District Strategic Priorities/Goals | Rationale | Action Steps (Implementation Design) |
How will you measure growth? Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets) |
Empathy 1.B - Staff and Student Well Being | During recent years at Collins Hill High School we explicitly focused on the social, emotional, and physical well-being of staff and students. We believe that an extension of this work would be to provide additional opportunities to elevate student voice, ownership, and agency in the design of their school experience at Collins Hill and to be responsive to their requests. |
Percentage of students responding positively to the following Educational Effectiveness Survey (ESS) Item: “I enjoy coming to this school.” Baseline 2023-2024 = 37% Goal for 2024-2025 = 45% |
Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports | During the 2023-2024 School Year Collins Hill High School focused on the development of Course Leads and strengthening the focus and engagement of Collaborative Learning Teams. One key take away from our work was the importance of reducing variability and increasing the fidelity of High-Quality Tier 1 instruction implementation for all students including targeted small groups, course specific curriculum, ongoing formative assessments, and progress monitoring. |
Weekly CHHS Collaborative Learning Team (CLT) planning with a focus on providing engaging, effective instruction, and Tier 1 interventions by doing the following:
CHHS had the following percentage of students score at the Proficient & Distinguished levels on Milestone Exams for the 2023-2024 School Year: Biology 49% Algebra TBD US History 41% American Literature 46% Our goal for 2024-2025 will be to increases the percentage of students scoring in the proficient and distinguished levels on Milestones to the following percentages: Biology 60% Algebra 40% US History 60% American Literature 60% |
Equity 2.C - Equitable Resource Allocation | During the 2023-2024 School Year Collins Hill Cluster had a record number of 35 teachers participating in the ESOL Certification course. The application of learning from teachers participating in the TALC program should help our efforts to improve the services and support we provide to Multilingual Learners at Collins Hill High School and help to accelerate language acquisition. |
All Collins Hill High School Teachers will work collaboratively with ESOL Certified teachers within their departments to implement effective instructional strategies to meet the needs of Multilingual Learners in their classes.
CHHS had the following percentage of students score at the Proficient & Distinguished levels on Milestone Exams for the 2023-2024 School Year: Biology 49% Algebra TBD US History 41% American Literature 46% Our goal for 2024-2025 will be to increases the percentage of students scoring in the proficient and distinguished levels on Milestones to the following percentages: Biology 60% Algebra 40% US History 60% American Literature 60% |
Excellence 4.B - Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness | Collins Hill High School will prepare each and every student for postsecondary and/or work force readiness based on each student's unique interests, abilities, and skills. This will be accomplished by providing:
Cohort Progress End of year on track for graduation baseline data from 2023-2024: 9th grade = 81% 10th grade = 64% 11th grade = 69% Graduation Rate End of year graduation rate = 84.72% Goals for 2024-2025: Cohort Progress Goal: End of year on track for graduation baseline data from 2023-2024: 9th grade = 80% 10th grade = 65% 11th grade = 72% Cohort Progress Goal: 9th grade = 90% 10th grade = 90% 11th grade = 90% Graduation Rate Goal: 88% |