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Accountability and flexibility are hallmarks of Gwinnett County Public Schools' success. Key to that success is ensuring that each school community understands the progress being made by its schools, as well as what plans will drive improvement. Each school creates a collaborative Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI) to increase student achievement results, with targeted goals based on the four strategic priorities within the district’s Blueprint for the Future: Empathy, Equity, Effectiveness, and Excellence. All schools across the district will focus on goals 2A- Multi-tiered Systems of Support and 2B- Opportunity and Access. Additionally, schools are required to select one goal from each of the other strategic priorities. LSPI goals are dynamic, like our schools, and are updated to reflect changes that occur in schools. Multiple data points are used to determine areas needing improvement and to identify specific, measurable, annual objectives. Schools then determine how to use research-based strategies to achieve these goals, using flexibility as needed. The LSPI development process involves teachers, parents, students, and community members, so the entire school community has the opportunity to be involved in conversations about school improvement.


2023 - 2024 Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI)

School: OSBORNE MIDDLE SCHOOL           Principal: Kenney S Wells

District Strategic Priorities/Goals Rationale Action Steps
(Implementation Design)
How will you measure growth?
Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets)
Empathy 1.B - Staff and Student Well Being

Osborne Middle School will promote student and staff well-being through prioritizing self-care, physical and mental health, and social-emotional learning.

  • We educate both staff and students on behavioral expectations to ensure learning that is positive, engaging, and highly effective.
  • We utilize positive interventions, celebrations, and the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Matrix as motivational and teaching tools to achieve desirable outcomes. 
  • We will continue training all staff in the effective use of restorative practices.
  • We conduct monthly analyses of both minor and major discipline incidents to continually improve our use of interventions. 
  • We provide weekly advisement sessions that support the four components of Our Blueprint for the Future; Empathy, Equity, Effectiveness, and Excellence.   
  • We regularly encourage and communicate the importance of fitness, nutrition, and emotional well-being opportunities for students and staff.
  • We prioritize the importance of student and staff recognition through daily, weekly, and monthly communication tools.   

Educational Effectiveness Surveys

Student Survey

  • I enjoy coming to school
    • SY2023 Baseline = 49%
    • SY2024 Target = 52%
  • Most students are respectful of others at this school
    • SY2023 Baseline = 36%
    • SY2024 Target = 39%

Staff Survey

  • When my school has a problem, we discuss how to solve it.
    • SY2023 Baseline = 53%
    • SY2024 Target =56%
  • l receive training on instruction to support social-emotional learning. 
    • SY2023 Baseline = 58%
    • SY2024 Target =61%
Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports

Osborne Middle School will implement a comprehensive framework to fully operationalize multi-tiered systems of support to students to address academic and non-academic needs. 

  • We will continue to establish structures for enhancing student learning and school improvement through collaborative learning teams with an intentional focus on Tier 1 instruction. 
  • We will strengthen our focus on student interventions through the use of evidence-based Tier 2 and Tier 3 supports for identified students.
  • We will utilize a multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) team to maximize student achievement.
  • We provide an instructional framework for students that includes clear learning targets, activating strategies, classroom activities, and formative assessments.
  • Our teachers will participate in peer observations utilizing feedback protocols to strengthen their classroom practices.
  • All teachers will model the implementation of PBIS strategies to promote positive behaviors in the restroom, halls, cafeteria, classroom and during arrival/ dismissal.


  • Students scoring Beginning on the Milestones EOG Language Arts
    • SY2023 Baseline = 9%
    • SY2024 Target = 6%
  • Students scoring Beginning on the Milestones EOG Math
    • SY2023 Baseline = 9%
    • SY2024 Target = 6%
  • Students scoring Developing and above on the Milestones EOG Language Arts.
    • SY2023 Baseline= 91%  
    • SY2024 Baseline = 94%


    Students scoring Developing and above on the Milestones EOG Math.

    • SY2023 Baseline= 92%
    • SY2024 Baseline = 95%


Educational Effectiveness Surveys

Student Survey

  • I solve problems by first breaking them into smaller steps:
    • SY2023 Baseline = 60%
    • SY2024 Target = 63%

Staff Survey

  • Instruction is personalized to meet the needs of each student
    • SY2023 Baseline = 53%
    • SY2024 Target = 56%
  • Struggling students receive early intervention and remediation to acquire skills
    • SY2023 Baseline = 48%
    • SY2024 Target = 51%
Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access

Osborne Middle School will provide students access to high quality rigorous course work that includes activities designed to enrich the learning opportunities for each and every child.

  • We will offer professional development to ensure high-quality Tier 1 instruction for all students, including targeted small groups, grade-level curriculum, ongoing formative assessments, and progress monitoring.
  • We will provide students with opportunities within the school day for academic interventions, enrichment, and mentoring.
  • We will continue to identify and expand our gifted program.

Educational Effectiveness Surveys

Student Survey

  • My teachers help me learn by challenging me with interesting activities in class.
    • SY2023 Baseline = 58%
    • SY2024 Target = 61%
  • Work I do in this school is useful and interesting to me.
    • SY2023 Baseline = 43%
    • SY2024 Target = 46%

Staff Survey

  • Instruction in personalized to meet the needs of each student. 
    • SY2023 Baseline = 53%
    • SY2024 Target = 56%

Gifted Data

  • The percentage of black students served in the gifted program will increase.
    • SY2023 Baseline = 14%
    • SY2024 Target = 17%
  • The percentage of Hispanic students served in the gifted program will increase. 
    • SY2023 Baseline = 9%
    • SY2024 Target = 12%
Effectiveness 3.A - Results-Based Evaluation System

Osborne Middle School will define the inputs, behaviors, and outcomes that determine the standards for student success as measured by the Results-Based Evaluation System (RBES).

  • Students will participate in small group instruction and differentiation through flexible grouping to provide individualized support while other students support each other collaboratively on different tasks. 
  • Classroom instruction will include effective use of Quality-Plus Teaching Strategies teaching with an emphasis on key questioning strategies to increase student engagement.
  • We support collaborative learning teams (CLT) by utilizing a school-wide weekly planning agenda that includes:
    • What do we want our students to learn?
    • How will we teach it?
    • How will we know when our students have learned?
    • How will we respond when students learn? How will we respond when students don't learn?
  • Teachers will conduct peer observations of other teachers and provide feedback to their colleagues. 
  • We will utilize the Gwinnett Teacher Evaluation System to identify teacher strengths and areas of growth.

Educational Effectiveness Surveys

Student Survey

  • In class, we often work with other students to solve a problem/do a task.
    • SY2023 Baseline = 49%
    • SY2024 Target = 52%
  • What we do in school will help me succeed in life.
    • SY2023 Baseline = 68%
    • SY2024 Target = 71%

Staff Survey

  • Peer observation/coaching and feedback is a tool we use to improve instruction. 
    • SY2023 Baseline =50%
    • SY2024 Target =53%
Excellence 4.C - World-Class Communication and Engagement

Osborne Middle will continue to improve two-way communication, engagement, and outreach in order to connect with all stakeholders within the community.

  • We will implement the new district communication platform, ParentSquare, to further enhance two-way communication among teachers, parents, Osborne Middle, and the school district.  
  • We will tell our story by highlighting activities, events, and accolades on social media, in parent and staff newsletters, and on the school website.
  • We will continue to host and encourage our students, parents, and staff to attend school events.  
  • Teachers will communicate regularly with parents concerning their child's academic performance through routine progress report reminders, email, and student/parent conferences.
  • We will solicit feedback and input from students, parents, and staff by embedding QR codes into newsletters, presentations, and other communication platforms. 
  • We will hold regularly scheduled advisory meetings with the Student and School Councils, and our Parent Teacher Association (PTA), to further improve two-way communication, engagement, and outreach that connect the community and school. 
  • We will hold a parent information night with International Newcomers Center translators to support family communication and engagement.

Educational Effectiveness Surveys

Staff Survey

  • With important decisions, we seek input from parents and the community.
    • SY2023 Baseline = 66%
    • SY2024 Target = 69%

Student Survey

  • This school communicates with my family about how I am doing.
    • SY2023 Baseline = 70%
    • SY2024 Target = 73%
  • Students are involved in solving problems in this school. 
    • SY2023 Baseline = 67%
    • SY2024 Target = 70%

Family Survey 

  • When I share concerns with my student's teachers, they listen. 
    • SY2023 Baseline = 83% 
    • SY2024 Target = 86%
  • Parents/families have input into the plans for improving this school. 
    • SY2023 Baseline = 58%
    • SY2024 Target = 61%