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Accountability and flexibility are hallmarks of Gwinnett County Public Schools' success. Key to that success is ensuring that each school community understands the progress being made by its schools, as well as what plans will drive improvement. Each school creates a collaborative Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI) to increase student achievement results, with targeted goals based on the four strategic priorities within the district’s Blueprint for the Future: Empathy, Equity, Effectiveness, and Excellence. All schools across the district will focus on goals 2A- Multi-tiered Systems of Support and 2B- Opportunity and Access. Additionally, schools are required to select one goal from each of the other strategic priorities. LSPI goals are dynamic, like our schools, and are updated to reflect changes that occur in schools. Multiple data points are used to determine areas needing improvement and to identify specific, measurable, annual objectives. Schools then determine how to use research-based strategies to achieve these goals, using flexibility as needed. The LSPI development process involves teachers, parents, students, and community members, so the entire school community has the opportunity to be involved in conversations about school improvement.


2024 - 2025 Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI)

School: COLEMAN MIDDLE SCHOOL           Principal: Gypsy Hernandez

District Strategic Priorities/Goals Rationale Action Steps
(Implementation Design)
How will you measure growth?
Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets)
Empathy 1.B - Staff and Student Well Being

Guided by our 2024-2025 Theme: Making Connections Together: The Coleman Experience, we will continue practicing empathy by intentionally focusing on our student and staff and fostering positive relationships through the development of a culture where students and staff feel a sense of care, belonging, and safety.

-Daily Soft Start Morning Routines during homeroom including wellness checks.

-Weekly Community Circles and Advisement Lessons developed by the Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Committee based on behavior and student survey data, as well as Brain Break.

-Consistent implementation of a Student Acknowledgement System through the Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Committee including weekly (Golden Ticket and Paw Points redemption in the PBIS Store, monthly (PBIS Pop up Sales and Student Leader of the Month celebrations), and quarterly (Walk & Talk).

-Ongoing two-way communication with students through the Coleman Student Council and PBIS Student Club.

-Student Leadership Lessons and Opportunities for the Coleman Student Council.

-Weekly access to wellness resources for educators posted on the Coleman Communique Wellness section (Staff Newsletter), including resources on conflict resolution.

-Weekly Staff Recognition and Praise by administration and the PBIS Committee as Coleman Communique Gratitude Video Message (Staff Newsletter), Thank You Notes, and Pawsome Coins to redeem.

-Monthly Staff Appreciation Celebrations with opportunities for staff to socialize professionally and administrator-led Duty-Free Lunch for teachers.

-Ongoing two-way communication with staff through monthly meetings with the Shared Leadership Team (SLT), the PBIS Committee, Heart to Heart with the Principal (H2H with Dr. H), School Improvement Teams (Second Semester), and Coleman Communique Feedback links (Staff Newsletter).

1. Student District Survey Questions:

- “Most students are respectful of others at this school” (Baseline 37%/ Target 38%)

- “I enjoy coming to this school (Baseline 47%/ Target 48%)

- “I feel proud of my school” (Baseline 60%/ Target 61%)

2. Staff District Survey:

- “There is a willingness to address conflict in this school” (Baseline 63%/ Target 64%)

- “When there is a problem in my school, we talk about how to solve it” (Baseline 71%/ Target 72%)

- Effective Leadership Survey Category (Baseline 83%/ Target 84%)

 3. Gallup Engagement Survey Participation (4.24 engagement mean with baseline participation 61%/ Target 65%)




Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports

We will address and reduce inequities by focusing on developing comprehensive structures and processes to remove barriers and provide targeted support, therefore increasing opportunities for success to every student and staff member.


-Ongoing implementation and monitoring of the new Coleman Instructional Expectations (See Goal 3A: Results-Based Evaluation System for details) (All students-Tier I).

-Continuous improvement of instruction through school-wide peer observations, walkthrough feedback, and administrative ROARs (Rounds of Observations, Assessment, and Reflection).

-Coleman New Teacher Academy including mentoring and ongoing professional learning focused on classroom management (All students-Tier I).

-Fall and Winter Reading and Mathematics iReady screening for all students (All students-Tier I).

-Dedicated CATS (Challenging All to Succeed) morning time for Mathematics and Reading intervention and enrichment from Tuesday- Friday (Some students- Tier II and a Few Students-Tier III).

-Increasing student engagement through CATS student goal setting, conferencing, and incentives (Some students- Tier II and a Few Students-Tier III).

-Teacher professional development on the implementation of Mathematics and Reading interventions.

-Weekly Response to Intervention, RTI team meetings, for identification of academic needs and interventions, as well as monitoring (All students- Tier I).


-Comprehensive counseling program including, self- reported and confidential electronic link for access to counselor, advisement lessons, check-ins, mediations, lunch-bunch, and mentoring program (All, some, or a few students- Tier I, II, and III- depending on student need).

-Maintaining the operational level of PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports), as certified by the GA Department of Education (See Goal 1B: Staff and Student Wellbeing and Goal 3A: Results-Based Evaluation System for details) (All students-Tier I).

-Ongoing teacher, grade level office, counselor, and social worker communication and collaboration with parents for attendance monitoring and support (Some students-Tier II & A few students- Tier III, depending on student need).

-Consistent behavior management practices though the use of the Coleman Behavior Management Toolkit including flowchart, intervention resources for teachers, 9-step process, and the student behavior log (All, some, or a few students- Tier I, II, and III- depending on student need).

1. iReady 1st semester % meeting typical target

-Reading grades 6-8 (Baseline 44%/ Target: 46%)

-Math grades 6-8 (Baseline 49%/ Target: 51%)


2. iReady 1st semester % meeting stretch target

-Reading grades 6-8 (Baseline: 28.1%/ Target: 30%)

-Math grades 6-8 (Baseline: 30%%/ Target: 31%)


3. Students reading on grade level (Georgia Milestones)

6th grade (Baseline: 77%/ Target 78%)

7th grade (Baseline: 88%/ Target 89%)

8th grade (Baseline: 91%/ Target 91.5%)


4.Students with discipline referrals (Baseline 19%/ Target: 18%) 


5.Chronic absence (Baseline 8%/ Target 7%)


6. EES Student Survey Questions:

- “Most students are respectful of others at this school” (Baseline 37%/ Target 40%).

- “I enjoy coming to this school” (Baseline 47%/ Target 48%).

- “Work I do in this school is useful and interesting to me” (Baseline 45%/ Target 46%).

Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access

We will create opportunities and access to our student-centered learning opportunities such as STEAM, PBL (Project-Based Learning), Interdisciplinary Lessons, and Arts Integration to each and every student, to increase student engagement and exposure to high standards of expectations and learning through real world problem-solving and application.

- Wide school implementation of the Georgia Department of Education certified STEAM program based on the 2023 published rubric, including: implementation of Project Based Learning implementation (PBL), Interdisciplinary Lessons, Arts and Computer Science Integration, as well as maintaining ongoing community partnerships, and student participation in Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSO) (See Goal 4.B - Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness).

- One unit of PBL per semester plus 2 quarterly interdisciplinary lessons by each core subject area per grade level, including one Arts Integration, developed collaboratively by teachers, and supported by STEAM Coordinator and administrative team.

- Monitoring of fidelity of implementation of PBL gold standards and use PBL rubrics in each unit of PBL.

- Monitoring of student articulation of the core subject integration of the Academic Knowledge and Skills (AKS) in PBL and Interdisciplinary lessons.

- Teaching and monitoring of student access and practice of the Future Skills: Critical Thinking, Creativity, Collaboration, and Communication.

- Monitoring of student intentional and purposeful use of their STEAM Journals.

- Addition of a Computer Science Connection Class available to all grade levels.

1. PBL student participation (Baseline 100%/ Target: 100%) 

2. EES Student Survey Questions:

- “Work I do in this school is useful and interesting to me” (Baseline: 45%/ Target: 46%)

 - “I can communicate effectively with a variety of people” (Baseline: 59%/ Target: 60%)

- “I solve problems by first breaking them into smaller steps” (Baseline: 53%/ Target: 54%).

- “I am good at figuring out the best solution to a problem” (Baseline: 63%/ Target: 68%).

- “I like to imagine new ways of doing things” (Baseline: 68%/ Target: 69%).

- “I work well in a group or team” (Baseline: 75%/ Target: 76%)

- Student Survey Questions in the Category of High standards and Expectations (Baseline: 85%/ Target: 86%) 

3. EES Parent Survey Questions in the Category of High standards and Expectations (Baseline: 81%/ Target: 82%) 



Effectiveness 3.A - Results-Based Evaluation System

We will continue to collaborate on the implementation of shared expectations and data-driven decision making as it relates to student achievement and maintaining positive learning environments, while addressing the needs of each and every learner.

- Daily implementation of Coleman MS Instructional Expectations including teaching the AKS (Academic Knowledge and Skills), use of GCPS’s QPTS (Quality- Plus Teaching Strategies), collaborative development of formative and summative assessments and consistent grading expectations.

- Teacher-Led Small Group Instruction for remediation and extension in each lesson.

- Focus on Literacy by incorporating reading and writing in all subject areas. Formative writing will be implemented in 6th and 7th Humanities and Science.

- Use of best practices during weekly collaborative planning, as outlined on the Curriculum Learning Team Rubric.

- Continue collaboration with District C&I Instructional Office and Coaches.

- Student support for completion of Academic and Behavior Goal Tracker every 6 weeks.

- Daily implementation and monitoring of CATS time, including student goal setting, conferencing, and incentives.

- Implementation of Soft Start Morning Routines including Wellness Checks, Community Circles, Advisement Lessons, as well as Brain Break on Fridays.

- Consistent teaching and rehearsing of PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports) school-wide and classroom behavior matrix.

- Ongoing participation in weekly, monthly, and quarterly Student Acknowledgement System (see Goal 1B: Staff and Student Wellbeing for details).

- Consistent use of the Coleman Behavior Management Toolkit, including flowchart, interventions resources for teachers, 9-step process, and student behavior log in collaboration with teachers, counselor, and administrators.

- Collaboration with instructional team, counselor, and administrator in monitoring of student progress.

 - Professional learning goals for teachers will include:

1.Participate in monthly school-wide professional development through the book study of "The New Classroom Instruction That Works" by Brian Goodwin and Kristin Rouleau followed by monthly focus on a strategy through peer observations

2. Participate in monthly school-wide vertical collaborative planning on the new Math AKS, Effective Integration of English Language Arts and Social Studies in Humanities and Writing in Science and Connections.

3. Participate in professional development offered by the district’s C&I office.

4 Participate in semester professional development opportunities provided by PBIS.

1. Georgia Milestone Proficiency & Distinguished %:

               -6th Grade ELA (Baseline: 62%/ Target: 64%)

-7th Grade ELA (Baseline: 67%/ Target: 69%)

- 8th Grade ELA (Baseline: 67%/ Target: 69%)

-6th Grade Math Baseline:  50%/ Target: 55%)

-7th Grade Math (Baseline: 63% / Target: 65%)

-8th Grade Math (Baseline: 84%/ Target: 85%) 

- 8th Grade Science (Baseline: 53%/ Target: 55%)

- 8th Grade Social Studies (Baseline: 55%/ Target: 57%)

2. ML English Proficiency Progress (ACCESS) (Baseline: 71%/ Target: 72%)

3. Students with discipline referrals (Baseline 19%/ Target: 18%) 

4.Chronic absence (Baseline: 8%/ Target 7%)

5. EES Student Survey Questions:

- “Most students are respectful of others at this school” (Baseline 37%/ Target 40%).

- “I enjoy coming to this school” (Baseline 47%/ Target 48%).

- “Work I do in this school is useful and interesting to me” (Baseline 45%/ Target 46%).

- “My teacher(s) tell me the purpose for each lesson or activity” (Baseline 52%/ Target 53%).

- “My teacher(s) help me learn by challenging me with interesting activities in class” (Baseline 64%/ Target 65%).

- “My teacher(s) often tell me how I am doing in their class” (Baseline 59%/ Target 60%).

6. EES Parent Survey Questions:

- “This school tells me how I can help my student with homework” (Baseline 65%/ Target 66%).

- “I am encouraged to collaborate with my student's teachers about my student's learning” (Baseline 71%/ Target 72%).

- “Teachers accommodate my student's individual needs by adjusting instruction” (Baseline 72%/ Target 73%).

- “My student understands the purpose of each lesson” (Baseline 73%/ Target 74%).

- “My student is encouraged to track progress toward their goals” (Baseline 75%/ Target 76%).

Excellence 4.B - Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness

We will continue to provide a world-class education by exposing every student to postsecondary and workforce skills through our STEAM program, allowing students to learn and apply the Academic Knowledge and Skills in the context of the Future Skills of Collaboration, Communication, Critical Thinking and Creativity through Project Based Learning, Community Showcases, and Career and Community Partnerships.

- Quarterly exposure to at least two Career Speakers in alignment with the Project Based Learning (PBL) driving question.

- Quarterly PBL Student Panels where students are invited to the PBL collaborative planning to increase student voice and choice through teacher facilitation and feedback.

- PBL Workdays throughout the semester for students to practice the future skills of Critical Thinking, Creativity, Collaboration, and Communication and competencies outlined on GCPS' Portrait of a Graduate with their PBL partners.

- In-house and external Field Trips aligned to the AKS and PBL driving questions.

- Two PBL Community Showcase including parents and the community at large.

- Strengthening Ongoing Community and Business Partnerships directly impacting the STEAM program, classroom instruction, as well as PBL process and feedback.

- Ongoing partnership with the Coleman STEAM Advisory Council.

- Enhance student opportunities to practice future skills such as Lego league Robotics Team Competition and Club, Science Engineering & Innovation Fair, and Georgia TSA (Technology Student Association).

1. 8th Grade PSAT Preparedness for High School and postsecondary indicator (Met Expectations in Math and Reading Baseline: 40%/ Target 41%)

2. PBL Community Showcases hosted in the school year (Baseline: 2/ Target: 2)

3. EES Student Survey Questions:

- “Work I do in this school is useful and interesting to me” (Baseline: 45%/ Target: 46%)

 - “I can communicate effectively with a variety of people” (Baseline: 59%/ Target: 60%)

- “I solve problems by first breaking them into smaller steps” (Baseline: 53%/ Target: 54%).

- “I am good at figuring out the best solution to a problem” (Baseline: 63%/ Target: 68%).

- “I like to imagine new ways of doing things” (Baseline: 68%/ Target: 69%).

- “I work well in a group or team” (Baseline: 75%/ Target: 76%)

- Student Survey Questions in the Category of High standards and Expectations (Baseline: 85%/ Target: 86%)  

4. EES Parent Survey Questions in the Category of High standards and Expectations (Baseline: 81%/ Target: 82%)