District Strategic Priorities/Goals | Rationale | Action Steps (Implementation Design) |
How will you measure growth? Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets) |
Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports | We believe in implementing a comprehensive framework to fully operationalize a multi-tiered system of supports addressing academic and non-academic student needs to remove barriers to learning. |
1. Tier I Instruction - Plan high quality Tier 1 instruction where all students engage in the learning with AKS/learning goal/Achievement Level Descriptors at the expected level. 2. Small Group Instruction - Differentiate learning (remediation and enrichment) using small group instruction. 3. Targeted Interventions and Supports - Offer 3 days/week during JAG Time with a focus on small group instruction. Supports include iReady, Achieve 3000, Amplify, Read 180, and REP Programming. 4. Data Analysis - Partner with the Assessment Office to improve data analysis protocols during common planning time. 5. Kid Talks - Meet as needed for Kid Talks to analyze data, discuss tiered support, and create individualized plans of support for students. 6. SEL Lessons - Use data collected from the EES Student Survey and student interests twice a week. 7. Student Groups - Facilitate gender-based and interest-based student small groups using EES survey data. |
1. iReady Data: Fall 2024 to Spring 2025 - Increase in the percentage of students achieving either typical or stretch growth on iReady from August to January. 2. Milestones - Increase in the percentage of students achieving proficient or distinguished on Milestones (6th MA, LA; 7th MA, LA; 8th SS, LA). 3. Gwinnett Writes - Increase the average score on the Gwinnett Writes Assessment for 6th grade. 4. District Assessments - Maintain an average score on each District Assessment that is Top 4 of all GCPS middle schools.
Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports | We believe in implementing a comprehensive framework to fully operationalize a multi-tiered system of supports addressing academic and non-academic student needs to remove barriers to learning. |
1. Instructional Resources - Imagine Learning will be used during Connections for all Level 1 students. 2. Targeted Interventions - During Jag Time 3x/week, level 1 students will receive 30 minutes of targeted interventions with an ESOL certified teacher. 3. Instructional Strategies - MLL teachers will participate in professional learning focused on high impact instructional strategies for ML learners during Digital Learning Days. 4. Reteaching and Retesting - Reteaching will occur after every unit assessment with opportunities for retesting with modifications. |
1. EL Progress Towards Language Proficiency Index - Increase from 59.5 to 61.7 for the Continuous Improvement Benchmark on the Weighted School Assessment. 2. Milestones - Decrease "Beginning" percentages on the Milestones for ML learners.
3. Milestones - Increase "Proficient and Distinguished" percentages on the Milestones for ML learners.
4. ACCESS Testing - Increase the number of students exiting the EL program by 100%. Our baseline is 6 students. |
Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access | We believe equity is a fundamental principle in education that ensures all students have access to resources and opportunities needed to succeed. |
1. Accelerated Programs & Gifted Education - We will partner with the office to implement effective strategies and promote equity and inclusivity in gifted education with the creation of portfolios. 2. Multilingual Learner Program - We will partner with the office to support staff to provide academic support and instructional strategies to help multilingual learners excel academically and linguistically. 3. Counseling Department - will partner with the International Newcomer Center to host parent informational events to provide additional support and to support a sense of belonging within our community and provide targeted intervention to our students showing minimal progress to increase academic achievement and social and emotional well-being. 4. Discipline Data - will be reviewed weekly to determine PBIS and SEL lessons to share research-based teacher strategies and to teach students how to model our 3 Rs (Respectful, Responsible, and Reflective). |
1. Discipline Disproportionality
2. Gifted & Talented Representation - Decrease the ratio of Black & Hispanic gifted students to be "on level" with White and Asian students. "On level" means within 10%.
Excellence 4.B - Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness | We believe that embedding AI in education fosters critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills while providing personalized learning experiences that cater to diverse needs, ultimately preparing students for a technology-driven world and equipping them with essential skills for future careers. |
1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Learning Framework and Continuum - Embed AI learning and skill development throughout coursework with programming, data science, mathematical reasoning, creative problem solving, ethics, and applied experiences 2. Bite-Size Learning - Monthly, our AI Instructional Specialist and ITIC will facilitate sessions during grade-level planning
3. AI Extensions - offered 3 days/week during JAG time. 4. Lead AI Innovator Team - Meet monthly to effectively integrate Al into the classroom to enhance personalized learning experiences for students, while also fostering a healthy work-life balance for teachers by leveraging Al to automate routine tasks and administrative duties. 5. SKG Cluster AI Night - host our first annual event 6. Career Week - Provide students with opportunities to engage and interact with adults in AI and related CS career fields. |
1. Goals/action steps created by each team. 2. Feedback form to document their use of the framework & MagicSchoolAI 3. AI Look Fors for classroom walkthroughs to track use |