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Accountability and flexibility are hallmarks of Gwinnett County Public Schools' success. Key to that success is ensuring that each school community understands the progress being made by its schools, as well as what plans will drive improvement. Each school creates a collaborative Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI) to increase student achievement results, with targeted goals based on the four strategic priorities within the district’s Blueprint for the Future: Empathy, Equity, Effectiveness, and Excellence. All schools across the district will focus on goals 2A- Multi-tiered Systems of Support and 2B- Opportunity and Access. Additionally, schools are required to select one goal from each of the other strategic priorities. LSPI goals are dynamic, like our schools, and are updated to reflect changes that occur in schools. Multiple data points are used to determine areas needing improvement and to identify specific, measurable, annual objectives. Schools then determine how to use research-based strategies to achieve these goals, using flexibility as needed. The LSPI development process involves teachers, parents, students, and community members, so the entire school community has the opportunity to be involved in conversations about school improvement.


2023 - 2024 Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI)

School: BALDWIN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL           Principal: Brenda F Johnson

District Strategic Priorities/Goals Rationale Action Steps
(Implementation Design)
How will you measure growth?
Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets)
Empathy 1.A - Cultural Competence

Building the cultural competency of our staff will result in creating an environment where staff, students, and families have a sense of belonging at our school.

  1. Develop a master schedule aligned to the Academic Press of the Multi-Tiered Systems of Support framework (MTSS).

  2. Provide professional development to specifically target the social and emotional needs of our student population, cultural backgrounds, and diverse community.

  3. Provide interventions aligned to the Supportive Community of the Multi-Tiered Systems of Support framework (MTSS).

  4. Provide lessons, engagement, and opportunities where students can develop meaningful peer relationships.

  5.    Provide academic and wellness opportunities to build parents’ capacity and create an environment where parents feel welcome.


Indicator & Instrument SY2023 - Baseline SY2024 - Target

Cultural Competence – EES Staff Survey: We are provided training to meet the needs of a diverse student population in our school.

Action Steps/Implementation Alignment: 1, 2, 3, and 4

63% 75%

Cultural Competence – EES Student Survey: I am comfortable interacting with people from different backgrounds.

Action Steps/Implementation Alignment: 3 and 4

56% 70%

Cultural Competence – EES Family Survey: This school addresses issues of diversity in a timely and effective manner.

Action Steps/Implementation Alignment: 2 and 5

86% 91%

Sense of Belonging – EES Student Survey: In my school, I feel that I belong to a group of friends.

Action Steps/Implementation Alignment: 3 and 4

54% 70%


Empathy 1.B - Staff and Student Well Being

Students who consistently attend school can engage and thrive in their academics, build stronger peer relationships, and develop life-long study and behavioral habits.

Staff who are consistently present at work and present in the work, attribute to a positive and collaborative school culture where teaching and learning occur at high levels.   

  1. Create a counseling and advisement team to identify and address student attendance concerns.
  2. Provide professional learning on effective interventions aligned to the Supportive Community MTSS framework.
  3. Create a staff advisement and leadership community where staff are part of the decisions impacting the school.
  4. Create and develop an instructional leadership team where staff are part of the decisions impacting school improvement.
  5. Create and maintain a wellness space to address the social and emotional needs of staff.
Assessment & Indicators SY2023 - Baseline SY2024 - Target

Student Wellbeing - Chronic Absenteeism: Percent of students chronically absent (16 or more days). 

Action Steps/Implementation Alignment: 1 and 2

214 students chronically missed 16 or more days. Fewer than 125 students who chronically missed 16 or more days.

Staff Support - Staff Survey: When there is a problem in my school, we talk about how to solve it. 

Action Steps/Implementation Alignment: 3, 4, and 5

2023 EES Results: Our data shows 52% of positive responses from staff. 70% of positive responses from staff.

Staff Support - Staff Survey: Support from my principal/supervisor leads to progress on instructional improvement (or professional growth).  

Action Steps/Implementation Alignment: 3 and 4

2023 EES Results: Our data shows 64% of positive responses from staff. 70% of positive responses from staff.
Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports

Correctly identifying student needs, aligning instructional practices, providing rigorous interventions, and supporting teachers with quality professional development will address the learning loss and gaps of students.

  1. Create an intervention team to effectively implement Tier supports aligned to the Academic Press MTSS framework.

  2. Administer universal screeners to identify Tier levels and develop intervention plans. 

  3. Provide Synergy MTSS professional development to increase teacher use and understanding of RTI plans, data analysis, Tier intervention, and progress monitoring.

  4. Provide students with targeted intervention at the Tier 2, Tier 2+, and Tier 3 levels.

  5. Monitor the effective implementation of EL Literacy, math, science, and social studies instruction.

  6. Utilize Common Formative Assessments (CFA) to inform instructional decisions and monitor academic progress.

  7. Provide collaborative planning and professional learning opportunities for teachers to increase their understanding of the core curriculum and MTSS framework.

  8. Deepen parents’ understanding of their child’s needs during conferences and family engagement workshops.
Assessment and Indicators SY2023 - Baseline SY2024 - Target

iReady MATH diagnostic. *percentage of students with improved placement

Action Steps/Implementation Alignment: 1 - 8

K = 42%; 1 = 52%; 2 = 43%; 3 = 61%; 4 = 66%; 5 = 62%

K = 60%; 1 = 70%; 2 = 65%; 3 = 70%; 4 = 75%; 5 = 70%

Percent of underserved 3rd grade students with improved READING placement based on iReady results.

Action Steps/Implementation Alignment: 1 - 8

Black = 73%; Hispanic = 52%; Multilingual = 52%; SWD = 14%; F/R = 53%

Black = 75%; Hispanic = 70%; Multilingual = 70%; SWD = 30%; F/R = 70%

Relationship of Free/Reduced percentage and GMAS EOG Performance (Top 50% of GA Schools - Regression)

Action Steps/Implementation Alignment: 1 - 8

3rd Grade Reading (13% P/D); Math (31.2% P/D)
4th Grade Reading (20.3% P/D); Math (40.5% P/D)
5th Grade Reading (27.5% P/D); Math (26.8% P/D)

3rd Grade Reading (40% P/D); Math (40% P/D)
4th Grade Reading (45% P/D); Math (50% P/D)
5th Grade Reading (45% P/D); Math (45% P/D)

Percent of all students with increased performance who initially scored below grade level in READING (iReady).

Action Steps/Implementation Alignment: 1 - 8

83%  86%

EOY multilingual learner progress towards language proficiency

Action Steps/Implementation Alignment: 1 - 8

86% 90%
Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access

Students who enter kindergarten developmentally, socially, and emotionally ready, can sustain academic knowledge and skills needed to be lifelong learners.

Identifying and providing enrichment opportunities for students to develop their gifts and talents allows them to take academic risks and thrive at a distinguished level of learning.

Providing students with positive behavioral opportunities will decrease the number/percentage of unwanted behaviors that impede academic growth.

  1. Monitor the effective implementation of Play2Learn as a proactive measure for preparing students birth - 5 for kindergarten readiness.

  2. Effectively implement the PBIS (Year 1).

  3. Provide targeted Tier 2, Tier 2+, and Tier 3 interventions aligned to the Supportive Community MTSS framework.

  4. Provide collaborative planning and learning opportunities to increase teachers gifted capacity.

  5. Deepen parents’ understanding of kindergarten readiness, enrichment learning, and behavior management during family engagement workshops.


Assessment and Indicators SY2023 - Baseline SY2024 - Target

Enrollment in Play to Learn Program 

Action Steps/Implementation Alignment: 1 and 5

20 students/families 24 students/families

Gifted enrollment and screener data

Action Steps/Implementation Alignment: 4

6% 10%

Discipline Data

Action Steps/Implementation Alignment: 2, 3, and 5

Percentage of students with discipline incidents = 5.2%; Percentage of students with ISS incidents = 3.1%; Percentage of students with OSS incidents = 1.3% Percentage of students with discipline incidents = 3%; Percentage of students with ISS incidents = 2%; Percentage of students with OSS incidents = 1%
Effectiveness 3.A - Results-Based Evaluation System

Professional development to improve teaching and learning is essential to sustained academic growth.

Teachers who receive timely and meaningful feedback, leads to change and opportunities to improve their instructional practice.

  1. Provide professional development aligned to the Academic Press and Supportive Community frameworks of MTSS.

  2. Provide meaningful just-in-time feedback to support the instructional improvement and professional growth of teachers.

  3. Provide opportunities for teachers to observe master teaching and learning.

  4. Utilize Common Formative Assessments (CFA) to inform instructional decisions and monitor academic progress.

  5. Provide collaborative planning and professional learning opportunities for teachers to work with district and local school curriculum coaches.


Assessment and Indicators SY2023 - Baseline SY2024 - Target

EES Staff Survey: Support from my principal/supervisor leads to progress on instructional improvement (or professional growth)

Action Steps/Implementation Alignment: 1 - 5

64% of positive responses from staff. 70% of positive responses from staff.

Student data from benchmark (grades 1 & 2) and Milestones benchmark (grades 3 - 5) pulled from Edulastic.

Assessment and Indicators SY2023 - Baseline SY2024 - Target
1st Grade - ELA 53% 60%
1st Grade - MA 73% 75%
2nd Grade - ELA 47% 60%
2nd Grade - MA 53% 70%
3rd Grade - ELA 45% 60%
3rd Grade - MA 46% 60%
4th Grade - ELA 45% 60%
4th Grade - MA 48% 60%
5th Grade - ELA 46% 60%
5th Grade - MA 47% 60%

Action Steps/Implementation Alignment: 1 - 5

Excellence 4.C - World-Class Communication and Engagement

Parents who are engaged in their student’s learning, support the overall academic, social, and emotional development of their child.

  1. Provide family and community engagement opportunities to allow families to share input impacting school change; share concerns about their child’s progress; and gain a greater understanding of the curriculum and multi-tiered system of supports.
  2. Provide family, community, and engagement training for staff to improve communication and partnerships between the home and school.


Assessment and Indicators SY2023 - Baseline SY2024 - Target

Family Survey Participation: Percent of families participating in the annual EES Family Survey.

Action Steps/Implementation Alignment: 1 and 2

55 families participated in the survey 150 families participating in the survey

Responsive Communication – Family Survey: When I share concerns with my student's teacher, they listen.

Action Steps/Implementation Alignment: 1 and 2

90% of positive responses from families 95% of positive responses from families

Responsive Communication – Family Survey: Parents/families have input into plans for improving this school.

Action Steps/Implementation Alignment: 1 and 2

 84% of positive responses from families 90% of positive responses from families

Responsive Communication – Family Survey: I am given opportunities to discuss my student's progress at school.

Action Steps/Implementation Alignment: 1 and 2

90% of positive responses from families. 95% of positive responses from families.

Responsive Communication – Family Survey: I am encouraged to collaborate with my student's teachers about my student's learning.

Action Steps/Implementation Alignment: 1 and 2

80% of positive responses from families. 90% of positive responses from families.