How will you measure growth? Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets)
Empathy 1.A - Cultural Competence
1A: Dyer Elementary will create systems, structures, and processes that institutionalize and operationalize the GCPS commitment to recognizing, valuing, and leveraging differences to interact effectively and better serve our students, staff, and community.
Continue and refine implementation of local school PBIS
Implementation of daily Character Strong Lessons.
Implementation of Guided Play Space Special focusing on Character Traits.
Joyful Learning and Soft Starts to encourage and support collaboration and cooperation.
Team trained in MCPP
Discipline Data
Dyer ES will reduce the number of discipline referrals written and the number of students serving ISS/OSS.
Discipline referrals written in 2023-2024: 127
Number of students serving and ISS/OSS in 2023-2024: 10/32
PBIS data
Dyer ES will move from PBIS Emerging Level to PBIS Operational Level in 2024-2025 school year
80% of our students will qualify for our monthly PBIS Events.
EES Survey Themes/Results
Dyer will improve school-level results of EES Survey themes aligned to KPIs included in the district strategic plan (baseline/target):
Student Belonging: 67.7%/67.8%
Student Well-Being: 46.5%/46.6%
Student Satisfaction: 46.5%/46.6%
Chronic Absence Rate
Dyer will reduce the percentage of students absent 10% or more of enrolled days (baseline/target):
Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports
2A: At Dyer Elementary we plan to reduce variability and increase the fidelity of High-Quality Tier 1 instruction implementation for all students, including targeted small groups, grade level curriculum, ongoing formative assessments, and progress monitoring.
Review and revise our grading practices
Communication of Instructional Framework
CLT Implementation & Development
Analyze and disaggregate data to determine the next steps for planning and instruction (utilize CLT self - assessment rubric)
Continue MTSS Implementation
Utilize peer observation, classroom walkthroughs and feedback to enhance and monitor Tier 1 instruction.
New Teacher Orientation, mentoring, ongoing professional learning to support effective classroom strategies.
Observation tools and checklists to measure variability
Administrator Observations and Feedback (norming)
New Teacher Surveys
Percent of all students reading on grade level on Milestones (baseline/teaget):
3rd grade ELA: 82.8%/84.5%
4th grade ELA: 77.1%/77.2%
5th grade ELA: 82.5%/83.8%
Milestones Proficiency Rate (baseline/target):
3rd grade ELA: 51.6%/54.4%
4th grade ELA: 62.7%/62.8%
5th grade ELA: 68.8%/70.2%
5th grade SC: 67.5%/67.6%
Milestones Performance Index (baseline/target):
3rd-5th grade ELA: 87.6/91.0
3rd-5th grade Math: TBD
5th grade SC: 90.9/91.0
Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access
2B: Dyer Elementary will increase students’ opportunities to learn and achieve by consistently implementing a high-quality curriculum that reflects grade-level expectations, focusing on early literacy and the science of reading.
EL implementation of instructional resources.
Continue to build capacity and refine Multisensory Instruction, focusing on early literacy.
CLT implementation & Development
Use of Multisensory Assessment to support differentiation of small groups.
By the end of the school year on the iReady EOY Diagnostic, 75% of students K-1 will score at or above Phonological Awareness (baseline)
KK - 41%
1st - 30%
By the end of the school year on the iReady EOY Diagnostic, 65% of students K-2 will score at or above Phonics (baseline)
KK - 30%
1st - 35%
2nd - 38%
Equity 2.C - Equitable Resource Allocation
2C: Dyer Elementary will improve English learner resources and support to accelerate language acquisition.
Review and revisement of grading practices.
Continue to encourage participation in ESOL endorsement program.
Deliver regular professional development to ESOL cluster teachers.
Classroom walkthroughs and peer observations with feedback to decrease variability.
Work collaboratively with ML District Coach to support classroom instruction.
Dyer ES will monitor growth on iReady diagnostic for our ML learners:
Baseline - 9% ML learners are on grade level in reading
Target - 30% ML learners will be on grade level in reading at the end of the year
Baseline - 47% ML learners are one grade level below in reading
Target - 40% ML learners will be no more than one grade level below in reading at the end of the year
ML English Proficiency Progress (ACCESS)
Dyer ES will use an index measuring the extent to which Multilingual Learners (ML) are making progress towards English Language Proficiency based on growth on ACCESS.
Target - 100% of our ML learners will make progress towards English proficiency