District Strategic Priorities/Goals | Rationale | Action Steps (Implementation Design) |
How will you measure growth? Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets) |
Empathy 1.B - Staff and Student Well Being | In order for students and staff members to be fully engaged in the school community, they need to feel a sense of belonging. Therefore, Nesbit Elementary School will provide opportunities to elevate student and staff members voice, ownership, and agency in the design of their school and work place experience and be responsive to their needs. |
Growth will be measured by EES survey data from staff and students. Increase in the percentage of students and staff indicating positive responses on the Educational Effectiveness Survey in fall and spring on the following questions: Students -
Staff -
Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports | Nesbit Elementary School will reduce variability and increase the fidelity of high-quality tier 1 instruction implementation for all students, including targeted small groups, grade level curriculum, ongoing formative assessments, and progress monitoring.
1. Provide a schoolwide 45 minute intervention block (Mustang Learning Time) that provides students with data driven instructional support using multiple intervention resources for Reading, Writing, and Math for K-5. In addition, Science intervention for 5th grade. 2. Build the capacity of all teachers to support and fully integrate academic press and supportive community structures and processes by:
3. Data driven extended learning time (ELT) for students in Literacy and Math. 4. Increase opportunities for small group, targeted instruction which supports the effective implementation of the MTSS process and/or provide additional interventions and supports to students. 5. Host Title 1 family nights/events - Literacy Night, STEM Night, Multilingual Learner/Special Education Family Night, & Parent Testing Meetings. |
i-Ready Screeners given three times per school year. The number of Kindergarten through 5th students making Typical and Stretch Growth during the 2024- 2025 school year. i-Ready 1st Sem. Growth: % Meeting Typical Target - Reading Baseline - 44.3%, Target - 46.3% Math Baseline - 47.8%, Target - 49.8% i-Ready 1st Sem. Growth: % Meeting Stretch Target Reading Baseline - 23.5%, Target - 25% Math Baseline - 27.5%, Target - 29.5% ACCESS - Percentage of Multilingual Learners moving at least one performance band by the end of the 2024-25 school year. Baseline 0%, Target 5% ACCESS - Percentage of Multilingual Learners exiting ESOL services. Baseline 8.3%, Target 9.5%
Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access | Nesbit Elementary will increase students' opportunities to learn and achieve by consistently implementing a high-quality Tier 1 curriculum that reflects grade level expectations, focusing on early literacy and science of reading. |
i-Ready Screeners given three times per school year. The number of Kindergarten through 5th students making Typical and Stretch Growth during the 2024- 2025 school year. i-Ready 1st Sem. Growth: % Meeting Typical Target - Reading Baseline - 44.3%, Target - 46.3% Math Baseline - 47.8%, Target - 49.8% i-Ready 1st Sem. Growth: % Meeting Stretch Target Reading Baseline - 23.5%, Target - 25% Math Baseline - 27.5%, Target - 29.5% ACCESS - Percentage of Multilingual Learners moving at least one performance band by the end of the 2024-25 school year. Baseline 0%, Target 5% ACCESS - Percentage of Multilingual Learners exiting ESOL services. Baseline 8.3%, Target 9.5%
Effectiveness 3.A - Results-Based Evaluation System | Nesbit Elementary will redesign Results-Based Evaluation System (RBES) by redefining the inputs, behaviors, and outcomes that determine the standards for student success. |
i-Ready Screeners given three times per school year. i-Ready Screeners given three times per school year. The number of Kindergarten through 5th students making Typical and Stretch Growth during the 2024- 2025 school year. i-Ready 1st Sem. Growth: % Meeting Typical Target - Reading Baseline - 44.3%, Target - 46.3% Math Baseline - 47.8%, Target - 49.8% i-Ready 1st Sem. Growth: % Meeting Stretch Target Reading Baseline - 23.5%, Target - 25% Math Baseline - 27.5%, Target - 29.5% ACCESS - Percentage of Multilingual Learners moving at least one performance band by the end of the 2024-25 school year. Baseline 0%, Target 5% ACCESS - Percentage of Multilingual Learners exiting ESOL services. Baseline 8.3%, Target 9.5% EES Staff Survey Data - maintain positive increase in staff perception of best instructional practices. |
Excellence 4.A - Preferred Education Destination | Nesbit Elementary desires to be the first choice of students and families for excellent schools and the employer of choice for educators and staff to fulfill their careers. |
EES Survey data Sustain the percentage of families responding positively to the following EES Families Survey:
Percentage of staff responding positively to the following EES Staff Survey questions:
Percentage of students responding positively to the following EES Student Survey questions:
Family Engagement/Building Parent Capacity - | We will build our parents' capacity to support their children's academic achievement by implementing the activities identified in The Plan/The Promise. |
EES Family Survey Sustain the percentage of families responding positively to the following EES Families Survey: