How will you measure growth? Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets)
Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports
Couch Middle School will implement a comprehensive MTSS system to address the academic and behavioral needs of students so that all students have the opportunity to maximize their potential.
Academic Press
Weekly meetings with MTSS coordinator, APs, and counselors will be held to discuss academic support and interventions for students.
iREADY Universal screener will be administered in fall and winter with a completion rate of 95% or higher. iREADY and additional data including but not limited to milestones, grades, formative and summative assessments, will be analyzed to identify Tier 2 and 3 students for literacy and numeracy interventions.
MTSS coordinator will continue to train intervention teachers on various literacy and numeracy interventions.
Identified students will receive early interventions and acceleration during RAM time and Connections.
Teachers and Counselors will review student performance data regularly to determine support plan (Kids Talk).
Ongoing process for ensuring new students are administered universal screener.
Supportive Community
Continued school-wide implementation of PBIS: Increase school-wide student recognition.
Behavior data will be analyzed and used to refine Couch Behavior Management Plan and restorative practices.
Weekly delivery of SEL, Advisement and/or PBIS lesson and activities addressing character building, SEL competencies will be incorporated.
EES Wellness survey will be administered in the Fall with a completion rate of 95% or higher. The EES Wellness survey and additional data will be used to identify students who may need social and emotional support.
Play to learn activities will be incorporated into RAM time and Connections for Tier 2 and Tier 3 students to support SEL competencies.
Behavior coach collaborates with administrators to support and address Tier 1 behavioral concerns.
Behavioral coaches collaborates with 1st and 2nd year teachers to support and implement research-based classroom management strategies.
Implementation of All Pro Dads to build connections between students and parents through the middle school years.
Continuing weekly community mentorship program with select students.
Percentage of students participating in iREADY and EES Wellness Surveys:
Academic Press Completion Rate Goal: 95%+
Supportive Community (Wellness) Completion Rate Goal: 95%+
Academic: Reduction of students performing in the beginning level of milestones assessments.
Baseline 2024
Target 2025
Grade & Content
Beginning %
Beginning Goal
6th ELA
7th ELA
8th ELA
6th Math
7th Math
8th Math
Enhanced Algebra 1
8th Grade SS
HS PhySci
Supportive Community: Reduce the number of exclusionary consequences to ensure students have access to high quality, direct instruction from certified teachers to the highest extent possible.
Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access
Couch Middle School will expand student access to engage in and access high-quality, rigorous, and culturally relevant curriculum, advance coursework and enrichment activities (Carnegie unit credits, CTAE courses and gifted courses).
iREADY and PSAT data will be used to aid in identifying students who qualify for gifted services.
Sustain or increase the enrollment of 8th-grade students in the Carnegie courses: Spanish, Marketing, and Biology.
Increase the number of teachers with gifted endorsements to ensure high-quality instruction and increase flexibility for student scheduling.
Gifted Services: Increase the percentage students qualifying for gifted services.
Gifted population
Carnegie Courses
Marketing Principles
Spanish 1
Excellence 4.A - Preferred Education Destination
Couch MS will cultivate school quality, climate and culture that is student-centered and committed to the success of each and every child.
Promote a well-rounded education that includes a wide variety of academic, arts and athletic programs across the K-12 continuum, including co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.
Ensure universal access to high-quality curriculum and instructional materials aligned to the GCPS AKS.
Sustain teaching quality and reduce variability between schools and classrooms by focusing on high-quality Tier 1 instruction for all students.
Enrichment Activities
Continue to offer and provide students with various academic opportunities via RAM time (enrichment, acceleration, and remediation).
Expand the academic and enrichment opportunities during RAM time by allowing student and staff choice. Students will rotate through different RAM time classes every 9-weeks.
Continue to maximize personnel allotted in support of instruction of Multilingual learners. Provide additional support for ML students during RAM time.
Extracurricular Athletics
Add five additional extracurricular sports program over the course of the 24-25 school year to include: girls' and boys' cross country, girl's volleyball, and girls' and boys' soccer.
Collaboration to ensure high-quality curriculum
Collaborative Learning Team (CLT) work will be renormalized and have emphasis on established instructional framework and small group instruction.
Couch Middle School will establish a Balanced Instructional Framework to align classroom instruction to High-Quality Tier 1 instruction and GCPS' QPTS.
CLT will collaborate, at least twice a week, to map out weekly lesson plans, common formative assessments, and summative assessments.
CLT leads will meet with Administrators to receive professional learning and development monthly.
Release time will be provided for CLTs to plan effective instruction in the fall and spring.
CLTs will engage in PDCA learning cycles to ensure the team is aligning instruction to the AKS and constantly monitoring student work that informs remediation.
Couch Middle School Vertical teams will meet quarterly to discuss instructional strategies, data, and vertical alignment within AKS.
2. Couch Middle School new teachers and 2nd year teacher will be supported through a variety of methods.
Monthly new teacher induction meetings will focus on instructional strategies and teaching pedagogy.
New teachers will be provided with effective mentors.
Additional support by Behavior Coach will be provided to help implement effective classroom behavior strategies.
3. Couch Middle School teachers will be provided a variety of professional learning opportunities that focus on school-wide and district level instructional initiatives.
School-wide Small-Group Instruction monthly for all teachers.
Multi-language for ML teachers and teams once a month including WIDA professional learning opportunities.
Y'all come Technology offering: eClass, Securely, Pear Assessment, Goggle Classroom
iReady training for Math/LA teachers
4. Couch Middle School Teachers and AP will participate in Grayson Cluster Vertical PD and share strategies with instructional leadership support team and Course teams.
RAM Time Activities-Enrichment and Remediation: Increase the number of students who participated in school clubs, activities and remediation during the school day.
Enrichment Activities
Extracurricular Athletic Programs: Increase the number of extracurricular athletic programs.
# of Athletic programs
Increase in the percentage of students achieving either typical or stretch growth on iReady from August to January.
Increase the % Proficient/Distinguished on Milestones: