District Strategic Priorities/Goals | Rationale | Action Steps (Implementation Design) |
How will you measure growth? Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets) |
Empathy 1.B - Staff and Student Well Being | Shiloh Middle School desires a supportive and safe environment for all staff and students.
1. SEL Initiatives a. Weekly advisement lessons b. Counselor lessons and support c. SHINE cards and notes d. Gallup Strengths Finder Book Study e. The Teacher 50 Book Study 2. Shiloh MS Local School Improvement Committee comprised of teachers and staff will work to develop initiatives, systems, and processes for school improvement (Success Teams). 3. Shiloh MS Principal Advisory Committee (Students & Principal) (meets monthly) 4. Shiloh MS Student Advisory Committee (1 student from each advisement section, SMS Leadership Team & teacher leaders) (meets monthly) 5. PBIS Committee will: a. Continue to use the P.R.I.D.E. matrix to incentivize students to show good behavior, including PBIS Points, quarterly events, and weekly positive referrals. b. Implement PBIS for staff to sustain morale, including Teacher/Staff bucks, jean passes, spirit days, refreshments/snacks, duty free lunches. 5. Mentorship will be offered for students through L.O.T.U.S. and Men of Shiloh.
Percent of staff responding positively to the following staff satisfaction EES Staff Survey items (weighted average): I receive training to support social and emotional learning Baseline: 70% 2024 Target: 75% 2025 There is a willingness to address conflict in this school Baseline: 58% 2024 Target: 68% 2025 Percent of students responding positively to the following student satisfaction EES Student Survey items (weighted average): I enjoy coming to school Baseline: 35% 2024 Target: 50% 2025 Most students are respectful of others at this school Baseline: 25% 2024 Target: 35% 2025 I feel safe at this school Baseline: 51% 2024 Target: 61% 2025
Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports | To provide tiered supports to ensure that all students are successful. |
1. Generals Time/ELT - 35 minutes of additional instruction for remediation and enrichment across all core areas: LA, Math, Science, & SS as follows: a, Monday - Core 1 b. Tuesday - Core 2 c. Wednesday - Core 3 d. Thursday - Core 4 2. REP - remediation and support classes for identified students. 3. Small group instruction- individualized instruction and support to help students obtain AKS mastery based on proficient & distinguished ALDs. 4. Kid Talks - bi-weekly identification and monitoring of interventions and supports for students during grade-level planning. 5. Credit Recovery Options: Winter Academic Assistance Program (January-February), Winter Intensive Academic Assistance Program (March), April Academic Assistance Program (April after spring break). |
MTSS Screening: Academic MTSS Screening: Wellbeing Decrease the percentage of students scoring in the Beginning Level in ELA, Science and Social Studies on GMAS Spring 2025 by 10%. ELA 6th Grade 34.2% to 24.2% ELA 7th Grade 28.1% to 18.1% ELA 8th Grade 28.6% to 18.6% Science 8th Grade (EOG) 100% to 90% Physical Science 9th Grade (EOC) - Taken by 8th grade students 64.7% to 54.7% Social Studies 8th Grade 43.2% to 33.2% |
Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access | To expand student exposure, engagement, and cultural relevance with varied, high quality, high impact learning opportunities |
1. Build teacher capacity by increasing the number of teachers who are Gifted Endorsed to increase library of best practices to better meet the needs of all of our students. 2. Elevate the International Baccalaureate (IB) Middle Years Program (MYP) through: a. Training for the principal, coordinator and teachers through workshops, conferences, and current IB school visits. b. Creating a Shiloh Middle School IB committee to oversee implementation of practices aligned with the IB model. 4. Content assistant principals will participate and provide professional learning for effective instructional planning in CLT (Collaborative Learning Teams) using student data and alignment with proficient and distinguished achievement level descriptors (twice per week). 5. Teachers will participate weekly in data meetings to review formative and summative assessments, as well as student work to determine areas for remediation, intervention, and/or enrichment. |
Increase the percentage of students scoring in the at the Proficient and Distinguished level in ELA, Science and Social Studies on GMAS Spring 2025 by 5%. ELA 6th Grade 39.3% to 44.3% ELA 7th Grade 40.2% to 45.2% ELA 8th Grade 37.2% to 42.2% Science 8th Grade (EOG) 0% to 5% Physical Science 9th Grade (EOC) - Taken by 8th grade students 16.1% to 21.1% Social Studies 8th Grade 26.8% to 31.8%
Family Engagement/Building Parent Capacity - | We will build our parents' capacity to support their children's academic achievement by implementing the activities identified in The Plan/The Promise. |
1. Provide all key communication materials in Spanish and English. 2. Provide monthly newsletters to staff and families. 3. Provide a family data night for parents to understand their student's progress, how to read assessment data reports and tips on how to support at home. 4. Host a Literacy Night for families to engage in the middle school learning experience as well as to receive valuable literary resources. 5. Host a Math Night for families to engage in exciting math activities, learn strategies used in middle school math, and to receive resources for home.
Percent of families responding positively to the following family satisfaction EES Family Survey items: I believe the adults in this school care about my students. Baseline: 67% 2024 Target: 77% 2025 This school communicates with me about my student’s progress. Baseline: 64% 2024 Target: 74% 2025 Teachers in this school are dedicated to helping all students succeed. Baseline: 72%% 2024 Target: 80% 2025