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Accountability and flexibility are hallmarks of Gwinnett County Public Schools' success. Key to that success is ensuring that each school community understands the progress being made by its schools, as well as what plans will drive improvement. Each school creates a collaborative Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI) to increase student achievement results, with targeted goals based on the four strategic priorities within the district’s Blueprint for the Future: Empathy, Equity, Effectiveness, and Excellence. All schools across the district will focus on goals 2A- Multi-tiered Systems of Support and 2B- Opportunity and Access. Additionally, schools are required to select one goal from each of the other strategic priorities. LSPI goals are dynamic, like our schools, and are updated to reflect changes that occur in schools. Multiple data points are used to determine areas needing improvement and to identify specific, measurable, annual objectives. Schools then determine how to use research-based strategies to achieve these goals, using flexibility as needed. The LSPI development process involves teachers, parents, students, and community members, so the entire school community has the opportunity to be involved in conversations about school improvement.


2024 - 2025 Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI)

School: WALNUT GROVE ELEMENTARY           Principal: Dale Pugh

District Strategic Priorities/Goals Rationale Action Steps
(Implementation Design)
How will you measure growth?
Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets)
Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports

Walnut Grove will use the Multi-tiered System of Supports (MTSS) as a data-driven prevention framework that uses screening and progress monitoring tools to identify and predict students who may be at risk for poor learning outcomes or who experience connectedness, well-being needs and/or behavioral concerns that impact learning.

  1. Teachers will have follow-up training on the multi-tiered system of support framework and tiered intervention support for academic and behavioral concerns to ensure each and every student is provided the support they need when they need it.
  2. Universal academic screeners will be given to determine student intervention and enrichment needs for language arts and math.
  3. Universal wellbeing screeners will be given to identify students who may need support to remove barriers for learning.
  4. Staffing and schedule adjustments will be made to ensure students receive intervention and enrichment based on individual needs.
  5. Counselors will hold student attendance review committee meetings to address attendance concerns and provide multi-tiered support to students to provide early intervention.

Staffing and schedule adjustments have been made to support academic and behavioral interventions and enrichment. We have a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) Coordinator, two counselors, Early Intervention Program (EIP) teachers, instructional coaches, and a PBIS Coordinator. A Behavior Intervention Flow Chart has been created, and staff will receive training on restorative practices to ensure students and staff are supported academically, behaviorally, and emotionally. Staff will receive follow-up training on the processes and procedures of MTSS.

Universal screeners will be administered and used to identify the needs of students. Staff will use data to drive academic and behavioral interventions and enrichment support for students. Academic interventions will be provided during the instructional block and Eagle Learning Time (ELT). Educational Effectiveness Surveys (EES) will be used to identify leveled tiers of support for student well-being.

Counselors will continue to encourage and celebrate good attendance, support student well-being by developing positive relationships, and provide classroom guidance lessons, small group interventions, individualized support, and restorative circles to provide early intervention and additional help in both academic and non-academic areas. Students and staff will provide voice and choice in implementing programs and activities to build positive morale. School leaders will welcome and encourage participation, involvement and collaboration of all students, families, staff, and stakeholders to nurture a shared commitment to equity through multiple platforms, such as school council, school leadership team, student council, safety patrol, operations team, and Parent Teacher Association (PTA).

Student Survey Question:  My teachers find other ways for me to learn things I find difficult.

2023-2024 Baseline 2024-2025 Target 2024-2025 Actual
62% 65%  

Staff Survey Question:  Walnut Grove has effective equity strategies for all.

2023-2024 Baseline 2024-2025 Target 2024-2025 Actual
77% 80%  

Family Survey Question:  Actions of school leaders promote a shared commitment for equity.

2023-2024 Baseline 2024-2025 Target 2024-2025 Actual
88% 91%  

Family Survey Question:  Struggling students receive early intervention and additional help at Walnut Grove.

2023-2024 Baseline 2024-2025 Target 2024-2025 Actual
87% 90%  

Percent of eligible students universally screened for math and language arts.

2024-2025 Target Actual

Percent of students universally screened for wellbeing.

2024-2025 Target Actual 

GMAS (ELA): decrease the percentage of students scoring at the Beginning level.

Grade Baseline  Target  Result 
3rd 26% 23%  
4th 22% 19%  
5th 15% 12%  

GMAS (MA): decrease the percentage of students scoring at the Beginning level.

Grade Baseline  Target  Result 
3rd 12% 9%  
4th 14% 11%  
5th 15% 12%  
Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access

Walnut Grove recognizes the importance of implementing a variety of instructional methods, educational services, and school resources to support students to aid in the acceleration of learning progress, catch up with peers, meet learning standards, and succeed in school. The creation of student services will stimulate personal, social, cultural, and cognitive development. Opportunities will be provided for students to engage in high-quality and relevant coursework, including STEM, Computer Science, and Visual and Performing Arts.

  1. The Instructional Leadership Team will continuously review the master schedule to determine any revisions needed to ensure support is provided for every student.
  2. Training will be provided for all teachers to review effective small-group instruction to support each and every student.
  3. Teachers will provide personalized instruction to review, practice, and accelerate learning.

Collaborative Learning Teams (CLT) will meet weekly to analyze instructional practices and assessments to monitor student achievement. Teachers will continuously analyze data to form small-group instruction in EL Education (Language Arts) and Mathematics. Administration and instructional coaches will monitor the transfer of work during CLT into the classroom as we focus on equity by providing each and every student with what they need to be successful.

Faculty and staff will continue to participate in professional learning opportunities focused on structured literacy practices and the science of reading, and effective mathematical practices. Teachers will implement instructional practices that address individual student needs to review, practice, or accelerate learning. Teachers will observe model classrooms and will be provided the opportunity to lead professional learning and school-wide events.

New faculty and staff will be provided with a mentor. Professional learning will be differentiated based on needs, such as new teachers and veteran teachers.

The master schedule will be a fluid document that may be revised to maximize instruction and student support. Early learning education has expanded to two Play 2 Learn sessions weekly and numerous sessions of Little Learners Academy throughout the year.

Students and families will receive support through the CARE Closet, Care Team, Hearts Against Hunger, Off To A Great Start, and Kids Hope to help meet the needs of all students, including those struggling with financial difficulties, food insecurity, and school supply needs, as well as mentorship.

All students will be offered an opportunity to participate and explore a variety of specials and clubs that are aligned with student interests and goals to foster curiosity in a wide variety of hobbies and careers.

We will provide a multi-tiered level of support to teach positive behavior so that students develop healthy emotional regulations and peer interactions through restorative practices and social-emotional learning in order to support every student and reduce disruptions to learning.

Staff Survey Question:  Instruction is personalized to meet the needs of each and every student.

2023-2024 Baseline 2024-2025 Target 2024-2025 Actual
77% 80%  

 Family Survey Question:  My student is challenged with a rigorous curriculum at Walnut Grove.

2023-2024 Baseline 2024-2025 Target 2024-2025 Actual
72% 75%  

 Family Survey Question:  Teachers accommodate my student's individual needs by adjusting instruction.

2023-2024 Baseline 2024-2025 Target 2024-2025 Actual
86% 89%  

Student Survey Question:  My teachers find other ways for me to learn things I find difficult.

2023-2024 Baseline 2024-2025 Target 2024-2025 Actual
62% 65%  

Increase the school-wide percentage of students identified as gifted.

2023-2024 Baseline % 2024-2025 Target % 2024-2025 Actual %
24 26  

 Play2Learn program participants

2023-2024 Baseline  2024-2025 Target  2024-2025 Actual 
32 32  



Effectiveness 3.A - Results-Based Evaluation System

Walnut Grove will review various metrics / assessments that focus on school improvement and student growth in order to make decisions that target instruction to support every learner. 

  1. Review assessments and benchmarks to determine actions for student academic support.
  2. Individual student growth goals will be set based on iReady screener data for math and language arts.
  3. Teachers (4th and 5th) will review GMAS data as a summative student growth measure to reflect and make adjustments as needed for student support.

As we prepare for the 2024-2025 school year, teachers will be trained on iReady, the GCPS universal screener.  Teachers will set RBES goals based on iReady data.  Teachers will also review the GMAS results to determine any student support adjustments that may be needed to begin the school year.

Math- To increase the percentage of students scoring at the Proficient and Distinguished levels on the Georgia Milestones Assessment.

Grade Baseline % Target %
3rd 56 58
4th 60 62
5th 57 59

English/Language Arts- To increase the percentage of students scoring at the Proficient and Distinguished levels on the Georgia Milestones Assessment.

Grade Baseline % Target %
3rd 58 60
4th 54 56
5th 67 69

English/Language Arts- To increase the percentage of students reading on grade level.

Grade Baseline % Target %
3rd 83 84
4th 71 72
5th 80 82

English/Language Arts- To increase the percentage of students reaching their typical growth goal on the i-Ready Assessment.

Grade Baseline % Target %
K-5 54 57

Math: To increase the percentage of students reaching their typical growth goal on the i-Ready Assessment.

Grade Baseline % Target %
K-5 54 57