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Accountability and flexibility are hallmarks of Gwinnett County Public Schools' success. Key to that success is ensuring that each school community understands the progress being made by its schools, as well as what plans will drive improvement. Each school creates a collaborative Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI) to increase student achievement results, with targeted goals based on the four strategic priorities within the district’s Blueprint for the Future: Empathy, Equity, Effectiveness, and Excellence. All schools across the district will focus on goals 2A- Multi-tiered Systems of Support and 2B- Opportunity and Access. Additionally, schools are required to select one goal from each of the other strategic priorities. LSPI goals are dynamic, like our schools, and are updated to reflect changes that occur in schools. Multiple data points are used to determine areas needing improvement and to identify specific, measurable, annual objectives. Schools then determine how to use research-based strategies to achieve these goals, using flexibility as needed. The LSPI development process involves teachers, parents, students, and community members, so the entire school community has the opportunity to be involved in conversations about school improvement.


2024 - 2025 Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI)

School: BRITT ELEMENTARY           Principal: Melissa Madsen

District Strategic Priorities/Goals Rationale Action Steps
(Implementation Design)
How will you measure growth?
Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets)
Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports

Responsive processes matching academic and social-emotional resources to each and every student ensures that they are responding to instructional strategies and lessons.  Students who need additional support must be identified quickly and provided with appropriately designed instruction.

  1. Refine the processes of our MTSS team to be more responsive to students' needs and intervention supports. 
  2. Train staff in effective Tier I instructional strategies and components, formative assessments, data collection and analysis, lesson differentiation, and small group instruction.  
  3. Use diagnostic and AKS assessments to analyze Tier I instruction's strengths and weaknesses and identify the level of support needed for all students.
  4. Use Synergy discipline data to analyze Tier I and Tier II behavioral data to identify strength and needs to develop lessons for schoolwide implementation.  
  5. Provide professional development on Tier I and Tier II academic and social-emotional instruction.  
  6. Provide teachers with resources to support Tier I, Tier II, and Tier III instruction.

We will increase the number of students scoring at the Tier I level on the iReady Reading and Math Assessment.  


2024 Reading EOY Scores

2025 Reading EOY Target Scores

2025 Reading Baseline BOY Scores

Tier 1




Tier 2




Tier 3





Kindergarten Reading Baseline 2% Target 75%

First Grade Reading Baseline 6% Target 75%

Second Grade Reading Baseline 10% Target 75%

Third Grade Reading Baseline 9% Target 75%

Fourth Grade Reading Baseline 4% Target 75%

Fifth Grade Reading Baseline 11% Target 75%


2024 EOY Math Score

2024 Target Math Score

2025 Baseline Math


Tier 1




Tier 2




Tier 3





Kindergarten Math Baseline 1% Target 75%

First Grade Math Baseline 4% Target 75%

Second Grade Math Baseline 0% Target 75%

Third Grade Math Baseline 0% Target 75%

Fourth Grade Math Baseline 1% Target 75%

Fifth Grade Math Baseline 9% Target 75%

Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access

All students deserve equitable access to programs and activities that meet their academic, creative, and social-emotional needs, including enrichment, acceleration, computer science, athletic, visual, and performing arts.

  1. Use diagnostic testing to identify student needs and the appropriate interventions and enrichment.
  2. Develop extended learning time activities that accelerate and enrich students. 
  3. Increase opportunities for students to participate in enrichment activities and events like clubs and field trips.  
  4. Provide professional development on effective teaching strategies for multilingual students to allow curriculum access at all English language proficiency levels.  

We want to increase participation in our gifted and ELT programs.

Last year, 283 students were invited to attend ELTs.  60% of those students attended

4.5% of students were served in the gifted program.  

Effectiveness 3.A - Results-Based Evaluation System

Setting goals encapsulating the growth and accomplishments of the whole child or staff member is essential for defining focus, developing new behaviors, and promoting lifelong learning.  By targeting academic and behavioral data, staff can improve on what they do best, and students can develop motivation and purpose. 

  1. Designate specific times and days for grade-level and vertical collaboration on student achievement data and develop team action steps, including whole group, small group, and individual instruction.
  2. Refine teacher teams' analysis of student academic and behavioral data to determine classroom and individual next steps.
  3. Implement classroom and student goal-setting to encourage growth and success.

The percentage of students scoring in the proficient and distinguished categories on the Georgia Milestones will increase to the following targets:


2024 Proficient and Distinguished ELA Milestones Scores

2025 Proficient and Distinguished ELA Milestones Scores











2024 Proficient and Distinguished Mathematics Milestones Scores

2025 Proficient and Distinguished Mathematics

Milestones Scores











Excellence 4.C - World-Class Communication and Engagement

Communication is how we understand each other and build confidence and trust.  World-class communication allows all stakeholders to work together.

  1.  Send parent communication in preferred languages. 
  2. Increase opportunities for parents to share their ideas and opinions.
  3. Promote parent participation in parent conferences, parent workshops, and Lunch and Learns.
  4. Use social media and communication applications to increase parent involvement.  

We will increase/maintain the percentage of stakeholders indicating positive responses on the Education Effectiveness Survey's Communication and Collaboration Domain

  • Family SY 2024 Baseline
    • Communication/Materials I receive from the school are in a language I can understand:  94%
    • I am encouraged to collaborate with my student's teachers about my student's learning:  85%
    • The school communicates effectively with my family: 89%
    • The communicates with me about my student's progress: 88%