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Accountability and flexibility are hallmarks of Gwinnett County Public Schools' success. Key to that success is ensuring that each school community understands the progress being made by its schools, as well as what plans will drive improvement. Each school creates a collaborative Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI) to increase student achievement results, with targeted goals based on the four strategic priorities within the district’s Blueprint for the Future: Empathy, Equity, Effectiveness, and Excellence. All schools across the district will focus on goals 2A- Multi-tiered Systems of Support and 2B- Opportunity and Access. Additionally, schools are required to select one goal from each of the other strategic priorities. LSPI goals are dynamic, like our schools, and are updated to reflect changes that occur in schools. Multiple data points are used to determine areas needing improvement and to identify specific, measurable, annual objectives. Schools then determine how to use research-based strategies to achieve these goals, using flexibility as needed. The LSPI development process involves teachers, parents, students, and community members, so the entire school community has the opportunity to be involved in conversations about school improvement.


2024 - 2025 Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI)

School: GRAVES ELEMENTARY           Principal: Monica Ball

District Strategic Priorities/Goals Rationale Action Steps
(Implementation Design)
How will you measure growth?
Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets)
Empathy 1.B - Staff and Student Well Being

Graves ES will provide learning opportunities for students and staff to ensure students are mentally and emotionally healthy to learn by utilizing data to respond to specific student needs.

Staff Well-Being 

1. Distribute a monthly SEL Calendar for the staff to view various self-care activities they can participate in which includes the use of the Wellness Room.

2. Collaboratively work with the SEL and PBIS committees to ensure the delivery of the training supports one another rather than being discussed in isolation.

Student Well-Being

1. Explore ways to share SEL learning and ideas with parents which can be sent home in the parents’ home language.

2. Incorporate breathing exercises and a yoga segment, during SEL on Wellness Wednesdays, to teach the staff and students ways to partake of various brain break activities.

3. Address chronic absenteeism, with parents, during the 2024-2025 school year (ex. holding SARC meetings with Social Worker, educating parents about the importance of attendance, and include a message about attendance at gatherings and school issued communication).

The EES staff and student survey results, grades 3-5, will be used to identify student and staff needs using the following baseline and targets:

EES Survey: Staff Well-Being 

I receive training on instruction to support social emotional learning. 

  • Baseline EOY 23-24: 83%
  • Target Goal SY 24-25: 86%

EES Survey: Student Well-Being (Grades 3-5 only) 

I enjoy coming to this school. 

  • Baseline EOY 23-24: 43%
  • Target Goal SY 24-25: 50%

I feel safe at school. 

  • Baseline EOY 23-24: 60%
  • Target Goal SY 24-25: 65%

Chronic Absences Data

  • Baseline EOY 23-24: 96 students with 15+ unexcused absences
  • Target SY 24-25: 86 students with 15+ unexcused absences

Baseline EOY 23-24 using student absent totals based on 1090 enrolled students:

  • 1-5 days: 456 students
  • 6-10 days: 320 students
  • 11-15 days: 160 students
  • 16 or more days: 156 students 

Target Goal SY 24-25 using student absent totals will be based on current enrollment at the end of the school year: 

  • 1-5 days: 410 students - reduce by 45 students
  • 6-10 days: 288 students - reduce by 32 students
  • 11-15 days: 128 students - reduce by 32 students
  • 16 or more days: 126 students - reduce by 30 students


Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports

Graves ES will implement a comprehensive framework to maximize student achievement to address support for academic and non-academic student needs to remove barriers for success.

1) Hold monthly meetings to review established student outcomes that will be communicated by the MTSS team and teachers within the timeframe given.

2) Select interventions that will be most effective for each student/grade level to support K-5 progress monitoring.

3) Train staff on how to retrieve intervention reports to discuss during ongoing data conversations to adjust student instruction for those participating in the intervention process.

4) Challenge teachers to provide enrichment opportunities to students who are excelling academically in the classroom.

5) Increase opportunities for small group, targeted instruction which supports the effective implementation of the MTSS process and/or provide additional interventions and supports to students.

6) Provide professional learning opportunities to accompany staff learning to efficiently implement remedial and enrichment opportunities.


The data source that will be used will include i-Ready ELA and Math, MTSS, and PBIS data.

Baseline EOY 23-24 i-Ready ELA data:

  • Tier 3: 34% 
  • Tier 2: 35% 
  • Tier 1: 31% 

Baseline EOY 23-24 i-Ready Math:

  • Tier 3: 26% 
  • Tier 2: 45% 
  • Tier 1: 29% 

Target ELA SY 24-25 Goal:

  • Tier 3: 24% 
  • Tier 2: 35% 
  • Tier 1: 41% 

Target Math SY 24-25 Goal:

  • Tier 3: 20% 
  • Tier 2: 40% 
  • Tier 1: 40% 

Screener Info

Percentage of K-5 students participating in MTSS Screening (Academic i-Ready ELA):

  •  Baseline EOY SY 23-24: 95%

  •  Target SY 24-25 Goal : 95% 

Percentage of K-5 students participating in MTSS Screening (Academic i-Ready Math):

  •  Baseline EOY SY 23-24: 96%

  •  Target SY 24-25 Goal: 96% 

PBIS Implementation Status

  • Baseline EOY SY 23-24: Pending status

  • Target SY 24-25 Goal: Operational


Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access

Graves ES will expand opportunities to engage and access high-quality, rigorous, and culturally relevant curriculum, advanced coursework, and enrichment activities.

1) Professional learning will be driven by the GA DOE ASTI Support Plan which includes district support in the areas of SPED, ML, ELA, and Math to improve teacher and student results for students who are dual served in Special Education and ESOL.

2) Action steps are designed with the intent and purpose to address the needs identified by the additional targeted support and improvement (ASTI) status.

3) Review of co-teaching, collaborative, and intervention models to include more push-in intervention classes for the 2024-2025 school year based on student and staff needs.

4) Overall consistent school visits, by the district are needed, to debrief, support and monitor the support plan in place based on classroom observations.

5) Continue the collaboration of district personnel and school staff focused on the inclusion of the work being delivered from the perspective of ML learners and understanding the students ability to perform based on their ACCESS levels.

6) Develop targeted professional learning for teachers of dual served SPED and ML students.

7) The implementation of Instructional Conversations professional learning , in math, will be a content focus during the 24-25 school year which will include building background knowledge, vocabulary, and overall comprehension of completing tasks.

8) Mustang Trots will be conducted with immediate feedback provided to all teachers including SPED and ML staff members.

Graves ES will increase content mastery in English/Language Arts by 3% (Developing and above) for the SWD population by the end of the 2024-2025 school year as evidenced on GaDOE CCRPI Reports.

Increase participation for identifying Gifted and Talented students:

Baseline EOY 23-24: 

  • 61 students served with 9 students qualifying to be served during the 24-25 school year  - 70 students

Target SY 24-25 Goal:

  • 85 students 

Decrease the number of students who receive ISS or OSS referrals:

  • Baseline EOY 23-24: 36 incidents

  • Target SY 24-25 Goal: 33 incidents

Group Information

  • Baseline EOY SY 23-24 (Hispanic): 26 students 

  • Target SY 24-25 Goal (Hispanic): 24 students
  • Baseline EOY 23-24 (Black): 8 students 

  • Target SY 24-25 Goal (Black): 7 students
  • Baseline EOY 23-24 (Special Ed): 9 students 

  • Target SY 24-25 Goal (Special Ed): 8 students

ESS Staff Survey 

Our staff believes that all students can meet state standards.

  • Baseline SY 23-24: 65.9%
  • Target SY 24-25 Goal: 72%

My colleagues welcome new ideas and change.

  • Baseline SY 23-24: 69%
  • Target SY 24-25 Goal: 72%
Effectiveness 3.A - Results-Based Evaluation System

Graves ES will determine the standards for student success by redefining the inputs, behaviors, and outcomes by using the RBES system to support student growth and student improvement.

1) A series of professional learning will be offered to address the variation of staff needs which will include goal setting as a staff member and goal setting for students (Mustang University).

2) Small group professional learning in math, Skills Block, and All Block will be ongoing.

3) Increase opportunities for teacher modeling and observation to address instructional practices, strategies, enrichment, and intervention. 

4) Continuously assess and improve instructional delivery and provide additional coaching and professional development to enhance instructional practices.

5) Foster academic growth by setting clear objectives aligned with academic knowledge standards and assessing student progress (collecting student data) on a consistent basis.

6) Strategically plan data review dates after analyzing student data to address LSPI goal setting.

7) Provide targeted professional learning to address ML and SWD deficits as part of the Additional Targeted Support and Improvement school (ASTI) plan for the GaDOE.

8) Brainstorm ways to celebrate student growth with the staff.


  • District Assessments: Baseline data will be set after the initial assessment in an effort to meet the established goal by the end of the school year for students in grades 3-5.
  • District Assessments will be administered in October, December, March, and May for SY 2024-2025. Scores will be recorded to set goals, after each applicable testing administration, to measure and monitor progress of students in grades 3-5.

3rd Grade:  ELA

3rd Grade: Math

4th Grade: ELA

4th Grade: Math

5th Grade: ELA

5th Grade Math

  • Internal assessments will be used to monitor growth, in ELA and Math, for students in grades K-2.

Kindergarten:  ELA

Kindergarten: Math

1st Grade: ELA

1st Grade: Math

2nd Grade: ELA

2nd Grade: Math

  • i-Ready lowest and highest domains in ELA

i-Ready ELA Lowest Domains: BOY 24-25/EOY 24-25

K BOY: High Frequency Words


1st BOY: Vocabulary

1st EOY: TBD

2nd BOY: Vocabulary

2nd EOY: TBD

3rd BOY: Vocabulary

3rd EOY: TBD

4th BOY: Comprehension (overall)

4th EOY: TBD

5th BOY: Vocabulary

5th EOY: TBD

i-Ready ELA Highest Domains: BOY 24-25/EOY 24-25

K BOY: Phonological Awareness


1st BOY: High Frequency Words

1st EOY: TBD

2nd BOY: Phonological Awareness

2nd EOY: TBD

3rd BOY: High Frequency Words

3rd EOY: TBD

4th BOY: High Frequency Words

4th EOY: TBD

5th BOY: High Frequency Words

5th EOY: TBD

  • i-Ready lowest and highest domains in ELA

i-Ready Math Lowest Domains: BOY 24-25/EOY 24-25

K BOY: Measurement and Data


1st BOY: Measurement and Data

1st EOY: TBD

2nd BOY: Number and Operations

2nd EOY: TBD

3rd BOY: Geometry

3rd EOY: TBD

4th BOY: Geometry

4th EOY: TBD

5th BOY: Geometry

5th EOY: TBD

i-Ready Math Highest Domains: BOY 24-25/EOY 24-25

K BOY: Algebra and Algebraic Thinking


1st BOY: Algebra and Algebraic Thinking

1st EOY: TBD

2nd BOY: Measurement and Data

2nd EOY: TBD

3rd BOY: Algebra and Algebraic Thinking

3rd EOY: TBD

4th BOY: Number and Operations

4th EOY: TBD

5th BOY: Measurement and Data

5th EOY: TBD

Mastery of i-Ready ELA 24-25 (Beginning of Year - BOY)/(End of Year - EOY) levels - using K-5 Universal Screener data

BOY students assessed: 1033 students out of 1064 students

EOY students assessed: TBD

  • Mid or Above Grade Level BOY: 33 students (3%)/ EOY: TBD students

  • Early on Grade Level BOY: 81 students (8%)/EOY: TBD students

  • One Grade Level Below BOY: 372 students (36%)/TBD students

  • Two Grade Levels Below: BOY: 310 students (30%)/TBD students

  • Three or more Grade Levels Below BOY: 237 students (23%)/TBD students

Mastery of i-Ready Math 24-25 (Beginning of Year - BOY)/(End of Year - EOY) levels - using K-5 Universal Screener data

BOY students assessed: 1025 students out of 1064 students

EOY students assessed: TBD

  • Mid or Above Grade Level BOY: 9 students  (1%)/ EOY: TBD students

  • Early on Grade Level BOY: 51 students (5%)/EOY: TBD students

  • One Grade Level Below BOY: 472 students (46%)/TBD students

  • Two Grade Levels Below: BOY: 311 students (30%)/TBD students

  • Three or more Grade Levels Below BOY: 182 students (18%)/TBD students

Exit ML Students using Exit Rate:

Baseline SY 23-24: 45 students

EOY Target Goal 24-25: 55 students


Excellence 4.C - World-Class Communication and Engagement

Graves ES will build our parents capacity to support their children's academic achievement by implementing the activities identified in The Plan/The Promise.


1) Conduct three Town Hall Meetings for parents to ask questions about the happenings in the school.

2) Continue with the implementation of a monthly Mustang Bucks technology incentive program to promote and recognize teacher-to-parent communications through Parent Square language-translated messaging.

3) Encourage more parents to join the Local School Council meetings where parents provide valuable opportunities to engage in transparent, informative, solution-based non-academic and/or academic discussions with school leaders and teachers.

4) Increase staff utilization of the Expanded PockeTalk translation device through additional ITIC training and personalized support.

5) Utilize three ViewSonic e-posters strategically placed throughout the building, promoting student access to relevant information.

6) Structured the Back to School Night (ex. Curriculum Night) to include informative academic and non-academic interactive sessions in English and Spanish.

7) Prepare for Graves 2nd Academic Learning Carnival which will highlight interactive learning, in all subject areas, throughout the building for students and parents. 

8) Continue to build community partnerships (ex. Graves Community Foundation, Horace Mann, sponsors, etc.) to strengthen the home-school connection.

EES Family Survey

My student is challenged with a rigorous course of study at this school.

  • Baseline Data SY 23-24: 63%
  • Target Goal EOY 24-25: 70%

This school has a welcoming environment that embraces the diversity of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, etc.

  • Baseline Data SY 23-24: 96%
  • Target Goal EOY 24-25: 97%


Family Engagement/Building Parent Capacity -

Graves Elementary will build our parents' capacity to support their children's academic achievement by implementing the activities identified in The Plan/The Promise.

1) Monthly calendar of events, including workshops, will be sent out to increase attendance for academic and non-academic events.

2) Explore just in time ideas to help parents with working with with their students at home which will be communicated via ParentSquare.

3) Assist parents with understanding how ParentSquare works to increase communication with the teachers.

4) Send out a BOY survey to parents, by grade level, about their wants and needs to target areas where improvements can be made.

EES Family Survey

This school tells me how I can help my student with homework.

Baseline EOY 23-24: 76%

Target 24-25 Goal: 79%