How will you measure growth? Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets)
Empathy 1.B - Staff and Student Well Being
As Centerville Elementary School becomes more multicultural and multilingual with students and staff from diverse backgrounds, it will be important to provide additional opportunities to elevate student voice, ownership, and agency in the design of their school experience and be responsive to their requests.
Student Advisory Council will have opportunities throughout the school year to engage in listening sessions with school leadership to discuss ideas for student wellbeing activities, their concerns about school safety, and school improvement.
Student and Staff Wellbeing Committees will plan monthly activities that promote and support wellbeing and self-care.
Weekly implementation of WIN/P.R.I.D.E Time focused on SEL competencies, PBIS expectations and use of Character Strong lessons.
Professional learning opportunities will be provided to teachers and staff throughout the school year focused on SEL and PBIS strategies.
School counselors will conduct small group lessons to support students.
Provide family/community engagement opportunities focused on SEL competencies and PBIS expectations.
Continue partnership and collaboration with Office of Behavior Support and Office of Social Emotional Learning for learning opportunites to support staff, students, and families.
Develop a Wellness Room to support staff wellbeing.
During the morning news show, a segment will focus on PBIS expectations, SEL, and Cultural Awareness.
Student Wellbeing
EES Survey Data
Grade Level
2024 Baseline
2025 Target
3 - 5
Staff Wellbeing
EES Survey Data
2024 Baseline
2025 Target
Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports
As Centerville Elementary School works to reduce variability and increase the fidelity of High-Quality Tier 1 instruction implementation for all students, including targeted small groups, grade level curriculum, ongoing formative assessments, and progress monitoring.
Utilize iReady Universal Screener to identify students with academic concerns and expedite the needed support.
A 45-minute intervention block will be added in the master schedule(WIN “What I Need” Time) to provide support in reading and math for all identified students.
Additional reading, math, and writing intervention support will be provided to students during after-school and/or Saturday sessions.
Students identified as needing Tier II support in reading and/or math will receive additional intervention support through the Early Intervention Program(EIP).
During Collaborative Learning Team (CLT)Meetings, more focus will be placed on Tier I intervention practices to lessen the need for Tier II and Tier III invention support.
Hold monthly Kid Talk meeting with teachers and continue to refine the Kid Talk process.
Conduct informal observations for all content areas and provide feedback to teachers.
Refine the roles, duties, and responsibilities of the MTSS Team to address the needs of students in need of Tier II and Tier III academic, behavioral, social and emotional supports.
Hire additional staff and purchase additional resources and materials to provide intervention, data collection, and progress monitoring to our most at-risk students.
Train the MTSS Team and the PBIS Team to track academic and behavioral data trends to facilitate Tier II Conversations.
Centerville Elementary School will identify academic and non-academic strengths, needs, and interest of each and every student to ensure whole learner, whole child focus.
Continue implementation of local school PBIS practices.
Continue the integration of SEL and PBIS practices in the classroom to support students and teachers.
Develop individualized attendance improvement plans for students identified as chronically absent, involving teachers, counselors, and families in the planning process.
Increase opportunity for learning through EL Education curriculum which engages students through reading, thinking, speaking, and writing about engaging grade level text on meaningful/culturally responsive topics.
Provide content-related activities that will enrich student learning experiences.
Students will have an opportunity to select and participate in a club of interest as a monthly SEL activity.
Provide opportunities for extra-curricular activities/club activities before and after school.
Conduct data analysis of attendance data to identify specific trends, patterns, and root causes of chronic absenteeism.
Develop support plans for students identified as chronically absent.
Continue implementation of local school PBIS practices.
The PBIS committee will meet monthly to review behavior data, discuss the next steps, and share data/updates with staff.
Reduce the number of students who have a disciplinary incident that resulted in a disposition of In-School Suspension (ISS) as a result of a major disciplinary rule violation.
Reduce the number of students who have a disciplinary incident that resulted in a disposition Out-of-School Suspension (OSS) as a result of a major disciplinary rule violation.
2024 - 25 PBIS Status
2024 Baseline KPI
2025 Target KPI
2024 - 25 Chronic Absenteeism
2024 Baseline KPI
2025 Target KPI
2024 - 25 Discipline Referrals
Number ofstudents with disciplinary incident that resulted in a disposition of In-School Suspension (ISS)
2024 Baseline KPI
2025 Target KPI
2024 - 25 Discipline Referrals
Number ofstudents with disciplinary incident that resulted in a disposition of Out ofSchool Suspension (OSS)
2024 Baseline KPI
2025 Target KPI
Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access
With the growing number of Multilingual Learners and Newcomers at Centerville Elementary School, we will enhance our English Learner resources and supports to accelerate language acquistion.
Utilize Multilingual Learners ACCESS scores to guide instruction.
Coordinate with the Office of Multilingual Learners to provide professional learning on effective grading practices and instructional strategies for Multilingual Learners.
Provide professional learning opportunities for teachers focused on differentiation strategies and personalized learning approaches for Multilingual Learners.
Provide opportunities for collaborative planning time for grade level teams to share instructional strategies aligned with WIDA standards.
Encourage teacher participation in ESOL Endorsement program.
We will build our parents' capacity to support their children's academic achievement by implementing the activities identified in The Plan/The Promise.
Parents will utilize the Family Engagement Center for content specific materials and resources.
Host digital and in-person parent workshops on literacy and math strategies to support students at home as well as best practices for testing takers.
The Parent Instructional Support Coordinator will build parent capacity on Social Emotional Learning strategies to use at home.
Increase the number of parents that use the Family Engagement Center.
Communication/Flyers of school events in multiple languages.
Parent Newsletter translated in multiple languages.
Continue to use social media to connect and communicate with our stakeholders.
Create Just In Time videos for parents to review how to use ParentVue, Parent Square, and other topics.
Attendance at Parent Workshops/Engagement Events
2024 Baseline
2025 Target
10% of Total Student Enrollment
Number of Parents Visiting the Family Engagement Center