that strategically provides cross-divisional support coupled with robust professional learning and resources for staff, students, and families

    • Combine PBIS/SEL/RP committees to streamline implementation & planning for supportive community through monthly collaboration
    • Utilize Bronco Time to implement PBIS, SEL, and advisement lessons 
    • Provide quarterly local school PD to support schoolwide implementation of SEL & Restorative Practices
    • Include the 3 Signature SEL practices (warm welcome, engaging learning activities, optimistic closing) into the instructional framework


  • Develop the "Student Experience Committee" (SEC) to enhance academic and social engagement 

  • Continue student supports, recognitions and celebrations in partnership with PBIS, PTSA, counseling department etc. (i.e Bronco of the Month, semester honors’ assemblies, grade-level socials & celebrations, referrals for student check-ins)

  • Continue sharing weekly communications with students’ families (progress reports, Bronco Bulletin newsletter etc.)

  • Continue the Motivational Monday Movement to allow students weekly opportunities to share an inspirational quote, positive thought, uplifting image or artwork via the news broadcast to motivate staff and students for the week

  • Continue developing cohorts for the Principal’s Advisory Committee to allow student voice and choice regarding student achievement and engagement

  • Provide peer leader mentorship to students new to Crews & those referred by staff

Staff Well Being

  • Continue to recognize and highlight our staff through our week-at-a-glance newsletter (shout-out section), weekly You Shine notes, monthly birthday celebrations, monthly grade level celebrations, and quarterly climate activities
  • Continue the work to support staff input and voice by building the capacity of our curriculum lead teachers, grade level representatives, and support staff leaders
  • Continue to seek staff voice and input through our School Improvement Team (SIT) meetings

  • Allow staff to submit input & feedback regarding current practices or ideas for new ones anonymously through a survey link
  • Student Well-being Survey:


    • Supportive Learning Environment-Student success is celebrated in this school (Baseline 64%/Target 70%)

    • Belonging & Engagement-Students are involved in solving probiems in this school (Baseline-64%/Target 70%)
    • Social Awareness-I feel proud of my school (Baseline 63%/Target 70%)


  • Staff Support Survey

    • Supportive Learning Environment-We celebrate progress toward school toward improvement plan goals (Baseline 74%/Target 80%)

    • Collaboration & Communication-When there is problem in my school, we talk about how to solve it (Baseline 69%/Target 75%)

    • Focused Professional Development- I receive training on instructions to support social emotional learning (Baseline 57%/Target 70%)


Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports

At Crews Middle School, we believe each student belongs and can succeed at their highest levels.  To support the diverse needs of our learners, we will be strategic and intentional in regard to the development of comprehensive structures and processes to remove barriers and provide targeted remediation and enrichment learning opportunities.

  • Continue the PLC work to embed teacher-led small group instruction through lesson plans and practices formally twice a week to ensure high quality instruction Tier 1 instruction is occuring for all students
  • Continue to use ongoing formative assessment, including district assessments, to support remediation and enrichment
  • Monitor the progress of students scheduled in Remedial Education Program (REP) segments to receive daily instructional and intervention support
  • Build staff capacity to support and fully integrate academic rigor/excellence and supportive community structures and processes for tier 2 & 3 through local school and district professional development
  • Implement WIDA training to support instructional strategies for mulitilanguage learners through local and district PD, peer observation, and coaching
  • Formalize academic and behavioral responses to intervention (RTI) process to reduce variability and improve the fidelity of implementation
  • Develop an MTSS team to include administrators, counselors, MTSS coordinators and representatives of PBIS, SEL, Restoratives Practices Leadership Team that will: 
    • Use data to ensure students are receiving the appropriate support from our supportive community and teachers are receiving adequate training and support 
    • Meet monthly meetings to support plans for student engagement and incentives as well as develop lessons and activities based on school needs
    • Provide supportive measures for students needs through Young Knights, Stepping Stones, GCPS mentoring program etc.
  • MTSS Screening: Academic Rigor/Excellence (iReady) Screening Baseline/Target: TBD (First administration Fall 2023)

  • GA Milestones: Students scoring at Proficient+ Distinguished

    • Language Arts (Baseline-69%/Target 75%)

    • Math (Baseline-76%/ Target 80%)

    • Science (Baseline-73%/ Target 78%)
    • Social Studies (Baseline-74%/Target 79%)
  • Behavior Management- Percent of students with incidents (Baseline 11%/Target 8%)


Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access

Crews Middle School is committed to ensuring students are embraced, empowered, and equipped to meet their college, career, and life goals. Therefore, we are focused on ensuring each and every student has an opportunity and access to a rigorous and relevant curriculum and is supported through stakeholder relationships that promote academic and social/emotional learning

  • Utilize universal screener data in conjunction with other academic/achievement data to identify students for gifted evaluation
  • Collaborate with local school and district staff to identify and facilitate relevant PD for staff that promotes academic excellence and supportive community
  • Continue PLC work focused on teacher-led small group instruction, reteaching, and mastery opportunities
  • Continue the work of Connected at Crews to provide students opportunities to engage in various clubs and activities that support their curricular and extra-curricular interests and passions before, during, and after school
  • Student Survey:

    • High Standards & Expectations-All students have acccess to rigorours courses and supports (Baseline 76%/Target 80%)

    • Monitoring of Teaching & Learning- My teacher(s) find ways for me to learn things I find difficult (Baseline 62%/Target 70%)
    • Belonging & Engagement-Adults in this building help me plan & set goals for my future (Baseline-58%/Target 63%)

  • Behavior Management- Percent of students with incidents (Baseline-11%/Target 8%)

  • GA Milestones: Students scoring at Proficient+ Distinguished

    • Special Education (Baseline 38%/Target 43%)

    • EL (Baseline 54%/Target 58%)


Effectiveness 3.A - Results-Based Evaluation System

Crews Middle School is committed to promoting high levels of collaboration and engagement within its professional learning communities.  We will use the Results-Based Evaluation System to define inputs, behaviors, and outcomes of students to determine successes of academic press and supportive community implementations. This work is supported through the following:

  • sacred time for planning at various levels (content, grade, school & cluster vertical teaming) to support the development of rigorous, relevant lessons

  • data disaggregation that leads to actionable plans for student remediation and enrichment

  • professional learning to support best practices.


  • Develop guidelines to help PLCs develop RBES goals (academic rigor/excellence, supportive community, professional learning)
  • Meet with PLC leaders monthly to review school, departmental, and/or grade level progress and supports
  • Continue PLC work to support ongoing formative assessment, feedback, reteaching, and targeted teacher-led small group planning to ensure student mastery of the AKS
  • Coordinate opportunities for teachers to conduct peer observation
  • Schedule opportunities for PLCs leaders to observe their teachers
  • Provide students with ongoing opportunities to demonstrate mastery and utilize the Academic Assistance Program to support midyear needs
  • Use local school assessments, district assessment, and Milestones Benchmark to measure progress
  • Present academic and behavioral data during faculty & staff meetings 
  • Provide new teachers in our building with a mentor (new to profession) or a Bronco Backer (veteran new to school)
  • Conduct monthly checkins with new teachers to our building
  • Offer ongoing, targeted schoolwide professional development and choice sessions to all staff
  • GA Milestones: Students scoring at Proficient+ Distinguished

      • Language Arts (Baseline-69%/Target 75%)

      • Math (Baseline-76%/ Target 80%)

      • Science (Baseline-73%/ Target 78%)
      • Social Studies (Baseline-74%/Target 79%)
  • District Assessment Data 

  • Student Survey

    • Monitoring Teaching & Learning- My teacher(s) tells me the purpose for each lesson or activity (Baseline 57 %/Target 62%)

    • Clear & Shared Focus-This school is doing a good job of preparing me to succeed in life (Baseline-64%/70%)

    • Monitoring Teaching & Learning- My teachers help me learn by challenging me with interesting activities in class (Baseline-68%/ Target 73%)

  • Staff Survey
    • Focused Professional Development- Peer observation/coaching is a tool we use improve instruction (Baseline 38%/Target 50%)


Excellence 4.A - Preferred Education Destination

Crews Middle School is committed to being the preferred education destination and first choice for students and families.

  • Continue the work of Connected at Crews which has focused on providing opportunities for students, staff, and  community members to engage in clubs, activities, and classes based on their interests
  • Utilize the connections’ preference survey to support student choice and interests
  • Provide opportunities for parent and community involvement for all stakeholders to be active in our school improvement process (i.e., Local School Council, PTSA, All Pro Dads, Counseling Advisory Committee, etc.) 
  • Host events that highlight and engage students and families with different backgrounds and interests
  • Solicit student, staff, and family feedback following school events and activities

Student EES Data

  • Belonging & Engagement-What we do in school will help me succeed in life (Baseline 66%/ Target 70%)
  • Clear & Shared Focus-This is school is doing a good job of helping me to succeed in life (Baseline 68%/ Target 75%)

Staff EES Data

  • Readiness to Benefit:  I am willing to work at changing my school for the better (Baseline 96%/ Target 100%)
  • Readiness to Benefit:  My colleagues welcome new ideas and change (Baseline 72%/ Target 80%)

Family EES Data

  • Parent & Community Involvement- Parents/families have input into improving this school (Baseline 58%/ Target 65%)
  • Parent & Community Involvement- I feel welcome at this school (Baseline 80%/ Target 85%)