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Accountability and flexibility are hallmarks of Gwinnett County Public Schools' success. Key to that success is ensuring that each school community understands the progress being made by its schools, as well as what plans will drive improvement. Each school creates a collaborative Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI) to increase student achievement results, with targeted goals based on the four strategic priorities within the district’s Blueprint for the Future: Empathy, Equity, Effectiveness, and Excellence. All schools across the district will focus on goals 2A- Multi-tiered Systems of Support and 2B- Opportunity and Access. Additionally, schools are required to select one goal from each of the other strategic priorities. LSPI goals are dynamic, like our schools, and are updated to reflect changes that occur in schools. Multiple data points are used to determine areas needing improvement and to identify specific, measurable, annual objectives. Schools then determine how to use research-based strategies to achieve these goals, using flexibility as needed. The LSPI development process involves teachers, parents, students, and community members, so the entire school community has the opportunity to be involved in conversations about school improvement.


2024 - 2025 Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI)

School: ALFORD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL           Principal: Shon Davis

District Strategic Priorities/Goals Rationale Action Steps
(Implementation Design)
How will you measure growth?
Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets)
Empathy 1.B - Staff and Student Well Being

Alford Elementary will continue to focus on the well being of the students and staff to ensure that there is a sense of belonging within the school. This will include implementing activities and support measures that align specifically with social-emotional learning and cultural responsiveness.  

  1. An SEL Committee has been developed consisting of teacher leaders and support staff within the school. They will meet regularly to develop and implement school-wide activities to motivate and impact the school community. 
  2. A Principal's Advisory Committee will be developed consisting of student leaders from grades 3, 4, and 5. They will meet with the administrators and leadership team to collaborate and share ideas to improve student engagement and elevate student voice. 
  3. An SEL segment/time has been included within the master schedule so that all classrooms are focusing on strategies and activities to promote social and emotional learning. 
  4. A PBIS Committee has been developed to assess schoolwide data focusing on student discipline, student attendance, and student engagement. This committee will be charged with facilitating staff development and sharing strategies to improve student engagement and staff/student relationships as well as peer to peer relationships.   
  5. The leadership team/staff will collaborate with the district behavior coach to build staff capacity concerning Restorative Practices for the classroom and throughout the local school.  

The percent of students responding positively to the following student wellbeing EES Survey items will increase by 3-5 %.

  • I feel safe at this school at this school (Baseline - 50%; Target 53%)
  • I enjoy coming to this school (Baseline - 38%; Target 41%)
  • I can calm myself down when I am excited or upset (Baseline - 43%; Target 46%)
  • Work I do in this school is useful and interesting (Baseline - 34%; Target 37%)
  • I am hopeful about my future (Baseline - 67%; Target 69%)
Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports

We will implement a comprehensive framework that targets Academic Press and Supportive Community to enhance the progress and development of the students. The strategies/interventions will be tiered, data driven and prevention based to ensure that we are meeting the needs of the whole learner. 

  1. We will frequently analyze and assess data results from both the academic/wellness screeners and the iReady assessment to develop and implement lessons for the Continuous Quality Improvement intervention block.
  2. The PBIS Committee will analyze weekly/monthly discipline data in order to provide staff development and strategies to enhance student engagement, minimize behavioral issues, and improve the overall academic achievement levels of each student group. 
  3. The MTSS Coach will provide ongoing staff development to build the capacity of the staff with Tier 2 and Tier 3 intervention supports. 
  4. The instructional coaches will facilitate ongoing collaborative planning/staff development sessions to improve/enhance Tier 1 instruction for all grade levels.
  5. We will develop targeted universalism strategies and supports for English Language Learners and students with disabilities. 

The percent of students scoring at the proficient and distinguished levels on the ELA Milestones will increase to the expected annual Performance in Context Target Goal and the Continuous Improvement Target Goal in Reading for grades 3, 4, and 5. 

ELA Performance in Context Target Goal for Milestones (Students scoring proficient and distinguished)

Grade 3- Target Goal - 29.9% ; Baseline- 19.7%

Grade 4- Target Goal - 29.3% ; Baseline- 23.3%

Grade 5- Target Goal - 39.9% ; Baseline- 26.9%

ELA Continuous Improvement Target Goal for Milestones (Students scoring proficient and distinguished)

Grade 3- Target Goal - 30.1% ; Baseline- 19.7%

Grade 4- Target Goal - 23.7% ; Baseline- 23.3%

Grade 5 - Target Goal - 32.3% ; Baseline- 26.9%


The percent of students demonstrating sufficient growth in ELA for first semester on the iReady Assessment by the end of the year will meet or exceed the annual typical growth target in the categories for Performance in Context and Continuous Improvement.

Performance in Context Target Goal

Target Goal - 47.0%; Baseline - 46.7%

Continuous Improvement Target Goal 

Target Goal - 53.5%; Baseline- 46.7%


The percent of ML Learners making progress towards English Language Proficiency will increase to meet or exceed the annual Performance in Context target goal and the Continuous Improvement target goal.

Performance in Context Target Goal

Target Goal - 92.8% ; Baseline- 88.5%

Continuous Improvement Target Goal

Target Goal- 92.8% ; Baseline - 88.5%


The percent of students demonstrating sufficient growth in Math for first semester on the iReady Assessment by the end of the year will meet or exceed the annual typical growth target in the categories for Performance in Context and Continuous Improvement.

Performance in Context Target Goal 

Target Goal- 42.7% ; Baseline - 45.6%

Continuous Improvement Target Goal

Target Goal - 40.7% ; Baseline - 45.6%


The percentage of students performing at or above grade level on the Reading portion of Milestones will increase to at least the annual Performance in Context Target Goal and the Continuous Improvement Goal in grades 3, 4, & 5. 

Performance in Context Target Goal (Students reading on grade level)

Grade 3 - Target Goal - 56.7% ; Baseline- 53.4%

Grade 4- Target Goal - 47.4% ; Baseline- 46.7%

Grade 5- Target Goal - 64.1% ; Baseline- 58.2%

Continuous Improvement Target Goal (Students reading on grade level)

Grade 3- Target Goal - 61.1% ; Baseline- 53.4%

Grade 4- Target Goal - 44.9% ; Baseline- 46.7%

Grade 5- Target Goal - 64.3% ; Baseline- 58.2%

Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access

We will expand student opportunities to engage in and access high-quality, rigorous, and culturally relevant curriculum, advanced coursework, and enrichment activities. 

  1. Increase the number of student clubs being offered for the 2024-25 school year.
  2. Recruit and maintain a student leadership group (Principal's Advisory Committee and Peer Leaders) to elevate student voice and their engagement. 
  3. Provide ongoing early learning readiness opportunities to our families/local community via Play 2 Learn and school-wide activities to build parent capacity. 
  4. Enhance student learning opportunities through project based learning, outdoor classroom activities/learning to support student collaboration in STEM and core content areas, and as well as the computer science competencies. 
  5. Provide ongoing staff development focusing on rigorous instruction, small groups, and differentiation to make certain that students are receiving instruction at a high level across all grade levels. 
  6. Collaborate with the gifted and ESOL department to provide more best practices/activities to classroom teachers to enhance/differentiate classroom instruction.

There will be a 3% increase in the number of gifted and talented students for underrepresented racial/ethnic groups (Black, Hispanic, EL, SWD, and Free Meals) -Baseline 6% ; Target Goal of 9%.


There will be an increase of 3-5% in the percentage of kindergarten students in the historically underserved groups (Black, Hispanic, EL, and Free Meals) who are ready for kindergarten. 

    Baseline  - -Black 57% ; Target Goal of 59%

    Baseline - -Hispanic 10%; Target Goal of 13%

    Baseline - - EL 13%; Target Goal of 16%

    Baseline Free Meals - -29%; Target Goal of 32%



A percentage increase (3-5%) of the students responding positively on the EES/Wellbeing survey items. Baseline 53% ; Target Goal of 56-58%  


Effectiveness 3.A - Results-Based Evaluation System

We will use the Results Based Evaluation System to measure the academic and behavioral performance of the students and to define accountability at the local school level in order to promote continuous improvement pervasively. 

  1. Provide ongoing staff development and just in time learning opportunities for teachers and support to enhance/improve Tier 1 Instruction. 
  2. Conduct quarterly/frequent data chats with grade level teams and individual teachers to make informed decision about instruction.
  3. Content Lead Teachers will collaborate and participate in classroom walkthrough observations with administrators to improve teacher practice. 
  4. Increase teacher attendance/participation in district professional learning opportunities to build/enhance instructional capacity for all staff. 
  5. Elevate staff voice in weekly grade level collaboration sessions for lesson sharing and modeling.
  6. Implement and maintain effective coaching practices/strategies to build the capacity of new teachers/support staff. 

 The percent of students scoring at the proficient and distinguished levels on the ELA Milestones will increase to the expected annual Performance in Context Target Goal and the Performance in Context Target Goal in Reading for grades 3, 4, and 5. 

ELA Performance in Context Target Goal for Milestones (Students scoring proficient and distinguished)

Grade 3- 29.9% (Baseline- 19.7%)

Grade 4- 29.3% (Baseline- 23.3%)

Grade 5- 39.9% (Baseline- 26.9)

ELA Continuous Improvement Target Goal for Milestones (Students scoring proficient and distinguished)

Grade 3- 30.1% (Baseline- 19.7%)

Grade 4- 23.7% (Baseline- 23.3%)

Grade 5 - 32.3% (Baseline- 26.9%)


The percentage of students performing at or above grade level on the Reading portion of Milestones will increase to at least the annual Performance in Context Target Goal and the Continuous Improvement Goal in grades 3, 4, & 5. 

Performance in Context Target Goal (Students reading on grade level)

Grade 3 - 56.7% (Baseline- 53.4%)

Grade 4- 47.4% (Baseline- 46.7%)

Grade 5- 64.1% (Baseline- 58.2%)

Continuous Improvement Target Goal (Students reading on grade level)

Grade 3- 61.1% (Baseline- 53.4%)

Grade 4- 44.9% (Baseline- 46.7%)

Grade 5- 64.3% (Baseline- 58.2%)


The percent of students demonstrating sufficient growth in ELA for first semester on the iReady Assessment by the end of the year will meet or exceed the annual typical growth target in the categories for Performance in Context and Continuous Improvement.

Performance in Context Target Goal

Target Goal - 47.0%; Baseline - 46.7%

Continuous Improvement Target Goal 

Target Goal - 53.5%; Baseline- 46.7%


The percent of students demonstrating sufficient growth in Math for first semester on the iReady Assessment by the end of the year will meet or exceed the annual typical growth target in the categories for Performance in Context and Continuous Improvement.

Performance in Context Target Goal 

Target Goal- 42.7% ; Baseline - 45.6%

Continuous Improvement Target Goal

Target Goal - 40.7% ; Baseline - 45.6%


Excellence 4.A - Preferred Education Destination

We will create a world-class customer service culture to provide consistency and increased responsiveness across the school for students and families as well as for teachers and support staff. 

  1. Provide ongoing school-wide events/activities focusing on cultural responsiveness and engagement. 
  2. Provide ongoing staff development and training for office staff and all school staff to engage with families and community members. 
  3. The principal will conduct frequent town hall sessions with the parents and community to keep them informed of school practices/improvements. 
  4. The Parent Instructional Coordinator and the Parent Liaison will frequently communicate with parents/families to keep them informed and to provide immediate support/service. 
  5. School Counselors will offer educational tips and resources to equip parents and students with the skills to ensure academic success and engagement. 

The percent of families responding positively to the following EES Family Survey items will increase by 3-5%. 

  • Adults in this school value and respect my racial/cultural identity (Baseline- 93%; Target - 96%)
  • The principal of this school is committed to quality education (Baseline - 92%; Target - 95%)
  • I believe adults in this school care about my student (Baseline - 85%; Target- 88%)
  • Parents/Families participate in important decisions about their student's education (Baseline- 83%; Target - 86%)
  • I feel welcome at this school (Baseline - 93%; Target - 96%)

The percent of students responding positively to the following EES Student Survey items will increase by 3-5%. 

  • Adults in this school help me plan and set goals for my future (Baseline - 45%; Target - 48%)
  • Work I do in this school is useful and interesting to me (Baseline- 34%; Target - 37%)
  • This school is doing a good job of preparing me to succeed in my life (Baseline- 60%; Target - 63%)
  • I feel proud of my school (Baseline - 54%; Target - 57%)