2024 - 2025 Local School Plan for Improvement (LSPI)
School: JACKSON ELEMENTARY           Principal: Kara Dutton
District Strategic Priorities/Goals
Action Steps (Implementation Design)
How will you measure growth? Growth Factors (Baseline & Targets)
Empathy 1.B - Staff and Student Well Being
We believe that staff and student well being is essential in all educational settings.
Creating a supportive community promotes a sense of belonging that allows students and staff to thrive. As we continue our efforts to build an intentional and exemplary Social- Emotional Learning (SEL) and Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS)program, we are working to create a positive and nurturing environment.
Clubs will take place during the day, monthly for grades 2-5. Joyful Learning will take place in grades K-1. We will continue to expand options after-school clubs
SEL/PBIS lessons with ESS Survey language
Professional Learning - climate, staff well-being
Family Engagements Events, including Literacy, Math, International Nights, Holiday Lunch as well as ongoing Family Communication including Principal's Weekly Message in Parent Square
Ongoing PBIS Implementation
Supportive Community - Tier 2 Check in/out
Expand Student Voice through student council, the Dugout, Grade Level Student Reps that meet with AP
Attendance check-in with counselors and social workers
Release Time Planning and/or Professional Learning for EL for Education (small groups, with literacy leaders on the grade level) and other content areas
Providing instructional resources and materials that support the AKS, including EL for Education, technology, and all other content areas.
Ongoing staff and student opportunities of joy (calendars, field trips, high-interest books)
51 % of Jackson Elementary School students will respond positively to the following statements under the theme of Student Well-Being on Student EES Survey:
I feel safe at this school.
I enjoy coming to this school.
I am hopeful about my future.
I can calm myself down when I am excited or upset.
I am not discouraged when things aren't going well.
Equity 2.A - Multi-tiered System of Supports
Jackson Elementary School is committed to implementing a comprehensive framework to fully operationalize a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) to address academic and non-academic student needs and remove barriers to success.
Administer iReady Diagnostic Screener in Reading and Math at the beginning, middle and end of the year.
All classroom teachers and interventionists will implement Tier 1, 2 and/or 3 interventions to enrich and/or remediate based on data during PRIDE time for 45 minutes Monday - Friday.
Additional teachers allotted to reduce class size.
Behavioral Specialist/PBIS Coach available to provide interventions, feedback or coaching to address student needs.
Parent/Teacher Conferences and additional parent workshops to share progress and provide information and take-home resources regarding MTSS.
Engage in monthly Tier 2 Talks with grade level teams and Tier 3 Talks twice a month (every 2 weeks) with Tier 3 interventionists to discuss student progress, analyze data and update MTSS plans (as needed) and request SSTs for students that are not responding to Tier 3 interventions.
MTSS core team will utilize the MTSS Fidelity of Implementation Rubric to ensure essential components are in place for successful implementation. The MTSS core team will also meet regularly to analyze data and instruction to meet the needs of students.
Admin Team will implement fidelity checks at least once a month during PRIDE time and provide teachers with immediate feedback.
Jackson Elementary will increase the percentage of students who have achieved their Typical Growth on the iReady Reading Diagnostic Exam from 52.6% to 55%.
Jackson Elementary will increase the percentage of students who have achieved their Typical Growth on the iReady Math Diagnostic Exam from 48.5% to 55%.
Jackson Elementary will increase the percentage of students who have achieved their Stretch Growth on the iReady Reading Diagnostic Exam from 34% to 35%.
Jackson Elementary will increase the percentage of students who have achieved their Stretch Growth on the iReady Math Diagnostic Exam from 28% to 35%.
Equity 2.B - Opportunity and Access
Jackson Elementary School is committed to being the first choice of students and families for excellent schools and the employer of choice for educators and staff to fulfill their careers. We believe communication with parents and stakeholders is key to building positive relationships that benefit students and their academic and social-emotional growth.
Training and support for all teachers implementing the new EL Education Literacy program with accountability.
Increase the number of ML and gifted endorsed teachers.
Implement and use strategies learned from endorsements to provide enrichment to students.
Daily targeted intervention time (named PRIDE time) which provides opportunities for each and every student to receive enrichment and remediation.
Collaborative learning teams meet bi-weekly to review standards, align instructional strategies to support every student, and disaggregate relevant student data.
Quarterly vertical team meetings within the cluster to align our mutual goals toward creating graduates.
Teachers will participate in county and local-school staff development offerings and redeliver to their team.
Utilizing PBIS school wide and offering incentives to encourage positive behaviors towards meeting school-wide expectations.
Small group and individualized learning will be provided to meet students needs.
The following student groups will increase 3% scoring P/D on the Language Arts GMAS:
ML: 37%
Black: 53%
F/R: 45%
SpED: 21%
Gifted: 96%
The following student groups will increase 3% scoring P/D on the Math GMAS:
ML: 50%
Black: 52%
F/R: 53
SpED: 31%
Gifted: maintain at 97%
Effectiveness 3.A - Results-Based Evaluation System
The use of a redesigned RBES which includes equal elements of academic growth and supportive community promotes continuous improvement through the identification of strengths and weaknesses and communicates the annual change in school performance in both academic growth and creating a supportive community.
Collaborative Learning Teams (CLT) will continue to use data protocols to implement targeted small group interventions. Offer professional learning for teachers that focuses on the tools and data provided in iReady. Teachers will then utilize resources and intervention tools, including iReady, that are directly aligned with the specific knowledge and skills to meet the individual needs of each learner.
Teachers will model and facilitate appropriate and effective collaborative discussions in content areas.
Release Time Planning and/or Professional Learning for grade level leaders to review data and provide input into the Comprehensive Needs Assessment and the development of LSPI goals and action steps.
86% of Jackson Elementary School staff will respond positively to the following statements under the theme of Staff Support on Staff EES Survey:
When there is a problem in my school, we talk about how to solve it.
My principal/administrator cares about me as a person.
My principal facilitates systems/processes to support school improvement.
Support from my principal/supervisor leads to progress on instructional improvement (or professional growth).
Family Engagement/Building Parent Capacity -
We will build our parents' capacity to support their children's academic achievement by implementing the activities identified in The Plan/The Promise.
Host Family Engagement Events including Math Night, Literacy Night, and International Night for families and the community.
Communicate with parents through weekly Principal's Message on Parent Square, sharing timely news and information, including GCPS Title I events and engagement tips.
Hold parent workshops for Technology, Understanding the ESOL Program, ACCESS for ELs (what to expect and test results) and GMAS Testing Tips
Host Parent-Teacher Conferences utilizing interpreters to support communication with families about student progress.
Communicate with families how the Family Engagement Center (Parent Center) can support students' academic success through resources, technology support, and model lessons.
64% of Jackson Elementary School Families will respond positively to the following statements under the theme of Collaboration and Communication on the Family EES Survey.
Communications/materials I receive from the school are in a language I can understand.
I am encouraged to collaborate with my student's teachers about my student's learning.
This school communicates effectively with my family.
This school communicate effectively with me about my student's progress.