District Strategic Priorities/Goals | Rationale | Action Steps (Implementation Design) |
How will you measure growth? Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets) |
Empathy 1.B - Staff and Student Well Being | Dacula High is working to build an atmosphere conducive to teaching and learning through the implementation of Social Emotional Learning and Restorative Practices, with an emphasis on student and staff well-being, self-care, and physical and mental health. |
Increase Percent Positive Responses (Often True + Almost Always True) on EES items: Student I enjoy coming to this school Baseline: 37% 2024 Target: 40%
Students are involved in solving problems in this school. Baseline: 60% Data taken on individual students using check-in/check-out shows improvement Staff I receive training on instruction to support social-emotional learning. Baseline: 61%
Staff at all levels are treated fairly here. Baseline: 85% |
Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access | Dacula High will expand student opportunities to engage in and have access to high quality, rigorous, and culturally relevant curriculum and enrichment activities |
1. Increased number of ESOL sections to improve ESOL student success 2. Increase number of teachers who are gifted endorsed 3. Continue to seek to identify gifted students 4. Renewed focus on differentiated lessons 5. Career pathway opportunities will be expanded through the development of the Mechatronics pathway, a new law pathway, and work toward an increase in Spring registrations for Maxwell and Grayson programs 6. The Diversity Day program will be developed by students and facilitated by teachers. Students will view it through SS and Health/PE classes. 7. Dacula mentor program to support Spanish-speaking students and families will be developed by the Spanish for Native Speakers classes and teachers through Falcon 30 8. Mentoring groups established in Falcon 30 9. AP groups established in Falcon 30 10. Diversity celebrations through Falcon LiveWire 11. Communication twice a semester to parents regarding rigor and differentiation. |
Number of ESOL and Sheltered sections offered Baseline: 15 sections 2024 Target: 18 sections
Number of teachers who are gifted endorsed Baseline: 40 teachers 2024 Target: 46 teachers
Increase Maxwell/Grayson enrollment Baseline: 7 Grayson, 28 Maxwell 2024 Target: 10 Grayson, 35 Maxwell
Students will participate in the AP exam and will demonstrate positive outcomes on the exam. Participation Baseline: 77% Participation Target: 80%
Success Rate = score of 3 or better on the AP Exam Success Rate Baseline: 65% Success Rate Target: 70%
Increase Percent Positive Responses (% Often True + % Almost Always True) on the following EES survey items: Student All students have access to rigorous courses and supports 2023 Bas2024 Target: 66%
My teachers ask questions of all students, not just some students. Baseline: 61% Target: 63%
Parent Teachers accommodate my student’s individual needs by adjusting instruction. Baseline: 58% 2024 Target: 61%
Effectiveness 3.B - Talent Management | Dacula High will support faculty and staff in a manner that will allow for employee retention and district goal attainment. |
Increase Retention Rate for Staff: Baseline: 84% Retention 2024 Target: 87% |
Excellence 4.C - World-Class Communication and Engagement | Demonstrate world-class communication and engagement through modeling the value GCPS leadership places on transparent, two-way communication to build stakeholder trust and confidence. |
Increase Percent Positive Responses (% Often True + % Almost Always True) on the following EES-PARENT survey items:
Teachers accommodate my student’s individual needs by adjusting instruction. Baseline: 60% 2024 Target: 61%
Increase school-wide events where parents are invited and encouraged to attend. Baseline: 6 annually 2024 Target: 7 annually
This school communicates with me about my student’s progress Baseline: 87% 2024 Target: 88% |