2024 - 2025 Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI)
School: PARKVIEW HIGH           Principal: David Smith
District Strategic Priorities/Goals
Action Steps (Implementation Design)
How will you measure growth? Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets)
Empathy 1.B - Staff and Student Well Being
Promoting student and staff wellbeing by prioritizing self-care, physical and mental health, and social emotional learning will lead to improved attendance for both students and staff, both of which are critical for teaching and learning.
Monthly recognition for all staff members with perfect attendance.
Staff members will be responsible for an improved personal attendance goal in their annual RBES plan.
Parkview's PBIS committee will plan two events each semester to recognize and reward students for perfect attendance.
Daily phone calls will be made to parents of absent students using Parent Square.
Attendance Assistant Principal and attendance liaison will meet with students to review attendance data and provide support as needed.
Required SARC meetings with students, parents, school counselor, school social worker, and attendance administrator will be held as needed.
Teacher Attendance - Growth will be measured by reducing the number of sick and personal days absent.
Baseline: SY 2023-24
Total Sick + Personal Days = 836.2
Student Attendance - Growth will be measured by reducing the number of students who are absent 16 days or more.
Baseline: SY 2023-24
Students Absent 16 or more days = 1007
Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports
Parkview High School will create an atmosphere where each and every student will receive the support required to allow them to reach their full academic potential.
High quality Tier 1 Instruction in the classroom each and every day.
Implement collaborative instructional practices utilizing common planning time and weekly CLT meetings to improve classroom instruction.
Content area Collaborative Learning Teams(CLTs) will utilize instructional resources from the district communication centers(MOCC, LOCC, SOCC, SOAR) aligned with the district instructional calendar to plan and implement high quality Tier 1 instruction in daily lessons.
Plan walk-through observations with Instructional Leadership Team focused on small group differentiated instruction.
MAP Screener will be administered to 9th grade students in August 2024 and January 2025 to identify students for targeted intervention in Remedial Education Program sections and in Advisement Intervention Sections.
REP Sections planned for 9th LA, 10th LA, Algebra I, and Geometry.
Advisement Intervention Sections scheduled to provide additional support for students in the following: 9th LA, 10th LA, Algebra I, and Geometry.
MTSS Team will analyze MAP data Advisement Intervention data to evaluate student progress in the program.
MAP data will be used to identify students for additional testing/evaluation for the Gifted Education Program.
Provide students with multiple Credit Recovery opportunities to achieve academic success.
Cohort Support Team will meet monthly to review all 'off-track' students in the graduating class. Reviews will include checks in the following areas: Academic progress(currently scheduled classes and any other classes to make up credit); Attendance; Discipline; any additional support
MAP Data
EOC Milestone Assessment Data
EES Staff Survey Data
Graduation Rate
EOC Milestone: % Developing and Above
Biology - SY 23-24 Baseline = 79%; Target: SY 24-25 = 82%
American Literature - SY 23-24 Baseline = 81%; Target: SY 24-25 = 84%
US History - SY 23-24 Baseline = 78%; Target: SY 24-25 = 81%
EES Staff Survey Data
My colleagues are willing to be held accountable for student learning.
SY 23-24 Baseline =71%; Target: SY 24-25 = 75%
Graduation Rate
Baseline - Class of 2024 Graduation Rate = 90; Target - Class of 2025 Graduation Rate = 92
Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access
Parkview High School will expand student opportunities to engage in and have access to high quality, rigorous classes and increase post-secondary opportunities.
Increase communication to students and parents regarding opportunities for students to participate on the SAT and/or ACT.
Prioritize student enrollment in Advanced Placement classes.
Working with Equal Opportunity Schools(EOS), Parkview will work to identify historically underserved and underrepresented students through student survey data and provide these students with access to our most rigorous Advanced Placement classes.
Provide additional information to students and parents on career and technical education classes and increase the number of CTAE Pathway completers.
Increase access to Gifted testing through MAP assessment results.
% of Graduating class who participated on either the SAT or ACT
Baseline - Class of 2024 = 79%; Target - Class of 2025 = 83%
Number of AP tests administered
Baseline - SY 23-24 = 2299 exams; Target - SY 24-25 = 2800
Excellence 4.A - Preferred Education Destination
Parkview High School strives to be the first choice for student and families by preparing all students for a successful future.
Keep families and students informed with the publication of the Panther Weekly Newsletter.
Continue to include staff and students in the decision making process for local school decisions.
Increase administrator visibility and interaction with students and staff through positive, informal interactions.
Increase visibility and awareness of PTSA and other support organizations.
Provide additional support for SEL training and implementation through advisement lessons.
EES Survey Data
Student Data:
'I enjoy coming to this school.'
SY 2023-24 Baseline = 48%
SY 2024-25 Target = 52%
'This school is doing a good job of preparing me to succeed in my life.'