District Strategic Priorities/Goals | Rationale | Action Steps (Implementation Design) |
How will you measure growth? Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets) |
Empathy 1.B - Staff and Student Well Being | We believe a positive work and learning environment results in positive learning outcomes for students. |
Student ESS Survey: Based on the Spring 2023 student survey responses 96% of students felt “In this school, there is at least one adult who knows and cares about me." Our goal for Spring, 2024 is to again have 96% or higher of our students respond positively. Based on the Spring 2023 student survey responses 88% of students felt "Adults in this school help me plan and set goals for my future." Our goal for Spring, 2024 is to have 90% of our students respond positively. Staff EES Surveys: 98% of staff responded positively on the Spring 2023 staff EES Survey statement, "My principal/administrator cares about me as a person". Our goal for Spring, 2024 is to maintain 98% or higher of the staff responding positively; therefore, ensuring our staff has a supportive work environment.
96% of our teachers responded positively to the Spring 2023 staff EES Survey statement, "Our teachers engage in classroom-based professional development activities (e.g. peer coaching) that focus on improving instruction." Our goal for Spring, 2024 is to maintain 96% or higher of the staff responding positively showing the commitment to continuous learning for our staff.
Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports | Suwanee Elementary strives to provide a learning environment where each and every child receives what they need to develop to their full academic and social potential. |
The percentage of students in grades 1-5 performing on or above grade level on the Reading iReady Assessment will increase. Baseline: (fall administration %) Target: (TBD and measured by the winter administration) The percentage of students in grades 1-5 performing on or above grade level on the Math iReady Assessment will increase. Baseline: (fall administration) Target: (TBD and measured by the winter administration) The percentage of students in grades 3, 4, and 5 scoring at the proficient or distinguished levels on the English Language Arts and Mathematics Georgia Milestones Assessment will increase. Grade 3 ELA Baseline: 63% Target: 67% Grade 3 Math Baseline: 62% Target: 65% Grade 4 ELA Baseline: 63% (2023 GMAS Spring 3rd grade ELA results) Target: 67% Grade 4 Math Baseline: 62% (2023 GMAS Spring 3rd grade Math results) Target: 65% Grade 5 ELA Baseline: 76% (2023 GMAS Spring 4th grade ELA results) Target: 79% Grade 5 Math Baseline: 72% (2023 GMAS Spring 4th grade Math results) Target: 75% |
Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access | Suwanee Elementary is committed to providing every student with a learning environment that engages, enriches, and supports their learning striving to help every student reach their full potential.
The percentage of Suwanee students participating in the gifted program will increase. Baseline: 20% Target: 23% The percentage of Suwanee teachers who are Gifted certified will increase: Baseline: 75% Target: 77% |
Effectiveness 3.A - Results-Based Evaluation System | The Results-Based Evaluation System provides the opportunity to measure student learning performance and progress throughout the process of obtaining school-wide goals and objectives. By monitoring progress, the Local School Plan of Improvement becomes an actively engaged plan that creates instructional leadership pivots throughout the school-year. |
GMAS Baseline Data: Suwanee Elementary 2023 GMAS Data Results.pdf GMAS Spring 2024 Targets: 3rd Grade ELA GMAS Growth Targets Spring 2024 Beginning Learner 10% Developing Learner 18% Proficient Learner 45% Distinguished Learner 27% 3rd Grade Math GMAS Growth Targets Spring 2024 Beginning Learner 5% Developing Learner 23% Proficient Learner 44% Distinguished Learner 28% 4th Grade ELA GMAS Growth Targets Spring 2024 Beginning Learner 5% Developing Learner 18% Proficient Learner 40% Distinguished Learner 37% 4th Grade Math GMAS Growth Targets Spring 2024 Beginning Learner 10% Developing Learner 18% Proficient Learner 45% Distinguished Learner 30% 5th Grade ELA GMAS Growth Targets Spring 2024 Beginning Learner 5% Developing Learner 12% Proficient Learner 43% Distinguished Learner 40% 5th Grade Math GMAS Growth Targets Spring 2024 Beginning Learner 5% Developing Learner 10% Proficient Learner 50% Distinguished Learner 35% |
Excellence 4.A - Preferred Education Destination | Suwanee Elementary will be the preferred choice of students and families for an excellent education, high community engagement, and commitment to rigorous academic standards.
1. Effective enrichment and intervention to engage all students in their learning. 2. Increase the number of Clubs & Activities 3. Effective and rigorous Tier I instruction 4. Parent and Community Involvement and Outreach through strong PTA partnership and parent support (P2L, Multicultural Committee) 5. Committee events focused on providing enrichment and celebration of our community.
Growth will be monitored through Student, Staff, and Family Educational Effectiveness Surveys (EES) using the following Spring, 2023 baseline data: |