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Accountability and flexibility are hallmarks of Gwinnett County Public Schools' success. Key to that success is ensuring that each school community understands the progress being made by its schools, as well as what plans will drive improvement. Each school creates a collaborative Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI) to increase student achievement results, with targeted goals based on the four strategic priorities within the district’s Blueprint for the Future: Empathy, Equity, Effectiveness, and Excellence. All schools across the district will focus on goals 2A- Multi-tiered Systems of Support and 2B- Opportunity and Access. Additionally, schools are required to select one goal from each of the other strategic priorities. LSPI goals are dynamic, like our schools, and are updated to reflect changes that occur in schools. Multiple data points are used to determine areas needing improvement and to identify specific, measurable, annual objectives. Schools then determine how to use research-based strategies to achieve these goals, using flexibility as needed. The LSPI development process involves teachers, parents, students, and community members, so the entire school community has the opportunity to be involved in conversations about school improvement.


2024 - 2025 Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI)

School: BERKMAR HIGH           Principal: Durrant Williams

District Strategic Priorities/Goals Rationale Action Steps
(Implementation Design)
How will you measure growth?
Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets)
Empathy 1.B - Staff and Student Well Being

At Berkmar High School, it is a priority for each and every student to reach his or her full potential. Academic success only occurs when the student's and teacher's non-academic needs are met.

  1. Implement Social Emotional Learning (SEL) lessons during Academy Time Advisement.
  2. Provide individual and small group interventions for students through counselors, intervention specialists, and external support.
  3. Provide individual support for staff through our well-being coach.
  4. Provide mental health Screening and support for students through the APEX counseling program. 
  5. Encourage staff to utilize the district Met-Life Counseling support.
  6.  Continue team building activities and Professional Development that supports the individual body and mind.
  1. Ongoing PBIS support meetings with district leaders to accelerate implementation of ideas.
  2. Celebrate students and staff through PBIS structures. 
  3. Create additional clubs & extracurricular activities to reach more students.
  4. Continue our work with the beautification team that focuses on diverse signs and decorations around campus that represents our family backgrounds.
  5. Provide Professional Development on culturally responsive teaching that can be implemented in small chunks (as openers and closers) along with cultural competency training. - Action steps are designed with the intent and purpose to address the
    needs identified by our additional targeted support and improvement (ATSI) status.
  6. Develop a well-structured program to support the wide range of needs of all students new to the country during Academy Time.
  7. Revamp our current Attendance Process to include more proactive strategies for supporting truancy.


Increase Percent Positive Responses on the following EES-STUDENT survey items:

o    I enjoy coming to school.

        •           Baseline: 41.3%
        •           2024-25: Target: 45%

o    I feel safe at this school.

        •      Baseline: 49% 
        •      2024-25: Target: 55%

o    I am hopeful of my future.

        •      Baseline: 75%
        •          2024-25: Target:  82%

o     I can calm myself down when I am excited or upset.

        •          Baseline: 63%
        •      2024-25: Target:  67%

o    Setbacks don’t discourage me.

        •     Baseline: 54%
        •     2024-25: Target: 59%

o    The work I do in this school is useful and interesting.

        •      Baseline: 39%
        •      2024-25: Target: 46%

o    I feel proud of my school.

        •      Baseline: 34%
        •      2024-25: Target: 50%

o    Most students are respectful of others at this school.

        •      Baseline: 30%
        •      2024-25: Target: 40%


Increase Percent Positive Responses on the following EES-STAFF survey items:

o    When there is a problem in my school, we talk about how to solve it.

        •      Baseline: 49.3%
        •      2024-25: Target: 57%

o    I receive training on instruction to Social Emotional Learning.

        •      Baseline: 66%
        •      2024-25: Target: 70%

o    Struggling students receive early intervention and remediation to acquire skills.

        •      Baseline: 55%
        •      2024-25: Target: 60%

Decrease the percentage of students absent 16+ days.

        •          Baseline: 56.46%
        •          2024-25: Target: 40% 

Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports

In order for each and every student to reach their full potential, Berkmar High School must develop a well-defined and executed multi-tiered system of support (MTSS) focused on the whole child (academically and non-academically).

  1. Provide after-school and Saturday tutoring as needed.
  2. Provide ongoing Credit Recovery opportunities for students in need. 
  3. Increase awareness and effectiveness of our PBIS program.
  4. Provide restorative practices through our Intervention Room with our Intervention Specialist
  5. Provide mentoring opportunities for all students in need.
  6. Provide alternative scheduling options for students in need.
  7. Utilize the Academy model to team students with core and elective teachers.
  8. Utilize academic and non-academic data to develop appropriate intervention and acceleration options during Academy Time.
  9. Enhance the family knowledge through Family Engagement sessions that address the educational system.
  10. Continue to use various communication tools to connect with our families.
  11. Provide Professional Development on culturally responsive teaching that can be implemented in small chunks (as openers and closers).
  12. Provide Professional Development on instructional best practices specific to Teacher-led small groups, feedback, and summarizing. - Action steps are designed with the intent and purpose to address the needs identified by our additional targeted support and improvement (ATSI) status.
  13. Establish time for peer-teacher observations in success areas. - Action steps are designed with the intent and purpose to address the
    needs identified by our additional targeted support and improvement (ATSI) status.
  14. Establish Professional Development on how to utilize the district’s instructional resources that support Multilingual learners allowing teachers time to collaborate during department meetings. - Action steps are designed with the intent and purpose to address the
    needs identified by our additional targeted support and improvement (ATSI) status.
  15. Create effective vertical alignment procedures with our feeder middle schools in all content areas. - Action steps are designed with the intent and purpose to address the
    needs identified by our additional targeted support and improvement (ATSI) status.
  16. Build the capacity of instructional leaders in the building.
  17. Develop consistent high-quality Collaborative Learning Team practices.
  18. Action steps are designed with the intent and purpose to address the needs identified by our comprehensive support and improvement (CSI) status.

Increase the % of students achieving proficient/distiguished on Milestones/District Assessment:

% Proficient/Distinguished on GMAS/District Assessment (2025)



2024-25 Target

11th LA

25.8% (Prof./Dist.)

28% Prof./Dist.

US History

21.6% (Prof/Dist.)

24% Prof./Dist.

Algebra I

27.2% (Prof./Dist.)

30% (Prof./Dist.)


25.9% (Prof./Dist.)

28% Prof./Dist.




Berkmar HS will increase content mastery in English/Language Arts by 3% (Developing and above) for the SWD population by the end of the 2024-2025 school year as evidenced on GaDOE CCRPI Reports

Decrease the percentage of students absent 16+ days.

      •     Baseline: 56.46%
      •     2024-25 Target: 40%

Increase our 4 Year Cohort Graduation Rate 

      •      Baseline: 77.02 
      •      2025 Target: 80%

Decrease the number of students receiving suspensions from class/school.

  • Baseline:

o    ISS – 332 (10.5%)

o    OSS – 209 (6.6%)

  •       Target:

o    ISS – (7%)

o    OSS – (3.5%) 

Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access

Being a high school in Gwinnett County Public Schools, it is our responsibility to ensure the students at Berkmar High School have the opportunities to access high-quality, rigorous, and culturally relevant curriculum, advanced coursework, and enrichment activities.

  1. Provide expanded opportunities for students to participate in Dual Enrollment courses and utilize Graduation Option B. 
  2. Increase exposure and opportunities for students to enroll at Maxwell/Grayson Tech.
  3. Continue our summer opportunities with Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (PCOM) Summer Opportunities
  4. Expand our Academy model to ensure students are completing pathways and passing end-of-pathway (EOP) assessments.
  5. Increase enrollment in Work Based and Service Learning aligned to student post-secondary plans. 
  6. Continue our partnership with Georgia Film Academy to expose our students to the Film industry.
  7. Expand our professional affiliations within the construction industry.
  8. Increase student enrollment in Advanced Placement (AP) courses.

Increase the number of students taking at least 1 AP exam. 

      •     Baseline: Spring 2024 - 596
      •     Target: Spring 2024 - 700

 Increase the number of students enrolled in at least 1 Dual Enrollment course.

      •     Baseline: Fall 2023 – 65
      •     Target: Fall 2024 – 75

Increase the % eligible students passing End of Pathway assessments.

      •     Baseline: Spring 2024 – 41%
      •     Target: Spring 2025 – 50%

Increase the number of students enrolled in Work Based Learning.

      •     Baseline: 100
      •     Target: 120

Decrease the number of students receiving suspensions from class/school.

  •      Baseline:

o    ISS – 332 (10.5%)

o    OSS – 209 (6.6%)

  •      Target:

o    ISS – (7%)

o    OSS – (3.5%) 

Effectiveness 3.A - Results-Based Evaluation System

Berkmar High School must redesign its data review process and behaviors to create new outcomes that equally address continuous improvement of academic and non-academic growth.

  1. Conduct weekly group Instructional observations including department chairs and administrators.
  2. Continue coaching cycles with district leaders.
  3. Continue data talks with academy teachers.
  4. Review student work during PLCs
  5. Move to a focus on growth including non-academic data – Attendance and behavioral.
  6. Monitor % of students progressing on GMAS.
  7. Assistant Principals/Department Chairs can provide direct instructional support and conduct effective PLC through modeling, providing structures and framework, and reflection on the PLC self-assessment tool while checking periodically. - Action steps are designed with the intent and purpose to address the
    needs identified by our additional targeted support and improvement (ATSI) status.
  8. Action steps are designed with the intent and purpose to address the needs identified by our comprehensive support and improvement (CSI) status.

Increase in the % of students achieving Proficient/Developing on Milestones/District Assessment: 

% Proficient/Distinguished on GMAS/District Assessment (2025)



2024-25 Target

11th LA

25.8% (Prof./Dist.)

28% Prof./Dist

US History

21.6% (Prof.Dist.)

24% Prof./Dist.

Algebra I

27.2% (Prof./Dist.)

30% (Prof./Dist.)


25.9% (Prof./Dist.)

28% Prof./Dist. 




Berkmar HS will increase content mastery in English/Language Arts by 3% (Developing and above) for the SWD population by the end of the 2024-2025 school year as evidenced on GaDOE CCRPI Reports

Decrease the percentage of students absent 16+ days.

  • Baseline: 56.46%  
  • 2024-25: Target: 40%
Excellence 4.B - Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness

Berkmar High School will prepare each and every student for postsecondary and workforce readiness so that they have multiple pathways to success based on their demonstrated knowledge, skills, abilities, and interests.

  1. Utilization of our Academy model to expose students to postsecondary opportunities in Film and Construction. 
  2. Provide College and Career Exposure through enrollment in Advance Placement/Dual Enrollment courses and college and career fairs with our College and Career Specialist
  3. Continue providing Vocational Rehab for our special needs students. 
  4. Provide college, technical school, and military visits and guest speakers.
  5. Recognize students continuously through signing days, website/social media postings, etc.

Increase the number of students completing CTE pathways.

      •     Baseline: 219
      •     2024-25 Target: 280 

Increase the number of students taking at least 1 AP exam. 

      •     Baseline: Spring 2024 - 596
      •     Target: Spring 2025 - 700

Increase the % of 12th graders eligible for HOPE Scholarship

      •     Baseline: 32%
      •     Target: 45%

Increase the % of 9th graders on track to graduate within their 4-year cohort.

·         Baseline: Class of 2026 – 48%

      •      Target: Class of 2027 – 64%

Increase our 4 Year Cohort Graduation Rate 

      •      Baseline: 77.02%
      •      2025 Target: 80%
Excellence 4.C - World-Class Communication and Engagement

Berkmar High School will improve two-way communication, engagement, and outreach that connect the community, the school, and the district office.

  1. Enhance two-way communication opportunities for students, staff, and parents/community by using Parent Square.
  2. Continue to improve social media initiatives to communicate with all stakeholders.
  3. Continue to monitor staff communication feedback through various teams, committees, and platforms including Monthly Principal Corners. 
  4. Continue to host Family Workshops related to core academic areas and social-emotional learning.
  5. Continue to host English & and Spanish classes for families and staff.
  6. Engage with community events including Curriculum Night, Multicultural Festival, and all extracurricular activities.
  7. Enhance the family knowledge through Family Engagement sessions that address the educational system.Action steps are designed with the intent and purpose to address the needs identified by our additional targeted support and improvement (ATSI) status.
  8. Continue to use various communication tools to connect with our families. - Action steps are designed with the intent and purpose to address the needs identified by our additional targeted support and improvement (ATSI) status.
  9. Create monthly Multicultural Nights for our families. - Action steps are designed with the intent and purpose to address the
    needs identified by our additional targeted support and improvement (ATSI) status.
  10. Conduct a survey for parents in their native language to determine the level of support needed with helping students in Algebra I. - Action steps are designed with the intent and purpose to address the needs identified by our additional targeted support and improvement (ATSI) status.

Increase Percent Positive Responses on the following EES-STUDENT survey items: 

Adults in this school value and respect my racial/cultural identity.

o    Baseline: 83%

o    2024-25 Target: 90%

Communication/materials I receive from the school are in a language I can understand.

o    Baseline: 84%

o    2024-25 Target: 90%

I am comfortable expressing my ideas or concerns to the administrator(s) of this school.

o    Baseline: 63%

    • 2024-25 Target: 70