How will you measure growth? Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets)
Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports
Brookwood Elementary will use a multi-tiered system of supports to address academic and non-academic needs and remove barriers to success. Brookwood Elementary will use observational data, anecdotal, and performance data to ensure that every student demonstrates growth and has a clear path to content mastery.
Continue to refine the roles, duties, and responsibilities of the MTSS team.
Continue to provide professional development for staff in rigorous Tier I instruction, differentiation, small group instruction, formative assessments, data collection, and data-driven instructional decisions to meet the needs of diverse learners.
Continue a dedicated 30 minute (minimum) "Colt Time" used for intervention and acceleration in all classrooms.
Implement evidence-based interventions at increasing levels of intensity as needed for students.
The MTSS team and PBIS team will track academic and behavioral data trends to facilitate Tier II conversations to support student growth.
1. Increase the percentage of students in grades 3-5 reading on or above grade level as measured by the Georgia Milestones. (Baseline: 84% in grades 3rd-5th reading on/above grade level on the 2024 Georgia Milestones assessment.)
Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access
Brookwood Elementary will have a variety of opportunities for students to engage in high quality, rigorous, culturally relevant curriculum and enrichment activities.
Brookwood Elementary will continue to offer a variety of clubs, classes, and activities to enhance student growth and involvement.
Brookwood Elementary will offer 2 weekly classes of Play2Learn Early Learning and a Little Learners Academy monthly for our community.
Early Intervention staff members have been added to implement supports through MTSS.
Brookwood Elementary offers an entrepreneurship specials class for K-5 students to encourage creativity and an entrepreneurial mindset.
Brookwood Elementary has a school garden that is maintained and supported through the STEM specials class.
Brookwood Elementary will maintain or increase the percentage of students indicating positive responses on the Educational Effectiveness Survey (EES) in the following areas:
Student Well-Being Survey Questions:
In class, we often work with other students to solve a problem or do a task. (Spring 2024: 96% "Almost Always or Sometimes True." Goal: Maintain at 96% or increase)
My teacher expects all students to succeed no matter who they are. (Spring 2024: 99% "Almost Always or Sometimes True." Goal: Maintain)
My teacher provides lessons and activities that challenge me to learn. (Spring 2024: 96% "Almost Always or Sometimes True." Goal: Maintain)
Effectiveness 3.A - Results-Based Evaluation System
Brookwood Elementary will utilize the Results-Based Evaluation System (RBES) comprised of inputs, behaviors, and outcomes to support school improvement and student growth.
Focused walk-throughs to monitor and provide feedback on instructional implementation toward goals.
Coaching cycles
Data talks with Collaborative Learning Teams to determine next steps for instruction.
Classroom observations of colleagues to admire and acquire instructional strategies.
Implementation of tiered interventions based on the multi-tiered system of supports.
Collaborative Learning Teams (CLTs) to include assessment review, student work, data reviews, AKS analysis, explicit modeling for teachers with Math/ELA strategies.
Increase the percentage of students scoring in the proficient and distinguished levels on the Georgia Milestones ELA assessment in 3rd-5th grades.
3rd Grade 2024: 65% (Goal for Rising 3rd graders for 2025: 68%)
4th Grade 2024: 60% (Goal for Rising 4th graders for 2025: 70%)
5th Grade 2024: 74% (Goal for Rising 5th graders for 2025: 70%)