District Strategic Priorities/Goals | Rationale | Action Steps (Implementation Design) |
How will you measure growth? Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets) |
Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports | Students at our school have unique needs and through several support systems in place, we plan to ensure their individual needs are met throughout the year. |
Increase percent of 3rd-5th grade students scoring Proficient and Distinguished as measured on the Georgia Milestones in the areas of ELA and Math. 3rd-5th Grade ELA Baseline: 77% Target: 80% 3rd-5th Grade Math Baseline: Target: The percent of students in grade K-2 performing on or above grade level on the Reading and Math iReady assessment will increase from the fall to the spring administration. Baseline: Grade % On or above grade level in Math K 1 2 Grade % On or above grade level in Reading K 1 2 Target: (Spring%) Percent of students completing the student wellness screener. Baseline: 98% Target: 100% PBIS Roberts Elementary will be recognized as an “Installing” school in the PBIS program.
Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access | Roberts will expand student opportunities to engage in and access high-quality, rigorous, and culturally relevant curriculum, advanced coursework, and enrichment activities. Roberts will continue to support our students speakers of other languages through appropriate instructional strategies supporting their academic success. |
Gifted Endorsed Teachers Increase the percentage of homeroom teachers with a Gifted Endorsement Baseline: 82% (32/39) Target: 100% ESOL Endorsed Teachers Increase the percentage of teachers with a ESOL endorsement Baseline: 92% (36/39 Target: 100% Gifted/Talented: Increase the percentage of students in the Gifted and talented Program Baseline: 22% Target: 30% |
Effectiveness 3.B - Talent Management | Roberts will transform human resources function into a strategic talent management organization that supports educators and staff to achieve district goals. |
Increase percent of 3rd-5th grade students scoring Proficient and Distinguished as measured on the Georgia Milestones in the areas of ELA and Math. 3rd-5th Grade ELA Baseline: 77% Target: 80% Results: 3rd-5th Grade Math Baseline: Target: Resuts: The percent of students in grade K-2 performing on or above grade level on the Reading and Math iReady assessment will increase from the fall to the spring administration. Baseline: Grade % On or above grade level in Math K 1 2 |