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Accountability and flexibility are hallmarks of Gwinnett County Public Schools' success. Key to that success is ensuring that each school community understands the progress being made by its schools, as well as what plans will drive improvement. Each school creates a collaborative Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI) to increase student achievement results, with targeted goals based on the four strategic priorities within the district’s Blueprint for the Future: Empathy, Equity, Effectiveness, and Excellence. All schools across the district will focus on goals 2A- Multi-tiered Systems of Support and 2B- Opportunity and Access. Additionally, schools are required to select one goal from each of the other strategic priorities. LSPI goals are dynamic, like our schools, and are updated to reflect changes that occur in schools. Multiple data points are used to determine areas needing improvement and to identify specific, measurable, annual objectives. Schools then determine how to use research-based strategies to achieve these goals, using flexibility as needed. The LSPI development process involves teachers, parents, students, and community members, so the entire school community has the opportunity to be involved in conversations about school improvement.


2024 - 2025 Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI)

School: STRIPLING ELEMENTARY           Principal: Molly M McAuliffe

District Strategic Priorities/Goals Rationale Action Steps
(Implementation Design)
How will you measure growth?
Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets)
Empathy 1.B - Staff and Student Well Being

Based on community input and leadership team feedback, we believe our school climate is within our locus of control. It is our responsibility to ensure all students feel safe and that they belong so that they can be fully engaged in learning activities. Throughout school year 2024-25, we will provide additional opportunities to elevate student voice, ownership, and agency in the design of their school experience and be responsive to their needs. It is also our responsibility to ensure all staff have the support they need to create a positive learning environment. 

  1. Professional Learning and implementation of: morning meetings, Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Joyful Learning, Restorative Practices
  2. Provide regular opportunities for staff members to speak openly with the Principal and administrative team
  3. Professional Learning for teacher leaders via Red Rocket University
  4. Continuation on Tier 1+ (Operational Level) of our Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS) program 
  5. Continuation of our school counseling program lessons, small groups, and supports focused on SEL 
  6. Empower our BLAST student leadership team as a platform for students to share their ideas and concerns
  7. Involve students in decision-making processes around community engagement events through our Committee Colleges 
  8. Provide regular opportunities for students to to speak openly with school teachers and administrators
  9. Implement a schoolwide tiered Attendance plan to encourage regular student and staff attendance
  10. Build parent capacity around Attendance, SEL, and PBIS through family workshops

Number of opportunities provided for student input with Administrative Team

  • Baseline = 0, Goal = 4 (quarterly)

EES Survey Data


  • Students are involved in solving problems in this school. (Baseline = 53%, Goal = 61%)
  • In this school, there is at least one adult who knows and cares about me. (Baseline = 60%, Goal = 68%)


  • Staff at all levels are treated fairly here. (Baseline = 79%, Goal = 87%) 

Attendance Data

Reduce chronic absenteeism of our student body by 8% over the previous year.

  SY 23-24 Actual SY 24-25 Goal
% of Students Chronically Absent 26% 18%
Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports

Based on our school needs assessment and instructional leadership team conversations, we believe a well-defined and executed multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) must be in place in order to reach and teach every child. We want to reduce variability and increase the fidelity of High-Quality Tier 1 instruction implementation for all students, including targeted small groups, grade level curriculum, ongoing formative assessments, and progress monitoring. 

  1. Communication and implementation of Stripling's Instructional Framework 
  2. CLT meetings following the Plan, Do, Check, Act cycle (i.e. analyze and disaggregate data to determine the next steps for planning and instruction, utilize CLT self-assessment rubric, etc.)
  3. Continue MTSS Implementation (i.e. regular team meetings, support teacher and homeroom teacher collaboration, utilize MTSS Air Rubric, etc.) 
  4. Implementation of our Balanced Assessment System 
  5. Implement local school professional learning cycles focused on effective ML strategies
  6. Utilize peer observations, classroom walkthroughs and feedback (informal and formal) to enhance and monitor Tier 1 instruction 
  7. New Teacher Orientation, mentoring, and ongoing professional learning to support effective classroom strategies
  8. Continue to encourage participation in the Coaching, ESOL, and Gifted Endorsement Programs, and work to get as many teachers ESOL certified via the TALC to GACE pathway as possible 
  9. Review iReady data at least twice a year to identify students for additional services, including gifted screening
  10. Schoolwide continued use of professional learning on instructional technology tools that support student learning (e.g. iReady, Imagine Learning, etc.)
  11. Intervention/Enrichment block - WIN "What I Need" Time - built into the main schedule with purposeful planning for that time
  12. Extended Learning Time program with targeted AKS support in Language Arts and Math
  13. Build Parent Capacity to support Language Arts and Math learning at home through family workshops, Parent Center programming, and regular teacher communication 

Increase the percentage of students scoring in the Proficient/Distinguished categories on the Georgia Milestones Assessment System (GMAS) by 8% or more over the previous year in ELA and Math

GMAS: ELA % Proficient/Distinguished

Baseline: SY23-24

Goal: SY24-25

3rd Grade



4th Grade



5th Grade




GMAS: Math % Proficient/Distinguished

Baseline: SY23-24

Goal: SY24-25

3rd Grade



4th Grade



5th Grade



 Increase the percentage of students meeting their Typical Growth on the iReady Screener for ELA and Math by 8% over the previous year.

Grade Level

ELA Typical Growth SY23-24

ELA Typical Growth Goal SY24-25

Math Typical Growth SY23-24

Math Typical Growth Goal SY24-25































Increase the percentage of Multilingual Learner students moving "One Band" and "More Than One Band" on the ACCESS by 8% over the previous year. 

ACCESS Band Growth - School Year Moved One Band Moved More Than One Band
2023-24 Actual 22% 34%
2024-25 Goal 30% 42%


Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access

Based on our school needs assessment and conversations with our instructional leadership team, we believe each and every student deserves access to a high quality curriculum and rigorous/relevant coursework and enrichment activities. We will focus on increasing students' opportunities to learn and achieve by implementing a high-quality curriculum that reflects grade-level expectations, focusing on early literacy and the science of reading. 


  1. Continued Professional Learning for all K-5 reading/writing teachers on EL curriculum 
  2. Instructional Coaching Cycles focused on supporting literacy instruction
  3. Peer Observations & Feedback 
  4. Collaborative Learning Teams utilizing the Plan, Do, Check, Act cycle 
  5. Use of assessment tools to monitor and support instruction
  6. Build Parent Capacity to support Language Arts learning at home through family workshops, Parent Center programming, and regular teacher communication

Decrease the percentage of students scoring in the Beginning categories on the Georgia Milestones Assessment System (GMAS) by 8% over the previous year in ELA

GMAS: ELA % Beginning Baseline: SY23-24 Goal: SY24-25
3rd Grade 65% 57%
4th Grade 60% 52%
5th Grade 54% 46%

Increase the percentage of students meeting their Stretch Growth on the iReady Screener for ELA and Math by 8% over the previous year.

Grade Level

ELA Stretch Growth SY23-24

ELA Stretch Growth Goal SY24-25

Math Stretch Growth SY23-24

Math Stretch Growth Goal SY24-25
































Excellence 4.B - Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness

Based on our needs assessment and discussions with our instructional leadership team, Stripling Elementary will focus on intentionally incorporating opportunities for students to develop competencies defined by the Portrait of a Graduate (Adaptability, Collaborative Leadership, Resourcefulness, Empathy, Critical Thinking, and Communication). 

  1. Schoolwide STEM program and Computer Science for All initiatives
  2. Continued professional learning for teachers around STEM and Project-Based Learning
  3. Monitoring of Science and Social Studies AKS progress using the District Assessments.
  4. Continued growth in the number of after school Clubs & Activities for students, and in student participation in those extracurricular activities
  5. Effective intervention and acceleration for all students (WIN time)
  6. Career Week activities 
  7. Student leadership and mentoring programs (e.g. Everybody Wins!, BLAST leadership team, Paul Duke mentors, etc.) 
  8. Reward and recognition opportunities that celebrate students
  9. Committee College family engagement events focused on providing enrichment and culturally relevant activities (i.e. focused on social studies, cultural heritage months, STEM, etc.)
  10. Building parent capacity through STEM-based workshops, clear communication, and resources to use at home to support STEM and social studies

Student participation rate (% of student body) in after school Clubs & Activities

  • Baseline = 22%, Goal = 30%

Student participation in schoolwide STEM Program

  • Project Based Learning Showcases: Baseline = 2, Goal = 3 
  • STEM Fair Participation: Baseline = 11 students, Goal = 20 students

Increase the percentage of 5th Grade students scoring in the Proficient/Distinguished categories on the Georgia Milestones Assessment System (GMAS) by10% over the previous year in Science

GMAS: Science % Proficient/Distinguished Baseline: SY23-24 Goal: SY24-25
5th Grade 20% 30%

EES Survey Data 


  • I know I will graduate from high school. (Baseline = 59%, Goal = 67%)
  • I have a plan for what I want to do after high school. (Baseline = 63%, Goal = 71%)
  • All students have access to rigorous courses and support. (Baseline = 33%, Goal = 41%)


  • My student is challenged with a rigorous course of study at this school. (Baseline = 70%, Goal = 78%)