2024 - 2025 Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI)
School: HARMONY ELEMENTARY           Principal: Jonathan Day
District Strategic Priorities/Goals
Action Steps (Implementation Design)
How will you measure growth? Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets)
Empathy 1.B - Staff and Student Well Being
Harmony believes it is important to provide students opportunities to elevate their voices in designing their school experience.
Empower Harmony's student council to give students a platform to share their ideas and concerns.
Involve students in decision-making processes, especially those that directly affect them.
Encourage and support initiatives and projects proposed and led by students.
Strengthen the bridge between PBIS and Character Strong.
EES student surveys
I enjoy coming to this school.
Baseline: 90%
Goal: 95%
Students are involved in solving problems in this school
Baseline: 90%
Goal: 95%
Setbacks don't discourage me.
Baseline: 86%
Goal: 92%
Work I do in this school is useful and interesting to me.
Baseline: 84%
Goal: 90%
My teacher tells me about the purpose for each lesson or activity.
Baseline: 73%
Goal: 80%
Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports
Harmony Elementary desires to create conditions under which every child receives what they need to develop their full academic and social potential.
Implement the MCPP at Harmony:
Designate one staff member to receive training at the Instructor Level (Level 5)
Instructor will train Harmony's Crisis Prevention Team
Train additional selected staff members
Meetings to support MTSS Program:
School level meetings three times a year after the iReady screener
Tier II Data Talks held twice a month during grade level planning
Student Support Team Tier III meetings held weekly on Thursdays
Review iReady data at least twice a year to identify students for gifted screening
PBIS & SEL Action Teams: Harmony was recognized as a Distinguished PBIS school. To keep this distinguished status, all staff will be on one the following PBIS & SEL action team that meets monthly:
Tier 1 PBIS
Tier 2 PBIS
Student SEL
Family Engagement
Staff Wellness
Dedicated Enrichment & Intervention Block: JAG time will be a 30 minute block built into each day.
PBIS Recognition Level
Baseline: Distinguished
Goal: Distinguished
Decrease the percentage of students that scored at the beginning level of Milestones:
3rd Grade ELA
Baseline: 23%
Goal: 15%
3rd GradeMath
Baseline: 7%
Goal: 5%
4th Grade ELA
Baseline: 16%
Goal: 14%
4th Grade Math
Baseline: 9%
Goal: 6%
5th Grade ELA
Baseline: 14%
Goal: 12%
5th Grade Math
Baseline: 11%
Goal: 8%
5th Grade Science
Baseline: 17%
Goal: 15%
Increase the percentage of students who are identified as gifted
Baseline: 19%
Goal: 21%
Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access
Harmony Elementary will expand opportunities so that all students will have the opportunity to engage in and have access to high quality, rigorous, and culturally relevant curriculum and enrichment activities.
Collaborative Learning Team Meetings: Teachers will meet twice a week to review formative and summative assessment data, plan purposeful small group instruction, and identify student misconceptions.
Review and revise literacy and math instructional frameworks as a Harmony Leadership Team.
Review and revise grading procedures to ensure alignment between grade levels.
Utilize peer observations, classroom walkthroughs and feedback (informal and formal) to enhance and monitor Tier 1 instruction.
ML students receive direct support from ESOL certified classroom teachers and ESOL teachers daily as well as receive specific interventions to grow their English proficiency.
Percentage of Students Reading At or Above Grade Level:
3rd Grade
Baseline: 79.6%
Goal: 82%
4th Grade
Baseline: 80.8%
Goal: 83%
5th Grade
Baseline: 84.5%
Goal: 87%
ML English Proficiency Progress:
Baseline: 95.4
Goal: 100.0
Effectiveness 3.A - Results-Based Evaluation System
Harmony Elementary will implement the Results Based Evaluation System to include both academic press and supportive community.
Instructional Coaching: Coaches will provide individual coaching cycles on EL implementation for new staff. Mini and full coaching cycles will be provided for veteran teachers.
Analyze and disaggregate iReady and district assessment data to determine the next steps for planning and instruction.
Continue EL implementation with a focus on improving the rigor of small group tasks in skills and all block.
Targeted interventions for students at Tier 1, 1+, 2, and 3.
Review of GTES (teacher evaluation feedback to ensure leader alignment.