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Accountability and flexibility are hallmarks of Gwinnett County Public Schools' success. Key to that success is ensuring that each school community understands the progress being made by its schools, as well as what plans will drive improvement. Each school creates a collaborative Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI) to increase student achievement results, with targeted goals based on the four strategic priorities within the district’s Blueprint for the Future: Empathy, Equity, Effectiveness, and Excellence. All schools across the district will focus on goals 2A- Multi-tiered Systems of Support and 2B- Opportunity and Access. Additionally, schools are required to select one goal from each of the other strategic priorities. LSPI goals are dynamic, like our schools, and are updated to reflect changes that occur in schools. Multiple data points are used to determine areas needing improvement and to identify specific, measurable, annual objectives. Schools then determine how to use research-based strategies to achieve these goals, using flexibility as needed. The LSPI development process involves teachers, parents, students, and community members, so the entire school community has the opportunity to be involved in conversations about school improvement.


2024 - 2025 Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI)

School: WHITE OAK ELEMENTARY           Principal: Stacey L Pickett

District Strategic Priorities/Goals Rationale Action Steps
(Implementation Design)
How will you measure growth?
Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets)
Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports

High-quality Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3  instruction, screening, and intervention  for all students that includes targeted small groups, grade-level curriculum, ongoing formative assessments, and progress monitoring to address each and every student’s academic needs.

White Oak Elementary will continue to implement a Multi Tiered System of Supports (MTSS). Universal screeners will be implemented at least 2 times per year. Data will be analyzed to determine  appropriate interventions based on students’ areas of needs in math and language arts. Students monitoring will occur through kid/data talks to make decisions regarding the effectiveness of the intervention. 

Student learning is supported during weekly collaborative learning team(CLT)  planning, where teachers: 

  •  Unfold  district curriculum and instructional resources to meet individual student needs, with a focus on Structured Literacy and Numeracy Instruction.

  • Create instructional frameworks that incorporate the AKS, quality plus teaching strategies, and align with the GCPS instructional calendars. 

  • Implement a balanced assessment system to gather multiple measures of students’  performance through classroom, interim, and summative assessments.

  • Analyze and disaggregate data to determine the next steps for planning and instruction, including reviewing iReady data at least twice a year to identify students for additional services including gifted screening. 

  • Spend time unpacking GMAS assessment guides, then align student tasks to ensure ample opportunity for practice, resulting in student mastery on GMAS assessments.

All staff will complete WIDA ELD Standards training to ensure multilingual learners have equal opportunities to participate meaningfully in curricular and extracurricular activities.

New teachers (year 1, 2, 3) and paraprofessionals will have opportunities to observe other teachers and settings across the school building for learning opportunities and best practices in order to support high quality Tier 1 instruction.


Georgia Milestones Language Arts Proficiency Rate (%Proficient/Distinguished)

3rd Grade

Baseline: 63.6

SY2025 Meets Target: 65.2

SY 2025 Exceeds Target: 67

4th Grade

Baseline: 57.9

SY2025 Meets Target: 58

SY 2025 Exceeds Target: 60

5th Grade

Baseline: 72.2

SY2025 Meets Target: 70.8

SY 2025 Exceeds Target: 73

Milestones Performance Index Language Arts (%Developing/Proficient/Distinguished)

Grades 3-5

Baseline: 90.0

SY2025 Meets Target: 92.4

SY 2025 Exceeds Target: 94

Georgia Milestones Reading on Grade Level 

3rd Grade

Baseline: 87.9

SY2025 Meets Target: 88.6

SY 2025 Exceeds Target: 90

4th Grade

Baseline: 76.6

SY2025 Meets Target: 76.7

SY 2025 Exceeds Target: 78

5th Grade

Baseline: 86.5

SY2025 Meets Target: 87

SY 2025 Exceeds Target: 89

Georgia Milestones Math Proficiency Rate (%Proficient/Distinguished)

3rd Grade

Baseline: Awaiting Results

SY2025 Meets Target: TBD

SY 2025 Exceeds Target  TBD

4th Grade

Baseline: Awaiting Results

SY2025 Meets Target:  TBD

SY 2025 Exceeds Target: TBD

5th Grade

Baseline: TBD

SY2025 Meets Target: TBD

SY 2025 Exceeds Target: TBD

Milestones Performance Index Math (%Developing/Proficient/Distinguished)

Grades 3-5

Baseline: TBD

SY2025 Meets Target: TBD

SY 2025 Exceeds Target: TBD

iReady 1st Semester Growth: Reading % Meeting Typical Target

Grades 1-5

Baseline: 55.8

SY2025 Meets Target: 55

SY 2025 Exceeds Target: 57.3

iReady 1st Semester Growth: Reading % Meeting Stretch Target

Grades 1-5

Baseline: 36.6

SY2025 Meets Target: 35

SY 2025 Exceeds Target: 40.9

iReady 1st Semester Growth: Math % Meeting Typical Target

Grades 1-5

Baseline: 50.9

SY2025 Meets Target: 55

SY 2025 Exceeds Target: 57

iReady 1st Semester Growth: Math % Meeting Stretch Target

Grades 1-5

Baseline: 30.3

SY2025 Meets Target: 33.3

SY 2025 Exceeds Target: 35

ML English Proficiency Progress (ACCESS)
Grade K-5

Baseline: 100

SY2025 Meets/Exceeds Target:  100 

Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access

It is critical that each and every student has the opportunity to engage in a rigorous, and culturally relevant curriculum that extends and enriches their learning experience during the school day.

White Oak students will engage in an integrated science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) curriculum that is driven by problem solving, discovery, exploratory project/problem-based learning, and student-centered development of ideas and solutions that cultivates curiosity, promotes problem solving skills, and inspires innovation that positively impacts the community, resulting in high levels of student achievement and students who are thinkers, learners, and leaders prepared for their future. 

In the area of STEM instruction, teachers will focus on realigning our frameworks and lessons to match the new Georgia Department of Education Continuum for Elementary Certification.

Integrate EL Module themes with our and STEM Project Based Learning (PBLs).

During Play 2 Learn, participating parents and children aged five will meet once a week for 90 minutes with a certified teacher to learn how to nurture children’s foundational skill development. New families will continue to be recruited to join Play 2 Learn. 

All students at White Oak will participate in “Clubs for All” with the goal of giving each and every student the opportunity to engage in a rigorous, and culturally relevant curriculum that extends and enriches their learning experience during the school day. 

White Oak will host an after school program, Right at School, to provide affordable, education focused after school care for our students.  In the program, homework is done first and then students explore  learning activities, focusing on skills that help them  succeed in school. 

The White Oak Parent Liaison will focus on family engagement with the goal of building the capacity of parents/family members to support student success. Family Engagement ,as well as daily ongoing individualized supports, will be a part of our engagement plan. 

White Oak staff will utilize technology, translation services, and bilingual staff to engage families in multiple languages.


EES Survey Themes

Student Satisfaction Theme-Student Survey (Grades 4 & 5)

Baseline: 58.6

SY2025 Meets Target: 56.6

SY 2025 Exceeds Target: 58

Play to Learn

Family Participation

Baseline: 29 Families 

SY2025 Meets Target: 30 Families

SY 2025 Exceeds Target: 32 Families

Clubs and STEM Participation

Baseline: 100% 

SY2025 Meets/Exceeds Target: 100%

Excellence 4.A - Preferred Education Destination

In order to ensure that each and every student is prepared for their future, we must provide  them with a rigorous academic program that meets their  individual learning needs.  We will continue efforts to build an intentional, well-established, exemplary social and emotional learning (SEL) program that strategically provides cross-divisional support coupled with robust professional learning and resources for staff, students, and families.

Teachers will participate in professional learning on Social Emotional Learning and Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS).  

During morning meetings, classroom teachers will incorporate SEL lessons based on the Character Strong curriculum to provide students with the opportunities for skill development and refinement.  

Teachers and students  in Grades K-5 will engage in Joyful Learning, a play based morning routine,  This program fosters collaboration, language development, critical thinking and problem solving. Students engage in high-quality resources, free choice and play to enhance their social and emotional skills as well as problem-solving abilities.

Clubs for All engages students in opportunities to build relationships and practice their social emotional tools. We also emphasize building relationships with adults that care by making the club groups small. We have many amazing adults investing in our students including our staff, our Mayor, City Councilman, the Sugar Hill Marshalls, and several other community leaders.

The new teacher mentoring program at White Oak Elementary will work with social/emotional mentors to support new teachers with self care and to build a supportive community across grade levels. 

We will partner with the GCPS district office to embed opportunities for collaboration and team building through intentional structured, engaging activities to promote staff well-being and positive relationships.

This year we will create a Student Advisory Council in order to elevate student voice in every aspect of school life.  This group will be made up of 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students and meet with the principal throughout the school year.  

Our Parent Liaison will work to build the bridge between the school and the stakeholders within the community with the ultimate goal of providing a sense of belonging for all. 

For the second year, White Oak teachers will participate in a Retention Focus Teacher Leadership Program with Rebecca Carlisle, former GCPS Teacher of the Year, and assistant director of Recruitment and Retention. Research shows that developing a formalized Teacher Leadership pipeline is key to increasing teacher and student achievement. Teacher Leadership is the process by which highly effective and empowered teachers serve as catalysts to facilitate continuous improvement resulting in an enhanced culture of teacher engagement, student learning, and achievement.

Students’ academic and non academic needs are supported through a comprehensive school counseling program that incorporates an active school wide attendance plan designed to keep students in school.

Students’ behavior needs are addressed through continued positive behavior intervention and support (PBIS) implementation as well as restorative practice strategies that are available to all students.


Georgia Milestones Proficiency Rate Science (%Proficient/Distinguished)

5th Grade

Baseline: 75.4

SY2025 Meets Target: 68.4

SY 2025 Exceeds Target: 70

Milestones Performance Index Science (%Developing/Proficient/Distinguished)

Grades 3-5

Baseline: 100.0

SY2025 Meets Target: 92.5

SY 2025 Exceeds Target: 94

EES Survey Themes

Wellbeing Theme-Student Survey (Grades 4 & 5)

Baseline: 52.5

SY2025 Meets Target: 52.1

SY 2025 Exceeds Target: 54

Family Survey Participation Rate

Baseline: 31.5

SY2025 Meets Target: 25.3

SY 2025 Exceeds Target: 27

Chronic Absenteeism

Grades K-5

Baseline: 8.3

SY2025 Meets Target: 6.2

SY 2025 Exceeds Target: 5